Chapter Twenty-Eight

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{One more chapters and ITIG IS ALL DONE! DX Vote, comment, anddddd follow me!}

Video: (Everything I Do) I Do it For You by Bryan Adams

(For those who dont know, a party hall is kinda like a ballroom type place where fancy parties are held. Just letting u know so u dont think they are in a hallway or sometime XD)

Kayden's POV:

"Why aren't you ready?!" I hear West screech from behind me, June right beside him. "Your party starts in ten minutes!"

My little sister shoves a black, somewhat dressy shirt and a pair of kakis into my hands. "Here, wear this,"

I was just finishing my getting ready- washing my face, brushing my teeth, doing my hair- when they came in, so I'm nearly done anyway.

I thank June and shoo them out of the room, getting dressed quickly. Sam decided to throw the party at a hall rather than my house since I'm "turning into a man" and all.

I can't say I complained, no one other than my family threw a party for me, let alone my boyfriend/fiancé.

Once I'm done getting changed, I run down the stairs and see an impatient looking West and June waiting, both looking very put together and nice. I smile widely and grab both of their hands, tugging them to my car.

The ride to the party hall is silent for the most part, West sometimes whining that we're gonna be late. When we arrived, I quickly walked inside, not waiting for my sister or friend.

Once inside, I smile at the love of my life, who is leaning against a stage, staring at the door. When his eyes meet mine, they light up and a smile breaks loose on his face. I run and jump into his arms, having him catch me with ease. "Hey, my birthday boy," Sam says as he kisses me, his words muffled a bit. "You were almost late."

"That's what I was telling him!" West complains and walks hand-in-hand with June to us. "He took forever on his damn hair. You really do earn the name Kaydie."

I flip my best friend off and nuzzle into Sam's neck, smelling his familiar scent. "Thank you," I whisper, feeling my eyes fill with tears due to the love I felt.

"For what?" Sam asks, his thumb gliding over a stray tear. He smiles and kisses away the other few tears that fall.

"For everything," I explain quietly, smiling shakily. "For this party, for being my boyfriend, for loving me, for being you." This earns a big smile from my fiancé, his eyes slightly glossy.

He doesn't respond, he simply presses his lips against mine in a love filled kiss.

Ten minutes later, the hall is crowded with people, all smiling and holding food, chatting with one another.

"Happy birthday, Kayden," My friend Gale and his boyfriend Leo greet, smiling and holding hands. "Turning into an old man, huh?"

I laugh and give both of them a hug. "Yeah, I found a gray hair today," I joke, making them give me goofy grins. "Well, enjoy the party."

I'm greeted several other times until everyone is here. There isn't as many people as I thought, and- ironically enough- most of them are gay.

"Okay!" Sam calls out, silencing the chattering crowd. "So, since it's my boyfriend's eighteenth birthday, I thought I should give a speech." The crowd erupts into cheers as Sam takes my hand in his and kisses it. "Kayden, my love, we really haven't known each other all that long. Long enough for me to know I love you, though. The first time we actually talked was the time when you vomited on my lawn because a video of you shaking your ass went viral." A few people laughed, no doubt remembering what happened that day. "And that was the first time I knew I liked you. Yeah, I ran away like a coward because I thought I couldn't be gay, but here I am, holding your hand- my boyfriend's hand.

"You were there for me when my parents left, and you have never left my side since. You're my partner in crime, babe, and I love you so much. If someone said they could send me back in time, making it so I never met you, and said I would be payed a million dollars, I wouldn't even think twice before saying no. You are my light in the darkness, you are my breath when I can't breathe. You are and forever will be my love, so I say this with one hundred percent truth: I am totally, undeniably, one hundred and ten percent in love with you."

He gets down on one knee, making me along with most of the crowd gasp. Sam pulls out a small satin box, his lips turned up in a smile. "I know I already asked you this, but I'm going to do it more formally as well. Kayden Brendan Whitly, will you give me the honor of taking my hand in marriage and calling me your husband?"

Tears drip down my face as I stare down at Sam, his own eyes gleaming with un-shed tears. Slowly, I nod my head. "Yes," I whisper, my voice shaking. "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" Sam slips the dark gray ring onto my finger, making my tears fall even harder. He stands up, and once he's on two feet, I launch myself into his arms, sobbing and telling him I love him over and over.

"I love you, too, Kayden," Sam whispers, his voice sounding chocked up. "I love you so fucking much."

The crowd goes crazy, some whistling, some yelling loudly- mostly West and Sands. But all in all, the whole crown seemed to be abuzz, all smiles and clapping.

We pull away and I make my way through the sea of people, each one of them congratulating me.

"Congrats, pal," West says to me when I come up at him. He wraps his arms tightly around my back, squeezing me. Me and West had a rough start as well, but he is undoubtedly my best friend. "I'm so happy for you."

Tears glisten his eyes, and I smile at him. "Remember when you kept trying to kiss me?" I giggle. "You were so persistent."

"You almost gave in," West smirks, taking my hand. "I still think we would make an amazing couple. Dump dat hoe and run away to Vegas with me!"

Hands snake around my waist, a familiar scent invading my nostrils. I smile up at my fiancé. Sam glowers at my best bud. "Excuse you, but 'dat hoe' is marrying Kayden, so go screw Darren or something,"

West blushes and glares at my love, but underneath the glare is the brotherly love West has for both of us.

Darren walks over, as well as Sanders. They both congratulate me, Sands jumping onto me like a monkey and saying I'm getting laid tonight, while Darren pulls me into a brief hug, but it's long enough to know that he's happy for me.

And he's not the only one, because as Everything I Do by Bryan Adams starts to play, and Sam pulls me onto the dance floor, I can't feel happier.

"You know it's true, everything I do, I do it for you," The music sings, making me nuzzle into Sam's neck, slow dancing with him, crying all the while.

"Look into your heart, you will find there's nothing left to hide. Take me as I am, take my life. I would give it all, I will sacrifice."

Sam pulls me back and gives me a kiss, singing the chorus into my ear. "Don't tell me it's not worth dying for. I can't help it, there's nothing I want more. You know it's true: Everything I do, I do it for you."


This could be just me, but I'm crying like a baby X'D

This was so hard to write cuz i kept getting choked up, especially wen I listened to the song.

So... One more chapter... Damn, this story did fly by! I wrote this story in nearly 2 months, which isnt really tht long at all, but still, this story has become my baby

Thank u for those who went on this emotional adventure of Kayden's and Sam's life, those who stayed true and voted till the very end.

This is not the end, but the wedding is next chapter, and that will be the end...

So... I love u guys


Alyssa :')

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