Chapter Sixteen

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Kayden's POV:

"Are you sure?" I ask for the thousandth time as Sam fixes his shirt. "You don't have to if-"

"Kayden, I want to," Sam interrupts me before placing a chaste kiss on my lips. "I need to... He doesn't even know me! And even though his mother and I aren't exactly on... Good terms... I still want to see my son."

I give him a proud smile and run a loving hand through his hair. "I love you," My voice is love filled as I proclaim my love for the millionth time. "I love you more than you could ever know, and I'm so, so proud of you." Sam gives me a small, almost shy smile as he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I love you, too, Kayd," He whispers and pulls me to his chest. "You know, I never took you on that date like I promised."

Oh yeah, the date. What with Sam's parents banishing him and the fact that my boyfriend is a father, the thought of a date slipped my mind. Hm, I wonder where he will take me. Oo, what if he took me to Hawaii?! Nah, he will save that for our honeymoon.

I nod my head and snuggle close to his chest. "Yeah, crazy parents and unknown children can do that."

Sam tenses, but when I laugh and place a small kiss on his chest, he relaxes. "Mhm, they sure can," The black haired boy sighs and releases me. "Well, are you ready?"

My hands knot together and I wring them, looking up at Sam through my eyelashes. "Are you sure you want me there? I have no place-"

Sam shakes his head and interrupts me. "Kayden Brendan Whitly, as my boyfriend and love of my life, you are coming with me. End of story."

His commanding tone has my head nodding and my legs moving towards the door. Damn his uncle for being in the army and teaching Sam his ways.

"Mom, we're leaving!" I call to my mother as we walk past the kitchen, the aroma of muffins filling my nostrils. Mom walks out to us, handing Sam the plate of muffins with a smile.

She puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder and says in a comforting tone "You're gonna do fine, Sam," Mom squeezes his shoulder once more before looking at me with a wary expression.

I don't like that expression...

"Kayd, in the kitchen please," She looks to Sam and adds "We will be back in a second, sweetie."

My boy flashes her a charming smile before sitting down on the couch and no doubt thinking about how he's going to go about this.

"What's up, momma?" I ask as I bite into a freshly baked chocolate chip muffins. Mmm, thank God for a baker mom.

She sighs and anxiously glances up at me, her eyes full of worry. Mom pours me a glass of milk and hands it to me, her eyes averting mine. "Kaydie... Dad wants to see you," Her voice is soft and barley audible, but loud enough for me to choke on my milk.

No. No, no, no, no.

This has to be a joke, my father cannot want to see me. "What? Why does that asshole want to see me?" I hiss, my voice laced with venom. "Tell him no, say... Say I'm busy or something. I refuse to see him."

Images flash before my eyes, making them sting with tears.

"You're gay?!" He growls, his voice shaking the whole room. "You fucking queer! How could your mother give birth to an abomination like you?!"

My twelve year old self shakes as my father raises a hand. "You, faggot, are going to burn in hell!" Before I know it, his hand is whipping across my face with such a force I fall back and start to scream.

"Please!" I cry, my whole body shaking with fear and sadness. "I-I can't help it!" From the corner of my eye, I see my little sister standing there, fear in her nine year old eyes.

My mother rushes over to us and pulls my dads hand away from me, the one that keeps punching me. "Robert, that is enough!" She screeches, making June start to sob loudly. "He's done nothing, he can't help who he-"

My mom is abruptly cut off by a loud smacking noise, and I see that my dad has slapped her as well, creating a cut on her cheekbone.

I blink my eyes rapidly, trying to rid the images and the tears all at once. "No," I whisper again, closing my eyes and shaking. "Please. Don't let him hurt me." I am sobbing uncontrollably, salty tears dripping into my mouth and all over my shirt.

Warm arms engulf me, ones that aren't my mom's, and I don't have to open my eyes to know who they are. I cry harder and press myself against Sam's shirt, shaking and trembling in his strong embrace. I will the tears to stop, but there is no stopping the Niagara Falls of my eyes.

Voices start to talk, but I can't concentrate on who they are. I'm pretty sure they are Sam and Mom, but I can't be sure as my body shuts down, making me stare blankly at the wall.

Everything shuts off, everything feels numb and I can't even feel Sam's arms around me anymore. I like this feeling, it's nice to not have to feel the pain.

I'm not sure how long I stand there, staring at my kitchen wall as I see Sam and my mom trying to get my attention.

I can't talk, my tongue is numb. I can't move, my legs are frozen. I can't feel, I am empty and void of everything except for my fathers words swimming through my head.

You fucking queer! How could your mother give birth to an abomination like you?!

I'm moving now, though I don't feel anything. I can't remember how, but somehow I end up on my bed. Curling into a ball, I wrap my arms around my knees and hug them close to my chest. If my dad was to see me, I was as good as dead. Mind as well get the coffin ready because he will kill me.

I keep myself in that tight ball as my vision slowly turns to blackness.



Well, I HAVE TO TELL U SOMETHING! There will a book two to this!!!!! AH U CAN ALL SPAZ NOW! ;D

I cant tell u wat its about cuz it will ruin it all, but it wont be in Sam or Kaydens. SO WHOS PERSPECTIVES DO U THINK ITS GONNA BE IN?! Comment and tell meh <3

Ehe! Also, please check out my new book called More To Me. Its on my page, so u can follow me (;D) then read the first two chapters and tell me wat u think :3


Love u allllllll



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