Chapter Twenty-Seven

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{Oh dear God, dis book be comin to an end my loves! Anyone else sad other than me? I hope ya'll dont mind im posting so much XD I love writing this book, and im so excited to post the first chapter of Change of Heart! ANYWAY, VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW!}

Picture: This is what I pictured Kayden and Sam's wedding ring's to look like, so yeah... I think it's gorgeous

Sam's POV:

"Are you sure about this, Sam?" Kayden asks, squirming uncomfortably in my truck's seat. "We don't have to if you don't want to. I-I mean, we can still be a secret and only our friends have to know and-"

I place my lips against his to shut him up. "No," I say once I pulled away from him. "I don't care what they have to say. Let them call us "fag's" or "queer's" or "fairies". Let them try to pick on us. None of those assholes will matter when me and you are on that alter, saying "I do" and making our marriage official."

A smile appears on my loves face, and he gives me a confident nod. He jumps out of the car and grabs my hand, pulling me out as well. "Well come on then, let's tell the whole school we are a thing," He smiles again and places a kiss on my lips, confidently walking into school with my hand in his.

There were whispers here and there, people staring and some giving dirty looks, but none stopping to say anything. That's right, I'm Samuel Kendler and no one would dare be an asshole to me, they know I would kick their ass.

Kayden walks with his head held high, smiling back the people who are giving us an encouraging look. One guy, holding hands with another guy, calls "Finally! Took you long enough, Kendler!" I chuckle and give the guy a wink, making him laugh as well.

Kayden and I walk into the only class we have together, our hands still intertwined and our smiles never faltering. Our teacher gives us a smile and winks when she sees our hands.

Brian- the biggest footballer player in school- comes up to us. "What the hell, Kendler?" He asks furiously. And here it comes... "Since when are you a fag?! And for this twerp, nonetheless!"

Kayden stiffens beside me, his hand clutching mine tighter. I protectively pull Kayden closer to me, my arm wrapped around his shoulders and my face set in a menacing scowl. "Back off Brian. Kayden is my boyfriend, and I love him," I snarl. "You are nothing but an idiotic meathead that has ran into one too many walls. But you know what? You go have fun going around, banging girls and dumping them in the morning while I wake up next to the boy I love every day." With that, I drag Kayden to out seats, ignoring the shocked expressions of our classmates.

Kayden stares at me as well, but in awe. "Wow..." He whispers and moves his chair closer to mine, his hand resting on my thigh. "That was amazing, baby. Thank you."

I kiss him, making sure to make eye contact with Brian while doing so. He gives me a disgusted look but makes no attempt to give a snarky remark.

Smart move for a dipshit.

As my mind starts to wander about all the ways I could possibly hurt Brian without touching him, I feel Kayden's hand creep up my leg. Up, and up, and up... "Kayden," I squeak out, his hand meres inches from my crotch.

My fiancé gives me an innocent smile and lets his hand dances right next to my private area. He stops his tormenting, and I can finally concentrate on the lesson. But then...

He grabs me. Yeah, in the middle of class, my fiancé is rubbing me.

Instant boner.

"Kayden," I hiss again as his hand begins to move. "Knock it off."

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