Assassin's Creed imagines

By KetamiTakahashi

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Assassins and Templar imagines I do not own any Assassin's creed characters More

Jacob Frye X Reader
Edward Kenway X Reader
Edward Kenway X Reader part 2
Haytham Kenway X Reader (AU)
Edward Kenway X Reader
Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad X Reader
Edward Kenway X Reader Part 2
Edward Kenway X Reader part 3
Jacob Frye X Reader
Haytham Kenway X Reader
Shay Cormac X Reader
Arno Dorian X Reader AU
Ezio Auditore X Reader AU
Jacob Fyre X Reader part 2
Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad X Reader part 2
Desmond Miles X Reader
Connor Kenway X Reader
Connor Kenway X Reader
Desmond Miles X Reader
Jacob Frye X Reader
Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad X Reader
Edward Kenway X Reader

Bayek X Reader

811 14 2
By KetamiTakahashi

527 reads wow I am so happy you guys thanks for the support 😆😆😆❤❤❤

@user36811464 I've thought long and hard about your request it was certainly interesting but I can't mix the RE universe with the AC universe. Although it has given me some sort of an idea so I'm going to make a mini series just for you and I hope you like it. 😘

You were seventeen and vacationing with a group of your friends for the summer holidays. It took a lot of convincing on your part but your parents eventually agreed provided that you would call them everyday. Other than that you had so much fun with your friends. Just over eight months ago you would have these weird dreams and sometimes you would have lucid dreams where you were in some kind of futuristic contraption with various symbols you didn't understand that almost messed with your head but you managed to get yourself together and they kinda stopped, so you really needed this vacation. A week into your vacation one of your friends had planned for your group to go skydiving and you were a bit nervous but exited all the same. You all went to the airstrip where you were all given a brief lesson on how to deploy your parachutes after that you put your packs and boarded the plane. The plane took off it was just the six of you minus the pilot and the instructor, once it reached the correct altitude you all jumped off.
"Wooohoooh!!!", one of your friends exclaimed and you just smile. To think you were nervous it seemed silly to you now because this was amazing the feeling of falling it was strangely exhilarating. Just when you were about to reach the point were the air resistance and the force of gravity seem to cancel each other out, its when you feel like you've stopped falling and you were preparing to hold hands with your friends. The air swirled around you then a portal appeared in midair before you could warn your friends you went through it. It was like a vortex spinning you around in circles but it still felt like you were falling and you could see nothing. Minutes passed another portal appeared you went through that one also and fell face first into the sand.

You coughed up some of the sand that was in your mouth getting up and dusting some of it from your clothes but your hands soon stopped as you examined your clothing. 'What the...I wasn't wearing that...', you thought looking at yourself. You were wearing a long sleeveless cream linen dress which reached your ankles, it had two slits from your thighs down on both sides of your legs. On your feet were brown sandals, your arm had a gold ornament with intricate carvings and also a gold pendent in a shape of an eye sort of like an amulet. On your waist was a navy blue makeshift belt with gold decorations and from the front knot it continued down your dress. "Ok this is weird", you whispered to yourself also taking the time to look at your surroundings. You looked left then right, in front of you and behind you, yet you saw nothing but sand for miles and miles.
"Oh my God (Y/n)!!!...I'm in a desert...where's everyone...I must be dreaming...", you started to panic pinching yourself thinking you will awaken from 'this dream'.
"No! no! no! no! no! Not again!! COME ON THIS IS-", an arrow lodged itself in front of your figure narrowly missing your sandaled feet. Looking up you saw four figures coming your way the one on the front was riding a camel while the other three were on horses seemingly chasing the camel rider. More arrows came your way and you turned and ran as best as you could on the sand in sandals. You could hear the hooves of the animals ridden getting closer and closer to you. You risked a glance back and saw that the camel rider successfully shot an arrow to one of his pursues leaving only two and they retaliated in kind. Continuing to run for your life a searing pain shot through you on your right leg making you stumble and fall.
"Oh crap that hurts way too much to be a dream!!". 
Looking at your leg an arrow embedded itself in your flash blood dripping to the sand below, the sight making you dizzy. You tried to pull the arrow out hissing in pain when you touched it deciding that it was useless because you were making yourself even more dizzier just by looking at your bleeding wound. To try and distract yourself from the pain you looked at where you last saw the camel rider and his/her pursues only to see the camel rider approaching your figure and the other two laying behind in a dead heap. When the rider dropped from his camel to approach your form you tried to get away forgetting your injured leg, you screamed out in pain your vision getting blurry. The blurry figure of the rider continued to approach you but your vision went black.

Slowly you opened your eyes wondering why it was so quiet because your friends were usually so loud. Still disoriented your brain hadn't registered just where you were. You stretched your limbs letting out a yawn whilst closing your eyes but hissed out when you felt a bit of pain in your leg. "Try not to move so much that arrow was very tricky to remove", a feminine voice sounded. You blinked a few times to clear your vision only to see the back of a woman who was dressed oddly walking to the door and summoning someone. You froze when a hooded figure entered whispering with the woman before she left and the figure walked towards you. Looking at the built of the figure you could now tell that it was a man but you could not see his face because of the hood he wore and the various weapons on him made you extremely nervous. He sat besides you keeping a comfortable distance between the two of you. You were watching his every move and you could tell that he was doing the same. Finally he took his hood off revealing a very good looking guy with fair skin you also noticed two scars one across his face and another on the right side of his lip despite them he still looked really good. With the staring you were busy with you did not realize that he had spoken to you.
"Huh...I'm sorry did you say something...", you awkwardly cleared your throat.
"What is your name", he asked again with quite an authoritative tone.
Swallowing thickly, "um....I'm...(y...y/n)...".
"From where did you come", he asked again and that kinda ticked you off.
"I'm sorry shouldn't you at least afford me the courtesy of telling me your name instead of going on with your questions as if this is an interrogation, in case you haven't noticed I am laying here injured because of you and your buddies", you looked at him expectedly breathing hard after your outburst with seemed to have shocked him. An uncomfortable silence settled on both of you before his voice broke in, "I apologize for my behavior your presence has just shaken me. I am Bayek of Siwa"
"That's a weird name", you mumbled but he heard you.
"Your name sounds odd as well".
You looked away in embarrassment that he had heard you before remembering what he said so turning to him, "Hold on what do you mean my presence has shaken you".
He looked away clearing his throat before replying, "You wear clothes like those of an Egyptian woman but you do not look like them nor the Greek women but..."
"But...", you encouraged him to go on.
"But you wear the eye of Horus...", he pointed at the amulet eye thingy hanging around your neck, "...for months I have been dreaming of your arrival or rather shown, the gods have lead me to you".
You looked at him as if he was crazy, basically to you he was crazy, 'the eye of Horus and gods leading him, this guy is mental'.
"Ok so where are we exactly", you asked him already trying to find an exit to this place without making it obvious and running far away from this guy cause he really seemed to believe what he was saying. Which was going to be tricky with the injured leg and all.
"We are in Kanopos it was the closest for I had to bring you to a healer for your leg".
'Again with the weird names'
After that he left you and the woman came back again giving you something to drink you hadn't even realized how thirsty you were. You drank it spitting some of it at the terrible bitter taste it had been medicine not water and slowly you drifted off to rest some more.

When you awoke again you saw sand and it was moving, 'what...moving sand'. Blinking your eyes again to try to clear the remnants of sleep you realized you were the one moving. In fact you were riding some kind of animal you startled causing you to fall off and land on your back. Groaning you heard someone soothing the startled animal before they approached your form, looking up at the sky your view was quickly replaced by the same hooded figure from before what was his name 'oh yes Bayek'. He stood with his hand outstretched you took it and got up dusting yourself. Looking around you saw a camel and a horse, obviously he was riding the camel meaning you were on the horse more like sleeping on it. You didn't even feel like you were riding a horse until you woke up seconds ago, 'man I really must have been out of it'.
"If you don't mind we must keep moving its now noon and I'd like to be there by sunset", his voice sounded with just a hint of annoyance. "And why couldn't you wait for me to wake up, taking me to God knows where without my consent", you waved your hands around shouting at him.
"You've been asleep for two whole days I could not wait any longer", he replied in kind. "That's because that so called healer of yours drugged me and how did you get me to the horse", you seemed to have forgotten how easily he killed those men days before he could kill you too.
"That was medicine you still needed to rest for your wound to heal properly, you are standing on that leg without any difficulty or pain are you not and besides...I carried you to the horse", he was heaving now having had enough of your attitude. You looked at your leg seeing a bandage and realizing that it did not hurt as it did. You looked up at where he was previously standing only to see hit footprints leading up to the camel he had already mounted it, "Wait for me", you ran and mounted the horse before you both galloped to where ever you were going.

Sensing his annoyance you had remained quiet on your journey but as sunset came and you could see some sort of town or village in the distance coming to your view you decided that maybe he had calm down. "So is there where we're going", you pointed at the village ahead turning to him, he simply nodded.
"Which is...."
"Its called Siwa"
"Right", you turned back to look ahead the more closer you got you saw how the houses were build and the clothes they were wearing. You looked at what you were wearing then at Bayek, he seemed to sense your staring as he turned his heard to look your way, you seemed miles away.
"Where is Siwa exactly", you suddenly asked.
"In Egypt", you swallowed thickly at his answer, "What year is it".
He looked at you strangely before replying, "It is year 35".
You felt like your head was spinning you were with your friends not so long ago and now you find yourself in Egypt 35BCE is this for real, it was getting hard to breath.
"What is the matter you seemed to have lost a bit of color on your face", Bayek sounded concerned now. You could not even answer him because of the lump in your throat, your palms were getting sweaty breathing in air became impossible. You saw Bayek dismounting his camel to rush to your aid his mouth moving but you could not register what he was saying before blacking out.

Waking up in places you do not know was becoming your norm. You woke up in a bed with an uncomfortable pillow, you sat up glancing at your surroundings before spotting a door opening and in came Bayek, 'Yep still in ancient Egypt'.
"How are you feeling", he asked softly approaching your form with a small jug in his hands.
"I'm not quite sure really", you answered him eyeing the jug suspiciously, "I hope that's not that horrible medicine that knocked me out".
"It is not I assure you it is only water", he placed the jug besides you. "You should get ready and meet me outside", with that he walked back out.
"Really does he expect me to bath with that", you stood up whispering to yourself finding that there was a basin dish thingy at the corner of the room. You took it then poured the water from the jug and cleaned yourself up as best as you could, 'Am I ever getting out of this place!!'.

Walking out of the room you were in you stumbled to a hallway and also heard voices so you followed them. Upon reaching those voices at the end of the hallway there was an open space to the outside like a yard of sorts, there were other people training with various weapons wearing clothing similar to those of Bayek. He walked towards you from across the yard, "Come let us take a walk". You both walked through the yard passing by the others, you could tell that they were watching you even though they seemed to be concentrating on their training. As you walked Bayek began explaining to you, "These are my brothers and sisters, we are the Hidden ones for we serve and protect our people from the shadows, from an organization called the Order of the Ancients. They enslave them and cause great harm".

"Ok...but where do I fit in, in all of this. You said you were shown that I'll come, for what?! I don't know what my role is!!".

"I myself am not certain of what role you have, it is something that you have to discover on your own. What I know is that I have been shown by the gods of your arrival and what it is I am to do".

"So are you going to initiate me into your brotherhood or something".

"That is not it at all besides it is entirely upon you if you wish to join us though I think the gods have chosen a different path for you".

'There he goes again with his gods', you thought deciding to let what he was saying sink in. Suddenly you stopped when you spotted a sign on one of the men passing by both you and Bayek as you reached the other end of the training yard. "Bayek what is that", you asked pointing at it before turning to him and seeing the same sign on his clothing. "Have you been wearing that this whole time", now you were pointing the sign on his belt. He looked at it then back to you seeing your shock, "Yes, it is the symbol of our brotherhood", he turned to you again readying himself to catch you should you faint...again.
"I have seen it countless times in my dreams, I just didn't know what it meant", you tried calming down.
"You see we are connected some-", Bayek started but was cut off by an eagle soaring above us and crying out loud. He then quickly grabbed your wrists whilst shouting out orders to the others and ran with you towards the entrance of the yard. A bell began ringing as you both got outside the people who lived in Siwa were rushing to their homes and locking the doors.
"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!", you shouted over the commotion.
"THOSE ARE THE SOLDIERS WHO WORK FOR THE ORDER OF THE ANCIENTS, WE MUST GET YOU TO THE VAULT QUICKLY. THE OTHERS WILL BUY US SOME TIME", Bayek shouted back still holding you and running towards the vault. You reached a building that looked like a warehouse which you assumed was the vault but then two soldiers appeared one from the west side of the building and the other from the south. Bayek fought them using his Khopesh easily defeating them. He then opened the vault and took your wrist once again entering the vault. There was a hallway inside that seemed to go on forever lit by touches which you don't remember Bayek lighting. "Bayek what are we doing here", you whispered. He did not answer you but kept a steady pace pulling you with him before turning his head slightly towards where you came in.
He cut you off by placing his hand on your mouth stopping and turning fully. Looking at him you saw that he was concentrating on something before he opened his eyes, slowly lowering his hand from your mouth, "It seems some of them have entered the vault", Bayek said turning around and running again. You reached some sort of chamber in the middle of it there was a tall structure with steps leading to the top of it and at the top of that structure stood a staff which seemed ordinary to you. Bayek followed your line of site, "That is Alexandra's regal stuff it is very powerful and you are its protector".
"What...but...I...", you stuttered looking from Bayek to the staff. The stuff started to glow a golden hue emanating a warm glow that invited you towards it. Bayek watched you climb the steps of the structure to get to the stuff but you seemed like you were in some sort of trance. The golden hue surrounded you as you kept walking towards the stuff, you could not look away. When you finally reached the stuff you outstretched your arm and took hold of the stuff. Once your palm made contact with the stuff you broke out of your trance like state, seeing that you were still at the chamber holding the stuff but the golden hue nowhere to be seen. You found yourself at the top of the structure that you saw from the entrance of the chamber with no idea how you got there. That's when you noticed in your peripheral vision that someone was reaching out to grab you, as you turned to them an arrow hit them and they fell. Looking at where the arrow came from you saw Bayek at the bottom of the chamber with his bow he had just saved your life. There were bodies that littered the chamber he had been fighting off the soldiers while you were entranced. He shot three more arrows your way before turning to fight the other soldiers that entered the chamber he was also joined by two more of his fellow brothers. The three arrows were meant for three more soldiers who seemed to have passed him and had made it to you at the top but they got shot and fell. For a split second you felt relief until you saw one more soldier launch himself at you and in your panic leaned back forgetting that the platform you were standing on did not have much space. He nearly caught you as you fell from the edge still holding the stuff, it was a considerable distance from the top to the bottom of the chamber. You screamed closing your eyes so to not see your demise. But then out of nowhere sand began swirling around you a portal opened up and your figure went through it. You felt yourself spinning and falling but still refused to open your eyes. Just then you heard your friends tell you well more like scream at you to open your chute, "What...".
You did so finally opening your eyes and seeing that you were back with your friends, no sand in site or Bayek, not even the stuff. As you descended to the ground you began to wonder if what happened was real at all. You all touched the ground your friends celebrating and one of them came to you, "Hey (Y/n) that was one of the craziest things I have ever seen you do". They all laughed, " But for future reference just tell us when you want to pull a stunt before you pull it", your best friend added. "Where's the fun in that", you said smirking. You all walked back to change out if your skydiving gear, 'Maybe I was having one of those lucid dreams again', you thought. As you changed out of your gear and putting on your shoes you noticed a very distinct scar on your right leg because you were wearing shots. Your hand went over it remembering that's where the arrow from Bayek's time hit you. "(Y/n) let's go", your best friend said standing up to walk with you. You stood up to walk with her to the car all the while thinking, 'Oh God! That really happened!!!'.

That is the longest one shot I have written so far 😅😅
Hope you all enjoyed it.

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