Oxytocin (Medicinal Love Book...

By Bitzsoi

74K 3.5K 2K

Oxytocin: the powerful hormone of love, bonding, and well-being. Aija Edwards and Dr. Hikaru Mizuno didn't ex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
The End?
Japanese Translations
Book 2 Prologue
Character Aesthetics

Chapter 16

1.5K 81 80
By Bitzsoi

August 15, 2011 | 4:38 pm

Today was a stressful Monday for Hikaru, who groaned while parking into the garage of the condo. Aija had taken the day off for some reason and because of that, there was nobody at the front. That would have been fine on a calmer day, but as if fate was working against him and the others, there was an explosion of patients. Some had been called in during the day and Shae, not really knowing what she was doing, fit them in very tight with other appointments. Hikaru, Andrew, and Chris had to rush to see patients. That in return made for some disappointed people who vowed never to come to the clinic again. The situation was unacceptable and Ryutaro made sure to let every worker in the clinic know.

Then there was a phone call that Hikaru had gotten right before his lunch break that went a little something like this:


"It's been a long time. When are you going to come back to see me, Hikaru?"

"Wait, who is this? Nicole?"

"Yes? Were you expecting someone else?"

"What are you calling me for? I'm at work."

"I want to know why we aren't seeing each other like we used to. This isn't like you."

"How do you know what I'm like? Every time I came  to you it was only sexual."

"You make sexual sound so...impersonal."

"Isn't it?"

"NO! We have something Hikaru. Something special."

"Tell me how you figure that, Nicole from the time we spent together."

"The way you whispered sweet things to me, the way our bodies moved in unison. You can't tell me you didn't feel that."

"You're delusional. I ordered you to move to different positions, but that's it."

"But, Hikaru-"

"Let me make this short. I'm with somebody now."

"W-What? With somebody? Who?"

"That's none of your business."

"It's that one girl isn't it? The one who threatened to hurt me? You'd stay with that poor excuse of a woman?"

"Aija isn't a poor excuse of anything. She's more than enough for me and I'm satisfied with everything she gives me."

"Now, wait a minute..."

"I need to go to lunch. I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me. If need be, I'll call you."

"Please, Hikaru..."

Hikaru didn't hear anything else as he hung up the phone. He was truly beside himself, however. How was it that these women were just falling head over heels in love with him? Didn't they see him? How cold and aloof he was around people? Granted, he didn't grow up like that, but that's how he was now. Yet, Nicole was throwing herself at him and though Aija wasn't, he could see the same emotion in her eyes. She loved him, but he didn't know why or how to handle it.

Hikaru sighed as he laid his head back on his seat. He didn't lie to Nicole earlier. Aija was everything he ever wanted in a woman. She was smart, funny, had a charming personality and was so very classy. Her body was magnificent. Hikaru smirked as he began to think about that body that he knew so very well. The way her breasts filled into his hands so soft and round and how he loved to squeeze and caress them before fitting his mouth over her nipples.

He also began to think about how wet her pussy was for him whenever she was excited to see him removing his clothes for her. He groaned again to himself, reminded of when his fingers were inside of her, how her slick inner muscles would grab hold of them, sucking and releasing in a ceaseless rhythm. Not only that, as he would finger that warm hole, Aija would brazenly spread her legs wide open for him as if she wanted him to explore every area inside of her to which he would oblige but only with his cock. Never had he wanted a woman so badly like he did Aija. She always had him wanting more of her. In many different ways.

Grabbing his keys from the ignition, Hikaru got out of his car and nearly ran up the stairs to get to Aija's condo. She wasn't at work, but Hikaru had a feeling that she wasn't sick either. He didn't get that vibe when he talked to her this morning. So, he was confident she would be up to an after-work sexual round. She was going to work one way or another! Hikaru was so quick in his carnal quest, however, that he didn't seem to notice that there was more than one voice speaking from Aija's home.

<<<<<<  >>>>>

"Aija, remember when that one guy came to work and you called him the Rookie to lead all Rookies?" Aija smiled as she came in with a mug of coffee for her father and her teacup filled with chamomile. Derrick had come late Sunday night and after a day of relaxing with his daughter, was now looking through pictures of her and him at the station. "Yes, I do! Did he ever get promoted?" she asked, handing him the cup.

"He sure did! Now he's a lieutenant."

"Good for him! He was a good rookie though. So very naïve, but he thought he knew everything." Aija said with a determined nod.

The two laughed, taking a drink out of their cups. The front door was suddenly unlocked and opened and then Hikaru walked into the condo sighing out, "Aija, I've had a day. Go take your clothes off so we can make it better." He said while putting his keys on the table.

"Excuse me?" A deep voice that didn't sound like Aija boomed out.

Hikaru looked over his shoulder suddenly, seeing a man that looked just like the picture Aija had previously shown him a while back of her father. A man staring back at him with surprised fury. "I- uh..." Hikaru stammered, his throat getting dry with nervousness. He had no idea that her father was here or that he was coming at all. What was going on?

Aija looked fit to die, but she composed herself and put a hand on Derrick's arm to explain the situation. "Um, Daddy...This is Hikaru. We're dating."

Derrick stood up holding a hand out, though his expression didn't change much. Hikaru took his hand right away, bowing his head down in respect. "I'm Hikaru Mizuno, Mr. Edwards. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Aija's father stared him down hard and for a second Hikaru could have sworn he was right in front of his own father. "Well, Hikaru. I'd like to say the same, but you've kind of ruined that for me."

"Daddy! Really?" Aija hissed out in disbelief, glancing between the two as Hikaru bowed again with regret.

"My apologies, Mr. Edwards." Hikaru said in a calm voice, looking up at Aija. Aija didn't miss the slight raising of his eyebrow and she knew that she was going to have to explain herself to Hikaru later on.

But for now, she heard him say, "I will leave you two to catch up further. Excuse me."

Aija bit her lip with just as much regret as she watched her lover go and then turned to look at her father who had the same expression that Hikaru did, looking for some illumination.

"Dating, huh? Are you sure you don't mean booty calls?"


"Because that's just what it looked like, Little Girl. How in the hell does he just walk in your house like that?"

"Because we have each other's keys, Daddy!" Aija said, sitting back down to drink more of her tea. Derrick held on tight to his mug. Aija was sure he was fuming inside, but like she did so many times, he masked it with a slight smile. "Where does he live?"

Aija's eyes widened. "Where does he live?" At her father's nod, she muttered out before taking a swallow of tea. "Right across the hall..."

"Oh. He's your neighbor?"

At Derrick's questioning face, Aija figured she might as well put all the cards on the table. "He's also...my boss."

"What the hel... Your boss, Aija?" The questionable look turned to a deep scowl.

"Well, he's the manager at the clinic. His father is the owner. But they are both my bosses." Aija tried to deescalate the situation but to no avail.

Derrick swiped a hand over his face but continued to gawk at his seemingly changed daughter. "Did he take advantage of you at work?"

"Lord. No, Daddy!" Aija let out a rush of breath, her knee bouncing up and down in an anxious pace. "Why are you asking me all of these questions? I would never let somebody take advantage of me. You expect better of me, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I didn't expect for my daughter to be having a relationship, which I'm pretty sure is secret, with her boss either."

That shut Aija up because she knew as always, her father was right. But...he was wrong too, wasn't he? Hikaru didn't take advantage of her. Maybe, in the beginning, it was all about sex, but in the six months they had been together, Aija rarely got that vibe that Hikaru was trying to use her.

Derrick didn't say a word either and the silence was enough to calm both of them down as they each drank their hot liquid of choice.

"You're right, Daddy. This isn't something that I would have normally done. But..."

Derrick looked over at her, wondering if there was something worse his daughter had to tell him.

But Aija put a soft hand on top of his with a warm smile. "Hikaru is a good man. I know that you'll get to like him if you just give him a bit of a chance. Please?"

Derrick stared at his daughter; the little girl that he remembered saving from her not so easy life. The little girl that he raised without a mother the best he could and searched her soul. She wanted this so bad and all he wanted was for her to be happy.

"Just a bit of a chance." He finally answered and Aija squealed in joy, kissing his cheek. Derrick rolled his eyes slightly before chuckling out, "Tell me more about him."

Aija was all too happy to do so. "He's from Japan and he's an oncologist..."

<<<<<<    >>>>>

Hikaru paced back and forth in his condo, staring up at the ceiling and wondering what more fate was going to hit him. After it seemed like he was burning a hole in his ceiling, he collapsed onto his couch, covering his eyes with his hand. He raised it though as the front door opened and Asami walked in; a bright smile all over her face. "Hey Aniki! How are you? I had a great time at the store with Mama and...what's wrong?"

As Asami came up to him with concern, Hikaru sat up a bit before putting his hands together on his chest. "Nothing. Just had a ...awkward situation at Aija's house."

"Nani? What happened?"

Not wanting his sister all in his business for once, Hikaru shook his head covering his eyes again. "Don't worry about it, Asami. I'm fine." He heard Asami grabbing her bags from the floor where she had left them and walking down the hall saying, "If you insist, grouchy. I'm going to try these new outfits on in the bedroom."

Hikaru waved his hand in a dismissive response and sighed, fatigue rushing into him all too fast. The door opening caught his attention and he saw Aija peeking in at him before coming inside. "Hey, babe." She greeted as if the previous situation didn't just occur. At Hikaru's unimpressed look, Aija rushed forward gripping the back of a nearby chair. She finally seemed regretful and ready to explain herself.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were coming right over."

Hikaru frowned. "Don't I always?"

"Yes, but I guess I was so into my dad being home that I really didn't think about you too much." Aija said, with a shake of her head. Hikaru felt a surprising sting of hurt from that comment.

"I feel special...thanks." He let her know in a defensive grumbled tone.

Aija put a hand on her hip, letting her know that she wasn't taking that. "Hikaru, stop it."

"All right, let's just get to the point then." Hikaru stood up and came over to Aija to stare down at her. "Why didn't you tell me that your father was coming down to Seattle?"

"I just didn't think it pertained to you, babe."

"No? I just come over and fuck you every night. But that doesn't mean anything either, I bet."

A soft yet audible gasp came from Aija, who was floored by that sentence. "That's not fair. You and Daddy are both backing me into a corner and I wish you didn't."

A shrug was given. "You have nobody to blame for that but yourself, Aija."

"You've made your point, Hikaru!" Aija exclaimed with her hands up. "Anything else you'd like to add?" She stared at him with challenging eyes; a challenge that Hikaru was ready to take on, but the door to the spare bedroom opened and Asami looked at both of them with amusement.

"I'm still here, you two. So if you both could just solve whatever is going on, then I could have some time to show Aija my new things already!"

Asami was so random and hilarious, Hikaru and Aija couldn't help but smile at her. She smiled back and closed the bedroom door. After which Hikaru reached down and lifted up Aija's chin to look at him. He wanted her to know how this could be solved without anybody getting upset.

"Look, I know you value your independence and obviously your dad is in your house so I can't tell you what to do. But next time, just please show me some courtesy and inform me if you need to have time for yourself or if somebody is visiting. That way I can prepare accordingly." Hikaru looked at Aija to see if she would agree.

She smiled back at him. "I'm sure I can arrange that."

"Good. Tonight, I want to take you two out for dinner because I don't think I made the best impression."

Aija nodded. "This is true, but Daddy is willing to get to know you despite your...neediness earlier."

A cringe was barely seen. "It was that noticeable?"

Aija didn't answer; instead, she came to him, pressing her body up against his. "Aww..." She drawled out with a pity filled face, before licking his ear and whispering, "Was the good doctor horny for me?" She parted her lips ever so as Hikaru brought her so close, she could feel the outline of his hard cock against her leg. His voice was deep enough to send shivers down her back.

"The good doctor still is, Miss Edwards."

Hikaru leaned down to take Aija's lips with his, tasting them with a deep intake of his breath. Aija wrapped her arms around his body kissing him back before she broke the kiss to pout. "Too bad Asami is here or I would take care of that for you." Hikaru moved his hands down to her ass, gripping both cheeks possessive like. "We've got all the time in the world, Aija. I can wait."

"Good. I better go and see what your sister has before she drags me inside." Aija kissed Hikaru once more before the departing down the hallway. Hikaru watched her ass sway from his sight before rubbing back his hair and situating his still aching cock in his pants.

<<<<<<     >>>>>

7:17 pm

The evening brought together Hikaru, Aija and her father at Metropolitan Grill. The crowd was lively for the Monday dinner time frame and while the chat was ample, it was the opposite over at the table of three. In fact, there wasn't anything but stares being passed around as they waited for their food to arrive. Aija would stare at Hikaru to give the signal to speak and he would give it right back to her. Derrick noticed how uncomfortable their time was becoming and so started the conversation himself. He turned to Hikaru, saying, "I hear you're an oncologist."

Hikaru gave a curt nod. "Yes. I've have been in this field for about three years."

"Oh. So a new doctor."

The tone in Derrick's voice made Hikaru feel incompetent and the thought was so absurd to him that he couldn't help a chuckle and a smile. "Not too novice, but I'm always up to learning along the way."

Derrick shook his head with raised eyebrows as he took a drink of his wine. "Pretty sad field of medicine don't you think? Cancer patients all day? I don't think I could go through with being a doctor like that."

Aija widened her eyes at her father's seemingly callous confession. He was being more protective than usual and Aija couldn't help the feeling of being smothered blanketing over her. Tearing her eyes away from Derrick, Aija then looked at Hikaru. Hikaru also seemed a bit perturbed but he took his own drink of wine before staring Derrick straight in his eyes.

"I have my reasons for choosing my field. But you know, it can't be any more depressing than taking down drug dealers who are only kids and mass murderers, Mr. Edwards."

Aija and Derrick were both impressed by his comeback and Derrick nodded in agreement. "Touché. Aija, this boy has a quick head on his shoulders."

Oh, if he only knew. It was that quick intelligence that drew Aija constantly back to Hikaru. She trailed her eyes over his confident face, along the chiseled jawline and up to his soft-looking lips that she knew were just as plush as they looked. Hikaru's eyes were dark and smoldering, no doubt from the irritation of her father, but they couldn't have been hotter to Aija who was feeling the excitement rising from her belly. If her father and other customers weren't around them, she would have begged Hikaru to take her right there on the table. Knowing him, he probably would have obliged her too. He was so freaky in that way.

"You're not wrong about that one, Daddy."

Hikaru gave Aija a nod in appreciation and then looked up as the waiter finally came with their meals. Derrick rubbed his hands in anticipation of his bacon-wrapped pork chops and Aija put a napkin in her lap. "Shall we eat?"

Hikaru nodded, picking up a fork to begin eating. "Yes, Koiishi. This looks great."

Derrick had already taken a few bites of his food. "It sure does and it tastes just as good as it looks."

Everything was silent as the three started eating the delectable food and when they were feeling a bit more filled up, the conversation started up again from Derrick. "So, how long have you two been dating?" He asked, curious.

Aija and Hikaru both wiped their mouths before answering at the same time.

"Two months." said Aija.

"I don't know. A couple of weeks." said Hikaru.

Aija whipped her head over to Hikaru in disbelief and she corrected him, "No. Two months, babe."

Hikaru shook his head with a slight shrug and Derrick frowned in confusion. "You guys don't know?"

"We should." Aija said, her eyes piercing Hikaru to his core. Derrick stared at him too as if looking for an explanation, but all he could do was stare back.

The doctor didn't understand how all of a sudden he was in trouble again. He wasn't keeping track of their relationship like she was obviously. It wasn't on his list to do when he was taking care of cancer patients all the time. He noticed the hurt in Aija's eyes and knew he had fucked up. There was that fate once more for him today.

Aija stood up, her excitement for Hikaru instantly shutting down and she watched as her father and Hikaru stood up as well. "Excuse me. I have to go to the ladies room."

She stared at Hikaru one last time before turning and making her way to the back of the restaurant. Hikaru stared after her before noticing Derrick sitting back down. He kept the gaze of Aija's father wondering what was next. Derrick didn't keep him waiting.

"Look, I'm just going to come right out and say this. My first impression of you wasn't a good one and now I'm not too sure that I like you at all."

Slightly aware of the thunder sounding outside of the restaurant, Hikaru leaned forward on the table, crossing his fingers. "You're entitled to your own opinion, Mr. Edwards. But just out of curiosity, may I ask why?"

"Just from what I've seen, you're not good for my daughter." Derrick said, crossing his fingers as well.

"You barely know me. How do you know how good I am for Aija?"

The two men stood their ground, each one wanting the other one to fold. Hikaru wasn't one to back down, but he was also one to make sure that everything worked out for the good for both parties.

"I have raised that woman since she was eight years old, young man. I'm pretty sure I know what she likes and what she doesn't."

Hikaru scoffed. "Are you sure, Mr. Edwards? She's a grown woman and can change."

"I'm aware of that. But I'm also aware of you as well."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You wouldn't. But I've seen many guys like you, Hikaru. Playboys that want to just wham bam, thank you, ma'am to girls that want nothing more but to love you."

Derrick's arrow hit him straight in the heart and Hikaru let his normal mask of unfeeling disappear for just a moment but it was moment enough for Derrick to catch.

"Uh-huh. I knew it. Don't you underestimate me, son. I know things that you have yet to learn and I don't have to be a doctor to know it."

Hikaru looked down, filled with perplexity. How did this man he didn't even know, know him better than anybody else? How did he know about how he used to be with women? Nicole's conversation earlier was brought back to his mind and he was showered with regret by how he had been leading her on. How he had been to Aija in the beginning. Derrick was right, but that was how he used to be. Keywords were used to.

Hikaru straightened his shoulders and said, "You claim to know me...but you know nothing."

Derrick pointed at Hikaru with a glower, feeling exhausted with this conversation. "I may not, but I do fucking know that you won't be anywhere near my daughter from this day forward."

Hikaru glared. "That's not your decision. It's Aija's. She's twenty-four and doesn't need your permission anymore."

"We'll see about that when I tell her what you really are."

"Yes, we will see. We'll also see what she chooses."

"It won't be a player like you. That's for damn sure."

Hikaru was about to say much more on his mind but didn't get the chance as he noticed Aija coming back to the table. He looked at Derrick one more time then at Aija who cocked her head in question. He took in her perfect body in the form-fitting black lace dress and her flawless face, and once again was racked with regret. He got up and as Aija sat back down in her chair, pulled out his wallet and put a hundred dollar bill on the table.

Aija was beside herself and the tension between her father and Hikaru seemed tenfold. "Wh...what's going on, babe?"

Hikaru gave her a glance, noticing the inquisitive expression given by Derrick. "I'm sorry. Something has come up. I need to go."

"For serious?"

"Yes. You two have a good rest of your dinner. It's all taken care of."

Hikaru then turned around and walked out of the restaurant, hearing Aija calling him, "Baby...Hikaru!" He tried to block out her voice and knew he had succeeded when he couldn't even feel the rain pouring down on top of him. 

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