Snipers Of Chicago Season 3 (...

By RonnaSweeney51317

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Make sure to read Snipers Of Chicago Season 1 & 2 before reading this. Published May 29, 2019 More

This is continued from Snipers Of Chicago Season 2...
Chapter 1 "Going to Heaven"
Chapter 1 1/2 "Whatever You Need I'll Give It To You"
Chapter 2 "Do You Have A Permit"
Chapter 3 "I'm Worried"
Chapter 4 "You're So Addicted"
Chapter 5 "Need Your Help"
Chapter 6 "Thank You For Coming"
Chapter 7 "It's Pretty Bad"
Chapter 8 "You Just Jinxed Me"
Chapter 9 "He Doesn't Trust You"
Chapter 10 "Why Did You Hurt Me"
Chapter 10 1/2 "A Waste Of Time"
Chapter 11 "Null & Void"
Chapter 12 "The Face and Eagle"
Chapter 13 "He's A Detective"
Chapter 14 "Ghosties"
Chapter 15 "Bubba's Bitch"
Chapter 16 "Meathead"
Chapter 17 "Going Down"
Chapter 18 "Makeup and Men"
Chapter 20 "What About Us"
Chapter 21 "SCOTLAND!"
Chapter 22 "Your Reckoning"
Chapter 23 "Find This Prick"
Chapter 24 "Keep Living Our Lives"

Chapter 19 "No Choice"

839 30 17
By RonnaSweeney51317

Driving to the District, Shaylynn tries calling Beth one more time knowing how she is hiding things.
Waiting to see if Beth will pick up, Shaylynn can't help but start laughing thinking about Beth in an orange jumpsuit.
Sitting at a light Shaylynn hears Beth, "Very funny!" she tells Shaylynn.
"Where's your pink screwdriver?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Jay took away my bag!" Beth tells her with Shaylynn laughing more.
"How haven't you been spotted by the camera seeing you have your phone ?" Shaylynn asks.
"I put my bra over it!" Beth says looking up at the camera that has her bra hanging on it, Shaylynn starts laughing even more, "Are you driving?"
"Yeah! Oh my God, Beth! You're crazy!" Shaylynn tells her turning on the street the District's on.
"Phone your Dad and tell him to let me out of here!" Beth tells her.
"I'm on my way to the District now. I need to speak to my Dad. Kelly told me you were in jail when I tried to call you. He's not happy with you!" Shaylynn tells her.
"I know! He's standing in front of me! He says the big butch women in the jail won't be able to keep their hand off me! I'm leaving the country! But not on a plane though!" Beth says.
"That's because you haven't got one!" Shaylynn tells her laughing
"Very funny! I'm phoning Geoff later to talk about that. I need a new one," Beth tells her as she looks at Severide.
"I'll see you when I get there!" Shaylynn tells her laughing then hangs up.

Walking up the steps into the District, Shaylynn sees Severide and Halstead standing in front of Trudy's desk.
Halstead looks and sees her, "Why are you here?" he asks her.
Shaylynn looks at him, "I was coming here to talk to talk to my Dad before I found out about Beth," she tells him then looks at Severide, "Is she getting out?"
"Hank went down to get her. He's not putting the paperwork through but don't tell Beth that!" Severide tells her.
"Okay, but you do know she'll do it again!" Shaylynn reminds him.
"Not in her new smart car she won't!" Severide tells her.
"Smart car?" Shaylynn asks laughing, "There's no chance in hell she'll drive a smart car!"
"She said she would if it was pink!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes, "Yeah, okay!"
A minute later Hank appears with Beth.
"You'll get a court letter sent to the house. Do not ignore it!" Hank tells her.
"I won't!" Beth tells him.
"Don't let me catch you again, Beth! I mean it!" Hank says.
"Beth!" Shaylynn says smiling at her as she looks around Hank.
"Hey!" Beth says looking around Hank at her.
"Here's your bag!" Trudy tells Beth handing it to her.
"You better not have looked in there!" Beth tells Trudy as Trudy smiles at her as she eats a caramel log.
"You took that from my bag! The only place you can get those is Scotland or my bakery!" Beth tells her.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "I was at Beth's Bakery this morning! Who's going to believe a criminal over a Sergeant?" Trudy asks her.
"Thief!" Beth tells Trudy, "Let's go to the zoo!" she says looking at Severide.
Beth puts her bag over her shoulder as Hank hands her, her keys back, "See ya later!" she tells Hank.
Before she walks away, Shaylynn pulls Beth to the side, "I need to talk to you, so I'll call you later."
"Okay, is everything alright?" Beth asks her.
"Yeah," Shaylynn says looking over to see Halstead walking out of the District and that Severide is ready to leave, "You better go!"
Beth walks over to Severide then they walk down the steps and out the doors.
"What can I do for you?" Hank asks Shaylynn.
She grabs his hand and pulls him over to the corner office. Once inside, she shuts the door.
"How could you put Jay undercover?! You know we were going to Belize in a couple of days!" she tells him.
"Because he's the one who made contact with the suspect that's why!" Hank tells her.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "At this rate Jay and I will never get married! And to put him undercover in a girl's juvenile detention center? What's wrong with you?! Kim should be the one going in!" she tells him.
"Not for this one! It needs to be a man getting close to the other male employees," Hank tells her.
Shaylynn turns away from him, just looking at him is pissing her off. Opening the door she walks out before she says something she'll regret.
"Shaylynn!" Hank says looking out the door to see her walking over to the steps to go outside.

Walking over to her car, she sees Halstead standing beside it.
As she walks up she pushes the button on the key fob to unlock it.
Not paying any attention to him, she opens the driver's door, "Shaylynn," Halstead says to her, turning to the side she looks at him, "I didn't have a choice!" he says.
Shaylynn looks at him with a pissy look, "You always have a choice! All you had to say was no! Hank isn't a dictator who'll cut off your head if you tell him you don't want to do it!"
She gets in her car and closes the door. Starting it up, she puts it in drive, Halstead steps back as she starts pulling away.
Pulling out of the parking lot, she speeds down the street.


Hours go by, Shaylynn's going stir crazy just sitting at home so she picks up her phone and calls Beth.
"Hey!" she hears Beth say.
"Where are you?" Shaylynn asks.
"The restroom at S.K.Y. Guess who's here," Beth says.
"Who?" Shaylynn asks.
"Peter! Mark and his new wife, and so are Austin and Adam! Kelly's not happy!" Beth tells her.
"Really? I was in Louis Vuitton this morning buying some things, when I went to pay for them I was told they were already paid for. When I walked outside, Austin was sitting on his Mercedes waiting for me. He keeps telling me Jay's not right for me and he can't buy me the things I want," Shaylynn tells her.
"Don't you go off with him Shaylynn! You know how much Jay loves you!" Beth tells her concerned.
"I know, I'm so confused!" Shaylynn says looking at the clock.
"I know what that feels like! Just don't, please!" Beth says.
"I need to go," Shaylynn says hanging up.
Walking into her closet, she picks out an outfit and gets changed.


Forty minutes later, walking into S.K.Y. Shaylynn looks around but doesn't see Severide and Beth but she does see Austin and makes eye contact with him.
She sees Beth was right when she said he was with Adam but another guy is with them. Shaylynn figures it's someone who has to do with his supplement business.
She walks to the bar and sits down, "What can I get you?" the bartender asks her.
"Scotch," she tells him looking at the mirror behind the bar.
The bartender sits her drink in front of her when a man sits down beside her, "Do you come here often?" he asks her.
Shaylynn looks at him, "No," she tells him then looks at her drink.
"Do you want to go somewhere quieter and talk?" the man asks.
"Look, I'm sure you're a nice guy but I'm not interested," Shaylynn tells him then looks over at Austin as the man gets a pissed off look on his face when he sees who she's looking at.
"You'll be thinking differently!" the man tells her.
Shaylynn turns to look at him to see that he has a huge smile on his face.
She picks up her glass and downs her Scotch.
After a couple of minutes, Austin looks over to the bar to see a man messing with Shaylynn.
He excuses himself from the table and walks in that direction.
"Is everything okay?" he asks her.
"Beat it!" the man tells Austin, "She's mine!"
"Is that right?!" Austin says walking closer to the man.
The man realizes Austin isn't going to back down and walks away.
Austin turns his attention to Shaylynn, "Shaylynn," he says to her when she puts her hands on each side of his face and starts kissing him.

Making their way through the kitchen, they get outside and can't keep their hands off each other as Austin leads her over to his car.
Putting her in the passenger seat, he rushes over and gets in, starts up the car and drives away heading to his house.


The next morning Shaylynn wakes up.
Looking around she doesn't recognize the bedroom she's in.
Sitting up the sheet falls down to expose her naked breasts. Looking under the sheet she notices she has nothing on when her head starts pounding like someone's banging on a bass drum.
She closes her eyes as tears start flowing.
Standing up, she wraps the sheet around her body and walks to the bathroom.

Downstairs Austin can hear that's she's finally awake.
He gets into her bag and takes out her phone. Figuring out her password is 'Halstead', he unlocks her phone.
"Hey Shaylynn," he hears Beth say.
"It's Austin. You need to come to my place and get her," he tells her.
Beth's silent for a moment, "Why is she at your place ?" Beth asks him.
"Just come and get her and take her home!" Austin tells her, "I'll text you the address," he says hanging up.
He then sends Beth a text.

Walking up the stairs, he walks into his bedroom as Shaylynn walks out of the bathroom with the sheet around her.
He walks over to the bed and lays her clothes down, Shaylynn walks over and sits down on the bed and starts crying, "I can't believe I did this!" she tells him.
Austin walks over to her and crouches down in front of her, "Nothing happened!" he tells her.
Shaylynn stares at him, "We didn't have sex?" she asks him, Austin shakes his head 'no'.
"When we got back here is when I realized something wasn't right by the way you were acting and the things you were doing. Believe me, I wanted to have sex with you but I could tell that bastard at the bar drugged you and I'm not that kind of man! I would never take advantage of you!" Austin tells her, "I called Beth, she's on her way to get you and take you home."
"Why didn't you just take me home after you found out I was drugged?" Shaylynn asks him.
"The things you were doing weren't appropriate and I didn't want your daughter to see you like that," he tells her.
Shaylynn starts crying more, "Thank you!" she tells him thinking about what he told her when it hits her why this sounds familiar.
"I'm going to go downstairs and wait for Beth to get here while you get dressed," he tells her standing up.
Shaylynn watches him walk out of the room.

Ten minutes later, Austin's opening the door to see a pissed off Beth standing before him.
"Where is she?" Beth asks in a pissed off tone walking past him into the house.
"She's upstairs in my bedroom," he tells her closing the door.
Beth turns around, looks at him like she's going to punch him, "Nothing happened!" Austin tells her, "Some asshole at the S.K.Y. bar drugged her. I realized she was drugged when we got back here when she wasn't acting herself."
"Why didn't you just take her home?" Beth asks.
"Because the things she was doing her daughter didn't need to see," Austin tells her.
"Where's your bedroom?" Beth asks.
"Up the stairs, turn left. The doors at the end of the hallway," he says.
Beth hurries to the stairs.

Rushing into Austin's room, Beth sees Shaylynn sitting on the bed.
As soon as Shaylynn sees Beth, she breaks down crying.
"Hey, it's alright!" Beth tells her sitting down on the bed beside her, "You did nothing wrong!"
"If I did nothing wrong, why do I feel like shit!" Shaylynn says to her, "But there is something I need to confess."
Beth looks at Shaylynn worried, "While in Bali, Austin and I had a little too much to drink and well we got married," Shaylynn tells her.
Beth shakes her head, "But you're not married to him," she says.
"For it to be legal in the United States you have to do certain things, being drunk we didn't do those things," Shaylynn tells her, "But technically, Austin and I are married in Bali."
Beth shakes her head 'no' and smiles, "I don't believe you!" she tells Shaylynn waiting for her to start laughing because she's joking, she doesn't.
"The video I have on Facebook of Austin getting the tattoo of my face and the Eagle above my head, you can see a ring on his finger. That's why he's trying to win me back so hard," she tells Beth.
Beth doesn't know what to say, she takes her phone, goes on to Facebook to watch the video Shaylynn's talking about. 

"Can I go home please!" Shaylynn asks.
Beth smiles at her, "Sure! Let's go!"
Beth pulls up in front of Shaylynn's house.
After saying goodbye to Beth, Shaylynn walks into the house grabs the keys to her Ferrari and runs out to the garage.


At the District, Ruzek walks out and to his car.
Getting into the car, he gets ready to start it up, "Where is he Adam?!" he hears come from the backseat making him jump.
"DAMN IT, SHAYLYNN! DON'T DO THAT!" Ruzek yells at her looking in the rearview mirror.
"Tell me where Jay is!" Shaylynn demands.
"Alright!" Ruzek tells her, "But you didn't hear it from me!"
He proceeds to tell her where Halstead is, "Thanks, Adam! You're the best!" she tells him.
Ruzek shakes his head, "Like I had much of a choice! What would you have done if I said no I won't tell you where he is?"
"I would have kicked your ass!" Shaylynn tells him as she starts getting out of the car.
"See! No choice!" Ruzek says when he hears the door shut.


There's a knock at the door.
Halstead opens it to see Shaylynn standing there, "Shaylynn? How did you know where to find me?" he asks her pulling her inside.
"From Adam," she tells him.
"I should have known!" he says, "Why are you here?" he asks her.
"I came to get you! This undercover thing will be here, we're leaving!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Where are we going?" Halstead asks her.
"To Belize! We're not waiting one more day!" Shaylynn says grabbing his hand.
Halstead smiles and doesn't say a word as Shaylynn grabs his hand, opens the door, and pulls him out.
He hurries and grabs the doorknob to close the door behind him.
"What about the kids?" he asks her as they make their way out of the building.
"An Uber is picking them, Jill, and Jenna up as we speak to meet us at the airport," Shaylynn tells him.
"And your dress?" he asks.
"Vera is overnighting it to me in Belize," she tells him as they get into the car, "I'm done waiting! Nothing is going to keep us from getting married!"
Halstead smiles at her, leans over, and kisses her.


The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100

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