A Girl's Guide

By westcurls

244K 6.4K 1.7K

To put it simply, a girl's life isn't complete without this book. WARNING: You may suffer minor mental dysfun... More

A Girl's Guide
Summertime Sadness?
Fruit Slushie
Life Hacks
Nutella Popsicles
Longer Hair
Nutella Brownies
Water Works
Sharpie Tattoo?
Sticky Situations
How to: Beautiful Skin
How to: shape suited nails
How to: Whiter Teeth
DIY: Spa Day
Best Beauty Brands
DIY: Smoothies
Holiday must-reads
How to: Get Over Certain People
More Life Hacks
How To: Take A Good Selfie
Benifits of Yoga
Growing Out Hair
How To: Clean and Organise Your Room
How To: Persuade Your Parents
How To: Avoid Awkwardness
Poem Treat!
How to: fade pimple/acne scars
Niagra Falls
Tips for Healthy Hair
Wavy Hair Over-night
First Time-Makeup
How to: Keep Hairstyles Lasting Through The Day
How to: BE HAPPY
Winter Outfits
Benefits of Sleep
Christmas Gift Ideas
Author's Note
Common Misconceptions
How to: Socialise
Weight Loss Tips
What To Do On A Rainy Day/When You're Bored
How to: Keep Your Social Life Alive
Winter Beauty
What Type of Book Suits You
How to: Look After Retainers
Common Misconceptions Part 2
How to: Relieve Period Pains
How to: Keep Cool Meeting Your Idols
You are not "mature" until...
Being Sick Sucks
How to: Relieve Stress
Life Struggle
How to: GLO UP
My Social Medias
Ending the book?!
How To: Keep Eyelashes Curled
Ugh, Acne

How to: BE HAPPY Part 2

1.8K 74 39
By westcurls

11) Music. Music is a drug. Don't question it. Once I listen to music it's like I get addicted and can't lay off it. It expresses emotions more that plain, old words ever could. I am quite a calm person unless I'm happy then you can't stop me. Let's just say I had a bad day and I'm really angry. Instead of showing it, I would probably just listen to some random rock band who do all the screaming and shouting for me. Wierd, I know. It also gets me feeling emotions I never knew I had. There will always be a song that suits how you feel, exactly. 

12) Warm Baths. I take showers more than I do baths. Baths just give me time to think properly and what I really love about baths is that you can go to Lush and buy bath bombs (soap, not real obviously) and watch them fizz away until they dissove and your water is some type of bright pastel colour. Wow.

13) Home. I love coming home on a cold, winter day all cosy and snug. I instantly change into my PJ's, make a hot drink and chill. I put on some music, read a book or watch a movie. That burst of joy you get when it's super cold out, you're really groggy then you go home all nice and warm. Aaaahhhhh....

14) Travelling. I love going on adventures, camping, road-tripping and just having fun. I recently went camping with my school for 2 days and ended up walking around in the middle of nowhere in the dark until like 5 or 6 hours later we set up our camping tents. IT WAS NOT FUN. But now when I think about it, I had the best time and experience I have ever had in my life. It feels like torture but then you end up realising how much you enjoyed it. If the chance ever comes by, trust me and take it.

15) Cartoons. I love watching some of my favourite childhood cartoons like Adventure Time, Popeye, Tom and Jerry and others. I really like laughing and smiling along and how it always ends happily.

16) Youtube and Vine videos. FAB.U.LOUS. They are so funny to watch it would probably keep me laughing for days, I love how I can relate to almost all of them too.

17) Christmas. Christmas is my favourite time of the year and I simply love how especially in London, we all get in the festive spirit and how "jolly" everyone is. I love how we give and get presents, I love how all the houses and buildings are decorated. I LOVE IT ALLLLLLLL.

18) Starbucks. Now don't worry i'm not going to turn into some "common white girl" (white I am) and start ranting about my Uggs and messy buns and all that crap. But I will rant about my love for Starbucks. This whole obsession began at a young age and was started by my mother. We always used to go to Starbucks so she could study for her diploma and I tagged along. From there on, my love for Starbucks began its never-ending journey. DEM FRAPPES THO. 

19) Good grades. As wierd as it sounds, getting good grades and reports makes me feel really proud of myself and feel like I have reached my aim. If not, woe is me and time to study again until I do.

20) YOU GUYS. You are all so supportive and kind I just can't thank you enough. You are like my virtual sisters and I LOVE YA. Everyday at least one of  you make me smile on wattpad. Whether you are suggesting or requesting or just commenting in general. It really makes a difference and it makes me HAPPY.

Hope you enjoyed this and you could relate to it. CHALLENGE: In the comments write your own list of what makes you happy (I don't care how long it is. It could even be as long as mine).

Adios bitchachos

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