Lies and Deception

By Kings_Vill21

5.5K 186 70

Beca, Chloe, and Stacie are all friends at an all-girl private school. When a new girl is expected to come, a... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

400 13 5
By Kings_Vill21

Stacie was sitting in her room watching a movie on her lap top as she patiently waited for the blonde to arrive. She wanted to get her homework done as soon as possible so she could attend an off campus party that was going on later. Just as her movie was getting to the good part, there was a soft knock at her door. Stacey shut her lap top and ran to answer it. A big smile formed on her face when she saw Aubrey standing in front of her.

"Hey you," The brunette greeted the other woman happily. "Come on in." She stepped aside so the blonde could enter her room.

"Wow, a single, how did you pull that off? I thought you had to be an A plus student to even get considered for these." Aubrey looked around, then back at the brunette. "I…wow…I didn't mean it like that," she gave the other woman a small smile as red tint of blush crept up her cheeks.

"It's okay," Stacie giggled. "It's not a secret that I'm not the smartest person." She smiled. "I have my ways though," she winked at the blonde before walking over to her bed. "So then, shall we get started?"

"Sure," Aubrey smiled as she took a seat beside the other woman.

"So where were we?" The brunette flipped through her booklet.

"We were on eighty-three, so only seventeen left to do." Aubrey smiled at the brunette. "We'll be done in no time."

"Good, the sooner the better." Stacie smirked.

"Why, big plans tonight?"

"Not really that big I just have a party to go to later." Stacie shrugged.

"Oh really where is it?" The blonde asked intrigued.

"It's just outside of campus at this guy's house. It should be fun."

"Oh yeah, which guy and who's all going?" Aubrey raised an eyebrow.

"His name is Bumper, he's this guy Amy likes to fool around with, he's a huge loser but his parties are pretty awesome." Stacie shrugged. "Amy, Beca, and Chloe are coming with me." She finished. The blonde sat there looking down at her knees for a while before deciding to make eye contact with the other woman.

"Do you think it would be a huge deal if I joined?" Aubrey cautiously asked.

"What?" Stacie's jaw dropped. "You want to come to a party with us, and drink?" She slowly closed her jaw and smirked at the blonde. "I had no idea Miss. Posen was secretly a bad ass."

"Yeah well, we all secretly have a little dark side to us, don't we?" Aubrey shrugged.

"I guess the saying goes; don't judge a book by its cover." The brunette added.

"Well let's get the rest of this work done so we can go to this party," Aubrey smiled. "Shall we?" She grabbed the booklet and flipped through the pages.

Two hours passed before both girls finally threw down their text books and collapsed backwards onto the brunette's bed.

"Well, that's done at least." Stacie sighed. "I never thought I could hate science more than I already did." She let out a small chuckle.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad, and at least we got to do the work with each other." Aubrey turned her head so that she was facing the brunette, and gave her a small smile. The other woman turned her head as well so that both sets of eyes were now locked on each other.

"Well I guess I should start getting ready for this party," Stacie said excitedly.

"Yeah, I should go back to my room and change I suppose." The blonde started to get up from her spot.

"No need, just barrow something of mine, I have a variety of clothes, trust me." Stacie got up and quickly walked over to her closet.

"Oh no, I don't want to be a bother." The blonde frowned.

"Be a bother to who, sorry?" The other woman smiled as she opened her closet door revealing a ton of clothing.

"Oh, wow you weren't kidding." Aubrey's jaw dropped.

"Why don't you look through what I have and find something you like, while I have a quick shower?"

"Sounds good," Aubrey smiled. Stacie nodded her head and quickly removed her shirt; she slowly headed towards the bathroom, when she reached the door she turned around so that she was now facing the blonde.

"I'll try not to be too long," she winked before turning around again and closing the door behind her. Aubrey sat there silently, jaw dropped as she was comprehending the image of the brunette's beautiful breasts in her mind.


Chloe was searching through her wardrobe throwing her clothes left and right.

"Seriously, how is it possible I can't find a single thing to wear?" She let out a frustrated scoff.

"Babe, you have tons of stuff to wear, you're just being picky. Anything you own looks good on you, why are you worrying so much?" Beca sighed as she fell onto the red head's bed. "We have to leave soon, you've yet to shower, and you still haven't picked an outfit." The shorter woman grabbed her head in agony. "Just pick something please,"

"I can't find anything I like that'll look sexy on me," Chloe whined.

"Why are you trying to look sexy? Do you intend on picking someone up?" The DJ raised a questioning eyebrow.

"What? No, I just want to look good for you," Chloe continued to search through her clothing, thankful her back was towards her girlfriend. Beca shook her head and quickly got up from the red head's bed; she slowly approached the girl from behind and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Stop being stupid, you always look good to me," Beca whispered into the red head's ear, sending butterflies through her stomach. "Just pick something so you can shower, and we can go. We're supposed to meet Stacie in thirty minutes, and you know how long it takes you to get ready." Beca smirked against the other woman's neck, kissing her softly. Chloe let out an approving moan as she turned around so that she was now face to face with her girlfriend.

"This is the exact reason why I love you," she smiled before pressing their lips together.

"Mm, is it because I'm incredibly irresistible?" Beca whispered against the other woman's lips.

"No because deep down inside, hiding under all that charm and bad ass personality, you're actually the sweetest and cutest person I know," Chloe laughed when she saw the DJ wrinkle her nose.

"I'm not cute," the brunette pouted.

"Whatever you say babe," The red head winked. "I'm going to go have a quick shower, I'll be right back." She said giving the DJ a quick kiss and heading towards the bathroom. "Don't miss me too much," she flicked her hand giving the girl a wave before closing the door behind her.

The DJ smiled to herself and shook her head from all the cute thoughts she had going through her mind about her girlfriend. She headed towards the other woman's computer chair, and sat down, opening her lap top screen. Quickly she typed in the girl's password and smiled when her home screen came on, and a gigantic picture of the two kissing, were plastered on it.

Knowing the red head would be awhile; Beca decided she would check her facebook as her girlfriend showered. A frown quickly formed the DJ's face when she opened up the browser and a picture of Stacie in a bikini popped up on the screen.

"What the fuck," Beca muttered to herself as she stared at the screen in front of her. She looked back at the bathroom door to make sure her girlfriend wasn't coming out, and then back at the screen again. Thoughts ran through her mind as she looked at the album date, the pictures were from a year ago. Why was Chloe looking through Stacie's pictures that she had from a year ago?

The DJ must have gotten lost in her thoughts because she practically jumped out of her skin when she heard the bathroom door open. Quickly, she shut the browser and turned around to be faced with her girlfriend standing in the bathroom doorway, naked.

"Miss me?" Chloe smiled as she walked out and approached the DJ. She sat down on the brunette so that she was straddling her lap. She leaned in and pressed her lips against the DJ's, slowly retracting when she didn't feel the other woman kissing back.

"Yeah," Beca coldly replied, throwing Chloe off with her short one word response.

"Doesn't seem like it," Chloe frowned. "What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing," Beca forced a smile, not wanting to bring up the picture tonight. She had made a quick decision in her mind to wait it out, and keep an eye out for the two women.

"Are you sure?" Chloe stared at her girlfriend intently.

"Yes babe, sorry." Beca gave the red head a quick kiss. "You should get ready," she smiled.

"Okay," Chloe sighed. The red head knew the DJ wasn't being honest, but she also knew her girlfriend and she knew that Beca wouldn't tell her what's wrong until she was ready to. She slowly got off the brunette's lap and began to get ready, as the DJ sat there patiently waiting.


An hour later, Beca and Chloe were standing in front of a door, and waiting togot in.

"I am really not looking forward to seeing Bumper," The DJ sighed.

"Aw I wouldn't worry too much babe; Fat Amy is here to keep him busy tonight." Chloe winked at her girlfriend, giggling when she saw the brunette scrunch her face.

"I don't get what she sees in him that she keeps going back for more." Beca bluntly said.

"Believe it or not he's got a nice dick," a familiar voice said from behind them. Both girl's spun around and smiled when they saw Amy approaching them.

"Did not need to know that," Beca muttered.

"Oh sorry, forgot lesbians practically jump out of their skin at the word dick," Amy smirked. The brunette rolled her eyes at the blonde.

"Shut up, you know what I meant." Beca laughed.

"Whatever, I'm freezing my titties off out here, can we go in?" Amy shivered. Chloe and Beca laughed as they opened the front door to let themselves in.

"Ladies," A voice belted from across the room. "So lovely to see you tonight, I was wondering when the entertainment would get here." A man said as he approached them. "I love me some lesbians when they're drunk." He winked.

"Shut it, Bumper." Beca said, already clenching her fists.

"Whoa, we know who the butch one is in their relationship," Bumper said nudging one of his friends.

"Oye shut your mouth or I won't be sucking your dick later." Amy stepped in front of Beca before she could do anything. Bumpers friends laughed as they started nudging him.

"Whatever," he muttered before walking away.

"God, I hate that douche," Beca said louder than intended.

"Don't let him ruin your night babe, let's go get a drink and relax." Chloe said grabbing her girlfriend's hand. She dragged her to the nearest keg and grabbed two beers. "Here," she smiled handing the DJ a red beer cup.

"I plan on getting annihilated tonight," The DJ said as she began chugging her first beer down.

"Whoa slow down there or I'll have to carry you home." Chloe smirked. The brunette shrugged as she continued to down her beer.

"Beca," A voice yelled excitedly out of nowhere. The DJ spun around and was immediately tackled by someone; all she could see was blonde hair in her vision. "So glad you could make it," Aubrey whispered into the DJ's ear. She released the DJ and grabbed the red head into a hug right after. "Chloe," she slurred. "I haven't seen you in a while," she whispered.

"Aubrey," Chloe laughed. "I didn't expect to see you here." She said as the other woman pulled away.

"Why is everyone so shocked that I would be at a party?" The blonde pouted. "I'm cool." She finished.

"Aw no, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant it's a school night, and your dad is the dean after all." Chloe pointed out.

"Fuck the dean," Aubrey slurred out making everyone giggle.

"Jesus Christ how much have you had to drink?" Beca raised an eyebrow.

"Too much, she's slowing down now," Stacie said approaching the three girls. "Hello ladies, nice of you to finally join us," She looked at her cellphone. "And you're only an hour and a half late." She smirked.

"Yeah well I couldn't find anything I looked good in." Chloe said defensively.

"Oh please, you look good in anything Chlo," Stacie winked. Beca felt a pang of jealousy in her stomach when she saw the two women interacting. She quickly finished what was left of her beer, and got herself a second one, quickly chugging it.

"Whoa, someone is looking to get fucked up tonight," Stacie smiled.

"You got that right." Beca said into her cup as she kept it placed by her lips.

"Beca," Aubrey excitedly cut in. "Be on my team for flip cup?" She said eyes wide.

"I uh…" Aubrey quickly cut the DJ off.

"Please, you're looking to get fucked up, and Stacie sucks so." Aubrey said smiling at the taller brunette. "No offence,"

"Fuck you," Stacie laughed.

"Please," Aubrey pouted. Chloe looked between the two girls and felt her cheeks heating with anger.

"Yeah sure I guess," Beca said giving in.

"Yay, we'll be back soon guys," Aubrey said grabbing the DJ's hand and pulling her to where flip cup was currently being played. Chloe watched as her girlfriend laughed at something the blonde had said, she felt her stomach twisting and turning as she watched the two women interact.

"Everything alright," Stacie raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's fine." Chloe said, shaking the thoughts from her head, even though she could have sworn Aubrey was flirting with the DJ.

"Doesn't look fine," Stacie frowned. "Wanna talk about it?"

"No, it's more like I want to forget about it." Chloe said before chugging the rest of her beer. When she finished she filled her cup up once again and looked back at Beca and Aubrey. However her feelings went into overdrive when saw Aubrey jump onto her girlfriend, giving her a big hug. It took Chloe everything she had to not go over and punch the blonde out right then and there. Instead she looked over at Stacie, who was wearing a very revealing shirt and smiled."I need some fresh air, want to come for a walk with me?"

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