{1} Silver Bullet }Teen Wolf{

By Aspiring-Writer14

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Reyna Argent, the fraternal twin sister of Allison Argent, younger sister of Trenton (Trent) Argent, the niec... More



91 2 0
By Aspiring-Writer14

{Reyna's POV}

For the last couple weeks.

I had been staying with the McCalls and alternating between the couch, and the guest room.

I was almost always dead silent now, and if you ever did get a word out of me, it's one of those things, that some people want to know how you did it.

I was checking my phone again, already knowing what I would find from Tye. Absolutely nothing.

I heard someone, and Scott was next to me, and I flinched slightly at scare, and he looked at me.

"Try and remember, that I don't have any supernatural abilities of my own. So don't scare me." I said quietly.


He asked, and I shook my head.

"Just like yesterday. The day before, and the last week or so worth of them before that."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm always upstairs." He said, and I looked at him. "Thanks McCall."

I said quietly, and he nodded.

"Get some sleep if you can." He said, and I nodded, as he walked upstairs, and I heard his door close.

To : Wolfboy 2.0
From : Huntress
I need to know you're okay. Please, one message Tye. Look I know you think of yourself as a monster right now... and 1 text won't change it, I know. Trust me, I do know. But I miss you.

I pressed send, and I put my phone on the table, after a few minutes. Then in the blink of an eye, I heard it vibrate.

From : Wolfboy 2.0
To : Huntress
The Beacon Hills Preserve Entrance.
10 minutes.

I read the text with complete shock in my eyes, and I nodded. "After 2 weeks he's now contacting you."

I mumbled to myself, as I drove.

I saw him waiting, and I got out of my car, and walked over to him quickly, a grimace on his face. "Follow me."

He said, and I looked at him. "Channel Derek are we?" I asked, and he looked at me. "Follow me."

He said, and I pull my duffel bag out, and followed him into the Preserve.

I felt like he was just leading me to the middle of nowhere. I realized, that he, was leading me to the Distillery.

"Why are we going to the Distillery?"

I asked quietly, and he looked at me.

"You'll see."

He said, and I saw the beginnings of a slight smile coming onto his face. "Tye why are we really here?"

I asked, and he looked at me.

"No cameras. No one watching us."

He said quietly, and I felt my eyes filling up with clear annoyance. "You couldn't have done this a week ago? Tye I thought you were dead!"

I shouted, and he looked at me. "You would've felt it if I was." Tye said, and I looked at him. "Why are we here?"

I asked, and he took my hand gently, and I looked at him. The glow was in a completely different level of bright, and I realized why.

"An Alpha stepped down in Brazil. She was old and weak, and she begged me to take the power from her, and so... I did."

Tye said, and his eyes glowed red, and I looked at him. "You looked for alpha, so that you could bite me if I still want it?"

I asked quietly, and he smiled at me.

"My actions more acceptable now?"

He asked, and I hugged him. "Are you wanting the Bite from me?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"Are you really asking me?" I asked quietly, and he smirked. "So that is, how it is."

He said, and his fangs grew. "It's painful." He said, and I looked at him, and nodded, holding out my arm.

I felt his fangs sink in, and I clamped my hand over my mouth, to stifle the scream that wanted to follow.

I felt the grip release, and I looked at my wrist, which had blood trickling, down from it.

Tye's eyes now glowed brighter then ever, and I looked at him. "I guess I'll know if my body rejects it." I said.

"It won't." Tye said quietly, and kissed my forehead, and I leaned mine, onto his. "How do you know?"

I asked, and he looked at me.

"Because the alpha I took the power from, was the one that bit Trenton on the mission last year. I asked, and she said she recognized the name of your brother."

Tye said, and I looked at him. "So I am gonna be a werewolf?" I whispered as he looked at me. "Yes."

He said, his lips tickling my ear, and he wrapped his arms around me, and I smiled for the first time in weeks.

"Be careful about that bite. If anyone notices something about it, we cannot fight against the truth."

Tye said, and I looked at him.

"I've got bandages in my bag..."

I turned around, and my bag was gone as I walked away. "Tye? Did you do something with my bag?"

I asked, and suddenly he was thrown across the room. I spun around, and I pulled out my two guns, ready to fire.

The first thing I saw was red eyes, and a huge monstrous shape. Tye stood up quickly, and his fangs bared.

"Who are you?" He snarled, and the other alpha roared at him. Tye roared and dove into the fight. "Tye!"

I screamed, as the monster hit him into the wall, and I began to fire my guns at him, as fast as I could.

He roared, and it sounded almost human, as I quickly reloaded both of the clips at once.

Now my only thoughts in my mind right now, were to keep the alpha, the man inside as well, away from Tye.

The only probably was that I was running out of ammunition. "Reyna. Look out!"

Tye shouted, and I was swung into the wall next to him. I landed on my hand and feet, and I looked up.

My eyes now glowed golden yellow, my teeth were now fangs. Tye looked at me, and his eyes were wide.

I felt my claws growing, and I looked at my reflection, in a piece of broken glass.

I flipped my head up and roared, lunging towards the alpha. The alpha clearly wasn't expecting my move and he didn't move back in time.

I slammed into him, and his claws sunk into my shoulders, and I sunk my fangs into his shoulder.

I was thrown off of him, and I hit ground real hard, and when I got back up with Tye's help.

He was long gone.

"You okay?"

I asked, and he looked at me, his eyes concerned. "Are you Reyna? I haven't seen anyone shift that fast ever."

Tye said, and I looked at him. "Does it matter Tye? I'm officially a werewolf, now. I guess I'm your Beta now?"

I asked and he looked at me.

"Yeah. I was a Beta two weeks ago."

He said, and I looked at him.

"You're my alpha now. Officially. I guess I'm a part of the pack now, even if I am a Hunter."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.


Tye said, and he ran his fingers through my hair gently. "You were on, their side."

He said, and I felt his other hand in mine. "But now, you're on your own side." He said and I looked at him.

"Which is by extension, your side and Derek's." I said, and he looked at me, I felt his arms around me.

"You don't... I don't need you to run with our pack." He said, and I could see him choking on the words, trying to get them out.

"If you'd rather walk alone, that's fine." He said, and I kissed him, and he looked at me.

"I'm not walking alone."

I said, and he smirked. My phone rang, and I grunted. "Hey Scott." I said.

"Where are you?"

"With Tye. Why?"

"We've got a problem."

"What is it?"

"Trent is gone. The only things we have on him, are a couple of serious bloodstained pairs of shorts, two knives coated in blood, with a destroyed and ripped t-shirt."

I looked at Tye, who was already sniffing the air for his scent.

"McCall listen to me. If you find anything that leads to him, and you don't tell me. I will rip your head off. Understand?!"

I snapped.

"I'll tell you as soon as I know anything. I swear. I don't want Tye and Derek on my ass."

"Oh I assure you Scott McCall, if you tell them before me, you'll still be the first target on my list to go."

I said, and hung up the phone, and Tye looked at me. "I think we should go. Rendezvous at mine?"

He asked, and I nodded. "Yeah. Sure." I said, and he kissed me, before racing off quickly through the woods.

I met back up with him, and I saw Derek's serious face through the ash covered window.

"He's working out now?"

I asked, and Tye snorted. "That's my brother. We can never get fat, but he works out anyways."

He said, and I looked at him. "Can we just get inside please?" I asked, and he smiled. "Come on."

He said, and I felt as if we were being watched, like I now always did. I saw Tye's head going from side to side, as he watched the woods around us.

"I know. I feel it to." I said quietly, and Derek came to the front door, shirt off as he walked over. "So it's true. You're a werewolf now." He said, and I nod.

"Now you're an alpha." He said, and turned to Tye, who simply glowed his eyes in response. "Wow."

He said, and looked between us two.

"Are you guys mates yet?" He asked, and without even thinking, I punched hard, and he flew back.

I looked at my fist, my eyebrows almost flying off of my face and away, as I looked at Tye, who was smirking.

I smirked, and Derek growled as he got up. Suddenly, my head jolted up, and so did Tye's, the smirks fading off of our faces at once, as we knew that voice anywhere.


We all said, looking at each other.

"She brought friends as well. Any chance you still have those guns of yours?" Tye asked, as we all moved away from the window.

"Never leave home without them." I said, and pulled them quickly out of the holsters in my belt, rolling them around on my fingers quickly once.

".22 Magnum." Tye said, and I looked at him. "You know guns." I said, as he looked at me.

"Same type your dad uses. He shot me, the day before the fire. Pretty sure he was aiming for a tree."

I glared at him, and Kate walked in with the other two. "Maybe they're both outside, burying a bone in the backyard."

One of the men said, and I looked at the boys on either side of me.

'Both the man had said.'

'So they didn't know that I was here. Unlikely, that they would ever know. But surprisingly, definitely more my mother's style then Kate's.'

I thought, and Kate snorted. "If you want to draw them out? You're gonna have to do... something like this." She said, and I felt Tye tensing up.

"Too bad your sister bit it before she had her first litter." And a low and quiet growl came from Derek next to me, and Tye's was even louder.

"Or when she howled like a bitch! You two Hales! When we cut her in half!"

Then, without a second to think for me, two roars erupted from next to me on either side.

Tye sent the nearest one flying, landing on the floor next to the stairs, while Derek took out the other.

While they both were growling at Kate all the same. "There we go. There are the boys I was looking for."

She said, and I saw a taser baton in her hand. Then suddenly, it was gone, tumbling across the floor.

"Hey Kate. You miss me?" I asked coldly, as I stood in front of the boys, and they stood on either side of me.

"Are you a werewolf now? You know what happens to hunters who break a code. Who fall for a werewolf. I've told you the story."

Kate said coldly, and I looked at her.

"Yeah you're right. But I've heard both sides of the story, and to be frank, you suck at lying in the face of the truth. So, on that note. Where's Trent?"

I snapped, and she laughed.

"What makes you think I know..." And I grabbed the taser baton, and I held it at my side, and her eyes widened.

"You're gonna kill me? That won't help you find your brother." She said, and I looked at her.

"Maybe not. But it'll sure as hell make me feel better." I said, and she looked, at me, then at the boys behind me.

"He's in the bunker."

She said, and I lowered the baton, which was the stupidest mistake I had made in a long, long time.

Suddenly, I felt a bullet hit me in the ribs, and I grunt, falling back, as Kate picked up the taser baton and stabbed it into my wound.

I screamed, and I saw Tye staggering, feeling my agony, through the bond of what we have.

"Oh look. Two for the price of one."

She said, and I shut my eyes, and she yanked it away. The next one, to get a shock quite literally, was Derek.

Who was on the ground, before I could even lift my head properly off the ground. "I knew I hated those." I said, and Kate chuckled.

"Useful things. But very painful."

She said, and shocked Derek again. Tye was on the ground next to me, feeling both my pain and Derek's.

He must've fallen just after we did. "I suggest you stop moving." Kate said as she shocked me again.

I bit my lip to keep from screaming, and I saw Tye was barely, doing the same.

"We cut Laura in half yes. But we didn't kill her. The alpha did." Kate said, releasing the button.

"Why should we believe you?" Derek asked, looking at her, his eyes glowing icy blue. I had managed to get over to Tye, who was clearly weakened.

"Hey. I've got you." I said quietly, and he shut his eyes tightly, before he was triggering his healing from his eyes.

"Well then. If you don't know who he is... Guess who just became totally use less."

And we were all out of there, like rabbits from a fox, as the machine gun went off.

I ran off just as fast as the boys did, and I saw Derek was seething, and Tye was mumbling stuff, under his breath.

Derek turned his angry gaze on me.

"You knew that they didn't kill her!"

He said, and I backed up, feeling his angry gaze burning holes. "Hey! That is enough Derek."

"She may have known, hell she may have even been there when they did it. But she wasn't required to tell us."

Tye said, tossing Derek a shirt and jacket. I shrugged in my hoodie, and I smelled something.

Tye looked at me, then looked around.

"Smells like blood." He said, and I felt someone watching. I followed them, I walked carefully and quietly.

I heard a branch snap, and I spun around. Scott was standing there, and I growled at him. "What. The. Hell?"

I said, and he looked at me. "When did you get bitten?" He asked, clear confusion was all over him.

Tye sighed, and glowed his eyes, and Scott stepped back quickly. I sighed as I shared his views about killing.

'But if the alpha had asked Tye to take it, that was different... Right?' I was in a state of deep thought, when I got an invite from my parents and Allison.

I looked at Tye, who pulled out the phone I had gotten him. "If they have Trent, we have to get him back."

I said, and he looked at me.

"I'll just go."

He said, and I shook my head.

"You know that they'll kill you. They will probably have wolfsbane, in the water." I said, and he looked at me.

"It wouldn't be the first time."

I said, and he looked at me.

"Fine. I'm with you. I'm not going on my own, and neither are you." He was saying, and I sighed.

"Stronger in the numbers." Tye said, and I sighed, knowing he had won the argument. "Fine!"

I said, and he looked at me. "So what does one wear to an Argent family's a dinner party?" He said, smirking.

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