{1} Silver Bullet }Teen Wolf{

By Aspiring-Writer14

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Reyna Argent, the fraternal twin sister of Allison Argent, younger sister of Trenton (Trent) Argent, the niec... More



95 2 0
By Aspiring-Writer14

{Reyna's POV}

"Who's idea was this again?" I asked, my phone pressed to my ear. "Derek's but you don't have to do this."

Tye said. "Yes she does. She's the one most likely to get killed by the Alpha. So yes, she has to." I heard Derek say.

"I hate you." Tye said, and I heard screeching wheels, and I felt my heart beat pick up fast.

"Guys we have a big problem." I said quietly, and Tye was listening. "Kate just got here."

I said quietly, and I pulled out my guns full of normal bullets, and I heard her shout "Come On!"

Presumably to the Alpha. "Guys. She's getting out her assault rifle." I said, as I saw her do so.

"Tye whatever you're gonna do, do it quick, because she has never missed."

I said, and I saw her walk to the alley, where both of the boys, were chasing the alpha.

I heard the gun go off two times, and I heard the thuds of bodies hit ground. I lost it, and began to fire at Kate.

She managed to move for cover, and I looked at her, dead in the eyes. "Rey?" She asked, and I looked at her.

"Stay out of the pack's way. We'll find the Alpha, for you, if you let us." I said coldly, and I put my guns away.

I ran quickly to where I had heard the bodies fall. I saw Tye was grunting, as he looked at something on his arm. He looked up at me, and I hugged him.

"I don't know what kind of bullet." I said quietly, and he looked at me. "Are you sure?"

He asked quietly, and I looked at the wound, and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

Derek had a bullet in the same place, same arm. "This is why we stay away from Kate Argent. I warned you, she never misses with that thing." I said.

"Look. We know you're right. Congrat to you. Now let's go." Derek said, as he tried to get himself up.

I helped Tye up, since he looked weaker then Derek. "Who got hit first?"

I asked quietly, knowing that Kate could still be around, knowing her habits. "Me."

Tye said quietly, and I looked at him.

"Younger werewolves are more vulnerable and much more... reactive to wolfsbane."

I said, and he looked at me.

"How long do we have?" He asked quietly, and I looked at both him and Derek.

"Derek I'd give 48 hours, maybe 50. I'd say closer to 36 for you." I said quietly, and Tye staggered, and I quickly slung his arm around my neck.

"Easy there wolf. You're not out of the race yet." I said quietly, and I manage to get them both, to the Camaro before they passed out.

I looked at my phone, and I, now feeling extremely guilty, I called Trent, and I waited as the phone rang.

"I can't talk now." He said, and I sigh.

"Trent look, I know I owe you a lot of favors already, but I need help. What kind of wolfsbane is blue? It glows."

I said, and he snorted. "Nordic Blue Monkshood. Why?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Kate's gotten into town a few hours ago. She hit Derek and Tye both with them."

"I have none of my own, because Dad was going to teach me later when we, ended up covering guns."

"How to use them effectively later."

I said, and he looked at me. "How bad is it?" He asked, and I felt tears on my face. "Tye has maybe 36 hours. Derek 50 if we're lucky, 40 if he isn't."

I said quietly, and he sighed.

"I'll see what I can do. Scott's the new wolf right?" He asked, and I pinched my nose between my thumb and forefinger hard. "Yeah." I said.

"He's coming over for a 'study session' later. I'll get the bullets to him then, and he'll get them to you somehow."

Trent said, and I sighed. "Thanks T. I owe you a lot for this." I said, and he hung up. "Is he bringing them?"

Tye asked, and I looked at him, and his eyes were glowing ice blue. "Tye your eyes." I said, and he grimaced.

"I know. I can't control them." He said, and I saw Derek's claws, were now on the other side. "Derek."

I said, and he growled at me.

"I know!" He yelled, and I flinched back hard. Tye growled at Derek, who was lying back again.

"She's trying to help!" He snapped at his older brother. "Of course you of all people would think that."

"I've been with an Argent Tye."

"Do you even remember how that ended?" Derek snapped, and I felt my eyes prickling with tears.

"I'm trying to help you." I said quietly, and he looked at me. "Stop trying. You shouldn't even be here. You should be running for your life."

"Because if Kate, your family, or the Alpha doesn't get you soon, I'll tear you apart myself, and cut you in half. Just like you did with Laura."

Derek yelled, and Tye lost it.

Tye punched his brother, over and over, and I clenched my head with both of my hands, just wanting all.

All of it to stop.

Tye fell back, exhausted, and Derek's face was healing, and I was in front of the car. "You done?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. We're done." Tye said, growling at Derek, who glared back at him, and I drove off. "What's the plan?"

I asked, and Derek growled.

"Drop me off at the High School."

He said, and I slammed hard on the pedal for the brake, and almost sent Tye through the passenger seat.

"Are you trying to ruin my plan?"

I asked, and he looked at me. "No. I'm trying to ruin your plan, and save my little brother."

Derek said, and Tye slapped him.

"Mom would be ashamed of you." He said, and Derek growled at him. "How would you know? You only met her 4 times. Tyler."

Tye roared and I was in the backseat almost immediately, now restraining Tye.

"Stop it. We won't get anywhere if we're now resorting to fighting each other. Stop it now."

I said, and Tye calmed down at my words, while Derek still looked at me like I was the center of every damn problem in his life.

I got back into the Driver's seat, I dropped Derek at the High School, and we waited outside.

I saw Tye's eyes glowing. "I know."

He said quietly, in response to my look, and I reached out and grabbed his hand.

Tye looked at me, and I moved my thumb in circles, on the back of his hand.

"I missed you beyond belief." He said quietly, and I looked at him. "Why are you telling me this now?" I asked him, and he looked at me.


"I didn't want to die, without telling you first." He said quietly, as his icy eyes started blinking, dimming.

"Hey! Stay awake!" I said, slapping him hard. "Stay awake!" I said, hitting him again, harder this time.

Tye opened his eyes, and he had human eyes, and I checked the bullet wound.

It was ugly, and I knew it was getting closer to his chest. Fast. "Tye.." I said, and he looked at me.

"I know." Tye said, and I heard a whole crapload, a lot of honking, from the school parking lot. "Derek."

I said, and drove around to meet them out front, just outside the lot. "Tye can you?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Already listening." He said, and his face was full of pain as he listened to the noise.

"He found Scott and Stiles."

"They're in Stiles' jeep now. The one that is a total piece of junk." Tye said, and the jeep squealed out. "Stiles!"

I shouted, and he drove past us. I stepped on the gas, and I pressed call on my phone. "What is it?"

Stiles snapped. "I know you have Derek. I've got Tye and he's just as bad. Where are you taking him?"

I asked into the phone.

"His house. Where else?"

Tye shook his head hard, and I handed him the phone. "You can't take him there." He said into the phone.

"Why not?"

Stiles said from the phone.

"Not while neither of us can defend ourselves. Even with Reyna helping us, you can't fight. You have to take us..."

Tye started, but he dropped my phone as his head lolled to the side, and eyes began to dim again. "Shit!"

I shouted, and pulled over.


Derek's voice came out of the phone.

"Derek. What do I do?" I asked, my voice was now bordering on hysteria, as I parked and quickly ran around, to the passenger side of the car.

"Don't let him stop breathing. We'll pick you up. Stay calm."

Stiles said from the phone.

I did chest compressions until I was sure that his pulse was there, and I kept checking his pulse, until Stiles came up.

Derek jumped out of the car, and ran to his little brother. "Back up." He said and I nodded, knowing a bit about it.

"TYLER!" Derek roared, his fangs bared, and his claws in his brother's shoulder.

Tye exploded up and roared, his own fangs bared. I had to clamp my hand, over Stiles' mouth hard, to stop a cry of pure terror.

"If you ever do that to me again, I swear to god I'll kill you." I said, as Tye grunted.

I helped him stand. "Yes. Mother."

He said, and I saw blood running down, from the wound. "Scott said the Animal Clinic."

Stiles said, and I nodded. "Let's go. You two are not dying in my car, so into Stiles' jeep."

I said, and Tye got into the back of the jeep, staggering to stay upright, I went to my car.

"Hey. If he blacks out again, I don't think I can bring him back out. We'll need you."

Derek said, and I looked at him.

"Alright. I'll get McCall to pick up my car. Let's go." I said, and Stiles called Scott again.

I got in the back next to Tye, and his arm was now oozing black blood, and so was his nose. "Tye."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"Am I going to die?" He asked quietly, and the question completely directed at me, and no one else. "No."

I said, and he looked at me. "No you're not dying. Not today." I said quietly, as I gripped his hand in mine. He leaned his head against my shoulder.

"Stay awake back there! You're dying outside of my Jeep, if you are dying at all!" Stiles snapped, as we pulled into the Animal Clinic.

Tye fell out of the Jeep, and I saw that his body had finally reached the limit, and he was vomiting up black blood.

"Last. Resort."

Tye said, looking at his brother, who sighed. "We can't wait to get the bullet any longer. He's going to die." Derek said, and I helped Tye, and we got into the Animal Clinic.

Suddenly, I was hit by the sudden realization, that the now solidified anchor, connection went two ways, even if one of the members, was a human.

Tye looked at me. "Derek." He said, and Derek grabbed a saw. "You have to cut his arm off."

He said, and pushed it into my hands.

"Why me?!" I shouted. "Because I have no control anymore. Stiles will faint before the job is done."

He said, and I looked at the saw, and my eyes went then looked at Tye, who shook his head. "I die if you don't."

He said quietly, and held onto the table for stability and support, his balance was long gone.

Suddenly, I was expecting Scott, but it was Trent, who ran in with one of the two bullets. "Move!"

He shouted, and I tossed him a lighter.

He broke open the bullet, then lit the powder on fire with the lighter, and I held onto Tye tightly, as Trent pushed the powder into Tye's arm.

Tye howled with pain, and I was tossed away, slamming into a glass cabinet, and I fell onto the ground.

I saw through blurry eyes, that Tye was now standing above me. "Reyna, I'm sorry." He said quietly, and I felt my pain going away.

I saw that his veins were going black, and purple, as he took the pain away from me.

Scott had run in with the other bullet for Derek, and Derek had collapsed as he dropped the bullet.

"Cover your ears." Tye said, and I nodded, holding my head tightly.


Tye roared, and Derek exploded up, as Scott handed him the bullet. Trent watched, as Derek did the same thing for himself, that he had just done for Tye.

I was staggering over to Trent, and I hugged him tightly. "Thank. You. For everything."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"Your my sister." He said quietly, and I put my head against his chest. "Scott. I was wondering how dinner was."

I said, and he looked at me.

"It was like your father, was just a nuclear bomb waiting to go off. Your mom, she wasn't actually that bad."

He said, and I looked at him. "Your aunt was just acting interested. In a quite polite way."

Scott said, and I looked at him.

"Thanks Scott."

I said, and he looked at me.

"For what?" He asked, and I looked at him. "For everything to do with those damned bullets."

I said, and I walked over to Tye, who was back to normal, for him anyways, with a slight frown on his face.

"Why the downer look?"

I asked, taking his hand in mine.

"I hurt you." He said and I looked at him. "Tye... You were hurt. You didn't have any idea what you were doing."

I said, and he looked at me. "That's the problem Argent. I didn't." Tye said but I was shocked. "You called me..."

I said, and he nodded. "That's your cue to go." He said, and I felt my heart tearing to pieces.

I turned and walked away.

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