I Promise You, You'll Never B...


237 37 127

Ava is a seventeen year old girl and the daughter of an abusive alcoholic dad and mother who is never home an... Mehr

Authors Note
Alone, Again
Another Beating
Going To Camp!
Boys and Girls
Lunch and A Bad Night
A Party!
Getting Ready To Leave
A Sad Departure
Breaking Dishes and Feeling Numb
Back and Forth
It's Close, Danger is Close
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
A New Day
Goodbye and Hello
No, Not Again
Dancing and Death
Dreams and a Party
Party Time
Happy Birthday -Last Chapter-

Baseball Game

4 1 4

-Songs for this chapter, #1, I Think I'm In Love by Kat Dahila, #2, Ruin My Life by Zara Larsson. Start #1 now-

"Ok, I got us baseball game tickets for today," Hanna suddenly exclaimed to everyone, "what?" Mika asked as he looked up from his phone, Hanna shrugged, "you wanted something to do today, baseball game."

Ava smiled, "I always wanted to go to a baseball game! Is it ok Mika?" Mika looked over at Ava who was smiling up at him, 'how can I resist that beautiful smile?' He asked himself before nodding. "Ok, we'll go."

Hanna smiled, "great! We leave in two hours, I'm going to go get ready," Hanna stood up and started walking to the stairs. Grace smirked and followed her, "I'm also going to get ready," the girls then rushed up the stairs, Ava heard a door slam in the distance.

Mika and Ava shook their heads and they chuckled, "so, about yesterday..." Mika started before Ava interupted him. "Don't worry about it, I think it was cute. And... I like you too, I know I said that already but... I do."

Mika smiled and he rested his hand on Ava's thigh, "Is this... is this ok?" he asked while he blushed. Ava placed her hand on top of his and she nodded, "it's perfect," she whispered. Mika smiled and looked into Ava's eyes.

"You are so pretty Ava," he said, Ava smiled. "Thank you, you're very handsome and cute," Mika blushed and he pulled Ava into a hug. "Why me though?" Ava asked as she pulled out of the hug, Mika cupped her face in his hands and he smiled.

"I've always dated girls, I've always thought they were pretty and I always enjoyed going on dates with them. But... they always left because they wanted a different life than me... they wanted someone else. They always had a different way of doing things, but at the end of the day... you're always here. And at the end of the day, you're the girl I want to come home to and have you listen to how my day was and vise versa. At the end of the day, you're the girl I want to watch tv with in out underwear at four AM. You're the girl I want to share my happiness, sadness, frustration, and successes with. You're the one and only girl that I want to be with... because you make me happy."

A tear ran down her cheek and she hugged Mika, "oh Mika," she whispered. Mika smiled and patted her back. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast," he said as he started to stand up. Ava stood up as well and broke the hug. 

She wiped one of the tears from her cheek and followed Mika to the kitchen. "I'll make eggs ans toast ok?" Mika asked as he pulled out a pan. Ava nodded, "that sounds good Mika, thank you." Mika nodded as he started to make the food.

-Ten minutes later-

Mika and Ava were eating their food as Grace and Hanna ran into the kitchen. They were wearing different clothes but they looked slightly disheveled. "What took you girls so long?" Ava asked, Hanna ran her hand through her hair and she blushed, "Sorry, I was doing... stuff.

Grace smirked, "I'm stuff," Hanna blushed harder and Grace chuckled. "Grace!" Mika and Ava laughed, "you guys are ridicules, come and sit... we have food!" Mika said as he patted the seat next to him.

"Well, we're leaving tomorrow," Hanna said as she sat down next to Mika, Ava got up to put her plate in the sink. "So soon?" Grace nodded, "yeah, out mothers want us home," Ava sighed as she walked back to the table. "Well, that kinda suc- ahh!" Ava let out a yell as some toast jumped out of the toaster.

Everyone started laughing and Ava glared at them, "shut up, Mika come get your fucking devil toast!" Mika laughed and got up to get the toast. Ava walked around the table before saying, "I'm going to go take a shower and then we can leave ok?"

Everyone nodded and Ava walked off to get ready. "So... Ava knows you like her?" Hanna asked as she took a bite of toast. Mika nodded, "yeah, she does. It's more than I like her though, I love her. When I'm around her, my life just seems to lighten up." Hanna smiled and they all talked about Ava while they waited for her to get out of the shower.

-Fifteen minutes later-

"I'll sit in the back with Hanna!" Grace said as she practically jumped into the back of the car. Ava laughed and got in the front of the car. Mika smiled at her and started driving off, "I can't wait!" Hanna exclaimed, "this is going to be so much fun!"

Hanna nodded, "yeah, a lot of fun. You know, this is kinda like a double date!" Ava blushed, "k-kinda," Mika smiled and took one of his hands off of the steering wheel, he took Ava's hand Ava blushed some more.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" Grace exclaimed, Ava smiled, "thanks," she said as she looked out the window.

-Time skip to the baseball game-

"Thank you!" Ava said as Mika handed her a hot dog and some popcorn. Mika nodded and sat next to Ava, "you're welcome my love, are we still winning?" Ava blushed and nodded, "yeah, we are. Oh, look! they're doing a kiss cam!"

Hanna chuckled and Ava turned to her, "what?" Hanna shook her head, "nothing, I just like to see who actually kisses and who is too embarrassed." Ava nodded and turned back to the screen. "Oh look! It's you guys!" Grace said as she pointed to the tv where Mika and Ava were, they both blushed and looked at each other.

Mika shook his head but the camera still stayed on them, Ava shook her head and laughed. The camera went away and Ava sighed, "that was slightly embarrassing," Mika nodded but smiled. "yeah, it kinda was."

After a few seconds, the kiss cam was back on them and Ava blushed again. Mika shook his finger, he honestly wanted to kiss Ava... especially in front of everyone to show them that she was his but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

-Start #2-

The kiss cam moved away but the crowd booed. Ava sighed as the game continued, Hanna and Grace got up to go and get everyone drinks and Mika smiled at Ava. "I doubt it'll happen again," he assured her as he placed his hand around her.

Ava smiled and leaned into him. Thirty minuted later their team was up by three points and Mika had wrapped his coat around Ava. "This kiss cam is back on," Mika said in a bored tone, with no surprise it turned to them and Mika just rolled his eyes.

Ava giggled and cuddled into Mika, the crowd booed again after the kiss cam went away. A few seconds later and it was back again, "ugh, I'm sick of this bullshit," Ava said as she grabbed the collar of Mika's shirt and pulled him in for a kiss.

Everyone cheered and Ava placed her hands around the back of Mika's head. Ava pulled away and made a "go away" gesture towards the camera. It did go away and to another couple, Avs turned to Mika and saw that his eyes were wide and he was blushing furiously.

Ava smiled and cuddled into him, "you ok lover boy?" she asked. Mika nodded and kissed her forehead. "Just perfect," he whispered as he turned back to the game. "I really wonder why the camera kept coming back to us," Ava said as she looked at the scores for the game.

Hanna and Grace stood at the top of some steps and Hanna handed a man some money. "Thank you, my good sir," Hanna said as she walked away, "you really paid him to put the kiss cam on Ava and Mika?" Grace asked as they walked back to their seats, "shhhh!" Hanna said as she smiled.

-Hello everyone! What did you think of this chapter? I hope you liked it! How are you guys doing? I hope you're doing good. If you ever wanna talk my DM's are always open! I love you all soooo much, have an amazing rest of your day/night!-


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