{1} Silver Bullet }Teen Wolf{

By Aspiring-Writer14

2K 57 0

Reyna Argent, the fraternal twin sister of Allison Argent, younger sister of Trenton (Trent) Argent, the niec... More



89 2 0
By Aspiring-Writer14

{Reyna's POV}

"You were kissing a Hale. In a car. In the woods. Far from home! Without... Without any backup?! Girl what the hell were you thinking?!"

My mother snapped, and I felt a stinging blow across my face, and I knew she had slapped me again.

This had been going on for at least two weeks, with me staying silent, as I was forced to listen to her constant tirades of anger.

I had basically been on house arrest since then, unable to leave the house, barely able to leave my room.

I was saying nothing, I couldn't.

I just kept replaying the scene in my head, over and over again.

"That sounded like a camera."
"Tye run! They're after you!"

I felt the slap again, and finally she was gone. I lay down on my bed, and Trent walked in.

"They put a camera. In my car." I whispered, and he looked at me, his face full of just as much pain.

"Rey." He said, and I broke down crying again, and he hugged me tight, his eyes leaking tears.

"Rey I'm so sorry." He whispered, and I leaned against him, as I rocked back and forth against him.

Eventually, I must have gotten to sleep somehow, because I woke up, and felt warm arms around me.

I opened my eyes, and Tye was lying there, watching me. I felt like I wasn't truly awake until now.

"T... Tye?" I whispered. "Hey." He said quietly, and I felt fresh tears, now spill from my eyes, and he wiped them off.

One by one.

"They're calling in Kate."

"She'll be here in a week if we're lucky. You have to tell Derek to be careful."

I said, and he looked at me, his eyes glowing icy blue, at the just mention of the murderous aunt of mine.

"If you're tracking the alpha, and he really is killing off people with stuff to do from the Hale Fire, she'll be on the top of the list. She also knows how to defend herself."

I said, and he looked at me.

"Reyna, if that is true... We can't risk this. Any of it." Tye said, and looked around uneasily.

Suddenly, acting on complete impulse, I kissed him. I felt his surprise, I knew he was waiting for the right moment.

"Go." I said quietly, and he heard the boards creaking along the hallway.

He leaped out the window, shutting it, and disappearing away, as I curled up under my covers, feeling the swelling in my face going to bruise already.

I woke up, and walked downstairs, and felt like I was in a trance, like I had forced myself to go into, ever since the woods.

"That's enough! You have to start talking soon!" My mother snapped, and I looked at her. "Go. To. Hell."

I said, spitting out each word like it was poison, and she grabbed a knife, and my father was in between us.

"That is enough." My dad said, taking the knife from my mother. "What is it that you find infatuating?"

He asked, and I looked at him. "You think this is an infatuation?! Only a infatuation?!?"

I yelled, and I threw my plate clear across the room, and it smashed into the wall, shattering.

My parents looked at me, and their eyes narrowed. "You put a camera in my car! Mine!"

"You knew that I would be meeting someone! You betrayed my trust! You betrayed everything!"

I shouted, and they looked at me.

"You are a traitor! You shouldn't be allowed in this family! You should be honored to be called an Argent!"

My mother screamed at me, and I looked at her. "I'd rather be called a Valet."

I said, and spat on the kitchen floor, and I picked up two pieces of broken plate, and walked away.

"You come back here!" I heard my mom scream, but I put my headset on, and I tuned her out.

I grabbed a duffel bag, and loaded it with ammunition, jars of Mountain Ash, my taser batons, my sniper rifle, and all sorts of other bullets.

I lastly loaded my crossbow, with carefully labeled arrows. I locked my door, using both locks.

Also, I pushed my desk against it for good measure, as I heard my mom, is coming up the stairs again.

I took the shards, and I held them in my hands, and began to squeeze them in my hands, and I felt blood leaking.

I looked at my door, which wouldn't hold forever, and I grabbed my bags, and I jumped.

I landed on the back of Trent's motorcycle. "Hale House?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Hold on tight."

He said, and I think I almost broke his ribs, as I held on. He drove us quickly, and I hugged him tightly.

"I so owe you one for this."

I said, and he looked at me.

"One?" Trent asked, and I sighed, relenting. "Call me if anything there changes." I said, and he drove off.

Tye came out of the house, and I felt a smile appear on my face. I felt his arm around me.

I leaned my head on his chest.


I said quietly, and he kissed me, and I really felt like I was on Cloud Nine at then moment.

"Okay seriously? Get in here before you announce to the entire hunter community that you're here."

Derek said, and Tye growled at him.

I snorted, but I smiled slightly, and grabbed my bags, before I walked into the house with the two Hales.

I looked around, and was feeling the familiar thing of uneasiness, that was part of the hunter life, but I shook my head, and just walked inside after the boys.

I was sleeping on the stairs, with a sleeping bag, and Tye next to me, as it was Derek's turn to go on watch.

I had another dream about the alpha, and I woke up, feeling like, I couldn't breathe.

Tye hugged me tightly, and I felt my heartbeat slowing down, and calming, and he looked at me. "You okay?"

He asked, and I gulped. "I think so." I said, and he looked at me. I shudder, and he sighed.

"What's wrong? I can smell it all over you, something's bothering you. Badly so what is it?"

He asked, and I looked at him. "Trent just gave me an update." I said quietly and I pulled out my phone.

She's here in two days.


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