Remembering His Name

By brooklyn_parks

244K 6.2K 828

Brandy Diamond found herself in the arms of a man she couldn't evade no matter what she did. She doesn't have... More



3.7K 127 19
By brooklyn_parks

"How is she doing?" I asked. I didn't really care.

"Charlotte or Brandy?" Christopher says standing up.

"My girlfriend." I rolled my eyes.

"Brandy is okay. She's upstairs sleeping. She got up earlier and ate, then went back to bed. As for your daughter, your only child, she's a wreck. All she does is cry for her mother or you." He tells me.

"Make sure it stops. She's going to her grandparents. I don't want her around me. She's fucking annoying listening to her high pitched talking." I said leaning against the wall.

"You're an asshole." He says walking past me to the kitchen. I followed behind him.

"I'm aware. For now, get over it. What's done is done?" I told him. I poured myself a glass of whiskey and then one for Christopher. "I need you to go to Brandy's grandparents manor and collect her things. She's living with me from now on. I can't have her wondering around by herself like dumb blonde. She's fragile." I said.

"I'm not living with you." A quiet angered voice says.

I grinned with a sly. "Brandy Diamond. Oh, how much I missed your bright eyes." I said turning around and gripping her cheeks.

"I do not want to live here with you." She says with a frown.

"Too bad. You don't have a choice. Your parents don't want you. I'm all you got." I said placing my hands on her waist.

"It wasn't my choice." She says trying to push herself away. "You are the reason why they hate me and never want anything to do with me anymore. It's all your fault."

Brandy looks at me with plain eyes. I wrapped my hand around her neck and watched her struggle to break free.

"Denim!" Christopher shouts. "She Didn't Do Anything!"

Brandy choked out my name before I even thought of letting her go. I pushed her back, throwing her back onto the floor. I laughed. "Pick yourself up. You look like trash when you're on the ground." I said kicking her on the side of the stomach.

I could feel Christopher about to pull me away as she started to cry. It angered me to see Brandy dressed the way she did. She basically asked for someone to drug her.

"When you're done being a bitch, you can come find in my bed. And you better be fucking naked or else I'll hit you." I said walking and up the stairs.

Brandy's POV

Ever since that night of the club, I lost all contact with my grandparents and Lily-Mae. Denim wiped my phone and only left the important stuff, only himself and Christopher.

Denim became more abusive. He'd constantly hit me or yell at me over little things. Day by day I'd find a new bruise or cut. I never have a moment to myself. I can't even think for myself without Denim breathing down my neck every three seconds.

Time rolled around I got to know Charlotte. I almost pained me to know that Denim had a two year-old. It was like he had this whole separate life that no one knew about. I also believe that Charlotte has gotten me mistaken started to call me her mother and started to believe that I'm her mom now.

"Mommy!" She calls out running through the bedroom doors. I helped onto the bed as she showed me book that she wanted read to her.

"Good Morning!" I said to her kissing the top of head.

She giggles. She wiggled her way underneath the blanket next to Denim, who slept peacefully with the simple rise and fall of his chest.

Without a second thought, Charlotte climbs over Denim wakes up with a simple and laugh and pulling onto his hair. "Up, Daddy!"

"Charlotte Fuck Off You Annoying Little Piece Of Shit! You Do Nothing But Annoy The Hell Out Of Me, Every Fucking Day!" Denim screams at her. His voice booms and fills the entire room. Charlotte cries and makes her way back to me wrapping her arms around me.

Denim forcefully removes her from my arms and tossed her out the door. He slammed the door locking it behind him. Charlotte cried bloody murder. I jumped out of the door trying to get to the door. Denim already being full of rage pushes me back making me hit the back of my head against his dresser.

Seconds flew by and Denim stormed out of the breaking things in his path. Charlotte would cry louder and louder as she simply walked back into the room over to me. I held her as tight as I could attempting to calm her down. She was hurt with a growing bruise on my arm. Denim held onto her too tightly.

Christopher flies into the room rushing over to his. He takes Charlotte out of my arms as Julian helps me to stand up. I was little dizzy with pounding headache. "Denim's gone. He took his car. It'll be sane around here for the couple of hours." Alexander says standing in the doorway.

"Is her arm okay?" I asked. I was worried about Charlotte. I never been so scared in my life. "I don't know why he acted like that."

Julian brought me over the bathroom and took a wet cloth to back of my head. Christopher was able to calm Charlotte down and bring her back to her room. "You have small cut. It's nothing. It'll be healed by tonight." Julian tells me handing me a glass of water and pain medication.

"Does it run in the family?" I questioned slipping off the counter.

"Does what?" Julian says crossing his arms.

"The abusiveness. You hurt me and then Denim hurts me everyday without fail. It's like the only reason why he wakes up in the morning is because he can't wait to see my face when I'm in pain." I explained.

"It's just Denim." Julian reassures me cupping my face. "But I do not understand why someone would want to hurt you. You're too pretty and fragile." He says leaning in closer. Julian winks at me.

"Thanks for help, but I think Charlotte needs me." I said walking out of the bathroom.

As I went to find Charlotte I heard the front door open and slam shut. It was Denim.

"Mommy?" Charlotte says sitting in my lap.


"I love you." She says kissing my cheek.

I smiled.

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