Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas

By justsochelsea

5K 119 12

It's been 2 years since Nick and Charlie moved to LA. Charlie is still adjusting to new life style. She met a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 6

182 4 0
By justsochelsea

Chapter 6:

Charlie's POV
I sigh as I was waitied for Kevin and Joe to arrive. I knew they would be pissed off at me for what I did. They have every rights to be after I have promised to be good. I started fidgeting with my fingers and Natalie notice and said.

Natalie: what's wrong?
Charlie: *nervous* n-nothing
Natalie: Charlie... you're my best friend. I can clearly tell when something is wrong with you
Charlie: I'm just a little bit nervous that's all. The whole reason why Im here anyways is because Nick couldn't handle me anymore
Natalie: you know that's not true Charlie, Nick loves you
Charlie: yes it is, if he really loved me he wouldn't have send me away. Sometimes I feel like he doesnt want his annoying sister around anymore
Natalie: Char, he's probably just stress out with work and everything, and doesnt want to take it out on you. He's probably afraid he might do something he might regret. Like, remember what happened a couple of years ago, before you moved?
Charlie: yeah... but that was different... his blood sugar was out of control
Natalie: and what would of happened if he done it again? Nobody will be their to protect you this time because all his friends and family are here. He probably send you here because he doesn't want to hurt you like he did last time
Charlie: *frowns* I guess you're right, thanks for the talk

???: Charlie, Natalie!

Both of our heads shot up when we heard our names being called. We turn to the people that called our names, and it was Taylor, Joe, and Kevin. They walked over to us and Taylor said to Natalie.

Taylor: Natalie Christina Latuner... you're in serious trouble young lady!
Natalie: *frowns* I know
Kevin: same goes for you too Charlie. I bet Nick won't be too happy about this either when I tell him tonight
Charlie: please dont tell Nicky! He'll freaking kill me! I promise him that I would be behave when I'm with you guys and I broke that promise
Kevin: I dont care, you deserve every yelling you get from him! What makes the two want to steal?!
Taylor: well young lady we're waiting *folds arm and looks at Natalie*
Natalie: we were force to do it
Taylor: so if they tell you to jump off a bridge, would you two have done it?
Natalie: not if we were attach to a bougie cord....
Taylor: *gives her look* Im serious Natalie, and I thought I told you weren't aloud to hang out with these type of girls, because they peer pressure you to do bad things.
Natalie: because they're the most popular girls in school, everyone wants to be like them, plus they seem cool! I didn't know they were like this...
Taylor: but you're a pretty good kid who shouldn't be getting in trouble with them! Now, if I ever see you hanging out with those girls again you'll be in even bigger trouble then you are now understand me
Natalie: *frowns* yes sir
Taylor: *sighs* alright... let's help get you girls out and will discuss this once more when we head home

Natalie nodded and the boys filled out some paper works, Natalie and I looked at each other and sigh and the security let the two of us out.

Charlie: can we stay in here a bit longer
Natalie: yea we don't want to go home yet
Taylor: girls!

We both sigh as Taylor pointed toward the exit, we exited the mini jail and went ahead of the boys as the boys started walking behind us. We looked at each other worried knowing that we were both in for it when we got home.

We got back at Joe and Kevin's place. Taylor took Natalie across the street to their home, while Joe and Kevin sent me up into the guest room, where I would be staying for the time I'm here. They told me to stay up their for the rest of the night because I was on punishment.

A few minute later pass by and I was still waiting for them to come up. I was hanging off the side of the bed looking at the ceiling when my cell rang. I looked at the caller idea and I gulped the lump in my throat when see that it read Nick.

Kevin and Joe must have told them that what happened. I quickly hung up and toss my phone aside which was a bad idea, because you never should ignore Nick.

A couple minutes later, I heard someone enter my room and put a phone in my face. I shrink down in my sheet when I see Nick on face time looking upset with me. I looked up to see who shoved the phone in my face, and it was Kevin with Joe right behind him.

Charlie: h-hi N-Nicky
Nick: don't you hi Nicky me, where's your phone?

I sigh and he saw me reach for my phone under my sheet.

Nick: give it to Kevin, you no longer have a phone
Charlie: what? Why?!
Nick: what are the rules about your phone?

I pouted and hold on to my phone for dear life.

Charlie: Nicky...
Nick: *glare at me* Charlotte...
Charlie: I'm supposed to answer you when you call...
Nick: and did you?
Charlie: no sir, but-
Nick: no buts, hand it over!

I jumped at his tone and kissed my phone goodbye before quickly handing it to Kevin.

Nick: this isn't the first time you have dodge my calls while being here and you already lost your phone privileges for that
Charlie: *frowns* yes Nicky
Nick: Joe and Kevin already told me what happened, but I want o hear your side first before we start dropping punishments, because either way you're on punishment regardless
Charlie: Nicky, I didnt mean to steal!
Honestly Nicky.

I said sitting up and grabbing Kevin's phone from him so Nick can see me clearly.

Charlie: We were forced to do it. I didnt want to steal Nick honest

Nick: what do you mean you didn't mean to steal?! What type of excuse is that? Did someone try to hurt you to death if you didn't do it?
Charlie: *quiet voice* no... buts-
Nick: no! I'm tired of hearing excuses, after excuse young lady. You need to understand what you're doing is wrong and that your actions effects other people too
Charlie: *sniffles and wipes tears with the back of her hand* yes Nicky... I'm sorry I disappointed you
Nick: *sighs* alright, I think you had enough yelling for tonight. But... you are most defiantly not off the hook yet. You will be receiving a spanking from Kevin tonight, then in about a week when you get back home, Im gonna have a long discussion with you about all your silly little behavior and you will be dealing with me too, understand me?
Charlie: *sniffles* yes sir, I understand

I said sniffing and trying to stop the tears that was now falling down my face.

Nick: good... now please behave yourself it's only 1 week. I dont want to have to come down their and deal with you, do I?
Charlie: n-no

I choked out.

Nick: alright, I have to go baby, please stay out of trouble
Charlie: I'll try...
Nick: no you will

I nodded and he hung up. I hand my phone back to Kevin and he told me he will be right back. Both him and Joe left and I sigh and lean my back against the bed and buried my face into my pillow.

I cant believe he didnt tell me that he loves me... like he always does after we talk. He must be really disappointed in me now.

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