America's Suitehearts: Enter...

By jezsfandoms

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Everything was normal for Mr. Sandman. His home in Hollywood Hills consist of his friends and avoiding the ev... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1: Mr. Sandman Showing His Beam
Chapter 2: Hey, Batter, Batter!!! SWING!!!
Chapter 3: The Family Jewels
Chapter 4: Jez The Fangirl
Chapter 5: Off To Never-Never Land
Chapter 6: Hollywood Hills
Chapter 7: Death Valley And The Conductor
Chapter 9: I've Cried Tears You'll Never See
Chapter 10: Monumentour
Chapter 11: The Accident
Chapter 12: 20 Dollar Nose Bleed (Ft. Brendon Urie)
Chapter 13: No Rest For The Wicked
Chapter 14: Summer Days
Chapter 15: Put On Your Warpaint
Chapter 16: Remember As I Was Not As I am

Chapter 8: The Carousel

62 7 10
By jezsfandoms


"The hell?" A mocking voice repeats hidden in the carousel. It had a wisp to it. Sandy rolls his eyes to this but still looks extremely nervous.

We walked closer to the slimed filled lake that surrounds the carousel. The majestic ride stood tall and wide. Lights dance around inside plaques and above the horses. Glorious stallions forever riding into a never ending loop. Vibrant colors and patterns covered the carnival ride.

Rose red mixed with orange looped around the crown. Gold plated parts of it. There are small portraits of fields spread evenly on it. Outlined in fluorescent lights.

The floor is a candy apple red. It is defined by flaxen. Yellow triangles interrupted the red. Sketched in the middle of each is a black heart outline with a ribbon flowing around it that is labeled "Suiteheart".

This is all I can see clearly from this position. I can't wait to get on it and analyze the interior.

There was movement from the other side of the amusement ride. Moving closer to us since Sandy called to them. I'm so nervous right now.

I got the nervous sweats, which is really gross. This is awful. I have too much anxiety when meeting anyone. I hope my breathe doesn't smell too bad. I wish that I didn't get so flushed. I hope they don't notice my sweat. I wish that I could talk right. Agggghhh. That's not even half of what's going on in my head right now. Yay, anxiety at its finest.

I really want them to like me. What if they don't? Do I have to go back to earth? I can never go back to earth. I can't live on a carousel if they don't even care for me. I wonder what they look like or what abilities they have. Sandy is really not good at telling me things. Maybe when we talk he will.

The first one to appears is fucking gorgeous. Like DAMN. Why can't he be human? He looks human, except for his lips and the fact he looks like an angel in a weird Halloween costume.

I mean Sandy is a hot emo but I think this guy takes the crown. Yes, I admit I think Sandy is hot. He has an emo vibe going on which I can relate to 'cause I'm emo. Aren't we all? He has tan muscles that his clothes just hug. He has tattoos, which I dig. His whiskey eyes are entrancing. His strong cheek bones complement his face. His smile is warming once you adapt to it. I want to play with his jet black hair. He is also very sweet and protective. I find it comforting.

Okay, since i just spilled the beans about Sandy, let's get back to the new guy. He walks to the edge closest to us. He stands there with his one arm angle at his hip. He looks around my height. Wow. Why is that stance so sexy?

He is wearing a shiny canary top hat that has a yellow ostrich feather attached to the side of it. I love hats and he looks really good in one. He has strawberry blonde hair poking out from under the top hat. Super cute. Accompanied by long sideburns that reach his sharp chin bones. Nice touch. His memorizing eyes look green from a distance, but I bet they aren't up close. They are probably breathe-taking  multicolored eyes. He has really rosy cheeks. It's almost cartoonish. His lips are really small. Plump, red and inviting.

He has a big honey colored bow tie on. It is delimited by black. He is wearing a daffodil tinted button up on with a fluffed middle. A banana shade vest with dijon polkadots is thrown on top of that. A big bright yellow overcoat covers most of him. It is cut off in the front around his waist and flows down to his ankles in the back. It has a large black collar that points up to his shoulders in the front. Black buttons run up the coat and are attached to the puffy cuffs. A butterscotch rope hangs off his left shoulder. Kinky.

His pants are gold. He has on some weird lemon colored space boots on. The features on them are black.

"What do you think you are doing, Mr. Sandman?" So that angelic voice belongs to him. It suits him. "You know bringing humans to the Hills is dangerous and against the rules."

"I know. Dr. Benzedrine, I know. Just let me explain when we are all here so I don't have to keep repeating myself. I promise that this isn't as stupid as it seems." So his name Dr. Benzedrine but his nickname is Benzi. They are both trying to act serious by saying each other's full name. It's kinda funny.

Dr. Benzedrine laughs mockingly at Sandy. It's an angelic sound. One that I could never get tired of.

"You? Mr. Sandman? Not making a stupid decision? Impossible!" He continues to chuckle at the thought. It's really cute how his whole body reacts when he laughs.

I could tell Sandy was getting angry. His bushy black eyebrows knotted together. I kinda don't like that I'm being ignored by both of them. It's like I'm a little kid trapped in between two adults. It's making my panic feelings rise.

"Benzedrine, just let us over, so we can get this all situated." He hisses out. Trying to control his anger at his friend.

"Fine." Dr. Benzedrine states victoriously. Knowing he pissed off and embarrassed his friend. I stay quiet looking back and forth between them during this whole encounter 'cause I'm too scared to do anything.

Dr. Benzedrine lightly stomps a rhythm. When he is finished he claps loudly two times. Out popped a bridge in front of him. Leading from the carousel, over the lake and onto the grass. It's the same color as the floor. It is only wide enough for one to go at a time.

Sandy goes before me. I follow close behind. A little afraid I might fall in the water because I'm a clumsy fucker, or the bridge might break or disappear.

We make it safely across and Dr. Benzedrine does the beautiful music thing again and the pathway pops back into the side of the ride.

He looks me up and down. Skepticism in his eyes. They are more beautiful up close. His irises are baby blue. His jet black pupils were surrounded by a golden halo. Making them look green from a distance.

Before either of us could speak. Another figure appears behind Dr. Benzedrine. He is a tall and looks similar to a cowboy.

"Sorry, I got distracted. Donnie is finishing something real quick, then he'll be here. What did I miss?" His voice had a wispy accent. It reminded me of a Chicago accent. He must be the owner of the second voice I heard.

He is not bad looking. He had dark brown hair. It goes down to his shoulders. It's thick and messy, but in a good way. He has a tiny red cowboy hat on top of all of it. He has sideburns that met a handle bar mustache.

He has on a scarlet long sleeve button up. His sleeves are rolled back to his elbows showing off his marvelous tattoos. I'm pretty sure he has both arms sleeved in ink. Peaking out of his collar is a candy red bandanna with large yellow stars scattered on it.

Fake red roses stretch down from his left shoulder to his armpit. A big maroon 7 is sewed onto the right side of his shirt. He has on red orange pants. He is in ferrari red western boots. I don't know much about classic cars. I just know colors.

"Just Mr. Sandman being dumb and making even more poor decisions." Dr. Benzedrine plainly states. They seemed to have been through this with Sandy a lot before.

I still have so much to learn about them and this place. It's just not getting off to a good start. They are ignoring my presence. I'm a little okay with it 'cause I'm shy, but also a little annoyed. It's rude.

"Oh, so I didn't miss anything. It's just Sandman being Sandman." His eyes are a pretty electric blue. "You do this all the time you should have learned something by now." He says jokingly. His soft eyes catch mine. His face showed of utter disbelief. I don't think he realized that the poor decision was about a human. This must be new for all of them. I just think Dr. Benzedrine is too pissed to be shocked right now.

We both are speechless. Him surprised to have a human in front of him. Me left to my thoughts and anxiety.

Another figure appears on the other side of Dr. Benzedrine. He is shorter then the cowboy but taller then Dr. Benzedrine. It must be Donnie. The cowboy must be H..

Donnie is attractive too. I don't understand why they are all hot. Why are all hot guys are either gay, taken, or, in this case, NOT HUMAN!?

He has long hair too. It's a medium brown. His beard is a golden brown. It's weird that his hair and beard are different colors but it fits him very well. He has black framed glasses over his wise arctic blue eyes.

He is wearing a small green top hat with a sun flower on it. A chartreuse bow tie outline in black hangs around his neck. He has on an emerald coat that stops above his stomach in the front and reaches his knees in the back. The huge collar is a neon green. Giant black and white buttons are attached to the front and the sleeves that stop at his elbows.

He has tattoos covering every inch of his arms. He is not wearing a shirt. His fit chest open to the world and showing off his tatted body. He has more muscles than Sandy. I think I see abs. That's hot.

He has on baggie shamrock green gym pants that stop at his knees. His legs also are completely covered in ink. He is wearing lime green converses with white toe caps and linings.

"Come on guys. At least let them explain. I know Sandman hasn't quite made the right decisions in the past, but this time it might be one." Holy smokes!! This ripped guy has a voice of teddy bear. "It must be important because it involves a human. He knows how dangerous and how not very intelligent this is. So, why would you risk everything to bring her here?"

We are all shocked by the wise words from this brawny dude.

" it's somewhat hard to explain. I.. I just have a feeling about her... I." Sandy is collapsing under the pressure of his friends. They must really mean a lot if he is worried about what they will think.

"What do you mean? Why would you make a critical decision based off just a feeling? I bet you know nothing about this... this GIRL!!" Dr. Benzedrine irritatedly spits out.

"I know more than you do about her! She has proven to me that this feeling is right!! She even has one back!! Just let me fully explain!! I can't from words with your fucking judgy ass staring me down!!!" They are full on yelling at each other now. Both extremely pissed at the other.

Donnie is just staring at them like a disappointed father. H. finds them bickering hysterical. I'm having a slight panic attack. I can't stand when people yell. I'm also horrified that I won't be able to stay. That they won't like me. That they will turn me into the evil Suitehearts. I don't want any of that.

Donnie realizes that my breathe is starting to get jagged and I'm not looking at anything in particular. He looks at me with concern then figures out what triggered it. He informs H..

"Hey! You two stop arguing like an old married couple. You're scaring the kid." H. shouts over them. It gets them to stop. But, they turn their anger into him.

"We're not an old married couple, H.!" They say in union. Looking back at each other even more pissed that they said the same thing.

They are too mad to comprehend the second half of what the cowboy said. Donnie looks fed up. H. Is still laughing. I'm slowly seeping into a full on attack.

Donnie walks over to me. Completely done with the others. He leans down slightly since he is a little taller than me and I'm shrinking to try to fade away from it all.

"Hello. I'm Donnie, The World's Greatest Catcher." He extends his hand for me to shake. I do it weakly and quickly return back to my frightened position.

"Sorry that everyone else is being utterly rude right now. Everything is going to be fine. We just need you guys to explain what's going on. Then we will decide what to do from there." His eyes are filled with kindness. His voice warm and inviting.

"I know you'll a little nervous. But what should we call you?" I didn't realize that the verbal match behind us stopped. Only when Sandy lightly touched my shoulder in an effort to comfort me did the silence hit me. He realized he fucked up.

"I'm Jez Winchester. It really nice to meet you, Donnie." I smile at him. He is really wise for a tough guy. He smiles back.

"You too, Jez. This is H. Shoe Crab. The luckiest man alive." He points at the cowboy that makes a small wave at me. I make one back. "Hi. I'm seventeen, by the way. So, I'm not a kid." I'm mentally too old to be a kid.

"Well, I'm 734. To me you a kid and short. It's not just 'cause of the boots, Squirt." I playfully roll my eyes at the new nickname. It's not that much of a height difference.

Donnie chuckles and continues to introduce the gang. "And the one in yellow is Dr. Benzedrine. He is really nice once you get to know him."

I look at him. His small lips press upwards. A small "hi" escapes them. He is still irritated by everything but too polite to say anything directly to the stranger before him.

"Hello." I responded with a big smile. First impressions are important. Especially, since he is hot.

"Now, would you like to tell us everything? Preferably from the beginning." He asks gently still weary that my episode took over me fully.

"Um.. I think Sandy should start. He is the one that showed up in my bed room." I look at him to start 'cause I need to calm down a little more and I'm really not sure what's all going through his head right now.

"Okay, Sugar. Just if you need to add anything do it." He beams at me. Taking his hand off me. He started. He talked about his nightly routine and how different my house was. He explained the feeling he got when he entered my home and gets when he is around me.

He mentioned my nightmare and my Panic! At The Disco baseball bat. I added in there, saying how funny I think it is now. The others found it hilarious too. Sandy was not amused. We have their full undivided attention.

He told them about his sand didn't work in the slightest against me. All of them was taken back by this fact. They asked how and why. We didn't know so those questions were left unanswered.

I explained that I begged him to come here 'cause I didn't like the life I was living and wanted to start over. I didn't go into full detail. I want to talk with Sandy about it first then maybe tell them later. I told them how I left off at my house. About the note and stuff.

I also explained the feelings I get from my big ass gut. How I felt that Sandy was going to be good and how I feel they are going to be too. Donnie and H. look pleased at this while Dr. Benzedrine doesn't look convinced.

I try pinning most of the blame for this on me but Sandy isn't having any of it. We explain the journey here from the damn paparazzi to the terrifying houses all the way to the creepy Conductor.

I don't say anything about him. I'm too afraid to offend any of them because he is clearly an ally to them.

That was it. We explained ourselves. We told them everything that happen so far. We all stood in silence for a brief moment. Sandy has his arms crossed. H. is rubbing his mustache, deep in thought. Donnie is fiddling with his glasses. Me and Sandy are just waiting for their response.

"No. She can't be here." Dr. Benzedrine blurts out unfolding his arms. Balling his fists at his sides. Before any of us can protest he shushes us. "No! I don't want to hear it from any of you. We all know how hazardous this all is. Humans aren't suppose to be in the Hills and around America's Suitehearts. Let alone know that all of this exists! She is going to stick out like a sore thumb."

He prepares to do the beat for the bridge for a third time. "You can't stay here, Jez. It's not good for any of us. Sandy take her back home, so we can forget this happen. We all have to." He said sternly looking directly at me. I get the message. He wants me to forget and continue the life I had. I return his stare with a disappointed look.

"I'm sorry, but you have to let ave. It's for you own protection. You'll thank me later. I'm sorry you thought you life on earth wasn't good enough for your standards. You won't find what your looking for here."

Wait! WHAT THE FUCK DID HE JUST SAY TO ME?!? He doesn't even know me. NONE OF THEM DO!! He doesn't know what I've went through or how things were. How could he say such a thing to me??

Okay. Sandy, if you care for your friend you better hold me the fuck back before I whoop his ass. I don't care that he is hot. He is not going to talk to me like that!


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