But Beautiful

By Jineatjin

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Jimin's boyfriend and Seokjin's husband left the both of them for each other. Although heartbroken, Jimin onl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

781 66 29
By Jineatjin

Jimin is sitting alone on the couch. His hands covered his face but in one hand is a crumpled paper. He's trying so hard to hold himself together. Ever since he is left to himself, he knew that it's possible, but now that it's happening, he's trying not to panic.

He's received notice that he'd lose his home and he has until the end of the week to pack up. Jimin knew, he knew that without Jungkook, it would be harder to support himself.

Taking a deep breath, he leans back, letting his head sink into the old but soft material of the couch. Deep breaths... He tells himself that the world is not over for him, just to keep him calm. He considered his options, which made him uncomfortable.

To move back in with his family consisting of only his parents didn't sit well with him. The reason why he left with Jungkook was because he was a burden to them. His parents raised him, but because they lived in poverty, Jimin doesn't remember being showered in love and affection. He couldn't blame them; they were always too busy working to keep food on the table.

Another option was to find a higher paying job, but that quickly flew out the window. Jimin knew the struggle to find the low paying job that he has now, so to find a better one... he might as well keep dreaming.

Then there's the option that would make Jimin cry but he will most likely choose.

He could live in his car, the car that Jungkook left to him. It's winter, freezing cold, but it living in the vehicle will only be temporary... he hopes.

Jimin groans in his misery. He whimpers afterwards, letting his submissiveness get to him. It was looked down upon to act like an animal, unless absolutely needed but the omega never felt so depressed. He wanted someone to comfort him, needed someone to hold him close and nurture him. Just for the moment, please... just until he can stand on his own two feet again.

He laid on his side now, hugging himself to fill in the absence of intimacy, usually taken care of by Jungkook, who would release his pheromones to even Jimin's rapid breath and heartbeats.

The omega squeezes himself tighter. He can't keep on thinking about Jungkook. He's gone, he is never going to come back. It's time for him to stop looking back at their memories and broken hearts.

Jimin ends up singing himself to sleep.


Seokjin sighs in annoyance. It's getting late and his driver is late once again. It's not entirely his fault, the omega knows that he works for the other members of his family as well.

His daily routine has been pretty dull and uneventful since what happened, but he thinks the anger phase has passed, or at least settled for the time being, and now it's just numbness as he tries to adjust to the change.

He takes his phone out to scroll through it. It doesn't feed his boredom, so he turns it off, to see his dark reflection on its screen. Inspecting himself, he had just noticed how droopy his eyelids had become. It made his eyes almost half-lidded, like he's tired and needs sleep. That's exactly what he wants to do, if only his driver can actually be on time!

Seokjin isn't used to seeing his handsome face in this state. If he was still his normal self, he would go ballistic, ordering his workers to do something about it or he'll fire them because his looks are his number one charm.

Now he doesn't even have the mental strength to lift his finger. He leans against the building, which is cold as the sky snowed lightly. Although he could go back inside where there is heat, he simply does not want to. In a way, being away from the crowd has been quite relaxing. Well, where he is a fairly busy street, but with almost everyone minding their own business, it's like Seokjin is invisible. Almost everyone.

Two women, just strangers, walked by and were attracted to the man's face. They stop close to Seokjin, talking to each other, murmuring about his good looks loud enough for him to hear everything.

"Wait a minute," one of them said, "Isn't he the owner of that restaurant right there?" She points at the restaurant next to Seokjin.

"I think he is," another says. "I saw the news about him before. Too bad he's an omega like us. If he were an alpha, or at least a beta, I'd love to have a face like that with me daily. Not to mention, I think he has a mate already."

"Haven't you heard? That rich alpha of his left him for another alpha!"


Seokjin felt his eye twitch in annoyance. So, the news about him and his husband already spread this much. He doesn't need to hear people talk about it but these ladies aren't moving along.

"I'm right here," he says coldly. "Have more manners and go run your big mouths off about me somewhere else."

They look at him in shock from his insult. One doesn't look like she'll let Seokjin go. "Oh? What's the matter with you? We can talk about what we want to talk about anytime. It's not wrong, like the fact that your husband dumped you." They snickered and watched the man's reaction.

Seokjin felt the fire in him wake, glowing softly. And here he thought that he would stay angry-free for a while. He shouldn't get in a stupid argument like this but-

"You're right. You both didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry. I just mistook you two as dogs from all the unnecessary barking."

He smirks and watches as the first woman grow red and stomp her feet. But her friend has got her back.

"With a pretty face like that, it's a shame that it comes with a sour attitude. Forget about what we said earlier about wanting to have you. If the perfect alpha left you for another alpha, you really must be messed up bad somewhere," she gets closer to Seokjin. "What's the sick secret? Plastic surgery? Infertility? Maybe you are the unwanted dog."

Seokjin always tries to avoid getting into arguments like this, but when he does, he has never lost. However, for some odd reason, what this stranger said to got to him, and he couldn't say anything back. His voice would try to come out, only to get caught somewhere in his throat, leaving him frozen and unable to fight for himself.

"Aw... Was I correct? You're crying." The woman taunts.

Seokjin notices now that his vision is blurry from his tears filling his eyes. He attempts to blink them away but they were so heavy that they escape down his cheeks.

"Leave him alone!"

Seokjin turns and sees someone, sees Jimin, power walking up to them. He isn't scared to shove the woman away, harshly, pushing her to the cement ground. She ripped her tight skirt from the fall.

She snarls. "You have the nerve to assault me like that? Do you know how much this skirt is?"

"Definitely not worth my time." Jimin stares down at her. Seokjin couldn't see his face. They argued for a moment while Seokjin gets lost in the things the woman had said to him.

Whatever Jimin said, the women left shortly after, cursing him under their breaths. He then spun around to face Seokjin, quickly asking him, "Are you okay?"

Seokjin walks away without saying anything. He couldn't believe that he was shot down like a bird from the hurtful words.

He doesn't care about waiting for his driver anymore. He'll walk home.

Jimin probably knew not to talk to him again, but he followed the other omega until he got home safely. Seokjin didn't stop him from following him, sometimes hearing the crunching of snow from Jimin's steps. He didn't feel like shooing him away.


After a long and cold walk, Jimin looks at Seokjin's mansion for a couple of minutes before he leaves. By this time, he had already moved into his car. He couldn't bring everything with him, so he sold as much as he could to whoever would want to by his old furniture and such. Really, only desperate people like him bought them for a very cheap price. He didn't have much time to sell them anyway, so a lot went in the dumpster.

To make matters worse, he had lost his job. A couple days prior, he had been notified that the motel was closing. It was too old and it wasn't bringing in money anymore. Without any backup plans or preparation, Jimin fell into his expanding hole of misery and fear.

Because he doesn't have a job anymore, he got to walk to see Seokjin at the restaurant. There, he heard a woman insulting Seokjin. Jimin hadn't heard the whole thing, but he didn't need to. Just from seeing Seokjin's hurt face, he knew instantly that it's personal. Most likely, it's about Taehyung.

While walking Seokjin home, he half hoped that he'd be able to talk to him, but he didn't have to courage to, not with the omega's broad shoulders slumping without pride like last time.

Jimin wants to help Seokjin badly. He doesn't know why the urge is so strong because there is no similarities between them. The only connection is their previous partners.

From the looks of it, Seokjin won't be talking to him today. So Jimin goes home, to his car that he made as cozy and homey as possible.


One day, or rather, evening, Jimin comes back with fast food. He didn't want to drive around, not wanting to use money on gas. When his car is in view, he almost drops his meal.

There, standing next to the car, is none other than Seokjin. He's hard to miss, and didn't wave or smile when he sees Jimin. He only waits until the latter arrives.

"Seokjin," Jimin wanted to shake his hands but the other omega refused. "What did you come here for?"

Perhaps he is considering the talk with Jimin.

Without wasting time, Seokjin answers, "I just came to thank you for the other day. Thank you."

There is a moment of quietness. Jimin shrugs. "You're welcome. Is that all?"

Seokjin turns his interest to the old car. He peers into the windows before looking back at Jimin. "I heard that this is where you live now."

Jimin is still a bit embarrassed about living in a car, but really, he's grateful for it. "Yes. For now, until I get a job."

Seokjin hums, looks around, and walks away. Jimin watches in confusion as the taller man picks up a pretty big rock. He comes back with it and stares at Jimin for a solid five seconds.

Then he smashes the rock into the windshield.

Jimin's jaw drops from the shock, the trauma, and he did drop his food this time. The rock didn't break through the glass yet, only leaving a huge crack. But he picked up the rock again and throws it in the same spot, causing Jimin to almost faint, literally. It's just too much stress, especially after everything that had happened to him this week.

He finally shrieks, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY CAR?!!!!"

The glass shatters completely. Seokjin brushes his hand on his pants.

"Oops. Didn't mean to break your car."

Jimin is at lost for words.

Seokjin looks around the area. It's not the safest place in the city, but Jimin can't go anywhere else. He puts his hands on his hips. "This doesn't seem like a very reliable place to live in."

Jimin crouches to his knees and sob. Forget about being calm. Forget about it! Everything is going downhill for him and there's nothing he can do! There's not a single-


A hand pats his shoulder. Jimin did not want to look at Seokjin right now. He stands up for him and this is what he gets in return?!

"Why are you crying?"

Jimin glares at him, wishing his own eyes could shoot laser at the omega in front of him. "Why?! I've lost my boyfriend, my home, my job, everything I have and now you've just destroyed my car! Why wouldn't I be crying?!"

"That's too bad," Seokjin doesn't look sympathetic at all. Jimin wanted to be friends with him before but now, he is one inch away from punching him. Seokjin tilts his head and his eyes look up, like he's thinking. "I can't help with everything, but because I accidentally broke your car, I'll offer you some things."

Jimin was going to protest, going to shout at him to leave but Seokjin continued before he could do anything.

"Since you lost your home, I can help you find somewhere to stay for as long as you want."

Jimin paused, then after processing what he said, he is all ears now. Seokjin goes on.

"Since you lost your job, I can help find employment for you elsewhere. Since you lost you car, I can help you get another one. I promise."

"But why-"

"And also," Seokjin interrupts Jimin. "About that talk you had wanted... you know... about my ex husband and your ex boyfriend... I think I could really use it."

Oh... Jimin stops his crying. He understands now as Seokjin's monotone facade disappears and is replace with his true expression of sadness. "I hate Taehyung with all my heart, but I don't know how to cope with his leaving. After thinking things through, I figured, you're right. Maybe we both could use some comfort, since we're in a similar situation."

Jimin pulls Seokjin into a hug, and he could feel him loosen, letting his walls down to show his suffering. Again, there seems to be some sort of bond between them despite them not being close at all, something Jimin can't understand yet, but he feels that it's there for a reason.

With Seokjin's promises, Jimin can breathe more as the heavy load on him is lifts off. It shined a small ray of hope, something that Jimin really needed to see again.

The two omegas are wounded, but it's something that can heal. And together, Jimin and Seokjin can assist each other to lift themselves again, to stand up once more.

Jimin pulls away from the hug for a moment. He asks, "How are you going to help me find a home, job, and car?"

Seokjin lets out a small snort, a small smile appearing for the shortest time. "It's a very simple plan. You'll get the car for your job as my new driver, my chauffeur. You will be working for me, and we'll discuss your wage later. I provide my employees a room in a section of my mansion if they are in need of one."

Jimin's eyes widen and Seokjin clicks his tongue.

"How does that sound?"

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