{1} Silver Bullet }Teen Wolf{

By Aspiring-Writer14

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Reyna Argent, the fraternal twin sister of Allison Argent, younger sister of Trenton (Trent) Argent, the niec... More



175 6 0
By Aspiring-Writer14

{Reyna's POV}

By the time we had gotten home from the Preserve last night, it was 4am, as I estimated from the clock.

We had to have been out there for at least 6 hours straight, and had found absolutely nothing.

I peeled off my sweat filled, and dirt filled clothes, and just threw myself onto my bed.

I fell asleep quickly, and didn't have time to notice that across the street, was the alpha.

He was watching me, holding onto the roof, and I shifted around in my sleep, and I fell silent, into a deeper sleep.

I suddenly felt a pain in the back of my neck, and I felt like screaming, but my mouth wouldn't respond.

My dreams were suddenly full of the Hale House fire. "You did this to me. I know you did."

A voice said, and suddenly, I felt the claws out of my neck, and I jolted up screaming in my room.

Trenton ran into my room, yelling for Mom and Dad, and they ran in, and I was crying, in pain and in fear, and they looked at the back of my neck.

"The alpha. It was here."

Chris said and I leaned against Trent, feeling his secure arms around me, as my father hesitantly touched the back of my neck.

I bit my lip to keep from crying out, and he looked at me. "At least an inch deep."

"This one was sharing the memories with her. He knows what he can do. To the fullest extent."

"I hate to ask this, but what did you see in your dreams? What did he end up showing you?"

My father asked gently, and I gulped, and looked at him, then at my mom as per protocol, and she nodded.

"I saw the Hale House Fire. I heard the screams, and suddenly there was a voice."

"It was a man. He sounded burned, really really burned and he said... 'You did this to me, I know you did'. Then I woke up."

I said, and Victoria looked at our father, clearly concerned. "You're staying home from school. At least until we have a lead on the Beta."

She said, and I looked at her with a single nod. "But what am I going to tell Alli?"

I asked, and she looked at me. "Cross that bridge when we come to it." She said, and I sighed.

"Trenton you are to stay here with her. Every second, you are watching her."

Victoria said, and Trent nodded. "I can defend myself." I said, and she looked at me.

"Sweetheart it isn't about that. It's about keeping you safe in case the Alpha comes back when we aren't home."

She said, and I leaned against Trent.

They were all gone, and Allison had left for school, and I looked at Trent, and he looked over at me.

"Sorry about waking you. Also about all of this. I know you wanted to see a bunch of old friends." I said.

"It's alright. Family comes first." He said, and I looked at him, and I leaned on his shoulder.

"Can you get me some food?" I asked, and he looked at me, smiling slightly, at me with affection in his gaze.

"What do you want?" He asked, and I looked at him. "Eggs, toast, bacon, and cheese?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"I forgot again, that you are so clear with what you want." Trent said, and I smiled. "I know. Now just go."

I said, and he smiled back at me, in response to my own. "I'll get you the food. You've got your gun?"

He asked, and I looked at him.

"Yes, I've got my gun. My extra clips. My shotgun. The crossbow under my bed." I said, and he looked at me.

"Okay." Trent said, and walked out of the room. I heard a scraping noise, on my roof, and I pulled out my pistol.

"Who is it?"

I said coldly, and I had my gun, pointing my pistol, at the now opened window. Suddenly, a guy swung into the room, and I almost shot him.

Trent ran into the room and stopped quickly, slamming to a stop, in middle of me and the man. "Reyna stop."

He said, and I looked at him.

"Why?" I asked, my chest heaving from adrenaline. "Because. I'm like him as well."

Trent said quietly, and he shut his eyes, and inhaled slightly, and opened his eyes again.

When I saw the color of his irises, I backed up quickly, and my gun lifted up, when I saw that they glowed golden yellow.

I felt like my heart was tearing apart, into a hundred pieces. I stepped back, and I dropped the gun onto the floor.

"Reyna..." He said, and his irises came back to normal. "When did?..." I asked and he looked at me.

"Last year. I was hunting with the Calaveras. I never gave them a hint that I was bitten or anything."

"They didn't pry. I had just shot the alpha, and just before he died, he bit me on the arm."

"I covered it up with my jacket, so that, they wouldn't suspect anything had happened out of the ordinary."

Trent said, and I looked at him, then at the man behind him. "I recognize... I know you." I said, and he looked at me. "I'm a Hale. We all look similar." He said, and I looked at him.

Then, with a flash of memory, of my Aunt Kate had told me, I remembered his name. "Derek. You're Derek Hale."

I said, and he nodded. "Sorry, I know I'm probably intruding, but I just need to see the claw marks."

Derek said, and I sighed. I looked at Trent, and he nodded slightly. I leaned against my brother, so I could show.

Derek sighed.

"Definitely the Alpha's. No other werewolf, or any creature, has any claws even near the size of those."

He said, and I sighed.

"The full moon's on Friday. Derek we will be hunting in the night, the new Beta is..." I said, and he snorted.

"Scott McCall."

He finished, and I raised my eyebrows. "I've been trying to watch out for him as well."

He said, in the response to my extremely question filled looks in my eyes, as he looked at me.

"I've also got another wolf running around Beacon Hills." Trent said, and I looked at him.

"Are you insane?! He was already here, but bringing someone else into this town?! Who is it?"

I asked, and he looked at me.

"Don't kill me." He said, and I just looked at him. "Tye Hale." Derek said, and I groaned, as I looked at Trent.

"Trenton Argent, can you control yourself on a full moon?" I asked, and he looked at me. "Yes."

He said, and I grunted.

"That's one less thing for me to stay up half the night worrying about for tonight."

"Now I need some rest, and our dad and mom, will be home in an hour, so I suggest you be gone by then Derek."

I said, and he nodded, climbing out of the window, and shutting it after him, and I looked at Trent.

"What have you gotten yourself into Trenton?" I asked, and he looked over at me.

"Something I might need you to help me get out of." He said, and I sighed.

I fell back onto my bed, and went to sleep, my mind whirling with all the new information.

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