I Can't Help Falling In Love...

By rishwish

182K 5.2K 3.1K

Katsuki Bakugou is a well-known surgeon. He is every women/men dream to be in relationship with. A tall, hand... More

Chapter 2: Dr. Kacchan
Chapter 3: One Cappuccino Please
Chapter 4: Room 776
Chapter 5: Cigarette
Chapter 6: Porridge
Chapter 7: New Mom
Chapter 8: I'll do anything for you
Chapter 9: Katsuki's Confession
Chapter 10: Miss Him
Chapter 11: Drinks
Chapter 12: Am I a Monster?
Chapter 13: Todoroki's Confession
Just an update
Chapter 14: Talk
Chapter 15: Idiot Kacchan
Just an Update
Chapter 16: Starting Over Again
Chapter 17: Hello, Katsuki
Chapter 18:Just--Don't

Chapter 1: The twins

22.3K 471 306
By rishwish

"I'm sorry, I love you" uttered the boy his voice quivering. The curly lock of green hair hiding his eyes. A hand reached out touching the side of the face of the green haired boy. The boy flinches for a second but instantly felt comfortable with the hand touching his face. The boy lifts his hands and firmly holds the hand touching the side of his face. The green haired boy lifts his head the curls that was hiding his eyes now are swept to the side revealing a deep emerald eyes. The hand that was on the cheek of the green haired boy was suddenly yanked away from the boys grip. The boy fell down on his knees as tears started to pool on his emerald eyes. The tears are now streaming on his face. The boy bit his lower lip and whispered
"Kacchan- I'm sorry, I lo--"

The sound of an alarm clock can be heard in the room. All the curtains are drawn shut not letting any sunlight enter the room. The room has a simple design the walls are painted in white, a study table is situated at the right side of a door. Tons of paper are piled up on the table a white coat covers the chair placed near the study table. On the left side of the door a bookcase filled with books, trophies, medals and picture frames. Just beside the book case is a dresser and cabinet filled with clothes. Beside the cabinets is a bed. A person is currently lying on the bed a blanket covers the lower part of the mans body. For his top he is wearing a black tanktop even with the shirt on the man's body is perfecty sculpted. The sound of the alarm is getting louder filling the room with its annoying sound. The lying man grunted slowly opening his eyes. He sits up on the bed and reached for the alarm clock on the nightstand and turned it off.
Right on cue the door on his bedroom burst opened and two small children a boy and a girl rush to him and hugs him.
"Morning Papa" the girl smiles and kisses the man's right cheek
"Morning" the boy kisses him on the left cheek
"Papa I want waffles for breakfast" the girl pouts her cheeks becoming more round than it was before.
"Okay I'll make the meanest pancake for my princess Hinata" kissing the little girls forehead making the girl giggle
"But i dont want to eat pancake. I want eggs and bacon" the little boy protested
"Then papa will make the meanest pancake and the meanest eggs and bacon for my Hinata amd Minato then" patting the childrens head
"Run along now get ready for school. Aren't you excited to see your new school"
"We are" the twins answered in the same time. The both of them giggles and runs out the door.
The man smiles and stood up. He went to the dresser and picks a white long sleeve shirt a black pants and a black leather belt. After dressing he went downstairs to cook their breakfast and as promised to the twins he cooks both pancakes, eggs and bacon. He called the twins telling them that breakfast is ready. After a few minutes the twins ran down the stairs and into the dining area. The children sits quietly and started to eat their food. The man took his mug and filled it with coffee. He took a seat at the table together with the twins. Scrolling at his messages in his phone and checking his email.

The man's name is Katsuki Bakugou he has ash-blonde hair and piercing red eyes. He works as a surgeon in one of the big hospitals in the city. He is a single father taking care of the twins. The eldest of the twins for only 20 mins is Minato Bakugou the little boy's face is almost exactly like bakugou the same hair color. The same piercing eyes like katsuki but instead of red the boys eyes are brown. The youngest of the twin is Hinata Bakugou both the hair color and her eyes are the same with Bakuguo many people usually comments that the little girl is like the female version of Katsuki if Katsuki becomes a girl. The twins mother are not part of their life. Katsuki was never married to the woman who birth the twins, Bakugou did not even love the woman. It was supposed to be only a night stand for Katsuki no strings attached. But the woman tampered with the condoms they used resulting on her pregnancy. The woman later admitted that she did it because she wants to get pregnant to Katsuki kid and get married to him. She confesess that she had loved Bakugou for the longest time. Bakugou went with it the craziness of the woman wanting to monopolize him not because he loves her but because he was afraid what she would do to the unborn child on her belly. For 9 months Katsuki lived with the woman taking care of her and giving what she wanted. But there was no love only a one sided relationship it was always the woman who shows any affection. Katsuki never kissed the womans lips nor hold her hand affectionally. The only moment katsuki touches the woman is when she needed assistance. When the woman delivered the babies Katsuki tried to convince himself maybe he could love the woman that gave birth to his children. Months passed by but katsuki never felt any love for the woman no matter what he do but his love for his children grew bigger. Katsuki would try to go home early after his shift just to see his kids and play with them. The twins are Katsuki's angels he never imagined he could be this happy. But as Bakugou love for the twins grew the womans hatred of the twins grew. The woman becomes jealous of the twins. One fateful night it was the 1st birthday of the twins Katsuki was running late due to heavy rains resulting in a slight flooding on the streets.
It was passed 11 when he arrives at the apartment. As Katsuki enters the room of the twins to kiss them and greet them Happy Birthday. He sees the woman holding a pillow on the face of Hinata trying to smother the baby.
Katsuki couldn't control his anger and pushed the woman away from the baby. He immediately checks if Hinata is still breathing. Katsuki felt relieved as he saw the steady rise and fall of Hinata's chest. He picks up both Hinata and Minato from their crib. Never looking at the woman sobbing at the corner of the room.
"Don't ever touch my children, get out of here if I ever see you around my kids. I'll fucking kill you" Katsuki shouted at the woman. If Katsuki wasn't holding his babies on his arms he swears he could have punched worse strangled the woman to death. He had never felt anger this strongly. Clenching his teeth staring at the woman intensely with his piercing ruby eyes.
"When i come home you better be out of the house because if you dont I don't know what I'll do to you" his arms clutching the babies so protectively he opened the front door to get to his car and drives to the hospital leaving the woman in a crying mess. After the incident Katsuki reported the crime the woman was given a restraining order if she was ever seen near the twins she would be thrown in jail without a second thought. When the twins turned four, Katsuki decided to buy a house in a subdivision near the school Bakugou is planning to sent his twins the next year.

This bring as back to the present.
"Papa I'm done eating" shouts Hinata
"Me too" the little boy giggles
"Okay get your backpacks now and wait for me in the car" Katsuki sips his coffee
The twins both nodded and dash up the stairs to get their bags.
"Nanny" Katsuki looks at the old woman picking up the plates the twins was eating from just a minute ago.
"Yes, Sir Bakugou" the kind old woman replied
"I'm going to take the kids on their new school today but i won't be able to pick them up after can you do that for me?" Katsuki sips the last of his coffee
"Of course sir" the old woman smiles
Katsuki gave the nanny a warm smile he picks up his carkey, wallet and phone and started walking to the garage.

Katsuki parks his car at the parking lot inside the school premises. As he turned the car off he turned to his twins sitting at the back.
"Are you excited" he asked
"Super" Hinata shrieks
"Duper"Minato raise both his arms with a big smile
The Bakugou family walks to do the entrance of the preschool building. Katsuki holding the hand of his kids on each his hands.
Hinata is skipping while walking holding her fathers hand. While Minato is staring and looking at the new scenery while walking holding firmly on his fathers hand.
It was the first day of class so there are tons of people especially parents on the building usually almost all of them are mothers all accompanying their kids to settle them on there classrooms.
As Katsuki walks on the hallway with his twins. Bakugou can see that allmost all the mothers present in the hallway are whispering at each other while looking at him. Some of them are blushing and discretely pointing at him. Bakugou knows that he is a handsome man standing at 6'2 he towers almost everyone. His ash blonde hair compliments the piercing ruby eyes that could seduce every woman or man that looks at him. His jawline that could cut and high cheek bones. And a body that is well built. He's not only physically attractive he is also a well known surgeon and completely well off. As they say he's already a complete package brain, beauty, money. So he knows full well why those women are blushing while looking at him.

Katsuki stops walking and looks at the sign with the words "EINSTEIN CLASS" tape at the door of a classroom.
"I guess this is us" Katsuki was about to open the door when suddenly it just slides open.
A man with a bright red hair stood on the now opened door. With a big grin he smiles
"Welcome to Einstein class" he ushered for the Bakugou family to enter the classroom.
"Kiri-Kirishima? Is that you?" Bakugou asks the red hair man infront of him.

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