In This Lifetime

By anyn1224

101K 3.7K 555

Chen Xiaofan, a 30-year-old fool married her first love who was a cheating husband that could care less about... More

1. It Was Me
2. Beauty Among All Deities
3. So Young
4. Sweet Plum
5. Hi, I'm Busy
6. 20 Million
7. Red Bean Paste Bun
8. No Boys Whatsoever
9. Warm Hands
10. Take Responsibility
11. Just a Dream
12. Entering the Demon's Liar
13. I Like You, Idiot
14. I'd Sleep Better With You There
15. Code Red
16. Nice Big Sister Time is Over
18. My Girlfriend's Way Cuter
19. First Date
20. I Promise

17. Just a Friend

4K 145 53
By anyn1224

Mama slowly turned her head towards me with the end of the broom following her movements. "Chen Xiaofan, what does Lin mean by your boyfriend?" Mama urged.

I gulped. "Friend! He's just a friend that's a boy." I rushed out nervously. For now, it'll be best to just avoid any casualties. As Lianlian said, it's been a while since we've all been together. I shouldn't be the one to ruin the mood.

Mama lowered her broom, but from the skeptical look on her face, I knew she didn't entirely believe me.

"Lihua!" I yelled noticing Lihua open the door to see what the commotion was. I rushed out and pulled her arm towards my family.

"This is my new friend Jiang Lihua, Jiang Liwei is her cousin," I said gesturing towards the confused Liwei spread across our tile bathroom floor. "They wanted to make sure I got here safety so they came with me," I said hoping to push aside any suspicions my family might have.

I nudged Lihua's backside urging her to say something.

"Hi?" Lihua waved awkwardly, not sure what was going on.

Baba grunted realizing nothing was out of the ordinary and headed back to check on the food. Mama reluctantly followed him still turning back every once and a while.

Once the two of them were out of sight I let out a breath I'd been holding in. Next, I started attacking Lin.

I was pounding on his arm and chest, "Chen Chonglin, do you have a death wish! What's wrong with you?!" I screamed frustrated.

He simply laughed trying to avoid my attacks. I let out a frustrated groan when I quickly lost the energy to hit him any further.

This was all Lin's fault. Why did he have to butt in and say Liwei was my boyfriend?

Oh gosh, Liwei!

I quickly turned around to see Liwei still spread out on the bathroom floor. I rushed towards him.

"Liwei, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. I grabbed his face and twisted it around to see if there were any injuries. There was a small scratch on his left cheek. I quickly examined the rest of his body to see if he was hurt anywhere else.

He slightly hissed when I grabbed his wrist. His right wrist had a slight bruise forming.

I looked at his wrist again worried. Was it broken? Would he need a cast? How would he work with an injured wrist? Gosh, why did Mama have to be so aggressive and beat him with a broom?

Suddenly I felt a hand caressing my cheek. I followed the hand to meet Liwei's soft gaze.

"Stop making that face. I'm fine." He whispered lightly smiling.

I frowned at him before bending his wrist a bit. He hissed again in pain causing my frown to deepen, "liar." He gave me a pained smile trying to reassure me everything was okay but that only made me more upset.

"Why'd you go out of the room?" I asked.

"Bathroom." He said tiredly. He probably still hasn't had any proper food or rest all day. I helped him up so we could hurry and apply medicine on before dinner.

"Where do you think you're going?" Yang said blocking the door preventing us from leaving the bathroom.

"Yang, can we talk later?" I desperately asked.

"Explain. Now." He stubbornly said crossing his arms over his chest waiting for an answer while glaring back and forth between the two of us.

"Xiaofan and I-" Liwei slipped his hand into mine.

Yang interrupted him, "I asked Xiaofan. Are you Xiaofan?" He said coldly.

I quickly pushed Yang out of the way. "Yang-ge. I said I'll explain later." I was already moody and this was not helping. I usually never got mad at Yang-ge, but I just didn't want to deal with anything else at the moment. I'd eventually tell him the truth. Eventually.

I hurriedly push Liwei into my room and lock the door before anyone could argue.

I sighed and turned to Liwei who had his back to me.

"Sit on the bed while I get the first aid kit," I said to Liwei. 

I grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom before rushing back into my room.

Liwei was still standing in the same position when I got back.

I grabbed Liwei's arm and lightly pulled him to sit in the bed, "Liwei, sit down first so I can-"

In one swift movement, Liwei roughly pulled his arm away from me so hard I stumbled and fell back onto the bed.

I looked up at Liwei, "Liwei, what's wrong?" I asked hesitantly. He still had his back turned towards me and wouldn't meet my gaze.

"Friend?" Liwei mumbled under his breath before letting out an unamused chuckle. "I'm just your friend huh? Friends surely shouldn't be touching closely like this right?" He said coldly remembering the words I said to my mom moments ago.

He was upset. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. This was my fault. Why couldn't I just come out and say he's my boyfriend? Why am I hesitating? 

"Sorry, I'll tell my family about us eventually," I said quietly sitting on my bed.

"Why not now? Are you embarrassed to be with me?" He turned around and scoffed.

"No! That's not it! I-I" I trailed off. I didn't know why I didn't tell my family right then and there. Maybe it was because I didn't know how long we would last. Or maybe I was afraid. Afraid he'd get tired of me and break my heart just like Feng did before.

I slowly took a step towards him and hesitantly gripped the end of his sweater sleeve. "Are you mad?"

He didn't say anything and continued to keep his back to me. I sullenly dropped my hand and let go of his sleeve. He must be really mad if he didn't want to look or talk to me.

Should I go and leave him by himself for a bit? His anger might grow more if I left him alone though. But maybe letting him cool down would be the best option.

I don't know what to do. It's been one thing after another today. This is the first time in a long time we've had a moment alone together and we're already fighting. This isn't how I wanted it to go. I just wanted him to hug me and tell me everything's going to be okay. Everything's not okay though. Lianlian's pregnant. What are we going to do? Just thinking about how our parents will react to that news if it's actually true is stressing me out.

I slyly wrap my arms around his waist pressing my body close to his backside. My hands met together in the front and I closely hugged his body to mine.

"I'm sorry," I said into his sweatshirt. He stiffens at my movements but made no move to remove my hands or body from his.

I was being selfish. I knew this. I couldn't help it though.

Everything was going wrong right now and this was the only thing that felt right.

I could leave him and let him be alone right now but I selfishly didn't want to let him go.

"I'm really sorry. I'll tell them everything right now if you want. Just don't be mad at me anymore okay?" I mumbled. His silence was discouraging me from speaking any further.

After what felt like a lifetime, he turned around in my arms so his body would face mine. I looked down at his shirt afraid to see what face he was showing.

"Chen Xiaofan, are you going to look at me or are you going to continue to ogle my shirt?" He asked.

I slowly lifted my gaze to meet his dark almost black orbs only to quickly go back to ogling his shirt, "It depends. Are you still mad at me or not."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and lowered his head to press his forehead against mine. He let out a loud sigh, "not mad, just annoyed."

I lightly smiled in relief while tightening my hug and burying my head in his chest, "I am really sorry. I mean it." I mumbled enjoying the warmth I felt from being wrapped in his arms.

I unwrapped my body from Liwei's and guided him to the bed. I quickly put medicine and bandages on his small scratches. I tightly wrapped his swollen wrist in hopes of relieving the pain slightly. I should make sure he sees a doctor as soon as possible too. Once I finished wrapping his wrist, I laid down, grabbed his left arm to cuddle with and rested my head on his shoulder.

Even with my eyes closed, I could feel Liwei's eyes on me.

"You don't look too good. Is everything okay?" Liwei whispered into my ear with concern evident in his voice.

I honestly shook my head.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked lightly tucking a stray hair behind my ear and out of my face.

I shook my head again, "I just want to sleep." Cuddling in closer to his body.

Knock knock.

Why couldn't I just have one peaceful moment?

I sighed and slowly crawled out of bed to unlock my door.

"Jiejie, Mama wants your help with something." Lianlian softly said. Her tears dried up and she looked somewhat better than before.

I nodded at Lianlian and noticed her peeking behind me at Liwei with a muddled expression on her face.

I longingly turned back to look at Liwei one more time before giving Lianlian a soft, reassuring smile and heading to the kitchen.

Mama was cooking up a storm and ordering Baba to do this and that when I got to the kitchen. Yang and Lin were lounging on the couch watching tv.

"Mama, I missed you," I said coming up from behind her and giving her a tight hug. It's been too long since I last saw her. I missed her scent, but most importantly I missed her cooking.

"Xiaofan! Let me see my gorgeous daughter!" Mama said twisting her body around and grabbing my face. "Why do you look thinner? This is why you should let Lin bring you food on the weekends. Or at the very least come home to visit more often." She said worriedly.

I turned and glared at Lin. He's the reason I've been living on bread and boring cafeteria food.

"Lianlian said you needed me for something," I asked taking a bite of the Ma Po Tofu Baba was working on.

"Oh! Can you run down to the store and buy some fruit for dessert later?"

"Beer too!" Yang-ge shouted from the living room.

I reluctantly agree. Sleep will just have to wait for later. "Okay, you guys can start eating first without me if I take too long," I said before grabbing my wallet and heading out.

I walked down the street to our local grocery store to pick up some persimmons which are Baba's favorites and some dragon fruit which are Mama's. Next, I headed to the convenience store to pick up some beers. Deciding to tell Yang and Lianlian at the very least about Liwei, it's better if Yang was slightly drunk so I grabbed a few extra more beers than usual.

Once I finished the errands, the sky turned incredibly dark and the night breeze was colder than ever. I shivered, regretting not grabbing a jacket before I left.

I took a long way back home and found myself here again.

At the bridge.

I set my bags down and sat at the edge. The night sky was so dark and the wind was cold, just like that night. I felt a lump form in my throat constricting my breathing and my heart beat faster. Just thinking about that time brings back the sadness and despair. I need to forget. In this life, those memories don't exist. The past will never come back.

"Xiaofan?" I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned around thinking maybe it was Liwei, but the person I saw just sullied my mood further.

"Liu Feng, what are you doing here?" I asked bitterly standing back up and picking up the grocery bags.

"You forgot your phone at home so I volunteered to come to find you. We already started eating without you." He said handing me my phone.

I lazily grabbed it, nodded my head and walked past him towards the house. Why was it him? Is it wrong that I expected Liwei instead of him? Maybe Liwei was really upset with me but didn't say anything.

I kept my eyes downcast and walked at least an arm's length away from him in silence. I had too many thoughts jumbled up in my head that I barely noticed he was here.

"How've you been?" Feng asked to fill the awkward silence.

"Good. Busy. You?" I dryly replied back.

"Same, same. I don't know if Xiaolian told you but we're working at the same company."

"She did." I wanted to hurry home and end this horrible encounter.

We walk for a while longer in uncomfortable silence. We turn the corner and I thank the heavens we were almost at the house. Suddenly Feng reaches out and grabs my arm, halting both of our steps. "Are you seeing anyone?" He blurts out.

I stare at him bewildered. I quickly regain my composure and shake my hand out of his grip. Crossing my arms over my chest I say, "I don't think that's any of your business."

"It's a simple question Xiaofan. Aren't we friends? I'm just trying to look out for you. Trust me, Jiang Liwei isn't good for you." He replied.

I scoffed at his statement, "Trust you? Very funny. Instead of worrying about me, I'd appreciate it if you paid more attention to Xiaolian. She's the face of your company, is she not? Great job looking out for her, really. I applaud your efforts." I say sarcastically before walking off. I was fuming at this point. Who does Liu Feng think he is to butt into my business? What I do and who I see is and will never be of any concern to him.

Right before I unlock the door, I turn around and glare at him, "You heard it yourself before, I am in fact seeing someone by the way. Not that that's any of your business." Then I storm into the house with Liu Feng hot on my trails.

We must've been made quite the entrance because as soon as I came out of the front entrance hallways all eyes were leered towards my direction.

"Xiaofan! Jiang Liwei used to-" Liu Feng bumped into my back causing me to stumble forward and land sprawled out on the floor.

My fall must've been amusing because the next second the room erupted with a fit of laughter. I gave them a goofy half-smile even though I think I sprained my ankle.

I bit my lip from the pain I felt as I put pressure on my right leg to get up. I looked up to find Liwei staring hard at me. I slowly got up and wanted to sit between Liwei and Lihua, but Lianlian was gesturing for me to sit down next to her. I was careful not to put too much pressure on my foot as I walked to the table.

I was sitting between Lianlian and Lin-ge. Thankfully Liwei wasn't too far from me. He was situated directly across from Lianlian with Lihua to his left. Lihua was directly in front of me. Baba and Mama sat on opposite sides of the table. Yang was beside Liwei while Feng was on Lianlian's left side close to Baba. Lin was beside me closer to Mama's side of the table.

"Did you get the beer?" Yang-ge enthusiastically asked.

I nodded and handed him the bag. He grabbed the bag and headed to the kitchen to go put a few away in the fridge.

"Here. Today's a celebration so this gege will let his dearest sister drink too." Yang joked opening a can for me. "None for our precious baby though," Yang said ruffling Lianlian's hair.

"Yang-er," Baba said sternly at Yang-ge while shaking his head no.

"Baba, one drink won't kill her. Don't worry!" He waved off like it was no big deal. "Xiaofan, go on. Drink!" He said making a gesture for me to take a sip.

I carefully picked it up and let the liquid slide down my throat. Once the can met my lips I immediately pulled the can away and gagged. I cringed at the bitter taste. Did it always taste like this? I wonder how I used to down 5 cans in one sitting.

My reaction caused another burst of laughter.

"Xiaofan, eat!" Mama urged and I smiled graciously.

When everyone was busy talking I noticed Liwei slyly take my can of beer away and drink it.

As I was surveying the food everything looked so tasty. Everyone was nearly finished eating by the looks of their half-eaten rice bowls. Everyone except Liwei that is.

He was sitting tensely just staring at his barely eaten full-stacked plate.

I sneaked peeks at him whenever I had the chance. He was barely touching any of the food. He would nibble on side dishes here and there but mostly the only contents in his stomach were the beer Yang-ge kept shoving down his throat.

"Limei, I'm glad I finally found a compatible drinking buddy! Drink some more! Cheers!" Yang-ge's half-drunken self yelled. I wanted to strangle Yang-ge. He was always up to no good. Lin was no help either.

"Should I go get us some more drinks? Or perhaps we should go out for a round two?" Lin offered while smirking towards my direction.

I glared at him and continued to move my food around on my plate. I no longer had an appetite. Surprising, I know.

I was too sad and stressed to eat. I was anxious about going to the doctor's with Lianlian tomorrow morning, and sad because I felt partial to blame.

I tried to catch Liwei's gaze all throughout dinner, but he just kept his eyes focused on his chopsticks and bowl of rice.

"Xiaofan, you're eating like a bird!" Mama said towards my direction, pushing more side dishes towards me.

I gave a weak smile and slightly sipped some soup.

"Should I get you some Xiaolongbao?" Liu Feng voiced. I turned to my left surprised.

I don't remember telling him those were my favorite.

"How kind of you Liu Feng. You have always been so kind to Xiaofan and Xiaolian. It'd be so nice to have you as our son-in-law. Don't you think Xiaofan and Liu Feng would make a great couple!" Mama cooed looking across the table at Baba. Baba scowled at Mama's statement and got up to join Mama for bed.

I turned towards Liwei to see his reaction, but he was still in the same position staring intensely at his chopsticks.

Lihua and Lianlian quickly started to clear the table after Mama and Baba left. The guys continued to chat and drink.

Once I noticed no one was paying attention I picked up several side dishes and put them in Liwei's bowl.

He tiredly looks up from his bowl to meet my eyes.

I motioned for him to eat with my hands. He nodded but continued to move the food around in his bowl.

Maybe he wasn't hungry. Or maybe he had a stomachache? Was his hand in a lot of pain? Should I go pick up some medicine?

Lihua and Lianlian rejoined the table with some freshly cut fruit.

"Jiang Liwei." Liu Feng voiced from the end of the table. "How about a shot for our fated meeting?"

Liwei blankly stared at him but took the shot.

They both downed the glass. Liu Feng smirked at him. "Long time no see. How've you been?"

Liwei squinted his eyes at him and didn't answer.

We were all looking between Liwei and Liu Feng.

"Do you two know each other?" Lin-ge asked suddenly interested.

Liu Feng sleazily smirked once more. "En. We go way back. Don't we, Liwei?"

Liwei silently sipped his drink without answering.

I was staring intently at Liwei. Why wasn't he saying anything? Did Liwei and Lin really know each other? If they go way back, how far back was it? I don't remember ever meeting him or the mention of him in my past life.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shatter was heard. I turned to my left to see water spilling over the table onto the floor and broken glass scattered over the table.

"I'm so clumsy!" Lianlian shyly said. She looked at Liwei intently. "I-I remember where I know you though."

We all were staring at Lianlian waiting for her to continue. How did she know Liwei?

Waiting for her to say something was killing me.

"Ehh, Xiaolian! Either speak or clean up the mess you made!" Drunk Yang-ge yelled filling up the tense silence.

Lianlian awkwardly laughed and started to clean up the mess she made.

I had a tight feeling in my chest. I was anxious.

It could be nothing and I was just overthinking per usual, but could there be something between Liwei and Lianlian? How did she know him?

I looked up to find Liwei staring at me, but as soon as our eyes met he quickly looked away.

What was wrong? Why has he been avoiding my gaze?

I sighed. "I'm going to bed." I tiredly said gathering up my barely touched dinner. I didn't have the time or energy for anything else today. I just wanted to change into my comfy pajamas and sleep.

"Sleep with me in my room?" Lianlian asked with pleading eyes. I reluctantly nodded before going into the kitchen to do the dishes.

On the way to Lianlian's room, I heard Lin and Yang still noisily drinking with Liwei and Liu Feng.

When I opened Lianlian's bedroom door, Lihua was sitting on the floor texting away on her phone.

I sat beside her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"You look like a wreck," Lihua said finally putting her phone away.

"Wow. Thanks." I mumbled sarcastically closing my eyes.

"What's up with you and Liwei?" She bluntly asked.

"What do you mean?" I probed. She shook her shoulder so I was sitting back upright and forced to open my eyes. She turned my body so we were now sitting criss-cross apple sauce facing each other.

"You know exactly what I mean. I'm not a fool. I grew up with the guy. I know all his tells. Liwei's been moody ever since you left to go to the grocery store. Not to mention he hasn't looked or spoken to you since then." She said raising her eyebrow.

I sighed. "I think I messed up."

She waited for me to continue.

"I sort of, kinda, maybe haven't told my family about Liwei being my boyfriend. When my mom called me out on it, I told her he was a friend. Just a friend. I apologized, but I think he's still mad at me and I don't know what to do." I said throwing my head into my lap. That was the only reasonable solution I could come with as to why he was suddenly giving me the cold shoulder.

Lihua gave me a pitiful expression, "why don't you want your family to know?"

"It's not like that! I just don't know how long we're going to last. Me and him. Us. Frankly, it all happened really fast. I don't even know what he sees in me to want to be with me in the first place. He'll probably get tired of me soon. Or he'll meet someone a lot better. If I tell my parents about him and we end up breaking up then they'll always ask questions about what went wrong. It just seems easier if I kept it to myself." I felt stupid saying this out loud, but it was true. Liwei could get tired of me just like Liu Feng did. I didn't want to get my heart broken again. 

Lihua grabbed my shoulders. "Fanfan, trust me. You have nothing to worry about. You're the first girl he's shown even the slightest bit of interest in. I'm still amazed you agreed to be his girlfriend when you've probably had many other options. Also, what's with you and the guy who works with your sister. He's been flat out staring at you all throughout dinner. Anyways, I highly doubt Liwei would be the one to get tired of you. Heck, you'd probably be the one to break up with him." She joked.

I stared at her a little shocked. "He's my first boyfriend too," I mumbled.

It was her turn to stare at me dumbfounded. "You have got to be kidding, right?"



"How is what possible?"

Suddenly Lihua pinched both sides of my cheeks, "you're cute as a button! How is it possible you weren't snatched up sooner?"

When she let go I saw my cheeks were a red color. I wasn't sure if it was from her excessive pinching or just from me blushing by her comment. Maybe it was a little of both.

I hug my knees to my chest. "What should I do now though? He won't talk to me much less look at me." I dejectedly said.

"I'd say ignore him," Lihua said confidently.

"Huh?" How would ignoring him make things better? Wouldn't he just get more upset? Regardless, I didn't want to ignore him. "But, tomorrow we're supposed to go on a date. Our first date." I mumbled.

Liwei's so upset with me he probably doesn't even want to be anywhere near me tomorrow. I was looking forward to this date for nothing.

I sighed. "I'm gonna get some sleep. You can have my room with Liwei." I said before laying a futon on the floor beside Lianlian's bed and throwing the covers over my body.

I heard Lihua leave right when Lianlian came in.

I stayed motionless and silent under the covers. I knew Lianlian wanted to have a late-night talk, but I selfishly wanted to sleep.

Right as I was on the cusp of falling into a deep slumber a felt a poke on my side that jolted me awake.

"Jiejie, are you awake?"

"No" I groaned trying to fall back asleep.

I heard shuffling of sheets on Lianlian's bed and before I knew it she slid her body down onto the floor next to me.

Lianlian started shaking my body trying to get me out of the blanket cocoon I formed.

I groaned and threw the cover off my face. "Can't this wait till tomorrow?"

"But-" Lianlian began before I cut her off.

"Tomorrow" I mumbled closing my eyes and snuggling in closer to her.

I heard Lianlian sigh dissatisfied but when I heard her steady breathing I relaxed knowing she had fallen asleep.


I feel like I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry! I'm not sure where I want this story to go yet so I've been trying to come up with ideas. School is starting up for me soon and I have a big exam coming up in less than a month so I will be very busy! I will try to update once more before September tho!

Also, I love reading all your comments! Especially the ones about Liwei being the father of Lianlian's baby lol.

Please VOTE and COMMENT! Lmk what you guys think or want to see happen!

Much Love~~

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