Meet Me Halfway

By shellyjohnscns

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A teen Falice story. Alice Smith, the bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks and Forsythe Pendleton Jones... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 4

618 34 0
By shellyjohnscns

Alice burst through the girls toilets and immediately situated herself by the window sill, resting her backpack on the side and lifting herself up to sit upon it.

She had PE right now and she had no intention of turning up. She was quite content sat at the window sill and working on her writing.

It had been a whole week since she'd discovered she was with child and she kept true to her word by barely acknowledging it and trying Her best to put it at the back of her head. She figured the longer she did the less she'd need to think about it and it would almost be like it wasn't happening.

She knew eventually she'd be unable to hide it but that day wasn't today, right now she just wanted to be at peace with herself.

She was desperately craving a cigarette and all that came to mind was how on earth she was going to go 9 months without these. She pulled one out of her pocket and twirled it around in her hands.

"I hope you're not planning on using that." A mousey voice scolded.

Alice turned her head to see Hermione entering.

She reluctantly put the cigarette down and rolled her eyes.

"Obviously not! Just because you know about my situation doesn't make you my doctor. Don't tell me what to do."

Hermione looked down at her feet nervously before looking back up at Alice. "I was just trying to help."

"Well don't, I've got enough on my plate already." Alice snapped. She didn't mean to come off so rude but she was really trying to forget about her little problem and Hermione wasn't helping.

The raven haired girl fixed the rim of her glasses and slowly approached the blonde opposite her. "You can, totally tell me to shut up if you want but, have you decided what to do?" She enquired.

Alice glared down at her for a little long before finally speaking. "No, I don't. I haven't even told my Dad yet and truth be told, I don't want to think about it until I have to." Alice informed her before getting back to casually glaring out of the bathroom window.

Hermione returns to the sink and distracted by the entrance of Gladys and Penelope Blossom, earning an eye roll from Alice.

Girls like Gladys and Penelope intimidated Hermione but sparked annoyance in Alice. Gladys she could just about tolerate but Penelope was another level of high school evil. She gave Heather Chandler a run for her money.

She tried her best to ignore their incessant giggling and mirror conversation on whatever frivolous and shallow topic they found enjoyment in until a certain topic couldn't be ignored.

"Uhm, Gladys?" Hermione spoke with her hands slightly trembling and her voice shaking. She had auditioned for the schools cheerleading squad last week, she heard it looked good on college applications and she hadn't heard anything back from them yet.

Gladys stopped applying her lipstick in the mirror and shifted her head towards the clearly shy and nervous girl.

"Yes?" She answered as she looked Hermione up and down, Penelope doing the same thing upon hearing the girl speak.

"I- I just wanted to ask you if I made the team? It's just it's been a whole week and-"

"I am pretty busy." Gladys interrupted.

"I understand that, but I was just wondering, because I never got a response back, I figured, maybe you just forgot to tell me?" Hermione stuttered

"Okay, I was hoping to do this more, discreetly, but Penelope and I believe that, you're very, special, but there were girls who were better so unfortunately you didn't make the cut, but there's always next year." Gladys explained to her with bared teeth and an awkward smile before returning back to the mirror, trying her hardest to ignore the defeated look upon Hermione's face

Alice narrowed her eyes at the two girls and her mouth fell agape. She knew it was a croc of shit what they were saying and she was more than ready to give them a piece of her mind.

"You understand, right?" Gladys asked condescendingly as she touched Hermione's shoulder. "I mean we can't always get what we want."

Hermione nodded and held her head down. "So, you think I'll be in with a chance next year?" Hermione asked after trying to perk up a bit.

Gladys closed her lipstick and turned towards her. "Sure!"

"Oh for Christ sake, stop sugar coating it." Penelope bellowed before pushing Gladys out of the way and stepping towards Hermione. "We have a certain social standard when it comes to the River Vixens, and you don't make the cut." Penelope spoke rudely gesturing to Hermione's cringe worthy catholic outfit

"And you never will. We need girls with fire on our squad and you can't even make sparks. Sorry to break it to you sweetie." Penelope added before grabbing her backpack and preparing to leave.

Alice had heard enough from the two of them and decided it was time to step in. She hopped off the window sill and stepped towards the redhead, with a jutted chin and clenched fist.

"I knew you were a cunt but this is a whole new level." Alice cursed

Penelope stopped herself and turned around in embarrassment with her face completely flushed red. "What did you just call me?"

Hermione's eyes were wide as she approached Alice trying to get her to calm down. "Alice it's okay just leave it."

"Apologise to her." Alice demanded as she folded her arms

"What?" Penelope scoffed

"You heard me bitch, say you're sorry."

"If she can't handle the truth that's not my problem. Get thicker skin sweetie." Penelope told her gesturing to Hermione.

Suddenly, something in Alice just erupted. She wasn't even friends with Hermione but she wasn't going to let the girl get bullied and humiliated right in front of her by Penelope Blossom of all people. She slammed her backpack onto the ground and aggressively pushed the redhead onto the ground.

The minute Penelope fell to the floor, Alice regret what she did, realising she had overreacted. Gladys helped her up and she immediately fixed her outfit and hair

"Penelope, I'm sorry-"

"You trashy bitch!" Penelope bellowed before backhanding Alice, knocking the blonde off her feet a little. The slap elicited a worrying gasp from Hermione, who was obviously worried about Alice's condition.

With that, Alice found her footing again and instantly charged for Penelope, the redhead dropping to the floor and Alice on top of her, clawing and scratching her way to her face wanting to do some serious damage, Penelope fighting to defend her face and eventually rolling the two over to try and gain the upper hand.

Gladys and Hermione desperately tried to pull them off of each other, knowing this wouldn't end well but it did in an instant the minute Mrs Crabapple entered the bathroom upon hearing all the screaming.

"Girls! Stop that this instant!" She practically screamed, causing Penelope and Alice to finally get off each other.

"All four of you, make your way to Principal Featherhead's office immediately." She demanded

"But I didn't even do anything!" Gladys argued.

"Now!" Mrs Crabapple said firmly, pointing towards the door. She walked over to it, opening it up for the girls to walk through.

All five women left the bathroom and made their way into hall, shocked to see a blur of flesh running by them followed by cheering and wolf whistles from other students.

"What the- is that Fred Andrews?" Penelope asked in disgust

"And FP?" Gladys screamed back. She was not very impressed to find her boyfriend naked for the whole school to see.

"Oh my God!" Hermione said in shock as she covered her eyes

"That damn streaking tradition." Gladys mumbled in anger.

Alice didn't know what the other girls were complaining about, she found the show very entertaining.

When the shock and disgust on Mrs Crabapple's face wore off, she finally spoke. "Alfred Andrews and Forsythe Pendleton Jones! Get dressed and go to Principal Featherhead's office immediately!"

The events of that day between all 6 teens would land them in Saturday detention, the perfect way to spend their weekend.

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