Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

158K 7.4K 3.2K

"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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By YOLOwriting101

week later...

"I feel alive..."

I look at Achille with a raised eyebrow, his eyes closed as he leaned against the window of his house. Confused to his sudden...liveliness. It wasn't a bad thing, I was just curious as to what this could be.

"Really? That's kind of ironic." I say, walking beside him to the window and I look outside. The sun was setting which was always my favorite part of the day.

The ending of a day and you can go home. Rest happy with the time you have. Makes you appreciate it more.

"It is ironic. I'm a vampire who's body is basically dead...but I feel alive. The rush from when I was human is coming back - just a little."

I frown because I didn't understand what he meant. Never have been in his shoes considering he's a vampire. So I can't relate or agree with him on any level.

"What do you feel?"

Achille restes his hands on the window, eyes closing as he began to grin.

"I just feel unnecessarily vigorous. Can't really explain it, but it's a strong feeling. Recently I've been feeling's a good weird though." He promises, smiling as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

Wasn't against this, but there would be times where I'm slightly nervous to meet Achilles again. I never know when he'll pop up again or sneak his way out when Achille doesn't notice.

"It's so nice outside and the stars are so prominent. With my kind of eyesight I can see more stars than any human. There's thousands that glow and humans miss out on the sight I behold... Can you go stargazing with me Darius?"

I grin down at Achille, pressing my lips to his temple. His cold skin slightly affecting my lips a bit.

"I would love to go stargazing with you. It's a clear night sky and even though I can't see the beautiful sight you see, I have my own personal sight." I state gently, pulling away from him and he frowns.

"What's that?"

I sigh at his oblivion and shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. Want to walk to a nearby park?" I ask. Achille nodding as he grabbed his house keys and we just walked out his house. Watching as he locked the door, then I feel his arm wrap around my lower waist.

Walking peacefully my eyes looked up at the sky with happily. I truly wonder what it looks like through his eyes. I wonder what the sight looks like...

My own mind is curious as to what he is truly thinking and feeling. Right now all I felt was relaxation. How could I not enjoy this moment...? Ever since Achille lost his virginity he seems very different.

I don't really feel any different, but I feel like I can finally say I've had sex with someone. At any of my other jobs I'd constantly be asked how I haven't had sex with anyone yet. That it was clear to them that I seem like a guy who'd have lots of girls.

Wrong, I actually had none... Or I didn't let myself have any women.

"Let's sit here."

I flinch, looking down as Achille had us walking into a field. Didn't even realize how far we walked until we were here.

Sitting down on the grass, I wished I brought a blanket of some sort. Not really a fan of sitting on grass since it kind of makes me itchy.

"You mind?"

I look as Achille leans his head on my shoulder, and I slowly wrap my arm around his shoulder. Pulling him closer as we both looked up at the stars.

Such a nice little atmosphere and I just wanted to hold Achille even more than I already was. I could never get tired of holding him. Him as a person was hard to not gravitate towards and want to make him yours...

I know I do...

"I wish you could see what I could see..." Achille sighed, looking up at me with a grin. But I cradle his face and stare into his eyes.

"And I wish you could see what I could see in front of me. Someone so...beautiful and innocent. I cease to understand how you don't see the beauty in yourself that I'm seeing. Every single day I see your indescribable beauty that constantly startles me everyday. I'll never get tired of the sight I see."

Achille's flushed with a soft pink, leaning towards me and our lips touch. Kissing him always put a shiver down my spine because it felt so good to do so.

Arms wrapping around his waist, I pull him closer to me and give him a deeper kiss. A soft moan leaving his lips.

"Achille..." I chuckle, pulling back as his eyes were still closed. Grinning I run my thumb over his lips slowly." Achille?"

"It's Achilles."

I take in a hitched breath as I stare at all red eyes. He instantly smirks and pulls away from me.

"What are you and Achille doing? You both are like teenagers."

Shrugging I begin to pick some dandelions, wondering why Achilles has to come in now of all times. I was having a nice time with Achille... Guess he relaxed too much...

"We were looking at the stars."

"Yeah, kissing is totally like looking at the stars." Achilles snorts.

Now it was completely silent. Neither of us were speaking and it didn't feel right. Felt like I was with a stranger...


"What?" Achilles looks at me and I sigh.

"What are you exactly?" I ask, Achilles raising his eyebrow." What part of Achille are you...I should've said."

Achilles smiles suddenly, showing me his fangs and I still thought he looked cute.

"I am just a part of Achille that bottled up when he was turned. All the hatred and anger from seeing our father get killed intensified. It grew and grew and it became a point where it created me, a whole new persona of evil. If Achille wasn't as strong of a person as he is, I'd have taken him over when he was instantly turned." Achilles confesses, looking at me with a raised eyebrow." You are less afraid of me than I thought."

Shaking my head, I continue to pick the dandelions as I look over my shoulder at him.

"I wouldn't say I'm afraid, I'm just not sure about what you are. You're a whole new side of Achille that I have never seen... It's quite fascinating so I don't want to avoid it." I state, noticing Achilles cheeks turning pink.

"I'm not Achille..." He mumbled, running his hand through his hair." I'm nothing like him. So any attraction or feelings you feel towards me, that's for Achille."

Nodding, I know that that's partially true. Yet there is something clearly different about them. It's hard to think this is Achille.

"That may be true, won't deny it. But I can tell the difference between you two. So anything I do feel, it's towards you, Achilles." I say, feeling bad because they were both different...people - but in one body...

"So you are a whole other person. You aren't Achille."

"No I am not. I'm the side of him that he refuses to be. I'm the part of him that came from his transformation and in the process of being turned, I was created. Was trapped for so long only to be released when Achille and Sabin had an argument. He insulted our father...made him so furious I came out and almost killed that bitch! Until Achille came to his senses and I was locked back up. To come out free, but in your arms." Achilles explained, eyeing me with a smirk.

I look away from him, remembering suddenly seeing Achille's eyes turn red. Then out comes Achilles...

"Yes. I thought it was frightening at first. Yet it was still the body and person I cherish the most, so I was fine with it. Achille is still oblivious to you..." I sigh, Achilles nodding as he ran his fingers through his hair again.

Wondering if when he did such actions that meant he was nervous or at a loss for words... I'll take it for that. Achille biting his lip is his sign that he's nervous or shy. I'm guessing for Achilles his action is that.

I'm not against it, just never realized how easy it was to read them.

"Feel like if Achille was to find me out, he would try everything in his power to remove me. I'd be put deeper and deeper into a seclusion. I'll never be free again and it's nice to know you truly are different. It's very rare that Achille even came upon you. Lucky him, huh?"

Achilles looked away from me and I chuckle. I began to sense a little jealousy from him.

"Lucky you too. You're in Achille's body and you are a part of him. So I'm yours as well."

"No, I'm not. You and Achille can walk around in public with one another. His eyes aren't noticeable, people can have amber eyes. When it comes to eyes will frighten everyone. Doesn't help that my fangs protrude and can't be hidden. You wouldn't walk around in public with me."

He was right, but it's because I couldn't. It's evident that there's things about Achilles that can't be seen by humans. Not many humans would be as understand to this or welcoming like I have been.

Breaks my heart to think of the prejudice he could possibly get.

"I feel like if you truly wanted to, you could walk with me in public. The way you are... Actually...!" I stand up abruptly, pulling Achilles up with me." Let's go to the gas station."

Rushing from the field I put the dandelions I picked in my pocket. Knowing what I was going to do with them later.

"Gas station? I can't! My eyes..." He mumbled, and I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

"I have a surprise." I say quietly, chuckling as we get to the gas station. I become even more intrigued by the cheap sunglasses I see." Here."

I grab a pair of black ones, putting them on him. Achilles face filling with a red and I smile with amusement.

"Sunglasses? Indoors? I look like I'm on drugs." Achilles cries, that's when I decide to grab Achilles hand. Pulling him to the slushy section.

Pressing him against the counter I wrap my arm around his waist and Achilles looked very embarrassed.

"What are you doing?"

"Flirting." I murmur, smiling when he snorts.

"You have a pretty bad way of showing it."

"Do I? I haven't started." I state, Achilles taking a deep breath so abruptly.

Continuing to stare I pull away and grab a cup.

"Have you ever had a slushy?"

"No, I haven't... Never heard of them."

Chuckling, I hand him the cup I grabbed and pointed at the options.

"It's flavored ice slush. It's amazing - especially the flavor combos you can do. Like...try cherry and blueberry mixed together." I recommend with confidence, causing Achilles nose to scrunch up. But he fills his cup with the slush and stares into it.

Doing the same thing, I fill my cup and put on a top. I hand him a straw and when he puts it in his cup he sniffs it - oddly enough.

"Just taste it."

"Cherry and blueberry?"


Achilles sighed, drinking the slush and I watch him flinch. When he pulls his lips away from the straw he began to smile.

"This is amazing! Why hasn't Achille tasted this before?"

"No idea. Look, I'll buy it for you - and the shades."

When we go to the register I already see someone in front of us. So, of course, I wait. Except this person was being very odd and his movements confused me.

They were too...swift. The way he moved himself and carried himself didn't seem humane to me.

"That'll be five dollars and fifty cents." The cashier mumbled to the man in front of me, and he snorts.

"Want me to go to my car and get some quarters? I'm not doing that."

"Here." I reach around and put two quarters on the counter, looking down at the man I just gave away two quarters for. His eyes narrowing at me and they happened to be...amber.


I think I just encountered another vampire.

"Thank you..." He said quickly, looking over his shoulder and I notice him look at Achilles. His eyes widening and then he faced forward.

Paying for his stuff he grabbed his things and rushed out. Intrigued by his actions, I try to put that aside.

I pay for our things and when we leave Achilles instantly pulls off his sunglasses.

"That man was a vampire." He said quickly, and I nod with agreement." Where'd he go?"

Shrugging, we both walk away from the gas station. That was interesting...considering I already got to know a little about Achilles. Now this?

The more we walked, it became eerily quiet. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't a safe atmosphere.


I stop, looking down at Achilles with confusion. He suddenly pressed his slushy at my chest and I instinctively hold it for him.

"Achilles what-?"

I watch him twist around so fast and the man from the gas station was slammed on the ground in front of me. Achilles holding him by the throat and they both bared their teeth.

"Who are you?" Achilles hissed, and I hoped no one would drive past here.

"Get off of me and I'll tell you." The man snapped, Achilles standing but still held him by the throat.

By the time he let go the man dusted off his jacket. Noticing how luxurious he dressed...

"My name is Norris Harrington. I am a vampire and I can tell that this human doesn't seem to have a fear of vampires." He glanced up at me and I grin.

"Okay? Why were you following us?" Achilles asked harshly, Norris looking away.

"I followed you because I wanted to make sure of something, and I got my answer."

"What's that?"

"That your body is harboring another being inside of it, despite you being a male vampire."

I frown, because that sounds like exactly what you would tell a female who goes to the hospital to check if she's pregnant... But, wait.

"What do you mean?" I ask, and Norris frowns.

"What do you mean what do I mean? The man beside you, the man in front of me is holding a being-."

"Be specific!" Achilles yells, Norris's nostrils flaring.

"You are holding a child for heavens sake! That's why I followed you, because I find you quite fascinating that you're able to do so-."

I watch Achilles fall backwards and I caught him by the arm. Noticing his eyes closed...telling me that he passed out.

I could pass out too right now...we had sex once.

What I don't understand is how so fast?

For human women...

Achille/Achilles isn't a woman or human...


"Explain everything." I interrupt Norris in a rush, gulping down my nerves. "Now".


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