The Dolls

DollMaker268 tarafından

468 10 4

Victoria is the servant of a insane (And insanely rich.) man who makes dolls out of humans. Who will be next... Daha Fazla

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7: A Dreadful Surprise.
Part 8
Part 9
Unofficial part 10
Part 10: Just a dream.
Writers block is killing me

Part 3

56 1 0
DollMaker268 tarafından

"Wake Up." Victoria heard as she saw Nora's silhouette.

 "Good morning Nora." She said as she got up.

"I'll help you get dressed then you can go down for breakfast." Nora said as she got out the outfit Victoria had picked the other day.

 After getting her dressed she sent Victoria downstairs to the dining room. "Master will be waiting for you but careful going down your still weak."

 Victoria walked downstairs to the dining room to find a rather tall man sitting at the table eating another plate was across from him. "Sit down Victoria." He commanded.

 Victoria walked to the table and took her seat. "We will have a guest later I want you to wait with me downstairs he is my competition and I want him gone. When I say to stab him, understood?"

 "Yes master." Victoria replied.

 "Good now eat your meal or it will become cold." After eating Victoria went downstairs to a room with her master. 

When she walked in the room she almost fainted. It was full of corpses dressed up their eyes replaced with doll eyes, they looked alive but as if something was off they looked like dolls... She hid behind the rather large door waiting for Nora to come in with the guest, While Alex was sitting at a table with some tea. Nora walked in with the guest. "Master your guest has arrived." Nora said while bowing.

 "Thank you Nora, Please sit sir, have some tea." Alex said while Nora poured them both tea. 

"So do you like taxidermy?" Alex asked

 "I'm not a fan of dead things." He said in an almost disgusted manner.

 "Oh is that so... how about prosthetics?"

 "No." Victoria heard this and looked at her arm almost not hearing her master call her name.

 "Victoria!" Victoria then rushed over, taking off her glove exposing the joints of her hand.

 The guest slapped Alex. "How barbaric of you to do this to a child!" He screamed.

 "Victoria do it." Alex commanded.

 "Yes sir." Victoria said as she stabbed the guest in the chest getting blood everywhere.

 "I'll take care of him from here go get cleaned up Victoria." Victoria walked upstairs where Nora helped her clean up and put her to bed.

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