Oxytocin (Medicinal Love Book...

By Bitzsoi

74K 3.5K 2K

Oxytocin: the powerful hormone of love, bonding, and well-being. Aija Edwards and Dr. Hikaru Mizuno didn't ex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
The End?
Japanese Translations
Book 2 Prologue
Character Aesthetics

Chapter 11

2.4K 108 136
By Bitzsoi

4:37 pm

After that weird morning at Nakiah's and now freshly clean and dressed in a beige and red floral print sundress, Aija relaxed with Prada as she sorted out pictures of her past memories on the floor. Every end of the season she liked to rearrange things around and about the condo and so she was placing new pictures in the frames. She smiled at a photograph of her at twelve on her father's back while hugging his neck; both of them with big wide grins. She then put it in a separate pile of her father's pictures. The vibration of Aija's phone caught her attention and she smiled seeing Hikaru's name on the screen. 

"Well, hello Dr. Mizuno." She greeted, affectionately.

"Hello, kirei na. I was wondering what you were up to." His familiar voice came through the phone.

"Nothing really. I'm just sorting some photos." She blushed at the word kirei na which the doctor had previously told her meant beautiful.

"Well, what do you think about coming over here and watching some sappy Japanese movies with me, while eating some take-out? I'll even put the subtitles on for you."

How charming. "Ooh...a house date?"

Hikaru chuckled. "It could be. Bring Prada too because I'm sure that Yume could use a friend right now." Aija smiled as she looked at her dog and said, "We can't be bad owners and let them be lonely."

"Exactly...so when can I expect you?" Hikaru asked.

Aija looked down at her mess of photos and thought it over, "Give me about fifteen minutes to clean up. We'll be over there soon."

"Excellent. See you then."

After hanging up the phone, Aija transformed into a whirlwind, hurrying to put everything away in the right place. Prada scampered around her, her tail wagging furiously in excitement. "You ready for your date too, Prada?" Aija giggled out, feeling incredibly happy for the evening to come and who she was spending it with. Finished with her cleaning at the mentioned time, she grabbed her keys and her dog before heading out the door.

What she wasn't expecting to see was a woman at Hikaru's door knocking at the door. Aija slowly closed her own door and stood there silent, her head tilted in curiosity. The woman had long slightly curled brown hair and she was covered in a long black trench coat that seemed too warm for late spring. Aija's eyebrows raised; she had seen this scene too many times in movies and knew exactly what was going on.

The door opened and Hikaru appeared with a huge smile. The smile disappeared in shock as he saw that the woman in front of him wasn't Aija. Aija crept closer for a better chance of hearing.

"Nicole? What...what are you doing here?" He asked incredulously. He was not expecting to see his former sex partner instead of his beautiful neighbor.

"Wow. You're alive, Hikaru. That's just peachy to see seeing as I haven't seen you in almost a month." Nicole said to him, with a bright smile.

Hikaru frowned, still astounded. "How do you even know where I live?" The woman came a bit closer to him and he backed up, his eyes looking side to side for Aija since he knew she was due to come.

"Well, I might have followed you home once or twice from where you work. It's not fair that you always came to my house, Hikaru." Nicole explained with a slight pout of her lips. Hikaru frowned intensely at her words, crossing his arms. He tried to push the word stalker out of his mind that was lingering around.

"You know that was just sex between us, Nicole and that was months ago. You're violating my privacy doing this."

"Violating your privacy?" Nicole laughed as if that was the most ridiculous sentence heard. "I know it was for only sex. I just wanted to come over for a fix."

Now things were really confusing. "A...fix?"

Hikaru's mind slowed to a crawl as Nicole then opened her coat slowly, revealing her pink bra and panties underneath it. Panic doused over his body like a bucket full of cold water and to make matters even worse when he looked up, he saw Aija's surprised face as she walked a bit forward towards his condo, holding Prada.

"Oh, Kami..." He breathed out, wondering how the hell he got into this situation.

Nicole smiled putting her hands on her bare hips, brown eyes shimmering gleefully as if she had accomplished something. "Well? Are you going to let me in?"

Fix this! His mind yelled, finally starting to work again. He glanced at Aija who was standing quietly; waiting to see what he did next. Her face showed her anxiety and aggravation. He looked down at Nicole then and said in a no-nonsense voice that he was used to, "Actually no, I'm not going to let you in. I have a prior engagement."

It was now Nicole's turn to be stunned. "What do you mean prior engagement?"

Hikaru shook his head; he remembered how dunce she could be sometimes. "I mean I had other plans with somebody else. Now cover yourself before someone sees you."

Realizing that he was indeed serious and he wasn't letting her in, Nicole quickly covered and tied her coat back up. "Plans? With who?" She asked, her voice almost cracking with emotion.

"Uh...that would be me." A determined voice called out.

Nicole turned to see Aija walking towards her and Hikaru with her dog in the crook of one arm. She had finally seen enough and decided she wasn't going to let some woman ruin her plans. Before she could go into Hikaru's house, however, she felt a hand on her wrist.

"Whoa, wait a minute! Who are you?!" Nicole asked in surprise. Her hand reached out to grab Aija's wrist.

Hikaru felt like he couldn't take any more shock. Before he could stop Nicole from doing more damage to his planned evening, Aija somehow maneuvered Prada over to him with a determined flash in her eyes. He kneeled to release the dog into the condo and stood again to watch as Aija turned and faced Nicole. Her smile was sweet but her voice was low and absolute.

"Honey...I'm going to say this as pleasantly and as ladylike as possible. If you don't get your hand off of me, I'm going to beat you back to the street corner you obviously came from."

Getting the feeling that Aija didn't make idle threats, the woman released her wrist and Aija promptly walked into the condo. Hikaru let her through and then looked at Nicole who was shaking her head, "I don't understand. I thought that we..."

"You thought that we what?" Hikaru asked in confusion.

"I thought that we had something." The whispered reply came.

"Nicole," Hikaru's tone was stern. "I told you from the beginning. This was no strings attached. Nothing more, nothing less."

"No? But it seems you have time for her! I'm sure you've pumped her just as much as you did me!"

Hikaru chose to ignore that as accurate as that fact was and said, "She's different. I actually have feelings for her. You were just convenient. Now if you don't mind, I have something to do."

Nicole gasped and then with anger flashing in her eyes, she hissed out "You asshole!" before she quickly turned and stalked down the stairs. Hikaru didn't take any time shutting the door behind her.

Aija watched him and he glanced down at her before heading to the kitchen without saying a word. Aija's mouth fell open and then she closed it, looking back at the kitchen area.

"For serious?"


"No explanation of what just happened with the half-naked broad at your door?"

Hikaru sighed, looking up at the ceiling; now he had to deal with this woman's wrath too?

"I took care of the situation, Aija. What more do you want me to talk about?"

Aija got up and headed to the kitchen saying with crossed arms, "A lot. First off, how old is she, anyway?"

"I dunno. Nineteen or twenty, I guess." He shrugged, looking for the Japanese take-out menu.

Aija felt every part of her body freeze up in shock. "Nineteen?! Just the fact that there is teen in that word is disturbing to me! Robbing the cradle much?"

"Aija..." Hikaru started before he looked away. The Hikaru from a different time wouldn't have minded how young Nicole was but after being with the type of woman that Aija was, he could see where she would have a problem.

Aija kept going. "She seemed to be ready for action. Did you forget you had a previous date with her or something? Or, wait... She was a booty call like I was supposed to be, huh?"

"That's none of your business." Was his curt reply.

Aija scoffed, her anger deciding her next move. "Then hell, if it's not then I will take my business out of here and go. " She walked out of the kitchen calling out, "Prada, let's go home!"

Wanting to solve this issue between them quickly, Hikaru rushed out of the kitchen behind her exclaiming, "What the fuck, Aija? What do you want me to do? Call all of my booty calls and tell them I'm taken?"

Aija turned her head to look at him while at the door as he continued, "Because that would be impossible."

"Even for me?"


Boom. Like a sledgehammer to a brick wall, Aija's heart started to crumble from where it was mending. "Find another one of your booty calls to have your movie night with. I'm leaving. I deserve better than this."

Hikaru rushed towards her and grabbed her hand stopping her in her tracks, "I don't have another booty call! Where are you going?" He asked. Aija tugged against his hand, looking away from him.

"Let go, Hikaru. As I said, I'm going home. I don't want this if it's going to be this way. If this is how you are, I don't want you."

Finally wrenching her hand from his, she opened the door, but before she could leave the house she froze at Hikaru's words.

"Aija. Come. Here." 

He had the same deep and dominant voice she had heard that night in his office. Her libido betrayed her quite quickly as she turned slowly in his direction. Hikaru shut the door and then pulled her flush against his body; his taking over hers with primal desire. He had waited long enough and he had walked slow enough steps in this growing relationship. Moving their bodies, he pushed her against the adjacent wall.

Aija let out a silent gasp as Hikaru's hands trailed up her sides slowly. "Please..." She whispered. Her control was slipping faster out of her grasp and before she could even try to catch it, Hikaru pushed her more against the wall, taking both of her wrists in his strong grip above her head.

"You don't want me?" He asked, in a hot husky tone that set her body aflame. Aija shook her head stubbornly.

" I..." She stopped and moaned slightly as his free hand trailed up her leg; along her inner thigh. His fingers boldly went between her legs under her dress, pulling aside her white lace panties and as he kissed down her neck, started rubbing her clit slowly.

Heat exploded all over her body as he touched her most sensitive spot and she gave out a low moan "Ohh..." Her eyes closed as she unintentionally let her body take over, her head falling back slightly against the wall.

Hikaru smiled knowingly as he kept moving his hand against her clit faster. "You don't want me? Because your pussy says otherwise." He showed her his wet fingers.

Aija felt like groaning- he was right- her body was betraying every thought her mind was putting out. However, she kept doing her best to try to resist him.


She cried out loudly as one of his fingers again found its way and plunged into her pussy slowly moving up and down. Aija gave a fervent moan and withered underneath Hikaru's skillful touch, wondering how he was able to hypnotize her body much like a snake charmer would a cobra.

His whisper was hot and heavy in her ear. "Tell me, Aija."

She sucked in a breath, knowing what he wanted to hear and what she so desperately wanted to say. Inwardly groaning but outwardly moaning as his finger crooked slightly inside her depths she knew she had lost the battle.

"I do. I do want you..."

Hikaru gave a sliver of a grin as she looked into his eyes repeating, "I want you, Hikaru. All of you."

The next action was instant as Aija heard Hikaru unzipping his jeans and him stepping out of them. After watching him pull down his boxer briefs a bit, she then felt him release both of her hands only to grab both of her hips and lift her up against the wall.

He sunk his cock into her moist pussy as if it were home and they both moaned loudly at the union of their bodies.

"Fuck...yes." He whispered out into her ear and Aija responded by kissing up the side of his neck softly. Hikaru blinked at the tender-like motion and then looked down at her, cupping her chin to help her look at him.

"I want you too, Aija. Don't you know that? So much so, I said that you meant something to me and sent that woman on her way. I've never done anything like that before. You think that can make up for what I said?" 

Aija's eyes softened at his words; another lock cracking open in her heart and she captured his lips with hers, wrapping her arms around his neck as she began moving her body up and down against his.

Hikaru took in a breath, hissing with pleasure as she took the reins from him so suddenly he wasn't aware of what was happening at first. He took her hips and moved her and down on top of his cock, turning around so that his back was to the wall this time. The two stayed this way for a while, moaning and gasping and groaning before Hikaru decided to take this to his bedroom. He held the woman in his arms tightly, feeling her legs wrapped around his waist as he walked into the open doorway.

Aija was indistinctly aware of her surroundings, partially because Hikaru was still thrusting his cock inside of her as if nothing was different and that he just walked while having sex all the time. Her head fell back in ecstasy and soon she felt the cool sheets of his bed on her back. Hikaru stopped for just enough time to take off her dress, their underwear, and his tank top. He then spread her legs, kissing up the right one before slipping his cock once more inside her.

"Oh, Hikaru..." Aija breathed out, arching her back off of the bed.

Hikaru answered her slight words by thrusting harder, resulting in louder cries. He indulged in the fact that he could make her move like this and that he could make her moan from sweet pleasure. He knew he wanted more and more from this woman and not just her body and sex, but her soul and her personality as well. All he wanted...was Aija. He lowered himself in between Aija's legs so that he was lying on top of her soft body, still pumping but then decided to slow down, so that he could keep a good look at her face as he did.

Aija's head was to the side and her eyes were peacefully closed. Her dark hair was strewn all over his sheets and her bottom lip was caught between her teeth. Altogether she looked like the goddess of bliss. Hikaru shook his head at the sight and softly stroked her hair back with a hand. Aija turned her head at the motion and stared up at him.

There were no more words, there were no more sounds. The two were content to stare into each other's eyes. His were serious with an unreadable expression that Aija struggled to comprehend; hers were full of admiration and emotion that Hikaru wasn't too sure he was ready to receive. He broke the stare, closing his eyes and groaning as he felt his release starting to build. Not wanting to put his woman second, however, he held back, bringing down a hand to rub against Aija's clit and labia furiously.

Aija tensed up, whimpering as the combination of his fingers and his cock against her clitoris started building up pressure that she knew she was familiar with. Bucking her hips against him, straining her body against his chest, she gasped over and over staring up at Hikaru frantically, knowing that only he could give her what she wanted.

"Are you ready to come for me?" He asked in a breathless gruff voice as he stared back down.

"Yes... Yes." She whispered back.

"Then do so."

Aija gasped a few times more before she cried out, freezing her body against him. Her thighs clenched against Hikaru's sides as her pussy clenched his cock like a vise. Her orgasm was intense and she held on to it as long as she possibly could. Hikaru felt her shudder against him as her climax overcame her and felt his own coming forth. He was able to ride through the inner walls gripping hard onto him but as he felt her juices flowing onto him, he gave up and let out a loud cry of pleasure of his own, releasing himself into her. After the rush of orgasms, the two sweaty and spent individuals shivered against one another as they caught their breaths. 

Too tired to do anything more, they settled for sleep not even bothering to separate or change positions.

<<<<<<       >>>>>

May 29, 2011 / 8:15 am

The sunlight laced through the two held hands the next morning as Aija and Hikaru lay under his covers. Hikaru watched the light, moving their hands up and down in the air a little while before staring over at Aija who was still lightly sleeping on his chest. He leaned down to kiss her forehead before relaxing again and thinking about the events from the night before. The visit from Nicole had been an unexpected blow, but he had managed to save what he and Aija had going on between them...whatever that was.

Aija lightly blinked open her eyes, trailing them around the oriental-styled bedroom. She then quickly realized that she and Hikaru had unprotected sex and was pleased that she had gotten an implant from her gynecologist way early into her and Hikaru's sexual escapades. A baby would only complicate things further for both of them and that was something Aija wasn't willing to do or prepared to put Hikaru through.

"You're awake." She heard him say softly.

"Yes." She grinned.

"With all the activities we did last night, I'm surprised you are able to wake up at all."

Aija laughed. "You seem quite sure of yourself, sir."

"I made you orgasm...three times. That's all I need to reassure myself."

A flush of excitement came over Aija's face at the reminder. "Touché."

There was silence and then Hikaru said, "Something you said has me thinking." Aija looked up at him and he replied, "Last night you said you wanted all of me. What did you mean by that?"

Aija looked slightly taken back; she hadn't expected to explain herself but now at Hikaru's inquisitive gaze, she put a bit of hair behind her ear and sat up, holding the sheets around her body. Hikaru seemed amused by that action but she ignored his expression.

"I mean exactly what I said, Hikaru. That night after my party when I said that you hurt me when you just rejected me? I realized soon after that that I..." She paused wondering if she should even keep going. Hikaru motioned with a tilt of his head for her to continue and she cleared her throat.

"I realized that I have loving feelings for you." She looked down at her manicured nails, not wanting to see Hikaru's reaction, and for good reason.

Hikaru's eyes were widened in unexpected shock as the words that the woman in front of him just spoke raced through his brain over and over. He cleared his own throat.

"Uh...loving feelings?" She nodded and so did he. "As in...?"

"I've fallen in love with you."

The answer was quick and to the point, making Hikaru breathless for a moment. Never had he heard any woman tell him that and it quickly made him feel vulnerable. He looked side to side, before sitting up slowly to face Aija all the way.

"Oh...uh... I see!  When exactly did you realize this?"

Aija looked up at the ceiling as she calculated. "About a month ago."

Hikaru blinked. He was blown away by her confession. "You've been in love with me for a month and you're just now telling me?"

"It wasn't like you were giving loving signals back, Hikaru. Especially at that time. I don't know- the feeling came over me."

Hikaru was completely speechless as he stared at Aija, who tried her hardest not to look back at him. But she finally did, searching his eyes.

"Say something." She whispered, feeling embarrassment flood her face and body. She hadn't wanted to confess so soon, but he had brought it up. Now she waited for the blow of another rejection. She saw Hikaru blink before he looked down; inwardly loving that his usually gelled back hair was messed up from the sex last night.

"I can't say that I have the same feelings, Aija." He finally said and Aija immediately felt an igloo being built around her heart. But before the last ice block could be placed she felt his hand on her face, stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"I can't say that because I don't know how to love you. I've never had deep feelings for any woman but my own mother and that's pushing it." He cocked his head to the side, regarding her. "But...I want to learn."

Aija smiled, leaning her cheek into his hand. "I don't mind teaching you. I can be a good teacher."

Hikaru grinned and Aija giggled out, "Why the smile?"

"You as a teacher is quite an erotic vision, Aija. One day we'll have to explore that a bit deeper."

Aija chuckled again; amused that Hikaru's wicked mentality would appear at the most random times. But then again...she had her own.

As if reading her mind, Hikaru asked, "Is there a lesson that is needed to be taught, Miss Edwards?"

"Maybe..." Aija's eyes gazed down below his torso where it was covered with his sheets. Hikaru's eyebrows rose as he smirked. Sometimes she could be quite insatiable.

"Is the teacher ready for another sampling of last night?" He asked now, nearing his face closer to hers, ready to taste her lips. Aija stared down at his own lips, smiling.

"Could be. Show me how good of a sample it is and I'll see if you get an A."

"Oh, this is A+ material right here, baby..." Hikaru husked out as he collected Aija into his arms quickly, laying her down onto the bed once more.

Aija laughed as he tackled her under the sheets and then moaned as he began kissing her lips passionately. She knew that work needed to be done regarding their budding relationship. She had no idea what was going to be around the corner, but as long as Hikaru was willing to try to love her, she didn't mind going down that journey with him. Not one bit.

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