The Duke's Lady

By Lissa34

987K 32.4K 796

Holly was the youngest of ten kids, and the most beloved daughter of Lord John Campton. She befriends the Du... More

The Duke's Lady
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

25.8K 897 22
By Lissa34

Holly couldn't sleep, this desire was burning her up. She thought that at any given moment she would burst into flames. How can one man make you feel this way? Just to burn from his touch, and his kiss, it was enough to drive you mad. Holly groaned into her pillow, she rolled out of her bed and walked to the window. The moon was full and bright in the night's sky, the stars were so bright. Holly remembered when her oldest brother John taught her about the stars in the sky. 

She looked at the clock that was on her fireplace mantle, midnight. Great this was going to be a long night, she walked back over to her bed. After climbing back under the covers, she kicked them back off. What was it going to take to extinguish these flames that William started in her body? She was going to get him back for what he had done to her. This was just evil of him, to leave her in such a state. 

She pulled the covers up again and tried to fall asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, William was coming back to have dinner again. She just knew that he was going to try to kiss her again. That would keep the fire burning through her veins. She had never felt such desire before, she only heard the description from her sisters. 


William was having a tough time falling asleep, he had thoughts of a delicious kiss. Holly, how could he have fought himself not to love her? He could have had her already if he hadn't been so bull headed. Well that was his past and Holly was his future. She didn't have a clue that her father already gave his consent for Holly's hand in marriage. Lord Campton was an agreeable man, he knows his daughter very well. They were in his study laughing at Holly's fine moments when she was growing up.

He loved to hear the stories about Holly as a young girl, it reminded him of the day that he saved her. Even at the age of thirteen she was a beauty, she had stole his heart that day. He just wouldn't admit it to himself then. Lindsay knew some how, he just couldn't figure out how she knew. He was going to have many sleepless nights until he could get Holly to agree to marry him. It was going to be a short engagement, since Clarissa ruined Holly's reputation. He prayed that he didn't have to even lay his eyes on her ever again.

He was wondering just how long Holly would take before she would say yes to marry him. She should be feeling the effects of their soul searing kiss. That kiss stirred within his memory, his eyes glazed over with desire. Just the thought of their lips touching had his manhood stiff. He let his mind go over the memories of the afternoon and into the evening. What he wouldn't give to have Holly here right now? She would be squealing in desire that his touch created.


Holly woke up after a restless night, she looked into her mirror. Holly gasped in horror," I do believe the rats have been at it again."

Her lady's maid walked in the door, at first she had a smile on her face. That was until she took one look at Holly. She gasped" Miss what have you done to your hair?"

Holly shrugged " well I didn't sleep well last night and I tossed and turned knots right into my hair."

Heather clicked her tongue," I know why you didn't get any sleep last night Miss."

Holly looked at her with big round eyes, " How did you know?"

Heather chuckled" I wouldn't be getting any sleep if I had a handsome devil like his Grace after me too."

Holly dropped back on her bed, she sighed" What am I going to do about him?"

Heather chuckled, " well Miss, the only thing you can do is marry him like he be asking you to do."

Holly buried her head in her pillow," It's easier said then done, he didn't want me until a couple of months ago."

Heather snorted," Now come out of that bed, his Grace will be here before you know it and your momma will have a fit if you are not ready. Besides, you are wrong about his Grace, he has been in love with you since he laid eyes on you."

Holly climbed out of the bed and walked over to the vanity and sat down. She listened to Heather as she was trying to comb out all of the snarls. Holly shook her head," no I don't think he does, he only wants to marry me for an heir."

Heather combed out the snarls out as gently as she could. She was pinning her hair up," I know for a fact he loves you and you love him."

Holly was about to say something but was interrupted by her dress being pulled into place. Heather smiled" I know you are wondering just how I know so much right?"

Holly nodded her head, " I want to know what you call love."

Heather smiled " well when he touches you in intimate way and you feel sparks float along your body. Also when he looks at you, you feel butterflies in your stomach. He makes you feel things that no other could make you feel."

Holly was entranced at all of the descriptions that Heather was describing to her. That was exactly what she was feeling, she was curious. Holly looked at Heather" I feel this burning sensation in my secret part and I want to know how to get rid of it?"

Heather chuckled" The only way to get rid of that is to marry the man who created that feeling. That is the only way you can get rid of it because he is the only one to quench that burning desire."

Holly was deep in thought about what they were discussing, her mother came in unannounced. " Holly darling, his Grace is here and has asked that you join him for a carriage ride to the village."

Holly came out of her thoughts with a jerk," Why me? I would think that he would want to take someone else."

Martha looked at her daughter," This is something I would hope that you would be excited about. To think my youngest daughter married to a Duke, I knew that you couldn't be so beautiful for nothing."

As fast as Martha  showed up in the doorway, she turned on her heel and was out of sight. Holly hurried up and finished getting dressed. Heather helped her, within a few minutes she was ready for the outing. She ran down the stairs very unlady like, she knew that she would be getting a tongue lashing for that later.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, there he stood waiting for her with some hot house flowers. He looked so handsome, just the sight of him started that burning again. Well according to Heather he was the only one who could make it go away. So that is what she wanted him to do, make it go away. But what would that be? She had no clue what would be done and how exactly it would be done. If she got her way it wouldn't matter how but just how long it would last.


William was ready to put part two of his plans in action, he was going to take her on a picnic on his estate. He told her parents that they were going to the village, he wanted to get her alone. That was the only way he was going to get her to agree to marry him.  He was playing with fire and knew that it was dangerous. He didn't care cause he knew that she was burning up with desire. He wanted to sample her lips again. He wanted to stoke the fire, so that she would beg for release of the inferno of passion. 

He helped her up into the carriage and followed her in and sat beside her. As soon as they waved goodbye to her parents the tension in the carriage was so thick. Finally he picked up her hand and turned her palm upwards. He started to draw hearts in the palm of her hand," I am happy that you came with me today.'

What he didn't expect was how she practically threw herself in his lap. She was a vixen, he liked that very much. Holly looked into his eyes" I want this burning to stop, my body is like a fire burning out of control."

William couldn't believe his ears," Please Ms. Campton, get a hold of yourself."

Holly furrowed her brow," I am not kidding, I can't sleep it keeps me up at night."

William chuckled, this was to easy," I can do that for you but under one condition."

Holly looked into his eyes, " and what is that condition?"

William placed a light kiss on the tip of her nose," Well little one, you must agree to become my wife first."

Holly slid from his lap back on to the bench," If I agree to become your wife, I have to know do you love me?"

William looked at her and seriously said" With my whole heart and soul, I can't live without you and won't live without you. I was just so bull headed to admit it before, I love you more than the air I breathe.'

Holly jumped on to his lap and hugged him tight, she placed feather light kisses all over his face. She giggled" I love you with my whole heart and soul, I knew from that day you saved me from certain death."

William took that moment to start kissing her, Holly felt the fire grow with in her secret part. She knew that he was the only one who could extinguish it. She wanted to get closer to him, she felt the wetness pool out again just as his hands roamed over her body. She arched her back as he placed his hand over one of her breasts. The need to have him touch her there was great, she knew what they were doing was not morally right. She was enjoying it that she would gladly go to hell if this happened on a regular basis. 

William took her nipple between two fingers and pinched. Holly moaned in desire as different sensations was running through her veins. She thought she was in heaven, how could something feel so good be so bad? As she was really getting into all of these different and new sensations he stops.

Holly whimpered," Please this fire is to much for me, don't stop I beg of you."

William waited for her to open her eyes and looked at him. He smiled" Holly Campton, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Holly smiled " Yes! I will just please take care of this burning fire."

William chuckled " in due time I will release you from this burning sensation, but first I need to go talk to your father about our upcoming nuptials. The banns will have to be posted and I will apply for a special license. We will be married by next week, and I will be so happy to take care of your burning hot body then."

Holly couldn't believe that she was going to be getting no sleep again. He wanted to wait for the wedding night? Exactly did he expect on their wedding night? The question she really wanted answered was, How is she going to survive in the mean time?

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