Chapter 10

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Holly ran to the door crying, she did what she said she was going to do! Why did Clarissa have to be so mean? Why was she so jealous? It wasn't that William wanted her, he wanted Clarissa. She went straight up to her room and slammed the door.

The Duchess and Martha looked at each other, they were dumbfounded. Holly didn't offer any explanation about what was happening. It was obvious to them she knew something. Mrs. Hottle came out from the kitchen, she heard the ruckus and knew what had happened. She walked out and glanced at the staircase. She knew that the lass was hurting and how it all came to be.

Lady Campton was shaking her head in disappointment, not at Holly but at the fact that someone was out to ruin her daughter's reputation. She knew Holly and knew that these rumors that were circulating were a false accusation. The whole problem to this situation was Holly wouldn't talk about it, it was like she was afraid to tell. Martha turned around and seen Mrs. Hottle standing there, she must know something.

" Mrs, Hottle, would you be so kind as to bring a tea tray into the sitting room?"

" Yes my Lady."

Martha turned to look at Anna," Shall we sit and decide where to go from here?"

Anna nodded and looked worriedly at her daughter," I think we should, Lindsay dear will you go and check on dear Holly?"

" Yes I will mother, and maybe I can get her to talk to me."

They waited for Lindsay to be up the stairs and out of ear shot. Martha spoke first," I want to assure you that Holly has not done the things she is accused of, I know my daughter."

Anna smiled" you forget dear that I know that Holly is innocent of all accounts, she would never do something so stupid."

Martha nodded" I don't know what to do about this? why would someone want to hurt such a young girl?"

Anna nodded" I know, I have my suspicions but no proof."

Mrs. Hottle came in carrying the tea tray herself, she set it down before the ladies. She stood and nodded" can I get you anything else Lady Campton?"

Martha nodded" yes, I want to know what has been going on in this house when I am not home."

Mrs, Hottle nodded" nothing really just doing our jobs, Lady Campton."

Martha knew that there was something that had happened and she was going to get to the bottom of it. " Has anything out of the ordinary happen to my daughter in the last few days?"

Mrs. Hottle nodded" yes my Lady, Ms. Holly had a lady caller the other day."

Anna looked at Martha and nodded" Mrs. Hottle, I am sure that you know that someone has hurt our Holly. What we want to know is who and what has happened?

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