Chapter 30

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William's carriage pulled up to the Campton's estate, Lindsay sat next to him. This time there was no one to hurt Holly, Clarissa was awaiting trial and in prison. He was so happy that she was no longer a threat to society and his future wife. He felt the carriage come to a stop, he moved to the door and got out. He helped Lindsay down, they smiled at each other. 

Holly was avoiding all of the males that walked past her, she couldn't look at them without blushing. How exactly was she going to get through this night? How could she even marry tomorrow? She wasn't sure just how she was suppose to act. Especially knowing what she knows now, her best bet is to avoid all male company period.

William saw Holly standing in a corner, Lindsay called out to her" Holly!" 

Holly looked up and saw Lindsay and smiled, but when she looked at William her smile dropped. She started to look down again and was turning different shades of red. What was going on? and why wouldn't she look him in the eye?

Lindsay smiled at her" Holly,I am so happy that tomorrow you will be my sister for real."

Holly blushed and kept adverting her eyes , accept when she looked at Lindsay. " I am happy that we get to see each other this evening."

William smiled at her" I have missed you so much Holly, would you care to take a walk in the garden?"

Holly blushed even redder if it was possible, " I think that I better stay to greet the guests with my parents. Maybe later then?"

William was disappointed, for some reason she couldn't look at him without turning four shades red. " I would have liked to have a few moments with you. But if you are otherwise engaged at the moment I shall wait for you."

Holly curtsied and walked away from them, Lindsay looked at her brother worried like. " Well that is not like Holly at all, I wonder what has happened?"

William was a little hurt by Holly's cool demeanor, it wasn't like her to act that way especially towards him. Something wasn't right and he needed to find out what exactly was going on. Could she be having second thoughts about tomorrow?


Lindsay saw how hurt her brother was by Holly actions, it was like she was trying to avoid him for some reason. She was going to find out and fix what was bothering her, she wasn't going have something like this ruin their wedding. She spotted Holly sitting alone in a dark corner, she approached her and seen that she had tears in her eyes." Holly, what is wrong?"

Holly looked up to find Lindsay" I am so scared, I can't look at William without being frightened out of my skin."

Lindsay sat beside her and comforted her" Why are you scared of William?"

Holly looked away" I am not really scared about him, it's just what is going to happen on our wedding night."

Lindsay stared at Holly" I am not knowledgeable about this let me go and get Jessica, meet us in the garden in the gazebo."

Holly nodded and stood up and hurried in the direction of the gazebo, Lindsay walked over to her brother" She is scared about your wedding night. I am fetching Jessica to help calm her down."

William looked at her" so it's not something I have done to make her scared it's just what has been told to her what is going to be done?"

Lindsay nodded" yes, don't worry we will get this cleared up, I can't tell her anything about it since I am not married yet myself."

William nodded" I understand, I saw Jessica over there with Gabe talking to Lord Henry."

Lindsay saw where her brother was pointing and found Jessica looking all bored like. She walked over to her" Excuse me gentlemen, but I need Jessica to help with some wedding matters."

Gabe looked at his sister" Lindsay, you look very fetching tonight, is Jason going to be here tonight?"

Lindsay smiled" He is going to be late, he had business matters to attend to."

Jessica smiled" well let's go take care of those wedding matters sister, before these men have me napping here on the lawn." 

They all chuckled as Jessica led Lindsay away, " thank you for saving me from that boring conversation."

Lindsay smiled" your welcome, I came to get you because something has gotten Holly wound up tighter than a ball of yarn."

Jessica furrowed her brow" it could be cold feet, she could be changing her mind about the whole marriage thing."

Lindsay creased her brow" no, I think it's more than that. She said it was about the wedding night."

Jessica nodded her head" I know what has happened, her mother has told her the scary version of the wedding night."

Lindsay's eyes grew big" really, it's scary?"

Jessica laughed" mom's always make it sound worse than it actually is, where is Holly at now?"

Lindsay led the way into the garden, William was talking to one of Holly's brother's and they watched as the women went in to talk to Holly. He just hoped that was bothering her, Jessica and Lindsay could fix it. He didn't want to make her marry him tomorrow,he would rather die than make her do something she didn't want to. He just hoped that she would marry him, he couldn't live without her love.

He just couldn't think on what could be bothering her at this point, could it be that when he was over here the other night? Could he have done something to make her scared of him? If it wasn't him then what was the problem? He wanted to fix what was wrong, he wanted her to feel comfortable with him again. But she wasn't going to until what was the issue was corrected.

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