Chapter 9

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Lindsay was worried about Holly, she was not acting like herself. She tried to get her to talk about what was bothering her. But Holly would just smile and brush it off and say" I am just tired, it's all of these little parties every night."

" Come on Holly, I know you and this is not like you."

" Really it's just because I am tired, I haven't been sleeping much lately."

" Fine, I will let this rest for now, but if you don't get some rest you are going to make yourself sick.'

Holly grinned" yes mother."

Both girls erupted into a fit of giggles, tonight was another ball. This was the first one since Clarissa had come for a visit. Holly was dreading it big time, she didn't know if Clarissa would go through with her threat to ruin her. So she was sitting on pins and needles, and Lindsay had no clue either.

They were sitting before the fireplace embroidering, Holly nervously looked at Lindsay" Lindsay, if I was to tell you something would you keep my secret?"

Lindsay looked up at Holly" you know I will."

Holly nodded" I just need to know if you would keep what I told you between us and no one else."

Lindsay smiled and patted her hand" Dear you are like a sister to me, in fact you are my sister."

Holly smiled" I feel the same way, I like to think that no matter what happened that you would believe me no matter what was said."

Lindsay smiled" well of course, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"

Both girls were giggling when their mothers came in the sitting room,  the Duchess smiled" there's that laughter I so love to hear."

Martha smiled at the girls" I know and here lately all Holly has been doing is moping around the house."

The Duchess smiled" well maybe she has just been so stressed out about tonight's ball and what she is going to wear."

They all laughed and of course Holly felt her stomach drop from the stress of keeping such a secret. She wanted to confide in someone about what had transpired a couple of days ago. Their mothers sent them off to prepare for the ball.

Lindsay was sitting next to her on the stool having her hair curled," I think that I just don't know which gentlemen is worth my time." 

Holly chuckled" I know the feeling, i know that the one that has even sparked any kind of feeling is taken." 

LIndsay looked at her friend in surprise" Why Ms. Campton, who is this taken fellow?"

Holly giggled" it really doesn't matter, he is taken and soon I am sure to make a proposal to the girl."

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