Chapter 12

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Holly had cried herself to sleep, she had felt every tear drop from her eyes. She was socially ruined, now no gentleman would never want her. How could Clarissa be so cruel? Holly whimpered as the sun broke threw the curtain and shined in her eyes.

She rolled herself off the bed and went to relieve herself and to wash her face. She peered at her image in the mirror, her eyes were red rimmed and were puffy. She didn't care, no man wanted her now especially William. She was ruined even if someone came forward to claimed they had lied.

William, she knew she never really had a chance with him. She knew he didn't feel the same as she felt for him. Clarissa had made it possible to ruin her, now she would never have love or a family that she always wanted. There was no reason to live, her family was sure to turn her out. If they were to associate with her they would be ruined also.

What was she going to do? Lindsay wouldn't be her friend anymore. She still could show her face in public, even though Holly could not. She could feel tears start forming in her eyes again. Lindsay, her dear sweet friend who was her best friend. How was she to talk to her now? With a blackened reputation, she couldn't associate with anyone.

Holly sat on her window seat and watched through the curtains as people strolled along. It was chilly out and it amazed her to see so many people about. At least they could stroll about. She was to be locked up in a tower forever, with the knowledge that a prince was not going to come to her rescue.

After she was dressed, she went down to the dining room. Not that she was hungry, but she didn't want to face anyone. The Duchess and Martha were sitting across the table from one another. Holly walked in the door, and tried to walk back out. But her mother stopped her. Martha jumped to her feet, and ran over to Holly and gathering her in her arms.

"My baby, I am so sorry that this had to happen."

"I am sorry mother, I have brought shame on to our family."

" Nonsense, you have done nothing of the sort."

" I assure you mother, I have not been alone with any gentlemen and I have not encouraged any of there attention."

" Holly dear, you don't have to say anymore, just know that we are here for you."

Holly looked at her mother,"are you really? Considering that I am a trollop now?"

" You are my daughter, and no matter what is said I will love you."

Holly started to cry again, Martha patted her back and rubbed circles to try to relax her. She knew that this was very hard for her. To know that someone maliciously hurt her daughter was making Martha angry. She felt the sobs rake through Holly's body, it broke her heart.

The only way to fix this was to ignore the gossip, and leave town. Then hope that it would blow over and as always someone else would be the next gossip. Hopefully everyone would forget that this ever happened.

Anna watched as Martha consoled her daughter, she felt her own heart breaking at Holly's anguish. If she had her way, Clarissa would be exposed for what she was. William was going to learn that if he prosued a match with her. That he would disinherit, she would not allow someone so spoiled in the dukedom.

Speaking about William, he was being showed in. The grief of seeing Holly in tears, showed on his face. Anna smirked, he was in love with Holly. The stupid boy, why he wouldn't admit it was beyond her.

Martha looked up and into the eyes of his Grace, William. She motioned for him to have a seat. He of course did as she bid, he looked at his mother. Anna motioned for him to be quiet, so he sat there watching Holly cry into her mother's shoulder.

Martha patted Holly's shoulder," my darling why don't you go wash your face and lie down for a bit."

Holly nodded her blonde head,and walked out the door. She had no clue that William had witnessed her break down. If she would have seen him she would have been mortified. Right now that was something Martha didn't want for her to discover. It was better left a secret, Holly would have been so embarressed.

They waited for Holly to be far enough away, before they started to talk. When he was given the all clear he spoke up,"I came to find out what exactly happened last night."

Anna furrowed her brow" why don't you ask Lady Clarissa?"

William was shocked, "what does she have to do with this?"

Anna looked at Martha, "let me tell him, cause if you did he would be mad at you."

Martha nodded and went out of the room to arrange a tray taken up to Holly. Then have a tea tray delivered into the sitting room. She wasn't going to miss this for the world, especially when Anna told him about Clarissa.

Anna looked at her son," shall we take this into the other room?"

She stood up and he followed his mother into the other room. He had no clue what she was getting at, but strangely he wanted to know. As they took their seats, Martha came in followed by a tea tray. They each took a cup of tea, and drank a sip before anyone said a thing.

Anna turned towards her son and furrowed her brow, " Our Holly has been ruined by the girl you are thinking about making your wife."

William was shocked by the accusation," excuse me? Where are you getting your information?"

Anna nodded" well apparently a Lady Clarissa Townsend was seen coming into this house a few days ago."

William glared at his mother," and exactly how do you know this is true?"

Anna snorted " have I ever given you any reason to doubt me before?"

William shook his head, "no mother, you have never lied to me or my siblings."

Anna shrugged her shoulders," then why would I start now?"

William grimaced " I am sorry mother, please continue."

Satisfied that he was going to listen, she continued" as I was saying, Lady Clarissa Townsend paid Holly a visit. It was no social call, she came here to issue a threat towards Holly."

William was thinking about the night of the ball as he listened to his mother explain. Anna continued" she came here with the intent to destroy her, because of you."

William looked up shocked at what his mother had just said. " what do you mean by that?"

Anna smirked" apparently, she felt threatened by Holly's presence and that Holly's beauty was taking away from her."

William was trying to wrap her brain around what had just been revealed. Holly came around the corner, "she threatened me, because she felt that I was competition."

Everyone stopped talking as Holly came into view, " I tried to assure her that you wanted nothing to do with me and that you had choosen her not me. She wouldn't listen, she told me that I was not to associate with your family. I begged her to leave me alone, but she told me she would ruin my reputation if I showed up in their company again. She laughed when she told me that no one wanted such an ugly girl for a wife. What is funny about this whole thing is she is right. Now with you coming here, they will be talking that you are one of my so called gentlemen friends."

William was shocked at what she had revealed about Clarissa. He watched as she left the room as quick as she came into it. Anna and Martha was looking at him, Anna looked at her son" Holly's reputation is ruined, she won't be able to marry well. She is the victim of Clarissa's game, Holly is ruined and even the truth can't set her free."

William paled, how could he not know what kind of person Clarissa was? What was he going to do, cause he didn't even want to look at her right now. She ruined his Holly, and she had no right in spreading such lies about the woman he loved.

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