Chapter 13

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William left the Campton's residents full of anger, how could he let himself be deceived by someone who was suppose to be sweet? Why would she do something like that to get her way? He had a lot of questions that he needed to get answered. So he decided he needed to make a visit, even though he knew that it was to early for social calls. This was not a social call, he refused to subject himself to any more of Clarissa's damage. He was going to defend Holly and try to repair her reputation as much as possible. He was going to fix this, cause none of this would have happened if he wouldn't have been so stubborn in the first place.

As he arrived at the Townsend's townhouse, he knocked and waited to be let in. He didn't wait for the butler to announce him, he waltzed right in. Clarissa came running up to him, she was about to hug him. She placed her hand on his arm instead. " Why William, what is wrong? you look positively mad."

William glared at her," Madame, you are not to refer to me with my given name. I am your Grace, and for the love of God don't touch me!"

Charles, Clarissa's father waltzed in " What is the meaning of this?"

" Why don't you ask your daughter, she seems to have answers to every question I am about to ask her."

" William, please ..." Clarissa begged him.

" I told you that I don't give you permission to call me by my given name, this time I will over look it as a mistake. But next time I will not take it so lightly, do you understand?"

" Yes your Grace, I don't know what has gotten into you? Have I done something to anger you?"

" Why don't you explain to your father and I about Holly Campton?  Try not to lie, and while your at it explain to us why you thought it was necassary to ruin the poor girls reputation?"

" Clarissa darling, what is he talking about? Charles looked at his daughter with wide eyes.

" Nothing really father, just told a little white lie, that is it and his Grace is upset about it."

William was astonished at how cool as a cucumber she was about the whole matter. She is not what he thought she was. He was disgusted at her and at himself, to think he was going to ask for her hand in marriage. He was glad that he found out exactly what she was like before he married her. William looked at her father" Your daughter has ruined my sister's best friends reputation by lying and spreading a false rumor around about her. My family is not happy at all and as of today I will no longer be pursuing your daughter. She disgusts me, how someone can so callously destroy a family friend to get what she wants. I, William Grosmont the heir of the Duke of Lancaster, makes the statement loud and clear for everyone to hear. I will not be associated with your daughter and her family for what she has done. Goodbye, may I never see your face again!"

William turned on his heel and stormed out of the Townsend's home, leaving them all slack jawed. Now to go make matters right with Holly, he wasn't going to be stubborn any longer. He was going to ask Holly to marry him, that would take care of her reputation and he would have a wife that would produce an heir when the time came. He only hoped she would say yes, maybe he better stop by a church on his way back to her parents townhouse. Cause all prayers were going to be needed if he was going to get her to accept. Holly was just as stubborn as he was, God help him cause he was going to need it.

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