Shadows- a Danplan fanfiction

By Ilikepansthough

18.4K 1K 1.8K

This is the sequel to Flames-a Danplan fanfiction, so you should probably read that first. Five years after t... More

Creeping- Prologue
Something Dark
Ignorance is Bliss
No Time
Marionettes & Blood
Mysteries & Mountains
In Between
Horrible Ideas
Awkward Situations
A For Effort
One favour
Silent Home
Finding Stephen
Base 1
What friends are for
First year zero
Wake up Call
On the way
Goodbye Wattpad. + second year 0, plot

Perfectly Helpless

583 28 93
By Ilikepansthough

He stood there, feeling perfectly helpless as the giant creature looked down on him with its bright, spiteful eyes.
All he could do was clutch his book tighter, and fall to his knees as it came closer.
It spread it's enormous wings, as if to make itself look even bigger.

'I guess this is it.' He thought to himself quietly, as he looked down at his shaking hands. He thought back to certain summer nights with his parents and to how they rebuild they're village even after the catastrophe.
He thought about what everyone had achieved, how far they had taken their ideal, how they survived.
Surely the credit didn't belong to  him, but maybe he too could have done something good in his life, even if it was something small.

Now he would never find out. He was damned to say goodbye to his short, yet eventful life, only to be killed by the demons his people despised.

Would they even miss him?
He wasn't too sure, after all they sent him here, knowing he wasn't a fighter. Maybe they wanted this to happen, perhaps this was his unique death penalty for being useless.

He shut his eyes tightly, waiting for some kind of impact or attack.
His heart was beating faster than ever as he took uneven breaths.
He braced himself for the pain that was about to come.

Then suddenly, he felt a wave of heat near him.
But it wasn't painful at all, as if it wasn't aimed at him, which was utterly confusing.
Maybe the creature had just missed. Or it was trying to kill him slowly, he shuddered at the thought.

He didn't even consider opening his eyes, holding on to the childish hope that the creature would leave him alone, that was until he heard loud footsteps.
They echoed through his head, being the only familiar, human thing to comfort him.

He opened his eyes carefully to understand just what was going on.
The scene before him, took his breath away.

Blue flames danced near the creature, capturing it in a circular field, holding back the red fire it would occasionally spew.
The image was surreal. Those flames, he knew he had seen them, he had read about them in the holy books. He had learned to fear them.
So why were they holding back his enemy?

The second shock was that the flames were apparently controlled by someone.
The person standing there, trapping the giant monster, was a rather small, silver haired male, wearing a white and blue cloak.
His expression was one of concentration, no trace of evil to be found on his pale face.

The man wasn't sure if he should admire or fear the mystic stranger, considering he quite obviously was a witch.

"Hey you! Please move so I can take care of this properly!" The silver haired magician called out.

All the soon to be monk could do in response was nod quickly and run from where he said, only to hide behind a large tree.
From there he watched the battle of flames with trembling hands and a heavy chest.
'Why is this witch even standing up for me?' He thought in confusion.
This took him way back.

He was still a child, when the witch hunting period had reached it's peak.
It had already been popular in the known kingdoms for a much longer time, but eventually it even reached their village.

Public executions were a daily thing, he knew this.
However he wasn't exactly traumatized, considering he never had to see one, his parents made sure he never would have to face anything of that sort.
Even if they were really high class people, and involved in those prosecutions, he never had to see any of it.

Until that one night, were it all went down the drain.

It was a typical sunday night, were after his biblical studies, he was finally able to go to bed.
"Mummy! Mummy! Tell me a good night story!" He begged his mother as he usually would.

The black haired woman chuckled. "Alright, alright, but brush your teeth first." She told her son sweetly, ruffling his dark brown, almost black hair.

He pouted, but quickly did as he was told.
After thoroughly brushing his teeth he ran to his bedroom with loud clumsy steps.
He immediately dashed toward the bed and wrapped himself up under the blanket, after all, everyone knew that nothing could happen to you under the blanket.

His mother chuckled at her son's antics. "Are you ready for an exciting bed time story?" She asked sweetly, looking down at him with a fond smile on her exhausted face.

The little boy nodded furiously.

Her smile widened at the wordless reply, and she sat down on the bed, getting comfortable.
Then she started her story.
"Once upon a time, there was a small village. The people that lived there had everything, but there was one thing that threatened their safety." She began mysteriously.

"What was it?!" The boy immediately interrupted, as he always would when his mother told him stories. He was too curious, he couldn't help it.

His mother laughed. "Let me finish the story if you want to know." She said, teasing her son a bit.
"What was threatening them, was an extremely hateful creature that lived with them. It was the most murderous, selfish and cruel creature in the world." His mother continued.

The boy's eyes widened. "Wh-what creature?" He asked fearfully.

His mother gave him a serious look. "A creature that consists of many smaller individuals." She explained cryptically.
"That creature caused many innocent people pain and suffering.
But luckily there also were many special humans, they were braver and stronger than the others, even if they were misunderstood.
Undercover, those people would slowly befriend the creature, tame it, until it was no longer harmful.
There was one boy that stood out especially from those people. He had the capability to befriend every sort of creature he would meet, even if he didn't know it yet.
He one day grew up to be the saviour of that beautiful village, and he brought back happiness and peace to everyone.
They lived happily ever after.
Legend has it, at the big party they threw, the creature was celebrating with them."
The woman in her early thirties finished the generic story.

But for her son it was exciting and beautiful, he simply loved happy endings like those. "Mum, what was the boy's name?" He asked curiously, trying to gain more time with his mother.

His mother grinned and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Let's just call him...Joe." She whispered softly.

The boy giggled happily at the mention of his name in the story. It made him feel important for some reason and he liked it. "Good night mummy." He said softly, watching his mother get up.

"Good night darling. Your father and I will be off for work." She whispered softly, before leaving the room, shutting of the lights of and closing the door.

Then the boy could hear her lock the door carefully.
He then laid in bed quietly, still thinking about the story his mother had told him.
He didn't know what it was but something made this story different then the others, as if it held some special meaning he was too young to understand.

The next couple hours were fine, he just quietly fell asleep, unaware of what was happening outside of his safe place at home.

In fact, whilst he was gently snoring, a catastrophe was happening in his village.

That night every member of the clerical constitution of monks that defended his village from witches, was killed.
Now this would have been tragic enough as it was, but the worst thing was that both of his parents were part of that group.
And all of them were killed by only one person. A person so cold blooded, legend has it they killed their own parents.

The next morning Joe woke up to his grandmother crying at his bed, telling him it was all going to be all right.

How could he ever forget all of that and just believe that any witch could be good? Why was he questioning his believes all of a sudden.
Surely it couldn't be just because of that stranger defended him, right?

But he just couldn't help it, the silver haired man looked so serious about helping someone in need, that assuming he was evil just didn't feel right.

Meanwhile Hosuh kept the creature in place, using his now way stronger magical ability.
He was proud of how far he'd come with his magic, but he wasn't sure if he could manage to hold back the unbelievably strong dragon like being.
It seemed extremely set on going toward the terrified looking human, as if he had something that if wanted to have.

Hosuh studied the dark haired stranger's appearance, trying to find anything that could be attracting the creature.
His eyes wandered to the book he was holding so tightly, then to to the creature, then back to the book.
Could that be it?
Well it was worth a try in his opinion.
"Hey! Throw that book away!" He ordered loudly, not having time to say please.

The dark haired man seemed uncertain about it, but quickly realised he didn't really have a choice.
He threw the book as far away as he could, which wasn't really far, and ran even further away.

In a moment of weakness, Hosuh's barrier around the animal crashed, and the creature was able to escape, much to everyone's horror.

It ran directly toward the book, ignoring it's owner. Once it arrived there it started stomping on the object, then tearing it apart aggressively. Spewing red flames of rage on it, to make sure to get get completely rid of it.
Once it deemed the situation safe, it just flew away, without harming anyone.

Hosuh looked up at the cryptic animal in awe. It's scaled wings shone beautifully under the pale moonlight.
The image of it flying away so majestically, made him feel small.
Then he looked back at his surroundings, searching for the stranger he had just saved.
The healer quickly spotted the guy, standing petrified behind a tree, so he walked toward it, to ensure the man was unharmed.
"Are you ok?" He asked the man softly, as he stood before him.

The stranger was actually a bit taller than Hosuh, but the way he was cowering behind that tree made him look smaller, younger even.
Though he was probably around the same age as Hosuh himself.
In response of the healer's question, the man dropped to his knees and dramatically threw his hand in the air.
"Please don't kill me!" He begged loudly, causing Hosuh to give him a confused look.

"It's nice to meet you too." Hosuh mumbled feeling a bit offended, why did humans fear his kind, he had just saved this man.
Then again he couldn't help but take pity on that helpless guy, he didn't seem like a bad person, just somewhat of a coward.
"No, I'm not going to kill you. Would you please get up? You're making me feel a bit uncomfortable." Hosuh proceeded to mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed, ad he scratched the back of his neck.

The frightful man got up quickly, scrambling to his feet in a rushed, clumsy manner.
"Oh! Right! Where are my manners?!" He said in absolute panic, whilst brushing dirt of his clothing.
He offered a shaky smile and began his nervous introduction. "My name is Jonathan Carter. My friends call me Joe, you can too if you wanna. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Author's comment:
Heya, here's a new chapter for you people. It's a bit longer, I hope you like it!

So there's a few things I need to say.
First of all, I know you might be confused by Joe's hair colour.
It was really confusing to me, I guess I'm colour blind XD.
Anyway, in one video it looks black, but in the horror island one it looks like a dark brown, almost grey colour.

Look at this, I just can't identify it, help...
Also the full name I gave him is not his real name I made it up and I'm proudly ignorant lol.

Ok now second of all, and please read this it is important.

I will be gone for about two weeks, I'll be on holiday, tomorrow is my flight.
I'm not very likely to have internet, so updates will be very slow, sry about that.

I just wanted to say it so nobody worries about me leaving this story forev uwu.

Ps, this story now has 2k reads, thank you guys sooo much❤💞

Alright this is it, bye girlfriends, boyfriends and none binary lovers!

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