Written In The Stars : Guardi...

By GingerEyes

15.8K 436 48

Ava is the Collectors daughter and a woman known as the" Guardian". She is well known to go back in time ille... More

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Chapter One : Who?
Chapter Two : Busted
When I First Met Loki
Chapter Three : The Truth Comes Out *Added On*
First Kiss On Our Wedding Day
Chapter Four : The Midgardain Game
The Letter * ADDED ON*
Chapter Five : The Deal
Where Were You?
Chapter Six : Into Eternity
Chapter Seven : Siblings That Are Worlds Apart
Chapter Eight : Hello Again.
Your A True Princess
Chapter Nine : Family Blood
How The Prince Was Created
Chapter Ten : Deliverence
One Last Favor For Her
Chapter Eleven : For My Family
I Looked At You In The Eyes
Chapter Twelve: Kill Him
Make Me Scream
Chapter Thirteen : Everything Comes With A Price
We Are The Guardians
Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye

It's Fine

372 11 0
By GingerEyes

I had started to get this weird feeling about my husband. Ever since we had that slight disagreement, people have been complaining about his behavior. Even the mention of his brothers name seems to upset him.

After all of that, I want to relax for a moment and just focous about myself. It isn't healthy to have a break down like this. I had decided to sit in Frigga's garden to have a moment for myself.

Even though Frigga had those Sprokspurts, they havent grown a inch since I had arrived. They seem to be lacking some type of nutrition. They should be full sized by now and blooming off offspring.

Offspring, thats something I don't want to think about right now.

After a certain amount of time,  Frigga had came by and sat next to me on the bench. She was going through a hard time too because of her sleeping husband in bed. I also fear that my father in law will also not wake.

Frigga loves her husband dearly. I can tell it in her eyes. They shared this bond with eachother that makes us more relaxed and calm when they are around together. The king and his determaned queen, protectors of Asgard.

Always, forever.

The former queen had placed her hand on my shoulders, looking me directly into the eyes. Her tone was firm and clear.

"Your husband and you gotten into a fight I heard"

I sighed " We did Frigga"

"Your husband isn't like this usually, you have seen him for over two hundred years . There are going to be times of happiness and sadness in every marriage Ava. Believe me I know" She had looked down  then back up to me.

"I am well aware of that. I just don't think that I should be the Queen just yet. I don't recieve any right with him. Ever since that crown...'

She had released her hand from my shoulder then had looked up down for a moment " You are Queen. A strong one who should have her voice heard. Loki has been taking it too far. The next time I see him, I may mention it towards him"

"Thank you" I said to her.

We had sat in silence until Frigga had to leave me . She had taken a moment to bow to me lightly as she had turned away and went her own path.

She is a great lady to follow. She was a great queen to serve.


 It was starting to get dark when I was walking back to my room.The time that I had spent in the garden had taken up my entire day causing me to be more relaxed then ever.

But my husband didn't leave my mind when I was in that nice place. He was basically almost everywhere. It was his garden after all and he would take me there almost every night. The place was calling his name all over.

A man had grasped my shoulder. When I had turned my head, I had met eyes with ones the color of gold. His armour was thick and had protected his body well. I am unfamillar with his face.

"My beloved Queen" He had said kneeling over to his knees.

"I believe that we haven't met " I said

"Hermidall, protector of  the bridge" He smiled lightly then had straightened his body. " I am afraid that I am going to place you into Sif's chamber"

"Why" ?

He had bitten his lip checking our surroundings " Frost Giant's my lady"

Well then why didn't he say so? I guess that I could have known better. But I would love to help out, but I know for a fact that I couldn't right now because I am missing my bracelet. The best option was for me to chicken out.

If I lost my life, then no one would save me.

He had began to walk me down the hallway with his arm around my shoulders. Hermidall was however halted when he had seen my husband quickly approaching in his attire.  He was glowing and lighting up the room which had both scared and had frightened me. I really didn't want to see him right now.

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY WIFE!" He had insaulted at the man. He has no right to be yelling at this man. Hermidal was only seeing the better for his queen. There was no reason to be pissed off about it.

'Loki it's fine, he only was trying to get me to shelter." I assured. But the angry man had taken his time to rush over to my guard and began to expose his frost powers to him . Hermidal was starting to turn into a block of ice.

"Not again...."


Loki had revealed his monster by showing off his red eyes. He had show agression on his face when he had turned his skin blue.

Once I had seen it as a harmless tribute he had . But now I seen it as a flaw on him. He had shown his true colors now which cause me to fear my own husband. Besides the fear that he caused on me during the arguement, he caused more heartbreak when he has been acting weirdly, I am determaned to figure out what sin he done.

I had pushed his hand out of the way feeling the cold air blow lightly on my skin. It had turned my skin a light shade of blue, but I had pulled it away from Hermidall's . He had shown me every right to not push onto his button's now. There was a sting of the chill that reached my bone causing my hand  to cover the wound.

Loki had stared at my arm even when I had used my body as a wall against them. He was once again the same Loki that I had grown to love all of those years ago. He was kind in those blue eyes that were returning back slowly.


The monster had stood closer to me trying to appoligise to me. But I still remained in shock, even if the beauty is returning so slowly to me. I had turned my back away from my husband after this .

"Come Hermidal, lets leave."

"Yes my Queen..."

"Ava, I can explain everything...."

Perhaps your explanation can't be enough anymore. Your lies might have entered my own life and more twists lie in his  eyes now, even though I loved them so much once. He was beauitful and radient' but he turns into a beast.

I had went into Sif's chamber and had kept quiet with the lady. She had hugged me the entire time because she had felt my emotion about the entire situation from the start to the end. She had told me the truth about what he really was planning to get rid of his own brother Thor, explaining why he didn't want me to change his fate. My husband was really cruel to not only attempt to kill Thor, but a few others as well.

But through all of it I had wondered this one question.


Why kill you own brother, my husband?

But my question is put on hold when I had seen my brother in marriage by the door. He had crossed his arms then opened them when he had seen me. I had hugged him tightly and I had peeked over his lare shoulders to see if I could see my husband anywhere.

"Where is my husband?"

"Ava, your husband is dead" He was so silent about it . His lips then remained shut hugging me tighter then before "I am so sorry Ava"

I had gasped for air for a moment trying to take in all that he had said. My husband is a immortal. It is impossible for a man like him to be slain.

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