Three Day Field Trip to Stark...

By soowshie

474K 14.1K 14.9K

Peter Parker and his Decathlon team go on a three day field trip to Stark Tower. Peter is anything but excit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

26K 738 967
By soowshie

A/N: Sorry for yet another late upload, I've just been having major writers block lately (It's really annoying) but I'll keep writing and try to get chapters out =)

Peter felt a tap on his shoulder, as he bent over to put away the final arrow. They were currently packing up from their session with Clint, and were getting prepared for their next Avenger before they went off to eat their lunch.

Turning around, he saw Cindy standing there. They made eye contact, so Cindy chose that moment to talk. "Could I ask you a quick question?" Peter nodded.

"I was just wondering... How did you manage to catch that arrow earlier?" Cindy asked. "I mean, you weren't looking, and I just found it really cool, so like..." She continued to ramble on about it, but Peter wasn't really paying attention, because he was slightly freaking out. 

Why did he have to catch that arrow? He should have just bent over and pretended to do up his shoelace, or he could have just let the arrow actually hit him, but no, he had to be all fancy and catch the bloody arrow!

"Peter?" He blinked to clear his thoughts, realizing that Cindy was saying his name. She looked at him expectantly, and he realized she had asked a question.

"Oh, uh sorry, what'd you say?"

"How did you catch the arrow?"

"Oh, right." Peter scratched the back of his neck and he thought desperately for an excuse. "Well... I heard the bow, so I instinctively dodged to the right, and then... I put my hand up and caught it..?" 

Cindy stared at him for a moment, and Peter was worried that she didn't believe him, until she shrugged. "Fair enough. It was a really lucky catch, by the way." Peter laughed awkwardly, nodding.

"Anyways, I'm going to go catch up with the group." Cindy waved at him, turned around and left. Quickly putting the arrow away, Peter hurried to catch up to the group.

Coming up beside Ned, he slowed down to a walk. Ned was talking to MJ, who looked like she was tired of everything and everyone. She was most likely just tired of Ned rambling in her ear.

"How are you not excited by the concept of that?! He can sense things before they happen!" Ned shouted, a little bit to loud for Peter's comfort/

"Amazing." Was MJ's bored response.

Ned, seeing that Peter was beside him turned to look at him. "You think your sixth sense is cool, right?"

Peter smiled at him. "Sure, although it can be annoying sometimes."

"Annoying?" Ned questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"It probably senses things that aren't even dangerous." MJ spoke up, not turning to look at them.

"Well, yeah. Basically. Like a few days ago, Mr. Stark dropped a mug, and before it hit the floor my senses spazzed out. It acts out sometimes, it's really frustrating."

"Like a sensory overload?" 

Peter shrugged. "I guess."

Ned gave him a sympathetic stare, "that sucks."

Soon the group made it back inside, and Carrie stopped. "Whoever is next will come and pick you guys up soon."

They all stood around as they waited.

Steve was sitting in the common room, a newspaper in his hand, with his legs crossed over each other on the coffee table. "STEVE!" Steve jumped up, dropping his newspaper in the process. 

Looking up, he saw Sam coming towards him, his arms crossed. "Sam? What-"

"You're supposed to be downstairs!" Sam interrupted, cutting him off. Steve's eyebrows furrowed, until he remembered. Without saying a word, he got up and ran past him. "I'm coming with you." Sam said, as he followed after Steve.

"You want to hang out with a group of teenagers with me?" Steve asked, as he stopped in the elevator, clicking the button to go to the lower floors.

Sam shrugged. "Peter is in the group of teenagers, so why not."

Steve shrugged, as the elevator lowered. 

Once the doors were open, Sam and Steve made their way through the halls of the tower, until they spotted people standing in a group in the distance. "I think that's them." Sam remarked, as they went towards them.

Carrie turned around and saw the pair coming towards them. Relieved that they actually arrived, she bid the group farewell and left. Almost in sync, the whole team turned and saw Steve and Sam standing there.

Peter heard someone whisper in the back about how hot Steve was, or something like that. 

"Oh my god, it's Captain America, I'm totally freaking out." Betty whispered not so quietly, bouncing from foot to foot.

Steve stopped in front of them, and clapped his hands together. "Alright, I have you guys now, so..." Steve greeted. Sam popped up, "and I'm joining in."

In all honesty, Steve had no idea what he was going to do with them. He had completely forgotten about the whole thing, so he didn't have any time to plan. Luckily he had Sam with him, who apparently already had an idea in mind. "We'll be taking you guys on a little adventure." 

Peter rose an eyebrow at him. If Sam was planning what they would be doing, then he had a right to be worried. Turning around, Sam walked away, and Steve followed him, with the rest of the group trailing behind them.

"Where are we taking them?" Steve asked Sam, leaning in to talk to him. Sam looked over at him, opening his mouth to reply, before closing it with a shrug. 

"Sam, what will we do-" 

"I'm going to talk to Peter, you find somewhere to go." 

Peter watched as Sam came over to him, a smile on his face that Peter couldn't decipher. Sam wrapped an arm around his shoulder, without saying a word. "Uh... Hey Sam." Peter greeted, breaking the silence.

"Who have you had so far?" Sam asked, not saying hello in return.

"Oh, uh... Nat and Clint." 

Sam nodded, his eyes narrowing. "Where is Steve taking us?" Peter asked, realizing that they were walking aimlessly down a hallway.

"Not a clue, I don't think he knows either."

"So you guys have no clue what to do?" Peter asked for confirmation.

Sam looked down at him, "pretty much."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Do you have any ideas, Squirt?" Peter heard someone try to stifle a snort from behind them. Glancing back, he saw Sally trying to hold in her laughter. "S-sorry..." She giggled out. "Heh, Squirt." She coughed out, earning a blank stare from Peter.

Sam felt a tap on his shoulder. He glanced to his right and saw a girl with blonde hair walking beside him. "Uh, hi. Could I ask you a question?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers.


The girl smiled. "What's it like being an Avenger?"

Sam seemed to ponder over the question, before answering. "Well, It feels great to help people, and with all the annoying shit that comes along with being an Avenger, it's totally worth it."

"Thanks. Uh... Would you mind if I used that as a quote for our school news?" Betty asked him. She thought that maybe it'd be a good idea to start recording her time at Stark Industries, so she could talk about it on the school news.

Sam nodded at her, "sure, go ahead." The smile that Betty gave him warmed his heart, as she muttered another thank you before walking back over to her friends.

"Nice little group you got here, Squirt." Sam remarked. 

"Alright, let's get into the elevator." Steve randomly announced, interrupting the group from their small conversations. 

Steve ushered them all into the elevator, until they were all squished inside. Peter went to the back, and leaned against the wall. Sam went back over to Steve, who was looking at the buttons on the elevator, pondering on where they should go. 

"Hmm..." Sam hummed, putting a hand on his chin as he looked at each button. Sam went to go click the button that lead to the common room floor, but Steve quickly caught his hand. "What?" Sam asked innocently. 

"We are not going up there with them." 

"Why? It'll keep them entertained." Sam pointed out. "They've already been up there once, they shouldn't be up there again." Steve hissed, cautious of how loud he spoke.

"They've already been up there, so no harm will be done for them to see it again." 

Steve narrowed his eyes at him, his hand still grasping his. "Come on, we have no clue what to do." Sam urged. Steve sighed, letting go of his hand. "Fine, but they stay in the lounge area." 

Sam smiled at him as he clicked the button. 

Ned was looking around eagerly, excited to see where they would end up going. MJ came up beside her, her arms crossed. "We're going to the common floor." Ned glanced over at her. "Wha- how do you know?"

"Because they clicked the button that leads to the common room floor." She answered, as if the answer was obvious. 

"We're going to the common room?" Peter asked, butting into the conversation. MJ nodded at him. Without another word, Peter tried going through the group of people to reach Steve and Sam, but he didn't get to because the elevator doors abruptly opened up.

The Decathlon team all turned and were quick to recognize the floor that they had landed on. "Alright, I'll give you guys a tour of the common room..." Steve said uncertainly, still not sure if this was a good idea. Walking out of the elevator, the group followed tightly behind him.

"Just make sure everything stays in this area, no wandering off." Sam was quick to interject.

As they got view of the area they found Peter in the night before, they saw somebody sitting on one of the couches in the room. They glanced up, and a smile covered their face when they saw who it was. "Oh, hey guys."

Scott got up from his spot and walked over to them, stopping in front of Steve and Sam. "Are you guys even allowed to be up here?" He asked them, his arms crossing over his chest.

Sam looked over at Steve. "It should be okay." Sam replied. "Unless you have an idea for what else we could do with this group, we'll be staying up here for a while."

Scott's face lit up. "Okay then, awesome! Guys, follow me, I know what we can do!" The group all glanced at each other, before following after Scott, who was jogging back towards the lounge. "I think he just took over the group." Sam pointed out to Steve, as Scott went over to the T.V cabinets. 

Peter went over to Scott, who was shuffling through the contents inside the cabinet. "Mr. Lang, what are we doing at the T.V cabinets?" 

Scott pulled out a disk, holding it up for everyone to see. "Mario Kart!" He announced, as he shut the cabinet and went over to the console that was set up to their T.V. 

"This was your master plan?" Sam questioned, as he came up beside Scott, who was putting the disk into the wii. "They still use a wii?" Flash muttered to nobody in particular. Scott looked at him sharply, "yes, we still use a wii. It's the best console." 

Flash opened his mouth to argue with him, but the glare that Scott kept on him made him stay quiet. The wii bubbled to life, as the T.V screen flashed on. Grabbing one of the controllers in his hand, Scott clicked on Mario Kart. 

"Alright, who wants to play?" Scott asked, grabbing three other controllers. Most of the team put their hands up, including Peter. He couldn't help himself, he loved playing Mario Kart. Scott handed out one controller to Cindy, another one to Abe, and the last one to Peter.

They all chose their characters. Abe chose to be Mario, Scott chose Yoshi, Cindy chose Bowser, and Peter Waluigi. Once the characters were decided on, they were quick to start. The countdown finished, and they were off. The team found themselves cheering for them, as they all began racing down the track that Scott had chosen. 

Flash got bored of watching the others play, and thought that Mario Kart was a childish game. He looked over and saw that Steve and Sam were talking comfortably to each other, not facing him. Glancing around at everyone else, to make sure nobody was looking, he slipped away, and went in a random direction. Finding an archway, he went through it, and found himself in a long hallway, with doors covering the walls.

Walking aimlessly down it, he saw a door that was cracked open slightly. Narrowing his eyes, he slowly pushed on the door, and poked his head inside the room. His eyes widened. 

Inside was a bedroom, with light blue walls and star wars posters covering every inch of the back wall. A set of double doors to the right led to a balcony, and a door to the left was what he assumed was a bathroom or a walk in closet. The bed in the middle of the room was definitely a king sized bed, that had simple blue, black and white striped covers. 

Clothes were flung around the room carelessly, and a black bag with textbooks flowing out of it was lying beside the bed. Walking into the room, he looked around more, and found a large T.V sitting on the wall, at the foot of the bed. 

His feet sunk into the soft white carpet under him, as he went over to a desk that was by the window. On the desk was a book, that clearly read Midtown High History. He flipped open the first page, and read the name labeled on the book. 'Peter Parker.'

Then the realization came fully to Flash. He was standing in Peter's room. 

He decided that maybe this would be a good time to leave, in case he got caught, but someone clearing their throat by the doorway stopped him in his tracks.

"You shouldn't be in here." A deep, demanding voice said. Slowly, he turned around, and saw Captain America standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. "I-i'm sorry, I got lost." Flash lied.

The Captain narrowed his eyes at him. An awkward silence stretched on, until a victorious shout from the lounge broke it. 

"I think you should get back to your friends." 

Flash nodded numbly, as he went back to the door. Steve stepped aside, and he walked past him, shivering with the feeling of Steve glaring at him as he left.

Walking back into the lounge, he went and sat back on the couch, not daring to glance behind him to see if Steve had followed him out. 

Cindy was pumping her arms in the air, giving everyone high fives. "Pete, she's better then us both. I don't even know how that is possible." Scott said dumbly, a look of pure confusion on his face.

"I bet she couldn't beat Clint." Peter remarked, smirking at him. Scott scoffed, "that man is impossible to beat. Impossible!"

Peter laughed at Scott, giving Cindy a high five as she came over to him, still cheering over her victory. Scott looked past Peter and into the kitchen, and he got an idea.

"Who's hungry?" Scott asked, as he put down his controller and jumped up. Everyone nodded.

Scott hurried over to the kitchen, and opened up the cupboards. Most of the team followed behind, feeling out of place in the overly fancy kitchen. Abe went over to a cupboard, that had a note written on it. "Don't steal my pop-tarts..." Abe read out loud, before looking at who wrote the note. "Peter?"

Hearing his name, Peter went over to Abe. "Hm?"

Abe gestured to the note on the cupboard. Peter cringed awkwardly. "Oh, well I bought the pop-tarts and I don't want anyone taking them."

"You did not buy those pop-tarts!" Sam shouted from where he was sitting, throwing his arms up in the air. "But... I did." Peter argued.

"You used the money Stark gave you!"

"Still technically my money."

"No, that doesn't make it yours, it's still Stark's!"

While Sam and Peter argued, Abe slowly creaked open the cabinet, and his eyes grew wider and wider the more he opened it. "Oh my god." 

Turning around, Peter realized Abe had opened the cabinet. Inside, it was filled to the brim with dozens of boxes of pop-tarts. Different flavors covering each row.

"Why do you need so many pop-tarts?!" Abe asked.

"Thor steals them." Peter replied, and instantly wished he hadn't said that.

"Wait, Thor? As in, the mighty thunder god?"


"You've met Thor?!" 


"Oh my god that's awesome! And he takes your pop-tarts?"


The rest of the team must have heard the commotion, because they all came over. "What's this about Thor?" Sally asked.

"Peter knows Thor!!!" Abe shouted, turning to face them.

"No way, really?" Charles questioned, a look of wonder in his eyes.

Flash watched the whole team gawk over Peter knowing Thor. He couldn't bring himself to care a lot, because his mind was else where. Why did Peter have his own room? How important was Peter to the Avengers? Was there more to Peter then what met the eye? 

Flash narrowed his eyes at him. He wanted to just go up to him and ask, but that would be to suspicious. 

He was going to figure out why Peter was so special to the Avengers.

 He was going to find out what his classmate was hiding.

A/N: Alright, there we go! =D I'm not sure how much longer this book will continue for, but probably still another 5 chapters, or something like that. Anyways, thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter. =)

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