Snipers Of Chicago Season 3 (...

By RonnaSweeney51317

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Make sure to read Snipers Of Chicago Season 1 & 2 before reading this. Published May 29, 2019 More

This is continued from Snipers Of Chicago Season 2...
Chapter 1 "Going to Heaven"
Chapter 1 1/2 "Whatever You Need I'll Give It To You"
Chapter 2 "Do You Have A Permit"
Chapter 3 "I'm Worried"
Chapter 4 "You're So Addicted"
Chapter 5 "Need Your Help"
Chapter 6 "Thank You For Coming"
Chapter 7 "It's Pretty Bad"
Chapter 8 "You Just Jinxed Me"
Chapter 9 "He Doesn't Trust You"
Chapter 10 "Why Did You Hurt Me"
Chapter 10 1/2 "A Waste Of Time"
Chapter 11 "Null & Void"
Chapter 12 "The Face and Eagle"
Chapter 13 "He's A Detective"
Chapter 15 "Bubba's Bitch"
Chapter 16 "Meathead"
Chapter 17 "Going Down"
Chapter 18 "Makeup and Men"
Chapter 19 "No Choice"
Chapter 20 "What About Us"
Chapter 21 "SCOTLAND!"
Chapter 22 "Your Reckoning"
Chapter 23 "Find This Prick"
Chapter 24 "Keep Living Our Lives"

Chapter 14 "Ghosties"

1.1K 30 40
By RonnaSweeney51317

Shaylynn quickly walks to her car, puts her bags in the back and gets in when her phone rings.
"Hello," she says as she pushes on the dash to start the car.
"Can you come to the District? I need to talk to you," Hank says.
"Sure. I'll be there in fifteen minutes," Shaylynn tells him hanging up.
She pulls out of the parking spot trying to forget about Austin.


Walking up the steps to the Intelligence bullpen, Shaylynn doesn't see anyone.
Standing there, everyone starts walking in from the back, that's when she sees Rixton.
As Hank walks up to her, he nods his head toward his office.
She follows him.
They walk into the office, Hank closing the door.
"Why did you want me to come here for?" Shaylynn asks him.
Hank gives her a look, "I wanted to put you on the team but the new Captain had other ideas and put Kenny back on," he tells her.
"Okay, no big deal! I'm with the FBI anyway. Who is Kenny going to be partnered up with?" Shaylynn asks.
"Jay," Hank tells her.
Shaylynn glares at him, "Oh, that's perfect! An ex-boyfriend with my fianceé!"
"Jay is the one without a partner so of course Kenny would be partnered with him," Hank says giving her a funny look, "Jay put in for a week long furlough but hasn't given any dates. Is there something you need to tell me."
Shaylynn sighs, "As soon as the boys get the green light to travel, Jay, myself, Jacquelyn, Jill, and Jenna will be going off to Belize to get married," she tells him.
"No family?" he questions.
"Everyone saw us renew our vows, at least at the time we thought we were renewing vows. We're just going to make this intimate," she tells him.
Hank smiles at her, "I understand! I'm happy you two are back together. During that time you two were on the outs, Jay was miserable!"
"I don't want to talk about that," Shaylynn tells him, "I better be going," she tells him.
"See ya," Hank says.
Shaylynn opens and walks out the door, Halstead sitting at his desk looks to his left and sees it's her.
He stands up, grabs her hand, and pulls her to the back.

Walking into the locker room, Halstead looks around to see if anyone's around. When he doesn't find anyone, he closes the doors.
"Jay, what are you doing?" Shaylynn asks him.
"I had a friend look into Austin," he tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a look, "You mean a cop friend?" she asks, "Why didn't you just do it yourself?"
"So it wouldn't look suspicious," he tells her, "What he found out is Austin bought the house by ours."
"Jay, that house is over 20 acres away," Shaylynn reminds him, "Plus we have a state of the art security system."
"What about Erin getting in?" Halstead asks.
"That bitch went through the gates as they were closing. I had the speed of them closing sped up so that doesn't happen again. Now if someone thinks about doing that, they'll be crushed," Shaylynn tells him.
Halstead puts his hands on her hips and pulls her to him, "I just don't want anything or anyone ruining things for us! When all this happened with Abby I thought for sure I wasn't going to get you back! Especially from Austin with all he has."
"What do you mean with all he has?" Shaylynn asks him.
"He owns several gyms. Has a nice car could have more for all I know, a lot of money in the bank, owns a business, and then the way he looks," Halstead says.
Shaylynn puts her hands on his face cupping it between them, "I love you for you! There's nothing in this world I want from you except for you to love me! Well that and something else," she tells him looking down at his crotch.
She looks back up at him and sees he's smiling, "You can have that anytime you want," he tells her.
"I better be going," Shaylynn tells him.
She kisses him then walks over to the door opening it and walks out.


The next morning, Halstead's in the kitchen making breakfast when Shaylynn comes storming in.
"Oh, I'm going to kill her!" Shaylynn spurts out.
"Oh no! What's wrong?" Halstead asks her.
"I talked to Beth again and she's going to talk to Mark. I know she is!" Shaylynn states.
"Is she in New York then?" Halstead asks.
"Yeah!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Tell Kelly. He'll fly straight over there!" he says flipping pancakes.
"You know what, I'm going to do just that! He needs to show her who's the boss!" Shaylynn says unlocking her phone.
"I can't believe that guy's alive!" Halstead says.
"Next time he won't be so lucky!" she tells him as finds Severide number.
"Hey," she hears Severide say.
"She's in New York. She must have been called into the studio," Shaylynn tells him.
"Thank you, Shaylynn!" Severide tells her.
"Listen, we have a problem!" she says.
"As if I need any more problems! What's up?" Severide asks.
"Mark Hunter had a twin brother," she tells him.
"Had?" Severide questions, "As in past tense?"
Shaylynn wondered when it would click.
"Don't tell me he was the one they found in Mark's apartment?" he asks.
"Sorry Kelly. It's true, I saw it on the news," Shaylynn tells him.
"Fuck!" Severide shouts into the phone, "I'm getting a flight straight there!"
"Want me to get a message to Geoff and arrange the jet?" Shaylyn asks.
"Please," Severide says, "Thanks, Shaylynn!"
"Keep me posted!" she tells him.
"I will!" Severide tells her and hangs up.
"Are you happy?" Halstead asks her.
"Very happy! Kelly is going to be on his way to New York," she says as she sends a message to Geoff.
"The boy's appointment is today," Halstead reminds her.
"I know," she says looking at the time, "And it's in thirty minutes! I better get them and Jenna and head out."
"Do you know where Jacquelyn is?" Halstead asks her.
"She's in the playroom with Jill," Shaylynn says, "In case I'm not back in time before you leave for work," she says walking over to him and gives him a kiss.


Later that day, Shaylynn returns home with the boys and Jenna.
The doctor wants to see them back next week before he gives them the all clear to travel.
Checking her phone, Shaylynn sees she has a missed voicemail from when they were at the doctor's.
She starts listening to it to hear Austin talking to her in French.
Shaylynn sighs, "This man is going to be the death of me," she says to herself as she stops listening to the voicemail.
Sitting down at her desk, she pulls up Instagram and the first picture to show up is Austin's, "For fuck's sake!" she says turning her phone off throwing it onto her desk.
Pushing her chair back from the desk, she leans the chair back.
As soon as she closes her eyes the buzzer for the gate goes off. She sits there for a minute before getting up.
Shaylynn walks over to the screens and hits the button to open the gates.
She walks out of the office to find Jenna and the boys.

Halstead hears an engine and walks out of the garage to see Beth and Severide getting out of their car.
"I take it you two have settled your differences?" he questions.
"Yes!" Severide says smiling.
"Thank God for that!" Halstead says as he opens the door to the house.
All three walk in as Shaylynn walks toward them with one of the boy's.
"Hi," Beth says.
Shaylynn smiles, "Guys! I'm so happy!"
"So are we! Which one are you holding?" Beth asks her.
"Logan," Shaylynn tells her.
"Hand him over," Beth says smiling.
Severide starts laughing, "Give him to me!" he tells Shaylynn.
"Tut!" Beth says to him.
"Don't you tut at me!" Severide says.
"Tut, tut, tut!" Beth says looking at him.
"I'm ignoring it," Severide says to her.
"I know what I'd do with that!" Halstead tells Beth laughing.
Beth sticks her tongue out at Halstead.
Shaylynn starts laughing as she hands Logan over to Severide.
As soon as Logan's in Severide's arms, he kisses him on top of the head.
"God, you look so good with a baby in your arms!" Beth says as Severide smiles at her.
"You forget how tiny they are," he says to her.
They all start walking to the family room with Beth in the lead on the search for Landon.
Beth walks in to find him asleep in his bassinet, "That's not fair," she says looking back at Severide.
"Sit down and I'll give you Logan," he tells her.
Beth does as she's told. Severide hands her Logan then sits down beside her as Shaylynn and Halstead sit down together on the other couch.
"Hopefully this will be you soon," Shaylynn says.
Beth and Severide smile at each other, "Do you two have something to tell us?" Shaylynn inquires.
"I took a test in New York because I felt like crap! We're pregnant!" Beth says with a smile on her face.
"That's great!" Shaylynn says all excited.
"Congratulations!" Halstead says.
"Thanks!" Severide says with a huge smile.
All of sudden Jacquelyn comes running into the room, "What have I told you about running in the house," Shaylynn says to her.
"I'm sorry, but I saw someone in the garden! She waved at me!" Jacquelyn says scared.
"What? Are you sure it wasn't Jenna or Jill?" Halstead asks his daughter.
"No! Jenna was sitting in a chair up by the house and Jill was beside me!" she tells him as Shaylynn stands up and starts walking out of the room pissed that someone got past her security system again with Severide following her.
"Are they still in the garden, Sweetheart?" Halstead asks standing up.
"No, they are gone!" Jacquelyn says as she sees Beth, "Aunty Beth!" she says smiling.
Halstead leaves the room and joins Shaylynn and Severide outside.
All three of them take off in different directions.

Ten minutes later, they all join back up on the patio, "Find anyone?" Shaylynn asks them.
"Nothing," Severide tells her.
"Same," Halstead says, "It might have been one of the horses."
Shaylynn gives him a look, "What? Horses don't wave, Jay!"
Severide snickers, "You know what kids are like," he says.
"I'm going to go and check the footage from the security cameras!" Shaylynn says still pissed off that some woman is messing around with her daughter.
"I'm going back inside," Halstead says.
As Halstead and Severide go back to the family room, Shaylynn goes off to the security room to look at the footage.

In the family room, Beth isn't feeling well, "I'm going to get a drink of water," she tells Severide as she stands up.
"You want me to get it?" he asks her.
"No, I need to stand up. I feel like I'm going to puke!" she says.
Halstead looks at her, "Not in here your not!"
Beth looks at Halstead, "Thanks for the sympathy, Jay!" she says handing Logan over to him.
She walks out of the family room, "Does she have bad morning sickness?" Halstead asks Severide.
"She has her fair share," Severide tells him, "I'm going to go and check on her," he says as he stands up.
Halstead nods to him then Severide walks out.
A few minutes later, Halstead looks up to see Severide and Beth walking back into the family room.
"Your house is haunted, Jay!" Beth tells him.
Halstead looks at her weird, "Don't be so fuc..." he starts to say when he looks over at Jacquelyn, "Stupid!"
"Someone stroked the back of my head in the kitchen!" Beth tells him with a serious look on her face.
Jacquelyn looks at her Dad, "Is there ghosties in the house? I'm scared!" she says moving closer to Halstead.
Halstead looks at Beth with a not so nice look, "Thanks, Beth!"
"No honey, there's no ghosties!" Beth tells her as Shaylynn walks back into the room.
"I checked the cameras, there's nothing out of the ordinary. But you can see Jacquelyn waving at someone though," Shaylynn tells them.
Beth looks at Shaylynn, "Something stroked my hair in the kitchen."
Shaylynn looks at her, "Very funny, Beth!"
"I'm serious! Can't you feel a weird vibe in this house?" Beth asks.
"No," Shaylynn says.
"It's giving her the heebie-jeebies!" Severide says laughing as Halstead starts laughing.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes, "Heebie-jeebies? Sounds like something that would be said in Scooby-Doo!"
Beth looks at Severide then to Shaylynn, "I'm not talking to either of you!" she looks at Severide, "Take me home!"
"When there's something strange!" Halstead starts singing.
Severide started laughing again.
Shaylynn looked at Beth and could tell she was getting really upset, "You should get home and take a nap. You look tired."
"I'm not tired. Let's go, Kelly!" Beth says standing up.
"Don't forget to take your ghosties with you!" Halstead says as he starts laughing with Severide joining him.
"You two aren't funny!" Beth tells them.
"Daddy, my scared!" Jacquelyn says wrapping her arms around his.
Halstead looks at Shaylynn with a not so happy look knowing what this means.

After Beth and Severide leave, the twins are fed and then it's time for everyone else to eat.
As Shaylynn helps to make supper her phone rings, she sees it's Severide.
She walks out of the kitchen to talk to him.
After a minute of listening to what he has to say, Shaylynn rolls her eyes, "I don't believe you," she tells him.
"Look it up. I'll take a photo of what Beth found. She wrote it all down, then go on to Google. Beth's going on about getting a psychic over to your place to see if she can pick up on anything," he tells her.
"Oh for fuck sake, send me what she found!" Shaylynn tells him hanging up.
Shaylynn shakes her head not believing what she was just told.

When supper is over and everything is cleaned up, it's time for Jacquelyn to get a bath and head to bed.
"No! I'm not sleeping in my bed! I want to sleep in your and Daddy's bed!" Jacquelyn says and takes off running down the stairs to Halstead and Shaylynn's bedroom.
Shaylynn takes her phone out of her pocket and calls Severide.
"Hey, what's up?" she hears him say.
"You tell Beth to find someone who can come over there and see if we've been invaded by Indians! Jacquelyn is scared! She thinks there's ghostie's in her room and she's in our bed!" Shaylynn tells him, Severide starts laughing, "Jay doesn't believe you though!"
"It's a load of bullshit! But it is funny that she felt like someone was there though," he tells her.
"Maybe," Shaylynn says, "But this isn't good for my sex life with having Jacquelyn in my bed! Get her to call me tomorrow!"
Severide laughs more, "I will! I'm on shift tomorrow so she might show up there," he tells her.
"Okay," Shaylynn says hanging up.

That night was no fun for Shaylynn and Halstead having a very active sleeper in their bed that kept waking them up.


The next day Shaylynn receives a call from Beth telling her that she found a physics and that she'll be there at 8 pm.

Ten till eight, Severide and Beth are at Shaylynn's house.
"Where're the boys?" Beth asks her.
"In the nursery with Jenna. Jacquelyn's in our bedroom with Jill," Shaylynn tells her.
"No getting lucky last night?" Severide questions Halstead with a shitty grin on his face.
Halstead glares at him, "You want a beer?" he asks.
"I might as well since I'm not driving!" Severide says looking at a Beth smiling.
"Asshole!" Beth says.
Shaylynn sees Severide wink at Beth then walk over to the bar to get a drink, "How are things between you two?" Shaylynn asks Beth.
"So good. The sex is even better!" Beth tells her smiling.
"He'll be trying harder," Shaylynn says.
"He couldn't get any harder!" Beth says with a shitty look on her face.
"Beth!" Shaylynn says laughing, "I don't wanna know that! Funny how it takes other people getting in the way to open our eyes at what we already had in front of us," she says looking over at Halstead who looks at her and smiles.
The gate buzzer sounds.
Shaylynn gets up and goes over to the screen to see who it is, then buzzes her in, "She's on her way in."
"Did you get her snacks ready?" Beth asks.
"Who the fuck does she think she is, a rock star? Did you get her peanut M&M's?" Halstead asks.
"Yeah, we picked out the blue ones," Severide says laughing.
"She said she likes small meals in between sessions with clients," Beth tells them.
"Who's paying for this?" Halstead asks.
Shaylynn looks at him as Beth speaks up, "Oh shut up! I'm about the richest person you know!" she says.
"Now, now children!" Shaylynn says.
"Hey Severide, call my cell!" Halstead tells him.
"Why?" Severide asks.
"Just do it!" Halstead says laughing.
Severide takes his phone out of his pocket and calls Halstead's phone. Halstead's ringtone starts playing the Ghostbusters theme song.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "If you two aren't going to take this seriously then you can leave!" Beth tells them.
"This is my house!" Halstead reminds her when the doorbell rings, "That'll be her," he says.
"Go answer the door. Let's get this over with!" Shaylynn tells him.
Halstead walks out of the room.

A minute later he was back with a grin on his face, "This is Mrs. McGillicuddy!" he tells them.

"Call me Meg," she tells everyone.
Halstead puts his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing. Severide couldn't look at him because he would start laughing, so he looked all around.
"It's nice to meet you! Please take a seat," Shaylynn tells her.
Everyone walked to the table and sat down.
"I can sense already that there are spirits stuck here!" Meg states
Shaylynn and Beth look at each other as the guys also look at each with looks like they don't believe her.
"But there's also a spirit that has came here tonight," Meg says as she looks at Severide.
"What?" Severide asks surprised.
"She's with you all the time," Meg tells him.
"Who is it?" Severide asks her.
"She says her name is Shay," Meg says.
Severide gets a pissed off look on his face, "What! Who put you up to this? Is this a sick joke the two of you have come up with?" he asks looking at Beth then to Shaylynn.
"No! I wouldn't do that!" Beth tells him.
Shaylynn looks at Severide, " I have never met this woman before in my life!"
"She told me to tell you to shut up and that she likes your wife," Meg tells Severide.
"Well, that sounds like Shay if it's true!" Halstead says.
"I'm sorry but this is bullshit!" Severide says.
"Kelly!" Beth says.
"And she just talks to you?" Severide questions Meg.
"I can't control what I see or hear," Meg tells him
Severide looked to be getting more pissed off.
"You use to eat her yogurts!" Meg says looking at him.
"Oh my god!" Severide says with his pissed off expression turning one of complete shock.
"Kelly, do you know what she's talking about?" Beth asks him.
All Severide can do is shake his head yes.
Meg can tell that he's in shock by what she told him and moves on looking at Shaylynn.
"Your daughter had an encounter out in the garden with a woman, please tell her not to be afraid as that woman is your mother," Meg tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn is holding back the tears and keeping her poker face on, "She has long blonde hair, hazel eyes, and wearing a pink sundress," Meg says as she keeps her eyes still on Shaylynn.
"There's someone else here by the name of Marshall," Meg tells her.
Shaylynn instantly looks to her side at Beth who grabs her hand, "He's telling me that A needs to be on their way and that J is the one for you. Marshall really likes J and that you two are meant to be together," Meg tells her.
Hearing that, the tears start trickling down Shaylynn's face as Meg looks over at Halstead who gets a shocked look on his face.
"Your Mom is very proud of you and your brother," Meg tells him, "And your Dad forgives you about what was said in the hospital. He doesn't want you to keep beating yourself up over it and to live your best life with your family."
Meg then looks at Beth, "What you experienced in the kitchen was real, someone did touch your hair. It was her Mom," Meg says nodding to Shaylynn, "She wanted to let you know that everything will be alright with this pregnancy and not to stress. There's also a message from your Father and brother. You are to ignore and forget about M. K is who you're meant to be with."


The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100

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