Is This Fate or Misfortune?

By Skyslovely

348K 10.9K 8.8K

[Black Butler various x Reader] (Y/N) is one of the few rare humans who was gifted with magic powers in her w... More

Her Acquaintance, A Whole New World
Her Acquaintance, Waking Up To This!!
Her Acquaintance, The Phantomhive Household
His Butler, Able
His Butler, Strongest
His Butler, Omnipotent
His Butler, Capricious
His Butler, Chance Encounter
His Butler, At the Funeral
Her Acquaintance, A Picnic for Six
His Butler, Merrymaking
His Butler, Training
Her Acquaintance, Combat
His Butler, Phantom Image
Her Acquaintance, Masquerade
His Butler, On Ice
Her Acquaintance, The Invite
Her Acquaintance, Trancy Manor
Her Acquaintance, Captive
Her Acquaintance, Alois
Her Acquaintance, Right from Wrong
Her Acquaintance, Games
Her Acquaintance, Earl Trancy
His Butler, However You Please
His Butler, Forlorn
Her Acquaintance, Lessons
Her Acquaintance, Visit
Her Acquaintance, Puzzles and Spells
Her Acquaintance, The Knight
His Butler, Freeloader
His Butler, Supremacy Talented
His Butler, Competing
Her Acquaintance, The Choir
Her Acquaintance, I'm where!?
Her Acquaintance, Vacation
Her Acquaintance, A Run Into
Her Acquaintance, Beach
Ciel in Wonderland part 1
Ciel in Wonderland part 2
Her Acquaintance, Welcome to Weston
Her Acquaintance, New Faces
Her Acquaintance, Daily Life at Weston's
Her Acquaintance, Demon Butler
Her Acquaintance, Reaper's Quarters
Her Acquaintance, Clues Discovered
Her Acquaintance, The Past
Her Acquaintance, Pieces
Her Acquaintance, Of Coffins and Skulls
His Butler, Offering
His Butler, Transmitted
Her Acquaintance, Confusion
Is This Melodious or Diabolical?
Her Acquaintance Mini Shorts
Her Acquaintance Mini Shorts
Her Acquaintance Mini Shorts
Her Acquaintance, Uncertainty
Her Acquaintance, Rain
His Butler, Imprisoned
His Butler, Escaping
Her Acquaintance, History
Intermission: Timeline
Her Acquaintance, Prince
He Acquaintance, Reaper's Mission
Her Acquaintance, Tea
Her Acquaintance, Mischief
Her Acquaintance, A Demon's Heart
Her Acquaintance, Earl Phantomhive
Her Acquaintance, Appreciation
His Butler, Dissolution
His Butler, Up In Flames
His Butler, Fluent
Her Acquaintance, The End Part 1
Her Acquaintance, The End Part 2
Edward Ending
Prince Soma Ending
Grell Ending
Alois Ending
Finny Ending
Sebastian Ending
Ciel Ending
Author Note

Her Acquaintance, Out in town

12.8K 457 397
By Skyslovely

   You stirred softly in your bed, letting out a small moan as your eyes fluttered open. Blinking your eyelids against the soft gentle rays of the sun you painfully sat up rubbing your aching forehead. Your eyesight cleared becoming more focused as you gazed around the room. 'What happened?' You thought to yourself as you dragged your sore body out of the bed. You stumbled for a second before regaining your balance after grabbing onto the nightstand to help you stand.

Your vision was blurry as you stood up, and you massaged your temple trying to clear the haze. Your forehead was killing you, it felt like a thousand knives were continually stabbing you in the gut. Breathing in and out you waited for the headache to dull before straightening out.

You raked your brain for the memory's of what might have happened before letting out a sharp gasp as they came flooding back, reminding you of everything that had happened. You let out a sigh of relief glad that you had been able to save Ciel before Lord Edgar had done his way with him. 'i wonder what time it is.' You glanced out the window seeing that the sun was just rising. 'Guess it must be the next day.'

A flash of blue caught your eye and you turn your gaze over to a small vase that stood on the dresser besides the window. A dozen blue roses sat in the vase and you went over to the them. Lightly you stroke the silky petals, entranced by the rare color of the flower.

"They say a blue rose symbols mystery and miracles."

You jolted out of your skin and whirled around to see Finny behind you at the entrance of your room. He looked distressed at the fact that he had startled you letting out a couple sorry's to show how sincere he was. You shook your head and gave him a smile allowing him to know that everything was alright. "Did you get me these?" You asked him and let out a giggle as you watched him flush red in color. 'Finny why do you have to be so adorable?'

Finny nodded his head as he crept closer toward you. "You were feeling pretty bad Miss. When you collapsed yesterday, I brought you back to your room. Afterword I got you those flowers to help you feel better. Their quite rare and we had a couple in the garden."

You smiled at Finny making him look away from your gaze. "Thanks Finny that was really sweet of you to do. Oh and you don't have to keep calling me Miss, (Y/N) is fine."

That caused him to blush even more. "It was no problem really. Oh! When you woke up the young master wanted a word with you. He's waiting in his study room if you didn't know." Finny waved goodbye as he left the room going to complete his duties for the day. You turned to admire the flowers more before getting dress and leaving the room. 'Hmm.. mystery and miracles he said.'

"Ciel!" You busted into his study room and instantly ran over to his side, squeezing the daylights out of him. Ciel squirmed in your grasp as you continued to hug him. "Im so glad that you are okay!" Somehow he managed to slither out of your grasp making you pout at him. He straightened his now ruffled attire before letting out a deep sigh and collapsing down into his chair.

"I already told you yesterday that i was okay. And how many times am i going to have to tell you that your not suppose to call me Ciel."

You gave him a sly grin. "Yes young Ciel."

"That is also no exception at all!" He paused calming down as he picked up a several papers and handed them toward you. Once in your hands you looked down and saw that it was a list of things that he would be needing. Most of the items on the list were mostly several brands of tea along with a new tea set and some more ingredients for Baldroy to cook. "I want you to head out into town and get these for me. Sebastian will provide you with the money needed at the door. I expect you to be back by dust."

"Uhh.. but Ciel i don't know my way around the town," you said.

Ciel looked surprised, but let out a sly grin. "But i thought you said that you had been in London for a while, even though you came from America."

You let out a nervous chuckle at that, thinking of something to say. "Well.. yeah.. but I haven't ventured around the town a lot, I usually lived out in the country."

"So you say." Ciel waved his hand as if dismissing you, saying that you could leave. "Don't worry the coach i have already knows where you will be going so rest assured."

You nodded before telling Ciel goodbye and heading out of the study room. Coming upon the foyer you noticed Sebastian standing besides the front door.

"I'm guessing that the young master has informed you of your duty for the day," he said as he handed you a small leather bag. A loud clatter was heard as the bag dropped into your hand signaling that their was some coins inside. "The coach is waiting outside. It is ordered to come back before sunset so you better not be slacking when out there."

You let out a sigh as you nodded and ticked the bag into your pocket. "I'll try to hurry along, your honor~" You bounded out of the house casting Sebastian a sly glance back as you hopped into the open carriage. Tucking the skirt of the dress underneath you, you settled down onto the leathery seats making yourself comfortable. Lightly banging the top of the carriage to alert the driver, the carriage lurched forward heading away from the manor.

You watched as the manor grew smaller into the distance as the carriage headed down the unfamiliar. Settling back, you made yourself comfortable as your eyes slowly sanked down closed. 'Might as well relax for now, I have time before I get to town.'

The carriage bounced, making you snap your eyes open and look around startled. You were lurched forward onto the floor of the carriage. Frustrated, you slowly picked yourself up from the floor and banged on the ceiling in anger. "Watch where your going!"

You sat yourself down on the cushions, rubbing your tires eyes. 'I guess I must have fallen asleep.' Curious as to where you were now, you drew back the curtains and peered out the window. Your eyes widened in amazement as you found yourself now crossing a bridge, the town just off in the distance. 'Wow it looks so amazing from here.'

In a couple more minutes, the carriage had entered the town. Eyes wide, you glanced around the large crowded streets, entranced by the sight. Maidens walked the street in large outrageous gowns as they chatted with each other on the latest gossip. Kids raced around in battered clothes as they played games such as hop scotch and tag. Shops were opened and crowded as people entered in and out, buying what they needed.

The carriage lurched to a stop at the side of the street, once again throwing you to the floor. 'Damn it, why do I have to be so clumsy? I should be used to this already.'

Pushing the door open, you carefully step out and stumbled to the ground. You gain your balance as you pulled out the paper from your pocket that held the list of things that you needed. Skimming through it, the first thing you saw on the list was a new tea set. 'Guess Mey-Rin must have broken another set.' You let out a small giggle just thinking of her and her clumsy actions.

You glanced up, finding yourself standing in front of a tea shop. 'I think this is the place.' The bell ringed as you entered the shop. It was pretty cute on the inside with a teal color to the walls, shelves were lined up with tea sets and many brands of the tea themselves.

You headed up to the front desk, seeing a frustrated cashier talking with a ferious familiar blue-eyed blonde.

"What do you mean you don't have any Lavender tea," Alois shouted at the owner.

The man sighed, clearly tired over arguing with him. "As I said sir, we are sold out on Lavender tea now, you can come back tomorrow. We will have some then."

You huddled to the side, as you eyed at them. 'There is no way I'm getting into that. But oh my gosh Alois is standing in front of me. Oof!' You stumbled forward as a hard figure bumped into you from behind. You stumbled forward, catching yourself on a shelf before whipping around to confront the person who had pushed you.

"Watch where your goi..." You trailed off as you came face to face with Claude. Your mouth gaped in surprised as he glanced down at you. Without saying a word he walked around you, heading towards Alois.

'How dare he!'

Alois looked up toward Claude. "Let's go Claude, this piece of trash has nothing here." He stalled off toward he door, Claude right on his heels. Without giving you a glance, he shouldered you out of the way. "Move aside slut!"

You gaped at him as the ring of the door signaled that he had left. You headed toward the front counter seeing the cashier rub his temple and let out a sigh.

"Seems like people have no respect for others now a days," you said as you stepped up to the counter.

The cashier let out another sigh as he let out a nod. "You have no idea. So what are you here for young lady." You handed him the slip of paper and he picked it up reading. "Hmm I think that we may have some in stock in the back. Just wait here."

He handed you back the paper and heading into a separate room behind him. You waited patiently for him as you began to peer around the counter looking for something interesting. A small sheet of paper caught your eye and you reached over to look on it. Scribbled on the sheet of paper was a name and just as you were reaching over to grab it, the cashier emerges from the room.

Quickly, you drew back your hand as the guy gave you a suspicious glance. He set down a white tea set and a pack of Earl Grey Tea. "Here they are. That will be $2.50," he said.

You dug into the leathery bag drawing out a couple coins and handing them to the cashier. The man thanked you as you picked up the items and left the store. Shifting the items to your left arm your reached into your pocket and once again pulled out the paper.

'Now all I need to get it the extra ingredients for Baldroy. Hmm I wonder why it says raw beef on this?'

You shrugged as you headed back to the carriage and placed the items inside. 'Well off to the next place!'

Hours passed and the sun was just starting to sink. You had already gathered all the items you needed off the list and was just walking around sight seeing. It was then that a unusual store caught your attention. As you got closer your eyes widened in surprised to find the sign reading, "UNDERTAKER." You squealed out and raced forward, shocked to find that you had found the Undertaker's shop.

'He's right in there, maybe I'll be the first one to get a look at those eyes of his!' Even with the place radiating off a eerie vibe, you couldn't care less for one of the hottest guys in Black Butler was inside. 'Rumours say that his eyes are supposedly green, I wonder if they actually are.' You placed a hand on the door handle about to open it..

"Miss!" You whirled around to see your rider waving his arms at you from the carriage. He gestured for you to come over to him from across the street. "We should really get going back. Lord Phantonhive said he wanted you back at his manor by dust and I'm afraid it's getting pretty late right about now." He looked worried, constantly checking his watch and glancing up at the sky as his foot tapped impatiently on the carriage floor.

You let out a deep sign as you glanced back and forth from the carriage to the store.You were caught in either going in and seeing the Undertaker as well as displeasing Ciel and probably also Sebastian or heading back that way either of them didn't get on your case. You were torn between these two decisions and couldn't decide which one would be better. Letting out a deep, heavy sigh you lifted your hand from the handle and turned around. Slowly you ambled your way back to the carriage and stumbled inside. Not caring that it was improper, you collapsed onto the ground letting out yet another deep sigh. 'For all the things that I do for Ciel..'

The carriage lurched forward as the clacking of the horses hooves were heard against the street.

The servant trio watch as the young (H/C) haired girl came stumbling into the manor with a blanked expression. Mey-Rin, Baldroy, and Finny watched as she handed Sebastian the extra money before stumbling up the stairs.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Baldroy questioned out loud as the girl let out a groan. "She almost looks dead."

"I hope she's not sick again," Finny exclaimed, worried evident in his of tone of voice.

Mey-Rin gasped as she watched the girl. "I really hope not, yes I do."

They didn't hear as the girl cried out, "Fuck my life. I should have gone to see him~."

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