Is This Fate or Misfortune?

By Skyslovely

339K 10.7K 8.8K

[Black Butler various x Reader] (Y/N) is one of the few rare humans who was gifted with magic powers in her w... More

Her Acquaintance, A Whole New World
Her Acquaintance, The Phantomhive Household
Her Acquaintance, Out in town
His Butler, Able
His Butler, Strongest
His Butler, Omnipotent
His Butler, Capricious
His Butler, Chance Encounter
His Butler, At the Funeral
Her Acquaintance, A Picnic for Six
His Butler, Merrymaking
His Butler, Training
Her Acquaintance, Combat
His Butler, Phantom Image
Her Acquaintance, Masquerade
His Butler, On Ice
Her Acquaintance, The Invite
Her Acquaintance, Trancy Manor
Her Acquaintance, Captive
Her Acquaintance, Alois
Her Acquaintance, Right from Wrong
Her Acquaintance, Games
Her Acquaintance, Earl Trancy
His Butler, However You Please
His Butler, Forlorn
Her Acquaintance, Lessons
Her Acquaintance, Visit
Her Acquaintance, Puzzles and Spells
Her Acquaintance, The Knight
His Butler, Freeloader
His Butler, Supremacy Talented
His Butler, Competing
Her Acquaintance, The Choir
Her Acquaintance, I'm where!?
Her Acquaintance, Vacation
Her Acquaintance, A Run Into
Her Acquaintance, Beach
Ciel in Wonderland part 1
Ciel in Wonderland part 2
Her Acquaintance, Welcome to Weston
Her Acquaintance, New Faces
Her Acquaintance, Daily Life at Weston's
Her Acquaintance, Demon Butler
Her Acquaintance, Reaper's Quarters
Her Acquaintance, Clues Discovered
Her Acquaintance, The Past
Her Acquaintance, Pieces
Her Acquaintance, Of Coffins and Skulls
His Butler, Offering
His Butler, Transmitted
Her Acquaintance, Confusion
Is This Melodious or Diabolical?
Her Acquaintance Mini Shorts
Her Acquaintance Mini Shorts
Her Acquaintance Mini Shorts
Her Acquaintance, Uncertainty
Her Acquaintance, Rain
His Butler, Imprisoned
His Butler, Escaping
Her Acquaintance, History
Intermission: Timeline
Her Acquaintance, Prince
He Acquaintance, Reaper's Mission
Her Acquaintance, Tea
Her Acquaintance, Mischief
Her Acquaintance, A Demon's Heart
Her Acquaintance, Earl Phantomhive
Her Acquaintance, Appreciation
His Butler, Dissolution
His Butler, Up In Flames
His Butler, Fluent
Her Acquaintance, The End Part 1
Her Acquaintance, The End Part 2
Edward Ending
Prince Soma Ending
Grell Ending
Alois Ending
Finny Ending
Sebastian Ending
Ciel Ending
Author Note

Her Acquaintance, Waking Up To This!!

16.2K 505 927
By Skyslovely

 "Hello new world."

   Light flooded your gaze, making you blink your eyes in hope of clearing it. The rays of the sun were blinding, this making you raise an arm above your face in hopes of blocking it. The sky was a beautiful bright blue and wispy white clouds softly blew across because of the faint breeze. Wind blew across your face making your hair float with the breeze, a few strands coming to rest on your cheek.

   Birds chirped in the area around you and you realized that something soft was trailing delicate circles around your cheek. Shifting your head to the left, you found a small lavender plant growing in the first next to you. The plant had just bloomed, its tiny leaves coming up to a small purple flower that nuzzled against your cheek.

   Letting out a small smile, you painfully reached out and touched the delicate flower, fingering the silky surface of the petals. You drew away from it finally deciding that it was time to get up.

   Slowly, you managed to stand up to your feet although you stumbled several times as you did so. You massaged your head in an attempt to ward off the pounding headache that lingered. A warm liquid sensation was felt by your nose and you reached up to dab at it. You brought your hand down and was alarmed to find that your fingertips were stained with blood.

   'I guess that spell was a lot harder than I thought.'

   You wiped your nose before glancing around at the landscape that surrounded you. You stood in the middle of a large garden that consisted of a variety of flowers, although the purple petals of lavender caught most of your attention.

   The entire place was beautiful, signaling that someone had been taking good care of the garden. A stone pathway led through the garden toward a large manor that stood just a couple meters away. 'Why does this place look so familiar?'

   Taking a second glance around the property, you realized that the Manor was only civilization in the area. The only thing else was a forest that stood around you. The manor was magnificent as it had an old look like one from a scene in a movie from the Victorian Era in England. You couldn't put a finger on it, but you could swear that you had seen this place before.

   'I wonder where the book sent me,' you questioned as you began to follow the path. 'I can totally scratch off the 20th century, figuring that it seems I'm in the 18th or early 19th century due to the design of the building. Maybe the spell was casted wrong and I was actually sent back in time.' You shrugged your shoulders, 'Oh well I'm stuck here. Might as well go say hello to the neighbors.'

   "Sebastian ordered us to go gather some wood for the fire." A voice echoed from around the wall, making you pause and listen.

   'Who is that and why does it also sound familiar, especially that Sebastian name?' Creeping around the corner of the wall, you spotted three people conversing with each other.

   Just by looking at them, it was obvious that they had to be servants. The shortest one was a lanky boy with golden blonde hair and teal eyes. The woman next to him was dressed as a maid, her eyes hidden behind her thick-rimmed glasses. Her dark cherry hair was pulled into two ponytails each at the side of her head. The last person was man who was more muscular than the rest. His skin was tanner than the others and a bit of stubble grew on the edge of his face. He wore a dirty apron and a white chef's outfit. A cigarette hung out from the side of his mouth.

   You gasped, backing up away from the wall, racking through your head for answers. 'This can't be real.. I know who they are. They're Finny, Baldroy, and Mey-Rin from Black Butler.' Stumbling back, you gaze back up at the manor, your mouth gaping open star struck. 'This is the fucking Phantomhive Manor!! Did that book seriously bring me to the Black Butler dimension!!'

   You couldn't believe that of all the places the book could have sent you, it chose your favorite anime of all places. 'I actually get to meet Sebastian, Grell, Ciel in real life!! And hopefully Alois as well! I wonder what part I'm at in the anime now?'

   "Excuse me Miss, but you're on private property."

   You whirled around to see three familiar figures staring at you, confusion written on their faces. Your face flashed red, embarrass that they had caught you in the moment of fangirling. 'I hope they don't think I'm weird.'

   Finny who had spoken, stepped forward a light blush on his face as he looked you up and down. He glanced to the side refusing to lock gaze's with you as his blush deepened in color. "This is private property Miss."

   Baldroy rolled his eyes pushing Finny to the side. He scratched his stubble, leaning down to look at you. "I don't mean to be rude miss, especially to a pretty lady like you, but you shouldn't be here. Do you have business you wish you speak with to our master?"

   A jolt races through your body once he had said those words. You hadn't thought about what to say if they had found you. 'Crap. What do I tell them?'

   "Uh... yeah I do have business to speak with Lord Phantomhive." Your gaze drifted down and lingered on Mey-Rin maid uniform and a idea spranged into your head. "I was actually coming to ask the young Lord if I can have the position as maid and work underneath him," you rambled out hoping that they'll buy the lie.

   Baldroy out a grin as he took the cigarette out from his mouth. "Well then why didn't you say that in the first place. We've been looking for a new maid for a while, even put a hired ad in the paper, but no one's come. Glad you showed up, Mey-Rin will show you to the young Lord's study room." He slapped you lightly on the back pushing you toward her. "Good luck." He turned toward Finny. "We better get back to our jobs, you know how Sebastian gets."

   'I can't believe that actually worked!'

   Mey-Rin gestured you to follow her as the two of you entered the large manor. "Wow." Your mouth gaped open at the beauty of the place. Elegant curtains and carpets laid around, entrancing the beauty of it even more. 'I can't believe I'm actually standing in the Phantomhive Manor!!'

   "Its quite impressive, yes it is. I was just like you when I first saw it, yes I was," Mey-Rin said happily. "Oh I don't think we ever officially introduce each other. The names Mey-Rin."

   'Of course I know who you are, you're the cute and clumsy maid who is such a bad ass sniper!' You gave her a smile. "Its nice to meet you Mey-Rin, I'm (F/N) (L/N)."

   "Oh golly I like you already. I really hope you get the job, yes I do!"

   "Thanks Mey-Rin! I hope so to." You just couldn't wait to see Sebastian and Ciel in the flesh. These scenarios usually only happen in fan fiction, to have it happen in real life was amazing.

   "Mey-Rin, who is this lovely person you have with you?"

   A very deep yet soothing voice cut through the empty hallway. Your eyes widened at the familiar person *ahem* demon that stood in front of you and Mey-Rin. 'Sebastian Michaelis is actually standing in front of me!!'

   "Mey-Rin, who is she?" His eyes flashed pink for a mili-second as he gazed down at you, a mischievous smile on his face.

   You peeked over at Mey-Rin to see her in a blushing mess as she squirmed underneath Sebastian's line of gaze. 'Typical Mey-Rin.' You gave her a nudge against the shoulder and she jumped to attention. Avoiding Sebastian's eyes she mumbled out, "This is Miss (L/N). She wanted to speak with the young master."

   "Well if that's the case then I shall accompany her the rest of the way then."

   Mey-Rin nodded, her eyes cast down, her fingers pulling at the skirt of her outfit.

   Sebastian let out a sigh. "I need you to help Baldroy clean the kitchen. I've told him many times not to use that flamethrower of his, but he never listens." He touched his forehead, shaking his head.

   Mey-Rin jolted out of her trance. "I'll go do that sir, yes I will!" She dashed off down the hallway, sometimes bumping against the furniture that laid against the wall.

   "Be careful," you shouted out after her, knowing that she would most likely break something.

   You turned around to meet Sebastian's inquisitive eyes. "Well shall we head to see the young Lord." You let out a shrill inside your head. 'Just a couple more moments and I finally get to met Ciel!'

   Sebastian gazed down at you, curiosity swirling through his eyes. "Right this way milady." He gestured you to follow him and you trailed after him down the hallway.

   "So Miss (L/N), that's a very strange outfit your wearing. I've have never seen something like that around here."

   You sweat dropped upon hearing this. Leave it to Sebastian to be very perceptive and involved in everything. "Its umm very common where I come from, the people wear this all the time. And you can call me (Y/N)"

   "Well then (Y/N), where are you from?"

   'What am I suppose to tell him I'm from entirely different world and was sent here because of a magical book and this world is nothing but a show on t.v.' "I'm from America."

   "You are? Why are you here in London, especially here at the Phantomhive Manor?"

   "Well I heard that the young Lord was hiring, so I came here to try to get the job," you lied.

   'I really hope he doesn't find out, with all these questions he's asking he's bound to realize sooner or later.' You looked down at the clothes that you were wearing. 'And these clothes really give everything away.'

   "That's odd, because when I checked we didn't receive a letter stating you were going to visit." His eyes flashed pink as he swiveled them over to gaze into yours.

   'Oh shit.' Why didn't you think that this was going to happen. You were such an idiot to think that Sebastian wasn't going to notice. 'What now?'

   "It must have gotten misplaced then, that tends to happen a lot,' you said nervously.

   "Hmm it must have."

   'Its obvious he doesn't believe me, but i guess so far so good.'

   "It is my duty to make sure the young master is safe from harm because you see I am simply one hell of a butler."

   'Oh my gosh he actually said it! I am seriously loving that book for bringing me here!'

   "We're here." Sebastian paused at a large wooden door, resting his gloved hand on the door knob.

   This is it. You were finally about to meet Ciel Phantomhive! 'I hope I don't make an idiot out of myself.'

   Sebastian opened up the door, sweeping his arm to signal that you could enter. You walked In admiring the design of the room and then there he was. Sitting at the desk in front of you, reading some papers that were in his hands was Ciel Phantomhive. The actual Ciel Phantomhive was right in front of you. It took all you could not to squeal out.

    "Young master it seems you have a visitor." Sebastian walked past you, heading to stand besides Ciel to which he bent down and whispered in his ear.

   Ciel's eyes snapped up to look into yours and he carefully placed the papers down on the desk before diverting his full attention onto you. "I heard no such thing of being visited today, explain Sebastian."

   "It seems the letter she sent was misplaced in the mail, which is why we didn't know she was coming."

   "Is that so.." Ciel said thoughtfully. "Then why have you come to visit me today?" He said his question directed toward you.

   'Oh Ciel all this work must take a toll on you.' You felt bad for him, the rest of his life working for the Queen, loaded with work after work. 'I'll do everything I can to ease that pain.' "I heard that you were looking for a new maid and decided that I wanted the job."

   "You don't decide if you get the job, I do." His eyes narrowed, glaring you down. "Now tell me Miss.."

   "(Y/N)," you told him. "The names (F/N)(L/N)."

   "Well then (Y/N), what country are you from? Those clothes are obviously not from around here." Ciel eyed your clothes, giving you a hard stare. It was clear that Ciel was finding it hard to trust you at the moment.

   You didn't care though. Somehow you'll find a way to get him to trust you. To let him know that you were always going be by his side, no matter if he thought of you as a pawn or not. He already been through a lot and wherever you were at in the story, he would be through a lot more.

   "I'm from America sir. I can cook, clean, and do anything that you can ask me too," you told him, hoping that he would allow you to stay.

   Ciel raised an eyebrow, looking slightly interested. "Nice to know of." He paused thinking over things. "Fine you're hired. I hope you'll be better than the excuse of those other servants."

   Mentally you squealed out, thrilled that Ciel had allowed you to stay. "I'll do my best."

   "Let's hope you do. I want my manor to be elegant and clean especially for my guest." He glanced to the side. "Sebastian."

   "Yes young master." He stepped forward, bowing as he waited for Ciel's command. His hair draped over his closed eyes as he waited obediently. 'Oh my god! I'm so glad I'm still alive to see this happen in front of me.'

   Ciel continued, not noticing you in your fangirling state. "I want you to escort her to her room, see to it that she knows her duties for tomorrow." He turned back to look at you, pausing at your behavior. "Wait outside, I must speak to my butler about something."

   "Yes sir!" You headed out the door, closing it softly behind you. Once the door had thudded closed, Ciel picked up this papers and resumed skimming though them. "There's something about her I don't trust. I want you to keep a close eye on her. Now leave me I have enough I have to worry about."

   "Of course my young master." He bowed once again to Ciel before quietly heading out the the door.

   Ciel placed down the papers and rested his head onto the palms of his hands as he gazed at the closed door. 'You'll make a lovely pawn to my game (Y/N).'

   Sebastian had dropped you off to your new room and you now stood staring at the beauty in awe. On your way here, the two of you had passed through the foyer to where you had seen a large portrait of Ciel's parents. 'I guess the anime hasn't started yet,' you had assumed.

   "I will come back in the morning and inform you of your duties," Sebastian headed out the door, pausing to look back. "Now I hope there won't be any trouble tonight." He slammed the door shut leaving you in the empty silence of the room. Though you were just now a servant, this bedroom seemed to be fit for royalty. 'I wonder if Mey-Rin's room is like this.' A large King size bed stood in the center of the room, drapes hanged off the curtain rod, creating a peaceful mood behind them. The windows were covered with red curtains casting the room into a shade of colors, hiding the dark sky that rested behind them. It seemed that you had arrived in this world late in the afternoon, the sun just now sinking and the moon taking its place in the night sky. The room was decorated in a red and black theme further enhancing the beauty. At the side of the room was a door that led to a bathroom and a closet. On the bed was a white nightgown, possibly put there by Mey-Rin knowing that you'll be needing clothes.

   To tired to wash up, you quickly slipped on the nightgown and set your phone onto the dresser beside you as you collapsed onto the bed. You couldn't believe it. One second you were getting chased my the AMA because you could use magic and the next thing you were a maid working for Ciel's Phantomhive in the Black Butler dimension! You rolled over in the covers to lay on your back and reached a hand up in front of you. You let your power flow down to your fingers watching as your hand lit up in a (F/C) color. Even though you were free from the pain of your old life you couldn't help but wonder how things were still going back in your dimension. 'I know I haven't been gone long, but I still wonder how will the future of that dimension will play out.' You wondered if word had spread at school of what you were. What did Courtney think of you know? Was she sad that you were missing or was she glad that another demon was gone? And what about William? He must be so glad that you were gone. He finally got to tell the world about what you really were.

   It was a good thing that you had watched all the seasons of Black Butler twice.. wait or was it three times. You shook your head. It didn't matter at least you knew what would happen in the future. Maybe you could even change things and fix them for the better. Like saving Madam Red. You shot up. 'Yeah maybe I can save her this time!'  Then your face crumbled and you collapse back down and sprawled your hands out to your side. 'But if I save her what would happen to the original timeline, couldn't it possibly screw something up? And what about my powers do I tell the others about them or should I keep quiet and let them know when I get to know them better. And wait! There's nothing in the anime about Ciel hiring another maid! It seems they didn't show everything in the anime.'

   You sighed out, exhaustion creeping into your system. You shook your head clearing your thoughts. This was to much to think about you might as well think more about it tomorrow. You snuggled underneath the blankets turning to face the lamp that laid beside you. To tired to turn it off manually you said, "Say goodnight, out like a light." The lamp immediately goes out leaving the room pitch black. Your tossed over pulling the blankets up over you, 'I wonder how things will go on from now on?' 

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