I'll Protect You Book 1 (Min...

By Sk8ergurl98

19.5K 439 45

Jeon Y/N is a quiet college student and sister of Jeon Jungkook, A member of a gang Called BTS. You're just a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 8

629 15 8
By Sk8ergurl98

You wake up and can feel Taehyung's arm around you. You roll over and see him out cold with his mouth wide open, face in the pillow. 

You silently laugh at him before weaseling out from under his arm. You stand up and walk into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

Yoongi wakes up and notices you aren't in the living room anymore. He stands up and turns around, spotting you in the kitchen. 

He feels his heart skip a beat watching you dance while cooking. He stands up before walking into the kitchen.

You stop dancing and slightly smile. "Good morning butt head." 

He glares at you. "Good morning weird girl." 

You continue cooking, not listening to him and slightly dancing to the music you are quietly playing. 

"Can I help?" 

You look at him. "You want to help me cook breakfast?" He nods. "Do you even know how to cook?" 

He freezes and hesitates for a minute. "Kind of. Could you teach me?" 

You nod. "Fine. If your idiotic ass gets in my way though, i'm kicking you out." 

He looks at you then grabs some eggs. "Do you hate me that much?"

You shake your head without looking at him. "I'm not a fan of yours. I've been in your classes since we started here. I've watched you use people, beat up people who did nothing to you, be disrespectful and overall you're a fuckboy. You don't respect women, just use them."

Yoongi just stands there shocked by what you said. "Is that what you really think of me?" 

You take a deep breath. "Yes it is... I know somewhere in your heart though you are sensitive. I can see it by the way you've been acting around us. If I'm honest, I don't hate you but I don't particularly like you either."

Yoongi nods. "Thank you for being honest with me. I can see why you don't like me." 

You look at him and sigh. "Yoongi, I didn't mean to be so harsh about it. Maybe one day i'll see you differently. From what I've seen though you aren't someone I would personally trust."

Yoongi nods and thinks to himself. "Why do I have this sudden urge to show her another side to me? Why do I keep getting these weird feelings for her? I've never felt this way about anyone. What's happening? She's just so cute and- No Yoongi! Stop it, you can't like her."

You notice Yoongi not mixing the pancake batter right, but when you try to correct him, he doesn't respond. 

You notice he's spacing out, so you grab his hand and he snaps back to reality. "Mix it like this Yoongi." You show him how to mix by directing his hand with your hand.

Yoongi looks at you and feels his heart beat faster. Your touch on his hand sends a tingly feeling shoot through his body. "Like this?" 

You smile and release his hand. "EXACTLY! Keep it up and i'll have you as a pro cooker in no time." 

Yoongi starts to speak but stops when Jimin walks in. Jimin looks at the two of you. "What are you doing?" 

You look at him and smile. "Making breakfast for everyone. Later i'm taking Yoongi to get some of his stuff so he can move into my apartment while he's under our protection. We'll be staying there for now on."

Jimin shakes his head. "Can't you just stay here till this whole thing blows over?" 

You shake your head and continue cooking. "Jimin I want my bed back. I will make sure to lock everything and leave my phone on. You have a key too. I can defend myself."

Jimin nods. "Fine. But Min Yoongi you better not cause her any problems. I know your reputation and the fact you're a troublemaker. Try anything with her and I'll kill you myself." 

Yoongi nods. "As if I'd try anything with her anyways. Not my type." 

You roll your eyes and Jimin scoffs. "Good answer. I'll wake the others up." You nod as Jimin leaves the kitchen. 

Yoongi continues making the pancakes. "Y/N You know, I'm more than what you think of me. I know I came off in a bad way, but I'm not that bad."

You look at him. "I'm sure there is, you should let that side of you show more. Then maybe I'd like you more. Not that it'll matter much, this whole thing should be over soon and you can go back to never talking to us again... Foods done."

Yoongi feels his heart sink when you mention never speaking to each other again. He snaps out of his thoughts and feeling to help bring the food to the table. 

Everyone gets up and sits down eating. Jungkook pats your back. "Yah great food Y/N-ah."

You smile. "Can't take all the credit. Yoongi pitched in and helped." 

Everyone compliments both of you on your cooking and Yoongi feels himself smiling. 

You look at Yoongi and smile. "YAH! YOONGI KNOWS HOW TO SMILE!?" 

Yoongi looks at you wide eyed and Jungkook hits the back of your head. "Yah! Leave the boy alone. You'll scare him and he'll never show emotion again." 

You hold the back of your head and pout. "Sorry." Everyone giggles and continues eating.


You and Yoongi decide to start cleaning the dishes while everyone else cleans the apartment up. 

"You should smile more." 

Yoongi looks at you confused. "What?" 

You hand him a plate. "You have a nice smile, you should show it more." 

Yoongi slightly smiles at your comment.

When you finish the dishes, you and Yoongi grab all your belongings. 

Jimin and Taehyung walk you to the car. "Jungkook left to meet the others, he said he'll see you at the club later." 

You nod. "See you boys later." You throw your stuff in your car and Yoongi does the same. You hug the boys then get in. Once you and Yoongi are in the car, you drive away. 

"Grab whatever you need when we get there. We can always come back if you end up needing something else." 

He nods. "I will make it quick."

You shake your head. "Take your time." 

You pull up to Yoongi's dorm and he runs inside. You get out if the car and lean against the hood. You put your headphones in and hit play on your phone while putting a lollipop in your mouth.


Ga-Yeon is walking down the sidewalk and recognizes your car from the other day. She approaches the car and is shocked when she sees it's you.

"Yah, why are you here!?"  When you don't respond she repeats herself again only louder. 

You take your headphone out. "I'm sorry, did you say something slut?"

She looks at you all pissed. "What are you doing here?" 

You look at your phone. "Listening to music, eating a lollipop and enjoying the weather. Isn't it that obvious?" 

She rolls her eyes. "I meant why are you in front of Yoongi's dorm?"

You look at the building then her. "Oh Yoongi lives here? Nice to know." 

She grabs your arm tightly. "Listen I know you were here the other day in this car. Yoongi got into your car and the two of you left together. You his new toy?"

You laugh. "1, Yoongi isn't my type. I don't date fuckboys, especially ones that sleep around with dirty hoe asses like you. And 2, this car isn't mine, it's my brothers back up, my car is in the shop. Get your facts, it was probably my brother you saw."

Ga-Yeon is about to punch you when you grab her fist. "Seriously wouldn't do that. Walk away before I get mad." 

She laughs. "What's a geeky weak little girl like you gonna do?" 

You roll your eyes then furrow your brows. "Something's not right."

Ga-Yeon laughs. "Yeah, you thinking you're tough." 

You look at the building and get an uneasy feeling. "It's been almost 30 minutes. Something's wrong. No, maybe he's just looking for something...No something's definitely wrong."

"Are you listening? Leave bitch!" 

You shove her off you and she lands on her ass. You run inside and she stands up. Her boyfriend witness the whole thing while passing by. He approaches her and takes her to the infirmary.

You run up to Yoongi's floor when you hear weird noises coming from his apartment. You kick the door in and see Yoongi wrestling with a man while another starts to get off the ground. 

You run in, grabbing the man and yanking him back. He swings at you and you dodge it. You kick the man in the shin, causing him to drop to his knees. You then grab his head and knee him in the face knocking him out. 

You quickly turn and grab the man that Yoongi was fighting with by the neck. You pull him backwards, leaving an opening for Yoongi to knock him out. 

Yoongi hits him square in the face. You wince a bit. "That's gonna leave a mark." 

You let the guy go and watch as he falls to the ground. "I think you broke his nose... NICEEEE!" 

Yoongi looks at you and shakes his head. He catches his breath then grabs his stuff, following you out of the building.

You load the car and he gets in. You look at him. "Are you ok?" 

He nods. "Yea, thanks for the help." 

You smile and drive off. "That's my job. Make sure you don't get killed. I got their phones now so we have a lead on whose doing this. You'll be back to normal soon."

Yoongi nods. "Good. I like my space." He looks over and notices the mark on your arm. "Did you get hurt during the fight?" 

You look at your arm and chuckle a bit. "Oh that, no. I met Ga-Yeon in the parking lot. She wasn't happy about me being in front of your dorm."

He grabs your arm and looks at it before letting it go. "Hey can you stop at that convenience store?" You nod and pull into the lot. 

He runs inside then returns a few minutes later. He gets in and you start to drive away. 

Yoongi grabs your arm again and holds an ice pack on it.

You flinch when the ice pack touches your skin. "What are you doing?" 

He rolls his eyes. "Just drive weird girl. I'm holding ice on your arm so it doesn't bruise up badly." 

You nod. "Oh... Thanks." 

He smiles. "I got some drinks and snacks as well for us later."

You smile a bit. "You didn't have to. My house is loaded with nothing but snacks, drinks, candy, and much more. I'm a food and sleep aholic." 

He chuckles a bit and smiles at you. 

"Yah look at you, showing your emotions. You should do it more often Min Yoongi."

Yoongi nods. "I'll work on that." You both smile. 


You pull into your apartment complex and park. You help Yoongi carry his stuff inside. You open the door and see Hoseok standing by the door. 

"I'm not even gonna ask how you got in?"

Hoseok smiles. "Ha, you should really secure this place better." 

You and Yoongi put his stuff down on the couch. You walk back to Hoseok. "What brings you here?" 

He smile. "Placing alarms on your door and windows. Jungkook wants to make sure you're safer than safe."

You smile and kiss his cheek. "Thanks J-Hope." 

He smiles and continues installing the alarm. 

"Yoongi follow me. I'll show you the spare bedroom. I mean you pretty musch already know where it is but whatever." He nods and follows you.

Hoseok watches the two of you walk down the back hall "They'd be cute together." He shakes his head, chuckling to himself. 

You open the spare room door. "This is your room. Decorate however you want to. That's your bathroom. My room is on over by the living room. I'll let you get settled in."

You walk out of the room and back to Hoseok. "You going to the club tonight? I miss seeing you all together." 

He nods. "We are all going to be there." 

You smile widely. "Yay. oh shit I almost forgot... YOONGI! WE ARE GOING TO THE CLUB TONIGHT! MAKE SURE YOU DRESS APPROPRIATELY!" 

You hear Yoongi scream back, confirming he heard you. 

Hoseok shakes his head. "You couldn't walk 2 feet away from my ear before doing that!?" 

You giggle. "Sorry sunshine." 

He scoffs. "Not as sorry as you're gonna be." He tackles you to the ground and starts tickling you. You laugh loudly while trying to escape. 

Yoongi hears the thud plus your laughing and walks out standing there watching you. He smiles seeing you and thinks. "Her laugh and smile are so adorable. She's perfect. But she's right about me. Focus on paying her brother off and getting away from her."

Jungkook and Jin hop through your window and Yoongi looks at them. "What's with everyone using windows?" 

They both laugh. "It's more fun and keeps us in shape. You'll get use to it. What's going on with them?"

Yoongi shrugs. "No clue. She yelled saying we were going to the club tonight then a few seconds later I heard a thud and she was laughing hysterically." 

Jin and Jungkook look at each other. "That's why. She was in here when she yelled right?" 

He nods. "You think she'd learn not to yell by his ear."

"Hobi gets annoyed when the ypunger ones yell by his ear. Even though he can be louder than them sometimes. As a result though, this happens."

The three of them stand there watching you. Jungkook sees Yoongi smile at you. "Don't get any ideas Suga. She's claimed by Jimin. Even if they agreed to never act upon their feelings." 

Yoongi shakes his head. "I don't like her like that. I just like having you all around."

Jungkook smiles a bit. "Prove yourself to all of us. Gain our trust and you'll never lose us. We told you, some of us might not like you now but that doesn't mean they won't accept you at some point. If you choose there's a place for you with us. Think about it." He walks away.

Yoongi stands there thinking as he watches Jungkook sit by your head. "You know he hates when you yell near him." 

You laugh harder as Hoseok continues tickling you. "I... Know... I-I... Said i'm... Sorry." Hoseok stops tickling you and you both sit on the floor with Jungkook and Jin.

Yoongi smiles at the four of you and walks back into his room. "Can I really join them?" He organizes his stuff while you help install the alarm system. 

"Kookie, Yoongi owes you right?" 

Jungkook looks at you. "He's paying it off."

You look at him. "What did he do exactly, besides borrow money?" 

Jungkook sighs. "He use to come to us to get supplies to sell. Some of the money he owes is from physically borrowing money. The other half is because he never gave us his share from selling our goods."

You nod. "How's he paying it off?" 

Jin looks at you. "He goes with Tae to ensure he is safe when he makes deliveries. Didn't you know?" 

You shake your head. "Kookie, what are you scheming?" 

He looks at you with a smirk plastered across his face. "Nothing. Making peace, he'll work his debt off."

You nod and sigh. "Don't put all your trust in him. I've seen a side to him that's good but I still have my doubts about him. If he gets killed while running deliveries that's not on me." 

You put your hands up and Jungkook laughs. "Of course. I know. Don't worry, he'll be fine."

You walk into your room. "I'm showering then getting ready to go to the club." 

Jungkook nods and heads to the third bedroom in your house. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung leave some of their clothes at your house because they spend a lot of time there with you.

Hoseok finishes with all the alarms. "Kook I'm heading back to my place to get ready. See you later." Jungkook yells back and continues getting ready himself.

After Jungkook is dressed, he hears Yoongi struggling and offers his help. The two sit in the living room when they are done.


You finish showering and wrap yourself in a towel. You sit at your desk doing your hair and makeup. 

When you are done you stand up and finishes drying off then put on some nice clothes. You grab your stuff and walk into the living room.

Jungkook stands up. "Lunch then club." 

You nod. "I approve of that statement."

Yoongi feels his heart beat faster looking at you. You and Jungkook walk towards the door and Yoongi snaps back to reality and follows you both to the cars.

You walk up to your car and look at Yoongi. "You can either go with him or me." You get in your car and Yoongi hops in the passenger seat. "Alright then." 

You smile then drive towards Jungkook's parking spot to follow him to the restaurant.



You pull up and get out of the car. You all walk inside and find a table. You realize you left your phone in the car and stand up. "I'll be right back. Forgot my phone outside." 

You walk outside and grab your phone, but when you turn to walk inside you see Chanyeol walking. He sees you and stops, smiling. You smile back. "Chanyeol nice to see you again." 

He nods. "You as well." You both hug. Chanyeol and you have been texting a lot since Sehun got your number for him. He doesn't seem like a bad person, but you can never be too careful.

You pull away from the hug and look at him. "I wish I could talk but I'm with my friends. We are going out. We should hang out sometime though." 

He nods. "Of course. Just text me whenever you want to. Nice seeing you." He waves goodbye as you walk back inside.

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