By mivaculous

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By mivaculous

Keeping to their promise, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny returned to the Burrow to celebrate the holiday with their family, leaving the demigods to fend for themselves at Hogwarts.

Initially, when her children told her about the large group that was staying at Hogwarts, Molly had wanted to invite them over, but considering how Percy, Annabeth, Travis, Katie and Nico had to sleep in the garden the previous time, and the group had grown since then, she realised that there was simply not enough space to fit a group of around forty teenagers in her home.

So, while the wizards celebrated Christmas that day in the Burrow, the demigods laid sprawled on the ground near the Black Lake, a single cackling fire protecting them from the cold.

McGonagall had allowed the campers to stay overnight by the lake, for they were used to sleeping in such conditions, and there weren't enough extra rooms to hold all of them.

"I'd forgotten how cold it gets during winter," Travis admitted, shivering. Many of the campers agreed, having lived within the magical borders of their camps, therefore they needed time to adjust to the harsh winter weather that was not toned down by the borders.

"At least we have each other," Annabeth said.

A couple of the demigods smirked. Percy teased, "Since when did you get so sentimental?"

"I'm not," Annabeth protested. "I literally mean that it's good to have each other because it's warmer when more people are around."

"Yeah, right," Nyssa said. The rest laughed.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, an amused smile on her face. "Merry Christmas, guys."

The campers huddled together. Snow drifted in the air, landing on their hair. The dim light from Hogwarts illuminated their faces. The sun set, painting the sky orange before washing it with dark blue. Stars twinkled in the distance.

"Merry Christmas."

"Oh, look who's here!" Molly exclaimed, hugging Ginny tightly. She moved on to embrace the rest of her children.

Ginny wiped her nose. "Hi, Mum. Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas, dearies." Molly placed her hands on her hips. "Now, time to eat! Everyone is waiting! We can open presents soon enough!"

She led them to the living room, where all those siblings chatted, fire cackling in the furnace. Charlie was the first one to notice them.

"Look how all of you have grown!" Charlie rubbed his knuckles against Ron's head.

"Hey!" Ron yelped, escaping Charlie's grasp. He smiled giddily. "It's good to see you again."

"Are Neville and Luna not coming?" Arthur asked, scooping mash potatoes on a plate for Hermione.

"Neville's celebrating with his grandma, and Luna with her father," Ginny said, stuffing her mouth with the various candies Molly had prepared. She sighed contentedly. "This is really good, Mum."

"Don't finish all the sweets, now," Molly chided. "Sit down. We'll eat dinner."

Everyone took their seats, Charlie talking animatedly to Hermione and Harry speaking to Fleur about his Hogwarts year. Ginny and George mostly bantered across the table, and they would all laugh when Ron accidentally spat food out while he talked.

And, when the Christmas dinner at the Burrow was all said and done, the family moved to the Christmas tree, gathering in a circle to open presents.

Ron was the closest to the tree, so he was first. He opened the nearest present he saw with his name labelled on it, and tore the wrapping paper open.

In the package was a maroon jumper, completed with a large 'R' sewed in the middle.

"Always maroon," Ron muttered. Tears pricked at his eyes as he remembered his first-year, when he opened his present exactly seven years ago, and was greeted with the same endearing gift.  "Thank you, Mum."

Molly nodded, her lips twisting into a smile. "Harry, dear, you're next."

Ron passed a package to Harry, watching as his best mate opened it delicately.

Harry inhaled sharply, before pulling out a snow globe. Inside, the Hogwarts castle stood grounded in the middle, and all of his friends and family stood circled around it. Right in between Ron and Hermione was a tiny Harry figurine, beaming brightly.

Harry sniffed. He turned the snow globe over, and the words 'From, Hermione and Ron' were engraved on the white plastic.

Harry grinned. "Thanks, guys."

"It's no problem, Harry. I hope you like it." Hermione's eyes glittered. Harry nodded.

"I do, really. Happy Christmas."

Ron nudged Harry playfully. "Happy Christmas."

As the demigods settled by the Black Lake, and night fell upon them, they all fell into a peaceful slumber.

It seemed like the Fates had given them all a present for Christmas, for none of them had any dreams of giants and evil potty sludge.

All except for Travis.

"Help me, Travis."

Travis shook his head. "Y-you betrayed me. You betrayed us."

"You don't understand. I- I wanted to help! Please, save me," Luke pleaded. Travis averted his eyes.

"I thought you would've changed after the Titan War," Travis said. "You let jealousy get to you."

"I didn't!" Luke locked eyes with Travis. "I swear, I didn't. You don't understand."

"What don't I understand, Luke?!" Travis demanded. "That you betrayed me, your brother? That you lied to all of us, your friends?"

"I didn't," Luke whispered. "You have until summer. You have to stop him."


Luke nodded feebly. "He has weakened me. He is keeping me hostage. He wants to kill you all."

"Why are you talking in third person?" Travis looked bewildered. "I already know it's you that's trying to kill us."

"It isn't me! It's a shapeshifter! He's-"

A loud groan sounded from somewhere behind Luke.

Luke looked alarmed. "I don't have much time. You have to find a way to stop him!"

"Who?! For gods' sake Luke, WHO IS IT?"

Luke's image was rapidly fading. Travis tried to reach out to grab him, but all he did was clear the image of the remaining hologram of his brother.

"Luke!" Travis yelled. "Tell me!"

No one answered.

Then suddenly, a single voice whispered in Travis' ear, as clear as day: "Imposter."

Travis sat up, sweat beading his forehead. He looked around, and he found Percy still awake.

"Can't sleep?" Percy asked.

"Nightmare," Travis responded. His breath was ragged. "You?"

"Too much to think about." Percy tapped his temple lightly.

Travis went to sit next to Percy, dipping his feet into the freezing cold lake. "About what?"

"The prophecy," Percy sighed. "There's too many bits that I haven't figured out yet."


"Like 'The meeting of myth and magic shall bring upon an end most tragic'." Percy furrowed his brows. "Does that mean someone dies? Gets badly injured? That line bothers me the most."

Travis bit his lip. "You know the rest, then?"

"Well, I know the whole 'four demigods face the unknown' and 'amongst them, an owl alone' thing. That's just us learning about magic and when Annabeth was trapped," Percy answered. He gazed at the sky thoughtfully. "I'm clueless to the rest, though."

"'The thief will learn the golden truth'," Travis recited. He glanced at Percy. "I know that part."

The Son of Poseidon straightened. "You do?"

"Yeah," Travis said grimly, as if he wasn't happy about the information he was about to relay to Percy. "There's an imposter."

"Among us?" Percy questioned. His left eye twitched.

"No." Travis shook his head. "Luke... he's an imposter. The one who tried to kill us in the Manor isn't Luke Castellan."

"Then who is it?"

"He's a shapeshifter."

A/N: hellooooo! sorry for the slow updates! as of december 2019, I have updated chapters forty-five onwards, so if you happened to have read the previous posts, I would recommend for you to reread these chapters (although so far I've only published this one). the ideas have changed drastically so it would just be better if you read them ahah, sorry once again and I hope you continue to enjoy this book!

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