Filthy Frank vs RWBYverse

By ModerateOutis

23.4K 449 572

Title explains enough. More

Welcome to Remnant, motherfucker!
Where the fuck are your parents?!
I'm a motherfucking meme machine!
Are y'all ready to get kawaii as fuck?
(Literally anything from PORN TITLE RAP)
You look like a rapist
I'm a creepy old man on the internet and you can't STOP MEEE!
It's Filthy Frank, mothafucka!
Welcome to the part where the author talks about shit, motherfucker!

Shut the fuck up. No one cares about your robot fanfiction.

2K 35 58
By ModerateOutis

With some debris still falling from the freshly made hole in the ceiling, Junior and hoochies continue to just stare at Frank. Still somewhat motionless in the big ass hole behind the bar. A bottle of scotch soon slides across a broken shelf and plummets into the Frank made crater and lands right on his money maker.

Money maker being his dick.

Letting out a not so seductive groan, Frank grabs the bottle, opens it, and starts chugging it down to numb the pain. And with the Old World Gourmet perk, he starts getting back lost health points! That's a New Vegas reference, by the by.

Finally snapping out of his stupor from some asian fuck falling from the sky, Junior sports a pissed off expression.

Junior: Hey, asshole! What's the big idea breaking my shit!? And you're paying for that scotch!

After downing an entire bottle of scotch, Frank yeets the bottle at Junior's face. Shattering on contact as he falls flat on his ass, clutching his now bleeding face. This catches the twins off guard for a second before preparing themselves to cut a bitch. Speak of the devil, Frank slowly rises up in the ass made crater and stares down the two.

Frank: I've been chucked through time and space, ass flopped in a lake from orbit, shoved my hand up some demon wolf's ass, still can't get the smell out, got hassled by a bunch of dancing crayons, crashed a cake truck into a tree, got kidnapped by a bird, almost got eaten by its babies, got shot out of the sky from a fuck off cannon, and crashed ass first into some rundown bar with cheap scotch. All in less than five hours! In short, I am a little distraught right now. So if you little bitches wanna get nasty with the Frank meister...

He grabs a bottle of tequila, bashes it over a counter, fails to smash it, and points it at the Malachite twins.


At the front door, one of Junior's understandably underpaid fuck ups guards the bar entrance. Completely oblivious to the sound of glass shattering, furniture breaking, high pitched autistic screaming, explosions, and what sounds like a donkey getting fisted.

All of a sudden, the doors fly open as Frank is forcefully thrown out. Falling flat on his face and skidding across the pavement before coming to a stop. A tiny fart making its way out in the end. Back at the door, without a single scratch on them, the Malachite sisters just glare at the faggot they absolutely thrashed.

Miltia/Melanie: And stay out!

Melanie grabs the door handles and starts to close the doors.

Miltia: Bitch!

With that final verbal lashing, the doors are slam shut as Frank gets back on his feet. Slightly more bruised now. Also slightly more stabbed. With broken bones. Man, that's a lot of blood. Anyway, as Frank stands back up, the front door bouncer glances over to him.

Bouncer: Welcome to Junior's Club. The best watering hole on this side of Vale. ID please.

Frank just ignores him and leaves, making his way out of the shadows of Ghettoville and into the streets of Ghettoville. A large portion of the city of Vale is pretty much Ghettoville, now that I think about it... Ghettoville.

Dusting off the dirt and blood from his button up shirt, Frank just starts walking through the streets. Thinking up of what to do now.

Frank: Ok, besides the broken bones and crippling pain, I should be in the clear of bullshit. Now, to find a bunch of ramen noodles and a bathtub. Maybe some coffee and NyQuil.

As he continues to talk-

Frank: Some dead rats and a pack of tortillas could work to build up my chromosomes too.

You interrupting Japanese piece of shit, I'll cut your asshole out and use it as a pepper shaker!........ As Frank continues to talk out loud, he makes a turn at a corner and suddenly runs into some gray haired fucktard.

Mercury: Argh, what the hell!

Robo thighs shoves Frank back, causing him to stumble back a few feet. Gaining his balance, and feeling slightly violated, he looks up and sees Mercury and his totally not-girlfriend, Emerald. Both of whom he has never met before. So far, Frank is in no mood for shenanigans, so he does the only rational thing he could think of.

Mercury: What the hell's your prob-

Frank, without the slightest bit of hesitation, launches his foot up and kicks Mercury triangle in the balls.... Wait. Square. Square in the balls. Goddammit. This action causes Mercury to jump up a bit and fall on the ground in the fetal position, cradling his now broken balls.

Mercury: OW, MY BALLS!

Emerald looks down to her companion in shock before glaring at Frank.

Emerald: What do you thi-

Cooch completely unprotected, Emerald gets a vag full of shoe from Frank. She keels over and cups her genitals as pain now resonates throughout her body, letting out all the air in her lungs in one long wheeze. As she stumbles about, Frank just walks pass them and moves on.

Officer1: STOP! You violated the law!

And then two cops from across the street decided to do their jobs as they watched Frank commit genital manslaughter.

Officer2: Pay the court a fine or serve-

Frank just kicks them both in the balls in that Nazi marching style, knocking them both down as they grab their busted balls. Frank, the Mighty Crotch Destroyer, simply walks away as all in his wake suffer.

Pain coursing through his veins like a sick blood flow system, Mercury empties his stomach contents all over the floor.

As all this happens, a thought suddenly runs through Frank's mind for some reason thanks to me.

Frank: I wonder what those colorful cunts are doing right now?

[Location: Somewhere with a volcano]

In a half burning bullhead, several hundred miles from Nearby Village, team RWBY quickly try to escape the erupting volcano right behind them. Smoke blocking out the sun as lava flows out like diarrhea after Taco Bell.

Piloting the bullhead with some difficulty, clothes half burnt, Blake tries to keep the damn thing from crashing as the rest of her team fuck around in the back.

Sitting in the back seat, furiously patting her head down with a towel wrapped around it, Weiss tries to put out her hair that was lit on fire moments ago. Smoke emanating from the towel.

Laid out on the bullhead floor, clutching to a seat bolted to the ground, Ruby tries her damndest to hang on to a rope ladder that Yang is dangling from. The silver eyed warrior's now blue dyed hair flowing through the wind.

Yang just continues to hang from the rope ladder with one hand. Her other hand holding up the coconut bikini she acquired from the human sacrifice to the Volcano God.

Weiss, certain that her hair is not burning anymore, pulls the towel off her head and glares at Ruby. Her hair burnt to a shorter length with one or two patches of skin showing.

Weiss: Why in the holy hell would Frank be inside an ACTIVE FUCKING VOLCANO!?!?

Ruby: I don't know! It seemed like a good idea at the time!

Yang: Will you two just shut up and help me! I'm not losing this bikini top!

As the two quickly pull their sexiest member up, the bullhead they're riding in soon disappears in the distance as the volcano just engulfs a village close by in lava. Don't worry, these guys were super in to human sacrifices. So this is a good thing.


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