Hue - The Kingdom of Dahlia

By AnnikaS010900

373 63 2

Enter the nation of Carmica In the 30th century where another form of caste system was abided - The Hue A re... More

One - The Little Princess
Two - One Way Mirror
Three - Bronze Ring
Four - The Commander
Five - Trip in Paradise
Six - Till Death Shall Part
Seven - Golden Secrets
Eight - When in Quince
Nine - Hear The Drums?
Ten - The Pink Jade
Eleven - Chick Flick
Twelve - Wallow in my Pillow
Thirteen - Not Real
Fifteen - Brown for a Minute
Sixteen - One Day More
Seventeen - Freedom?
Eighteen - Preferably War
Nineteen - Inevitable
Twenty - Ever After

Fourteen - Date Number Three

11 2 0
By AnnikaS010900

"So how was everything?" Piper barged in my room just when I woke up that morning. There was only a week left to the wedding.

I didn't answer. I just tried to close my eyes and cover myself underneath my sheets when, out of nowhere, Piper jumped and body slammed me wrestling style.

"Piper!" I shouted grumpily. She just laughed and tickled me. And so I laughed along with her.

"You have to tell me everything!" Piper insisted.

"Chill! I was really planning to tell you" I sat up and lost all the sleepiness in my system.

"Wait! Before anything else, which was your favorite?" She asked excitedly. I thought for a moment although I really didn't have to. I looked at Piper with a peaceful smile on my face.

"Date number three."


"Are you out of your mind? How could an engaged woman, not to mention princess, agree to go on three dates with her bodyguard?" Piper protested immediately after Levi shut the door as he left my room.

"I won't lose anything anyway." I said with indifference while stacking the piles of ancient looking books I had to research on.

"Are you sure that you aren't falling for him already? Especially knowing that mother likes Levi for you?" Piper asked teasingly but at the same time a bit seriously.

"Huh? O-Of course not! I'm just doing this to shut him up. You saw him didn't you?" I tried to explain but Piper just kept the teasing face on which almost made me lose my act.

"Fine, don't believe me if you don't want to." I turned away, embarrassed and unsure of my own feelings as well.

"Just remember to be careful. Don't get me wrong, I love Levi and I know that he is willing to die for you, Audrey." She backed herself up with her arms crossed together as I was sitting back down the couch.

"But after Aunt Hazel's spell, is he going to be willing to live for you?" She hit me with a heart striking question that I didn't have any answer to.

"If he isn't, you will be at loss since it's so easy to fall in love but impossible to move on." She continued with her witty insights.

I no longer knew what to say. But my mind was all set. I'm going on those three dates.

"Piper, you should really stop watching those hopeless romantic dramas that make love look so simple when it's actually much much more complicated." I simply replied.

"I'm just saying!" Piper laughed as she slowly stood from my couch.

"Start getting some rest directly after supper." Piper suggested while straightening her dress as she was walking towards the door.

"Why?" I asked like an idiot while still nailed to the couch.

Piper chuckled as she grabbed the round silver doorknob. She flipped her long blonde hair and turned to face me with a smirk before answering,

"Something tells me that it will be tomorrow."

"Huh?" I tried to clarify.

Piper rolled her eyes as she walked out. I slowly stood to stop her. But before I could say anything, she popped her head back between the door's opening.

"Your first date with Levi, genius."

The following day, I woke up seeing an old fashioned letter that was slipped into the crack beneath my doorway.

I found myself jumping right off my bed. My sleepy eyes and dizzy head made that trip to the door not such a pleasant one. I fell sideward, cushioned by the soft velvet carpet beneath my face.

When I got a hold of my balance, I immediately went on my way and bent to grab the neatly folded paper and, well, unfolded it. And sure enough, Piper was right.

I know it's Monday. You're busy and I'm on duty. But I have a surprise news for you. Last night, I told the queen that you needed a little break so she knows you'll be going out and there will be no reason to hide. All you have to do, Princess, is to meet me outside by the Bentley by 11 am. Tell Ivy not to take too much time getting you ready.

Did I mention you're already beautiful because I love you?

P.S. Dress like a Red!

I folded the paper back and realized that I had a smile on my face. I shook my head, stationed myself in front of the dresser and kept the mini-letter in one of the drawers.

I stared down the mirror and I saw a mess. I didn't need Ivy yet but instead, I just readied myself for some breakfast. I put on my favorite everyday dress for the palace, My lilac gown.

After some breakfast, it was still around 8 am. I didn't see Levi at all. He just told me in his letter that he was on duty today.

Where in the world was he?

I did some work and at around 9 am, I started getting ready. At exactly 10:50, I was perfectly ready! I don't understand why but I made a big deal of what I was going to be wearing only to have Ivy pick an outfit for me in the end.

I wore a pair of high waist jeans, a white halter top and some sneakers, of course.

I almost forgot!

I went back to my dresser and slipped the pink Jade ring into my finger.

Later, I took a deep breath before walking out of the palace gates to be met by Levi standing beside the Bentley.

He looked great in his black V-neck and blue jeans. To top it all off, he wore a blue cap and scored the ultimate boyfriend look.

"Wow, right on time!" He said as he checked his wrist watch.

"Where are we going anyway?" I said as I walked closer towards the car.

He ignored me.

"Just step into your carriage, milady." He said as he opened the car door for me.

We drove pass plenty of high rise buildings. It wasn't an area so unfamiliar to me. I guess I've been here before. My guess was that we were heading for the mall to go shopping. Until we went pass all those. Now, all I saw was vast land.

"Levi, seriously, where are we going?" I asked after the long silence in the car.

"You'll know when we get there." He said while still looking out the window.

After a while, I heard loud carnival noises and saw a theme park emerging into view.

"Wonderland? Seriously? How childish of Levi Dawson." I joked disappointedly as I turned to look at him who was seated beside me.

I loved theme parks and Levi knew how much I wanted to go to one when we were children. Of course, under Gold protocol, I couldn't.

"Oh. You don't want to come?" Levi asked worriedly. I appreciated his efforts and loved it at the same time.

"I'm just kidding. Thank you, Levi. I'm so excited!" I thanked him enthusiastically as our car neared the theme park entrance.

Right when we arrived, there was a wide array of different kinds of treats.Levi didn't even ask anymore. He just suddenly appeared with different pairs of food in both his hands: one for him and one for me. That way, we didn't need to get some lunch.

To my comfort and surprise, no one noticed the princess at all.

"Let's get on that!" I pointed a large rollercoaster named The Heart Stopper.

"Uhh... sure!" Levi said nervously as he took a sip from the straw of his lemonade while we were walking together.

"Don't tell me that a big guy like you is afraid of rollercoasters." I teased.

"Yeah, I never got on one before." Levi admitted quite embarrassed.

I slowly took him by the hand and smiled. He just smiled back.

"Neither did I!" I said as I suddenly pulled him and ran towards the line of the ride.

"Audrey!" His voice got pulled along with him.

As we sat on the ride, the guy in charged made sure to lock our seatbelts.

"Audrey, I'm scared." Levi admitted softly like a little girl.

Honestly, I found him rather adorable. I was so excited that I didn't feel any hint of fear in my body. I just laughed while continuously swinging my feet alternately back and forth.

"Don't be! It's going to be fun!" I tried to loosen him up for the ride instead of being frozen in fear.

"Can you hold my hand?" He said while putting his hand out in front of me.

"Wow, real smooth." I complimented him while ignoring his open hand.

He silently kept his hand back down on his lap. I could still see it shaking.

Then I had a sudden urge to take that same hand I took six years ago when we first met: the hand of the boy who seemed like he had nothing to fear, had no use of my hand...

... until today.

Now that he needed it, I decided to give that to him.

"Just this once." I said as I grabbed his hand that was already frozen ice.

He looked at me with a smile on his face. He slowly made his way out of my soft awkward grip and properly interlaced his fingers with mine.

"Three, two, one, and we're off!" The automated voice of the ride announced right before it started moving.

The Heart Stopper was amazing and so was the rest of the day.

When we safely got back to the palace, Levi escorted me right
back into my room.

"I've got to say, Princess, I didn't know I'd win you on my first try." Levi said cockily.

"Who said anything about you winning me?" I countered. I had a great and awesome time but that doesn't mean that my heart's been won.

He just smiled before I entered my room. I kept the door slightly opened before Levi answered with a devilish smile.

"Did you really think that I would be afraid of a little rollercoaster like that?"

"Yes! Your hands were ice cold!" I pointed out.

"Well, maybe because I was holding my cold lemonade while you already finished yours?" He explained with the same devil grin.

I went to sleep that night with a light heart. I was really able to let go of some burdens because of today.

Maybe that's why I've been really looking forward to date number two.

Several days passed but everything was the same again. I was back to reality with all my Gold duties and I didn't really leave the palace. I never got the chance to talk to Piper because she was also busy with her charm school.

It wasn't until Friday that I woke up to another folded letter by the crack beneath my doorway.

I told the Queen that you'd be busy today since you'll be running some errands outside the palace.

Meet me at the same place, after lunch.

P.S. Dress like a red but this time, bring a jacket.

The letter was shorter and much simpler this time. I just didn't mind it and kept the letter away in the same drawer the first one was kept in.

And why should I bring a jacket on a hot spring day?

I stopped questioning the letter and continued on with breakfast and getting ready.

I decided to wear leggings and a loose t-shirt with a beanie. I looked much more casual today.

I met Levi outside and he opened the car door for me as usual. Riley was on the driver's seat, too, as usual.

"Where are we going this time?" I asked excitedly even though I knew Levi still wouldn't tell me.

"Why do you always have to know?" He asked curiously.

"Fine, fine." I said as I looked out the window.

As we slowly approached a gigantic dome-shaped building, I knew why I needed my furry blue jacket.

"Are you excited, Princess?" Levi asked right when Riley dropped us in front of the building entrance.

"Yes! You know, it isn't quite fair that you know me all too well." I felt that this deal was a biased one. I might fall harder because Levi knew how much I loved the carnival and how badly I wanted to try ice skating.

Not that I'm falling.

"Well, just consider my great knowledge of you as a bonus." He said with a wink as we walked into the wintery dome.

We picked up some skating shoes and I tried to put mine on but I wasn't very successful in doing the task. I bent downwards but it turned out to be not as simple as putting on regular sneakers.

"Here, let me do it." Levi saw my struggle and offered to help. He bent down to his knees right before me.

I felt a little flattered. I was used to Levi doing things for me but something about today made my heart flutter a bit.

When we were all set, we skated the night away. Then again, nobody noticed the princess.

"Watch me! Watch me!" Levi has really gotten the hang of skating. I'm sure that this wasn't his first time. He was turning around in circles while I just stood there holding the side rails while facing him.

"So you've been longing for this day just to stay there?" Levi said as he swerved towards me and acted like he was about to grab me along with him.

"NO!" I held the rails tightly. I was barely standing and Levi wanted me to skate like him?

No thanks.

"Come on." He whooshed pass me and pretended to grab me again. I just held on tighter.

"I said no! " I shouted.

Levi skated towards the opposite side of the rink. He stood at around ten feet away and parallel to me.

"Ready or not, here I come!" He charged himself at full speed to my direction.

"Levi, NOOOO!" I yelled and didn't care about the other people around. It was quite noisy anyway.

As he got closer, I held on tighter.

When he was only a foot away, I closed my eyes and braced myself for whatever happens next.

Was he going to bump into me painfully? Was he going to grab me along with him
Was I going to die?!

I thought of rather exaggerated things until I heard the sound of shaved ice and felt a sudden gush of warmth around my body. I felt butterflies all over my stomach and my heart's beat was strong.

I slowly opened my eyes only to find Levi's hands holding the rails with both arms entrapping me, his body almost pressed
against mine.

I couldn't move again.

I slowly scanned his defined arms that were emphasized by his slightly tight white sweater. I continued to scan until I reached his face.

His hair was shabby as always and he had that cute red nose he gets when he's cold. I looked at his eyes again just to be sure.


They were still grey.

That night was different. I didn't feel any peace at all. I tossed and turned almost the entire time thinking about date number two.

Why am I feeling this way?

I have known this man for more than six years and all that time I felt nothing...

... until recently.

Date number three took a whole week to finally happen. I was expecting something grand but what I got was more than I could ever ask for.

The places Levi chose so far were amazing but quite rustic. Those were places visited so rarely by people which explains why there were only a few who were with us in both the carnival and the giant ice rink.

Bentley, six o'clock.
P.S. Dress like a Gold!!!

The letter was now just a simple note. But for some reason, it still got me all excited. Seeing that I should dress like a princess , I really thought Levi would take me somewhere fancy.

I wore an A-line baby blue satin dress with high neckline. I opted for a simple yet elegant look. I wore my favorite dangling tiara since I was out as a Gold.

Since my tiara was already extravagant, I decided to go for stud diamond earrings and a single-pendant diamond necklace.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any prettier." Levi said in what seems to be fake awe.

I got in the car and didn't bother asking where we were headed. Instead, to my surprise Levi told me voluntarily.

"Audrey, how would you like to see my hometown? My family has always wanted to meet the princess." Levi asked nervously.

That would explain why he was dressed as my usual bodyguard.

We were out as ourselves.

"That would be great!" I replied.

"But am I not a little too overdressed?"

"Nope! You're a Gold after all. That's how you normally dress in public." He said.

I was a bit nervous. I always show myself to the public but this was Levi's family we're talking about.

What if they won't like me?


Why should I care if I'll be liked or not?

"Just be yourself." Levi said right before the car came to a stop.

Aston Cove.

I knew Levi grew up here. I have also heard about this certain town in Dahlia. I studied about its slow but steady progress but Ibpersonally have never been here before.

The colorful hilly town by the ocean was peaceful and was almost like it was stuck in time during the 1900's. I was really getting the Santorini vibe from this place especially with the sunset softy lighting up the town.

Houses were in beautifully uneven slopes as they all overlooked towards the open ocean whose waves break right at the sandy foot of the hill.

Maybe this explains why Levi was into vintage style dates rather than going to some digital worlds which were really rampant these days.

"Your home is really beautiful, Levi." I said as I stepped out of the car while holding on to Levi's hand.

"I'm not sure if they are expecting us. I apologize ahead if my family didn't prepare much for your coming." Levi warned as we walked through the stone staircase that ran across the entire town.

I followed Levi into a small house with a blue roof. When we went in, we were met by a pretty middle-aged woman sweeping. She had long black hair that was tied into a low ponytail. She was really shocked when she saw me.

"Levi! Why didn't you say that the princess was coming?"

After greeting me with a deep curtsy, the woman, who appears to be Levi's mother scolded him in front of me. I just smiled softly.

I really didn't mind little preparation. In fact, I appreciated humble company and the simple welcome.

"I'm sorry, Mom. It was last minute." Levi apologized with a smile as he went to his mother and planted a kiss on her forehead.
It appears as if she was the only one home. She prepared some dinner for me. I really loved her cooking.

"My husband is at work. If you want I can call him to come meet you." Mrs. Dawson said eagerly as she grabbed her phone.

"No, please. Don't let him skip work just for me." I insisted.

"How about Crystal?" Levi asked his mother as we were eating. Crystal was apparently his ten year old sister.

"Oh, she's just in her room." Mrs. Dawson replied.

Levi excused himself as he left to go see Crystal in her room. I heard a little girl's voice cheering when she saw her big brother.

I didn't want to intrude into his family's affairs but Mrs. Dawson just started sharing about her life.

She works as a housekeeper for a Blue family in another town from five in the morning to six in the evening. Her husband was a Red's servant boy since he was only in his early twenties.

Levi was the lucky one, they say. They were still Whites but Levi supported them as a Red ever since he was only twelve.

"I know that the King gave this opportunity to us a long time ago and we are very grateful." Mrs. Dawson thanked me while bowing on her seat.

After a while, I met Crystal and sure enough the little girl had raven black locks. She was beautiful just like her mother.

"You have a wonderful family." I said while Levi and I were sitting by the ocean shore.

The sun has already set and the moon lit up the quiet waters.

"Thanks." He said as he looked at me. I didn't meet him in the eyes.

I was falling...

But I didn't want to. I was afraid.

"So have I won you now?" He asked softly.

When I turned to look at him, just giving him my answer became much harder than I thought.

"Levi, you have a beautiful family. I already snatched you away from them for six years." I said realizing how much I received from Levi.

"I don't want to trap you into a lifetime plan with someone you don't genuinely want to be with." I stood up, dusting the sand off my calves.

Before I could walk away, Levi stopped me as he held on to my hand.

"Stay for a while?" He said simply while looking up to me. I couldn't resist his invitation so I stayed.

He placed his arm around me and just kept silent as we listened to the sound of the waves breaking by the shore.

"I told you this won't change anything." I said softly as I rested my head on his shoulder.

He sat still, silently, ignoring everything I just said. Instead, he simply asked.

"Do you love me, Audrey?"

I didn't say anything.

Before getting into this whole deal, I already knew that absolutely nothing was going to change.

I was right. It never takes just three dates to make me fall in love with Levi Dawson...

...but it sure took me those three dates to realize it.

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