Hidden /Ticci Toby X Reader/

By Rhynestonez

30K 1K 1.4K

You left to get away from the busy part of the world and try to get rid of your irrational fear of being alon... More

||1| Beyond this world.
||3|| Meet Your Fears
||4|| Options.
||5|| You Choose For Me
||6|| goner.
||7|| Feelings
||8|| Christmas feeling
9 ||driving safety||
10 || bad blood||
11 ||Issues||
12 ||thoughts||
13 || Stay Still||
Special !
14 || Debate ||
15 || a turn around ||
16 || Lesson Learned ||
17 || Worse Than I Thought ||
Toby was removed from the fandom
19 || Beating || ((plus important information))
20 || Bond ||
21 || Remembrance
22 || breakdown ||

||2|| fixing whats broken.

2.3K 75 213
By Rhynestonez

I quickly sat up and saw that I was laying on the floor with a paper pamphlet in my hand, half open. I looked around and realized that I had fallen asleep while reading on how to put it together.

"Yeah, I'll do it later." I mumbled and got up, letting the pamphlet fall to the floor.

Yawning, I stretched my arms up and arched my back till it made cracking sounds.
I walked to the kitchen and looked down on the boxes that were placed inside here. Remembering that the sink was broken, I sighed and tried to pull the handle again.

Now it wouldn't even budge, I raised my eyebrow in confusion, I tried one last time before growling in defeat and letting my hands fall back to my side then placing them on my hips.

"Man, why won't you work?" I asked to the sink.

I stared at it for a few seconds before the silence was broken by a familiar tune from my phone, I quickly found it and saw that it was an unknown number.
I hesitated to answer it but I did anyway, getting quite curious after awhile.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey, is this Y/n?" A deep voice asked.

"Uh yes, why?" I said.

"Oh this is Ryan,your mother told me that you were having some weird things happen to you there. She said something about, a neighbor?" He announced, I sighed in relief and then spoke.

"Oh yeah, while I was unpacking yesterday afternoon a dog had showed up near my yard. A little while after a man had appeared in the same spot and stayed there for a few minutes before leaving with the dog." I explained.

"Um, my brother said there were no neighbors around him for miles and miles. Maybe someone was hunting or just wondering around but I would be careful just in case." He stated to me, I chuckled and replied.

"Alright,thanks for the heads up!"

"So are there anything else I can help you with?" He asked.

"Uh yeah, so the sink completely stopped working and I'm not one to fix things so I was gonna call someone but if you know how to fix it you'd definitely save me like 100 dollars." I said, chuckling afterwards.

"I'll definitely try, do you mind if I'm there in like an hour?" He asked.

"That's perfectly fine,I'll see when you get here. Thank you!" I said, shuffling my feet.

"No problem!"

And with that he hung up, I smiled to myself before going onto spotify and playing my favorite tunes on full blast and continued to unpack. I wanted to clean up and organize as much as possible before Ryan gets here.

Box after box I ripped open and found a place for what was inside of it, time went by fast as a loud knock was heard at my front door, I gasped and quickly scrambled to find my phone again and turn off the music, unfortunately I didn't pick up any of the news paper that helped keep the glass safe.

My feet shuffled in the paper, I got nervous as I couldn't find my phone.

Knock knock knock

Gahh he's still waiting, I nervously yelled.

"O-one minute!" I stuttered.

I got an idea and I quickly started to pick up the news paper, I didn't want to keep him waiting too long.
I grumbled and then almost ran to the door with arms full of newspaper and my hair in my face. The music still played as I opened the door and said.

"I'm so sorry I-.." I froze as I took in his features, messy blonde hair reaching down to his eyes, piercing blue eyes and pale skin, a warm smile and a hint of blush in his cheeks.

"I uh, um..lost my phone while unpacking.." I muttered, still staring at him. Then I looked down and saw that he had a tool box in his hand.

" haha looks like you need some help." He said, chuckling and looking me up and down.

I walked out of his way and invited him in, he walked in and looked around while placing the box down beside him.

I placed the news paper onto the counter top and started to pick up the rest, Ryan started helping.

"I think I found your phone." Ryan said outloud, I took it out of his hands and turned down the music. Apologizing afterwards.

"It's no problem at all, you have good music taste." He stated while smiling widely.

I smiled along with him, I felt a heating sensation in my cheeks while I tucked a piece of lose hair behind my ear.

"So,we ready to start the sink?" He asked, putting his hands on his hips and looking at the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah sorry here." I led him to the kitchen and I retrieved his box he had brought, it was more heavy than I thought but I got it over to him.

"It's not that heavy haha" he laughed, I grumbled and shyly looked away.

"It is for me.."

"Alright so first I'm gonna check the garbage disposal for anything."
He stated, leaning over the sink with a flashlight in hand and peeking into the holes on the bottom of the sink.

"Hmm, it seems it has a bit of stuff logged in there so I might have to use the plunger to get it out." He said, opening the bottom cabinet underneath the sink and pulling out a plunger.

"I had no idea that thing was in there if I'm being honest." I muttered, he just chuckled and continued his work while I watched.

"It feels nice to have company down here, well I mean, wanted company anyway." I said out loud,he nodded and said.

"Weird,my brother would say the same thing anytime I'd come down here, he wasn't much of a people person but he'd always enjoy my company."

"Um, about that guy actually. I don't know if I feel safe knowing that he's around here, maybe if I invite him over and talk to him we'd become friends." I blabbed about the man while Ryan kept working on the sink.

"I mean, what if he's a creep?" Ryan asked, putting down the plunger and facing me.

"Yeah but I don't wanna be afraid of him if I don't know him." I said, glancing out the window.

"Maybe you should do it while I'm here, just in case." Ryan muttered, opening his tool box and going through it.

"Yeah that's a smart idea, some other time though because I still need to get used to the new house." I admitted, sighing in the process.

"Well if you need help finding something or fixing something else I'm always here to help." Ryan stated, I smiled and thanked him.

"Alright so I think the problem you're having with your sink is that there is low pressure because a valve is partially closed somewhere else in the house or perhaps because someone was doing other plumbing repairs and left it like this." Ryan explained,I nodded along.

"Oh are you hungry or thirsty?" I asked, feeling bad I hadn't offered him anything to eat or drink since he got here. Thankfully the men set up my fridge before I got here, and thankfully my mother stocked it too.

"Oh sure, I guess a small break wouldn't hurt." He muttered, he got out from underneath the sink and stood up. Wiping his hands on his now dirtied jeans.

"Well please help yourself to the fridge, take whatever you want." I softly said, throwing my hands towards the fridge and smiling.

"Do you mind eating with me?" He asked.

Eat with him? Did he want to talk more? Hmm, maybe.
"Oh no I don't mind at all!" I said waving my hands back and forth.

Ryan told me while we went through the fridge that he was interested in cooking as a kid, he would always force his older brother to eat whatever he cooked.
I found it cute actually, as time went by I got more and more intrigued with knowing more about him and his brother. I wanted to ask how his brother died but I felt like it was too soon.

Sense I didn't have the table set up completely where I wanted it I just let Ryan and I eat on the couch. We sat facing each other and talked about basically everything.

"Too bad he had passed though." Ryan said sadly, shoving another piece of food into his mouth.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking. How did he die?" I asked carefully, trying not to make him feel pressured.

"He um, well, they said it was a suicide but I honestly think he was murdered." Ryan explained, I let go of my utensils.

"M-murdered?.." I mumbled, thinking about that guy I saw earlier.

"Yeah when we found him, his throat was slit and the knife was in his hand. There was no trace of entry but I've known Chris all my life and never once did he show signs of depression, he was a happy guy Y/n. He wouldn't of done that to himself." Ryan said, I didn't know him at all so I couldn't really say anything.

"I believe you Ryan, but to be honest, you saying he was murdered here makes me nervous because of the man I saw today." I confessed to him, Ryan suddenly apologized.

"It's fine I just-I get nervous and panicky easily. " I said, feeling bad that I had to make him apologize for something he didn't intentionally do.

But ever sense he mentioned it, that man did not leave my mind. Scenarios started to play out as well, making me fear this place even more.
I didn't want to show that I was that scared to Ryan though, I didn't want to worry him again.

Is it safe to be here?..

I mean, Ryan said he thinks it was a murder, that means it wasn't a definite. I could just be over reacting to this whole thing, or, I could be reacting normally because it might be true that he was murdered.
My hands twitched with frustration, Ryan took notice to this.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked.

I nodded and replied with a smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine."

God, I feel like screaming right now. I don't wanna be here anymore, I don't want him to leave me by myself.
He has to leave eventually though..

"I can set up that T.V for you, if you'd like." Ryan said, pointing at the wires spread out on the floor from this morning.

"That'd be great,thank you." I muttered, make him stay as long as possible..

You don't wanna be alone do you?..

Come on Y/n you're acting weird again, being alone isn't that bad and that's why you moved here. To get over your fear of being completely alone..

You can't just find someone to fill that void of emptiness again, it won't work and it'll end up hurting someone..

Ryan got up and placed his dirtied dish next to the sink, he then kneeled down in front of the sink and opened the cabinets again, back to work I guess..

I faced forward and stared down at my plate, food mushed and spread around. Even my food is a disaster, damnit I think I made a mistake coming here..

I can't turn back now..

I clenched my fork tighter and let out a long and shaking sigh, usually when I have breakdowns like this I talk it out or end up locking myself somewhere till I feel better.

I can't exactly do that right now, Ryan will think I'm a weirdo. With another sigh I got up and brought my dish to his, stacking it ontop.

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked sheepishly, leaning on my tip toes and peeking into the cabinet to see what he was doing.

"I should be fine, thanks though." He stated, I nodded and hummed in response.

I hesitated to stay there next to him, but I ended up waking away and going back to the couch.
I looked around some more, that's when in the corner of my eye I noticed a window. It was a wide window, and it had very thin glass.

My fingers traced a crack that was centered in the middle, it looked like a lightening bolt.
My eyes focused on outside of the window, all i saw was a part of my backyard and then a big field behind it, it looked like a corn field but everything looked dead.

I took in a deep breath, feeling anxious as my eyes wondered even more to see the top of a house, I squinted them to see more but I didn't work.

"R-Ryan.." I mumbled, not looking away from the house.

"Yes Y/n?" He replied.

"I thought you said Chris had no neighbors.." I muttered, pointing to the glass I was looking out of.

I heard a grunt come from Ryan before I heard him walking over to me, he started to look out the same window. He looked scared.

"That must be the guy I saw earlier.." I showed him where I noticed a man's head peeking through the corn field.

"Alright, hopefully he won't come back up here.." Ryan grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me towards him a bit.

My cheeks got flushed for a moment before Ryan gasped loudly.

"What?" I asked.

"Shit, look.." I followed his gaze back out the window, the man was walking towards my house. I watched him for a few before Ryan announced.

"Okay stay here and keep an eye on him alright, I need to get some things from my truck."

I got a sudden heart wrenching feeling in my chest, I nodded and said fine but I knew that I didn't want him to leave just yet, even if he was getting something out of his car.

He let go of my wrist and quickly walked to my door,opening it and walking out.

I focused back out the window, I tried finding the man once again but had no luck.
My heart began to beat faster than I knew it could, it felt like it was about to hop out of my chest. Gulping down my fears, I found the clip on the top of the window and slid it left. Opening it.

I stuck my head out and positioned my head to try and see him.

No luck..

I got back inside and walked to another room with another window, I opened the door and almost tripped over a heavy box that was placed here.

"Geez, I could've seriously hurt myself.." I muttered, attempting to move the box by myself but to avail it didn't even move an inch.

I just stepped over it and found another window, peeking out that one I saw very fast and blurry movement pass through the trees. I didn't bother to notice that I had completely stopped breathing.

Pushing myself away from the window and running straight for the door, I had forgot about the box. Falling forwards and having pain shoot through my right ankle was not my worst problem right now.

I needed to get to Ryan.

Without hesitation I picked myself up and limped to the front door, pulling it wide open and screaming.

"Ryan there's something out there!"

But, he wasn't anywhere to he seen..

I looked around hastily, begging that he was alright. Ignoring my ankle I tried to take a step out, but realizing it's not the best idea if that man is out here.

Pulling my foot back in, I kept looking around with hopes that I'd see Ryan somewhere.

"Y/n!" I heard Ryan's voice echo through my yard, it caught me by surprise as I jumped from it.

"Ryan!" I yelled back, a few seconds went by before a response was heard.

And it wasn't pleasant...

Screams, loud agonizing screams-forced tears to fill my eyes and my body to go numb, I started to whimper and shake as I couldn't do anything.

My body acted fast as I quickly shut the door and locked it, I did the same with all the windows.
Tears fell down my puffed cheeks as I was searching for my phone once again. The screams continued to blare through my ears, but when it stopped so suddenly I stopped too.

My head turned towards the door.

My hands clenched with anger as I then continued to find my phone, not being able to think straight didn't help at all.

"Fuck!" I blurted, slamming a drawer in the process, I was fishing out my keys when I had the sudden impulse to slam it.

I didn't want to do anything but scream at the moment.

Knock knock knock

"Aah!" I let out a scream by accident, I very secretly and slowly made my way to the front door, my breathing was rigid and rapid as I put my eye through the peek hole.

"Oh my god.." I covered my mouth, trying not to yell out or cry.

I looked away almost immediately, but only to see a man looking through my window next to the fridge.
He has a mask one, some weird goggles, a grey and brown hoodie, and he looked to have blood covered in him.

My eyes narrowed to the counter, where my phone layed face first..

Of course..

I backed up against the door and with my right hand I unlocked the door, all in one motion I pulled the door wide open and all awhile grabbing my phone.

I ran as fast as I could to my car, keys and phone in hand. My left foot couldn't help my drag a bit as I tried to get away, I opened my phone and went on emergency call.

When I felt my toes get soaked in something thick and sticky, I looked down.
A puddle of blood was soaked into the ground outside my car, I struggled to find the right key to unlock my car as I looked back and forth between the keys and the red substance now between my toes.

Two hands grabbed onto each of my wrists, sending them upwards and pushing me backwards. Landing me directly into the blood, it started to seep into my own clothes, I could feel it touch my back.My phone and my keys slid from my hands and were thrown somewhere else.

The man standing in front of me was the same man as before, he had an axe in his left hand, blood dripped from the sharpened tip.

His head jerked right before landing back to it's natural gaze, which was on me.



|| //Welcome to Hidden Ticci Toby X Reader// ||

Wassup mf I'm back in business and ready to roll!!!!



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