Snipers Of Chicago Season 3 (...

By RonnaSweeney51317

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Make sure to read Snipers Of Chicago Season 1 & 2 before reading this. Published May 29, 2019 More

This is continued from Snipers Of Chicago Season 2...
Chapter 1 "Going to Heaven"
Chapter 1 1/2 "Whatever You Need I'll Give It To You"
Chapter 2 "Do You Have A Permit"
Chapter 3 "I'm Worried"
Chapter 4 "You're So Addicted"
Chapter 5 "Need Your Help"
Chapter 6 "Thank You For Coming"
Chapter 7 "It's Pretty Bad"
Chapter 8 "You Just Jinxed Me"
Chapter 9 "He Doesn't Trust You"
Chapter 10 "Why Did You Hurt Me"
Chapter 10 1/2 "A Waste Of Time"
Chapter 11 "Null & Void"
Chapter 13 "He's A Detective"
Chapter 14 "Ghosties"
Chapter 15 "Bubba's Bitch"
Chapter 16 "Meathead"
Chapter 17 "Going Down"
Chapter 18 "Makeup and Men"
Chapter 19 "No Choice"
Chapter 20 "What About Us"
Chapter 21 "SCOTLAND!"
Chapter 22 "Your Reckoning"
Chapter 23 "Find This Prick"
Chapter 24 "Keep Living Our Lives"

Chapter 12 "The Face and Eagle"

927 31 25
By RonnaSweeney51317

Shaylynn and Halstead make their way to the women's bathroom.
Opening the door, they see it's just a bathroom for one person at a time.
Walking in, Halstead locks the door behind them.
Shaylynn starts undoing his pants as he pulls up her skirt and rips her panties off.
Once his pants are undone, he lifts her up and pushes her against the wall while he thrusts into her.
Shaylynn puts her mouth on his shoulder trying to muffle her moaning.
She's been with Austin but there's something about Halstead's touch that drives her insane.
She peaks not once, not twice, but three times as Halstead continues to thrust into her.
Getting ready to peak again there's a knock at the door, "Shaylynn? Are you alright?" she hears Austin ask.
"Yes," she hurries and gets out before putting her head down on Halstead's shoulder, biting his jacket collar so her moans can't be heard.
Hearing her peak for the fourth time, Halstead can't take it any longer and peaks himself.
Shaylynn hurries and covers his mouth with hers so he can't be heard.
Halstead puts her down, Shaylynn pushes down her skirt as he does up his pants.
"I have to go," she says picking up her bag and walking to the door.
"Shaylynn," Halstead says grabbing her hand pulling her back to him and starts kissing her.
She pulls away, "I have to go," she says again with tears in her eyes.
Shaylynn unlocks the door and hurries out, the door closing behind her leaving Halstead standing in the bathroom by himself dumbfounded at what just happened.

Getting off the elevator, Halstead reaches the dining room in enough time to see Shaylynn leaving with Austin.
Halstead walks over to the door to see him getting into a black Mercedes when Shaylynn hesitates. She looks back, sees Halstead and smiles, then her smile turns into a frown. Getting into the car, the Valet closes the door. Halstead then watches the car drive away. He wonders what Shaylynn was frowning about.
"Is everything alright?" Halstead hears from behind him.
He turns around to see Abby standing there realizing that's what Shaylynn saw, "I thought I was going to have to send the Marines in for you, you were gone so long," she says.
Halstead turns back around wishing she hadn't said anything about the Marines reminding him of Shaylynn.
This is the second time he has watched his life drive away from him.


Austin pulls up in front of Shaylynn's door, "Do you want me to come in?" he asks her.
Shaylynn shakes her head 'no', "My daughter's here and we're not on that level yet for me to introduce you to her. Plus she knows nothing about what happened between me and her Dad," she tells him.
"I understand," he says leaning over to kiss her.
Shaylynn leans over and meets him in the middle. After kissing him, she opens the door and gets out.
After unlocking the front door, Austin starts to drive down the driveway as Shaylynn closes the door behind her.

It's three in the morning.
The side door to the kitchen opens and then quietly closes.
Walking through to the staircase, footsteps can be heard on the stairs.
Stopping in front of a door, the door opens to see it's the wrong room.
Going from door to door opening and shutting them, it's always the wrong room.
Down the staircase, every door downstairs is opened until finally the right room is found.
Clothes fall to the floor, covers are pulled back as an indentation goes into the mattress.
Shaylynn stirs around.
She rolls over and puts her arm over something.
Taking in a deep breath she smells something familiar, "Jay," she says half asleep.
He smiles as he pulls her closer to him wrapping his arms around her body really waking her up.
"Jay!" she says surprised before he starts kissing her.
"You can't be here!" she tells him, "The lawsuit! If she finds out you're here," is all she can get out before his lips meet hers again.
"I need you!" Halstead tells her, "These last few days have been hell without you!" he says getting between her legs.
Shaylynn stops him, "Have these days been hell for you?" she questions, "Someone told me they saw you go into an apartment building with a brunette."
"I'm kissing Abby's ass so she'll drop the lawsuit," he tells her.
"What else are you doing to her ass?" Shaylynn asks.
Shaylynn can see Halstead smiling from the moonlight shining in, "Nothing! Your ass is the only one I do anything with!" he says as he grabs onto her hips and pulls her down to him entering her.
Shaylynn moans out in pleasure over and over again.

The next morning, Halstead wakes up, looks around and wonders where he is not recognizing the bedroom.

That's when he remembers Shaylynn moved the bedroom downstairs.
He hears water running.
Getting out of bed he makes his way to the bathroom to see Shaylynn's in the shower.
He walks over, opens the door and gets in with her, turning her around to face him.
Pushing her up against the wall he starts kissing her.

After ten minutes in the shower, Halstead carefully carries her out of the bathroom to the bedroom.
Laying her down on the bed, he lowers himself down to finish what they started in the shower.
Halstead can tell she's enjoying herself when he feels her nails along his back.

After peaking together Halstead falls asleep.
After a couple of hours, Halstead wakes up to the bedroom door opening and Shaylynn walking in with a cup of coffee.
Watching her walk over to the bed he sits up taking the mug from her.
He sits it on the bedside table then grabs her hand pulling her down to the bed, "I've missed you!" he says then kisses her.
"I've missed you too but you need to be leaving," she tells him.
Halstead is just about to say something to her about Austin but keeps his mouth shut. He thinks back to what Hank said to him in his office about her going into her dark abyss not to feel pain. The pain HE made her feel.
"Alright," Halstead says, "But I need to see you!" he tells her, "I can't keep going on not being able to see you!"
"Right now you better keep it to just Jacquelyn. Or is that bitch going to keep you from your daughter?" Shaylynn questions.
"Nothing can keep me from Jacquelyn!" Halstead tells her when her phone rings.
Shaylynn is on the phone for a few seconds when she gets a huge smile on her face and hangs up.
"What's going on?" he asks her.
"The boys can come home!" she tells him.
Halstead smiles, "I'll hurry up and get dressed and we can leave!" he tells her as he jumps out of bed.
"I think it would be best if we arrived in separate cars," she tells him as he puts on his pants.
Halstead's smile fades, "Why's that?" he asks her buttoning his pants.
"So no one sees us arriving together and reports back to her," she says thinking about something, "If she's so pissed off because you were living with me as my husband, are you staying with her?" she asks.
Halstead sighs, "Yes," he tells her.
Shaylynn gets ready to say something but stays quiet, "I'm sleeping in another room if that's what you want to know," he says.
"Then how are you able to stay out all night without her blowing up your phone?" Shaylynn asks him.
"I told her I was going to Will's for poker night and that I was going to crash there anticipating that I would have too much to drink," Halstead says.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "What?" he asks her.
"I can't believe she's thrown this big stink about you being with me but still married to her and she lets you out of her sight. We better go! Make sure to go out the back way so Jacquelyn doesn't see you! I don't want to give her false hope that you're going to be staying here for good!"
Shaylynn turns around and walks out of the room.


At Med, Shaylynn arrived first and is signing the boy's discharge papers when Halstead comes walking up.
Shaylynn hands the papers to the nurse when she looks over and sees Halstead she explodes!
"Get her fucking out of here!" Shaylynn says as she starts charging toward Abby.
Hunter steps in front of Shaylynn in the nick of time.
"Abby, wait outside!" Halstead tells her.
"Why should I? They're my sons too!" Abby says.
"Bitch, they're nothing to you!" Shaylynn yells out getting around Hunter and makes her way over being stopped by Halstead.
"Go outside now!" Halstead tells her again.
"Or what?" Abby asks.
"Or I'll kill you!" Shaylynn tells her trying to get away from Halstead.
Abby gets a frightened look on her face. She turns around and quickly leaves.
"I can't believe you brought her with you!" Shaylynn glares at him, "Let's get them back to the house! You better drop her off first because she's not welcomed at my home!"
Shaylynn walks off. Hunter gets ready to follow her but not before he looks at Halstead and smiles.


At the house, Shaylynn takes the boys inside where they're met by Jacquelyn, Jill, and Jenna.
Jacquelyn goes crazy over her brothers as Jill pulls Shaylynn to the side, "Where's Jay?" she asks her.
"Probably dropping off his wife," Shaylynn tells her as she watches Jacquelyn.
"You're his wife!" Jill tells her.
"Not in the eyes of the law I'm not," Shaylynn says.
"With the lawsuit, she's obviously looking for something more than just a husband," Jill says.


Walking into the gym, Halstead looks around for Austin.
He sees him over by a machine working out and walks over.
Standing behind the machine, Halstead waits for Austin to finish.
Austin looks up in the mirror and smiles, "What can I do for you officer?" he asks.
"Stay away from Shaylynn! Soon I'll be back in the picture," Halstead tells him.
"If I stay away it's up to her, not you!" Austin says walking up to Halstead, "And as of right now she and I are having too much fun and you can't do anything about it!"
Halstead smiles thinking about what happened in the bathroom at the restaurant and then again at home when he sees it, on Austin's arm.
"Stay away from her!" Halstead says then walks out of the gym.


Walking into Molly's, Halstead sees Severide sitting at the bar. He goes over and sits down beside him.
Severide looks over at him, "Shouldn't you be home?" he asks Halstead.
"I don't have a home and probably will never have one again," Halstead says.
"You know what I mean!" Severide says, "Your sons are out of the hospital."
"How do you know that?" Halstead asks.
"Shaylynn sent out a picture in a group text," Severide tells him unlocking his phone and showing him.

They're home!

Halstead looks at the picture and feels like crying, "I've lost my family," he tells Severide.
Severide looks at him confused, "What do you mean you've lost them?"
"I went to the gym and told Austin to stay away from Shaylynn and was shocked by what I saw," Halstead tells him.
"What did you see?" Severide questions.
"Austin had her face tattooed onto his arm with an Eagle above his head I guess to represent her time in the military. She's gone! I've lost her!" Halstead tells him looking down at his drink.
"You don't know that for sure! Just because someone has Mickey Mouse tattooed on their arm doesn't mean they're in a relationship with the mouse," Severide says getting Halstead to laugh, "You need to talk to her once and for all."
Halstead looks at Severide with a half smile before he looks back down at his drink.


The gate buzzer goes off.
Shaylynn looks at the screen to see it's Beth.
A few minutes later there's a knock at the door.
Shaylynn opens the door, "Where are they?" Beth asks her.
"In the family room with Jenna," Shaylynn tells her.
"I want to get my hands on them!" Beth says taking off to the family room.
Shaylynn smiles and shakes her head as she closes the door.
By the time Shaylynn gets to the living room, Beth's sitting on the couch holding both twins as Jenna goes and fixes their bottles.
"No breastfeeding?" Beth asks Shaylynn as she sits down on the couch.
Shaylynn shakes her head depressed, "No. With them being in the NICU, pumping wasn't enough and the supply dried up."
Beth doesn't say anything and looks down at them, "But what they did get got them healthy and strong to get them home," Shaylynn smiles a little, "I know this probably isn't the right time to ask you this but I need to," Beth says.
Shaylynn looks at her, "What is it?"
"Are you staying with Austin?" Beth asks, Shaylynn just staring at her, "Jay and Kelly were at Molly's talking at the bar. Gabby called me and heard Jay talking that he saw Austin had your face and an Eagle above your head tattooed on his arm."
Shaylynn shakes her head, "He had that done in Bali. I told him not to do it but he went ahead and did it anyway," she says not answering her question.
"Well, after seeing that Jay's given up," Beth tells her.
"I need to go!" Shaylynn tells her standing up looking at Beth.
Beth smiles, "Go!" she tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn takes off running through the kitchen and out the side door to the garage.
Beth then hears a car, figuring it's the Ferrari, speeding down the driveway.


Four figures are walking out of the apartment building that Reneé saw Halstead walking into.
While at the same time across town Shaylynn walks into Austin's gym.
Looking around she doesn't see Austin so she heads back to his office.
When she walks up to the door, she hears talking inside.
She opens the door to see Austin and Adam talking, "We can talk later," Adam tells him.
He walks around Shaylynn and closes the door, Austin walks around his desk over to Shaylynn.
Getting ready to hug her, Shaylynn puts her hand on his chest to keep him back.
"I can't do this anymore," she tells Austin.
"Can't do what?" he asks.
"Us! It's hurting someone I love," she tells him.
"But didn't he hurt you first?" Austin asks.
"He didn't do it on purpose!" she tells him, "It's not like he lost the papers!"
"So you love him? What about me?" Austin asks her.
"I love you but I'm in love with him. There's a difference," she tells him when her phone goes off.
Shaylynn looks at the text, "I have to go!" she says hurrying out of Austin's office.


Halstead comes walking out of the District.
He walks over to his truck when he notices Shaylynn leaning against it.
Walking a little faster, he hurries over to her, "The lawsuit was dropped and the divorce papers were expedited through the court. I'm officially divorced!"
Shaylynn smiles, putting her arms around his neck as he puts his arms around her.
He lifts her into an embrace.
Looking over Halstead's shoulder, Shaylynn sees Butch, Rob, Dan, and Dave smiling at her.
Before getting into the SUV, Butch gives her a little salute. He then gets in and drives away.
Halstead sits her down and gets down on one knee, "Marry me," he says to her.
Shaylynn smiles as she shakes her head, "Yes!" she tells him.
He quickly stands up and kisses her to applause coming from the rest of the Intelligence Unit who are standing on the steps.


The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100

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