
By dovato

269K 9.2K 652

Demi Lovato- empowering, inspiring, and brave. When she was eighteen? Opposite. After a nights full of partyi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
65... The End
Sequel News

Chapter 25

3.9K 131 4
By dovato

Annie's POV

I feel arms around my waist and four legs twisted with mine, signaling I'm still in Demi and Marissa's embrace.

I feel something bouncing slightly so I slowly open my eyes, blink until my vision is finally clear, and see Marissa staring at me with wide eyes.

"What you creep?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"I still haven't peed." She said.

"Ten more minutes." I said, pulling covers back up to my chin.

I closed my eyes and slowly started drifting off into sleep when I felt Marissa's leg start bouncing again.

"Marissa," I said, growing frustrated, "it is daylight. You can go to the bathroom."

"So what? Is there a rule that says only serial killers can kill during night time?" She asked.

"Yep," I said, rolling over. I awkwardly untangled my legs with Demi's, so I could rectangle them in my new position.

I laid my head on Demi's shoulder and finally found my comfort spot, and slowly-

I felt three taps on my shoulder and then Marissa whisper, "Dude, I really got to pee."

I aggressively threw the covers off of me and mumbled colorful words as I stumbled up the stupid stairs half awake.

"Annabelle, calm yourself." Marissa sang from behind me.

I shuddered over the thought of that stupid baby doll.

"Just, go fucking pee." I said, walking over the couch once we got upstairs.

I laid down, thinking I would instantly fall back asleep, but I was wrong. I'm awake and there's no going back.

It's only 8.


Have you ever been so tired that everything just pisses you off? I'm seriously so ticked I could fucking punch a few holes in the wall. Nothing is more annoying than being so tired and unable to sleep.

I heard the toilet flush and Marissa come out seconds later.

"Hey," she yawned, "I'm going back to bed."


I clenched my teeth together, "Okay."

And then she was gone.

With nothing else better to do, I guess I'll make breakfast.

I went into the kitchen and began cracking a bunch of eggs, and putting some bacon on the skillet. I'm just so tired and I want to go back to sleep but I can't. And it pisses me off.

After making the morning feast with no one to eat it and my appetite being limited because of how fucking early it is, I just set it out and decided they can heat it up when they wake up.

"Baby?" I heard Demi mumble from behind me, "Did you make breakfast?"

"Yeah," I simply said.

"What are you doing up? You must be so tired." She said, yawning.

"I am!" I said, now starting to cry, "And Marissa woke me up and now I can't go back to sleep and I'm so tired, mom!"

"Are you crying?" She curiously asked, wiping my cheek with her thumb. "You really are tired."

Yeah, no shit.

"Come here, baby girl!" Demi said, picking me up off of my feet, "I bet I can get you back to sleep."

I sighed, knowing she's wrong. I've already done way to much to fall asleep.

"What are you doing up anyway?" I asked.

"I had to pee."

Demi can pee by herself why can't Marissa, dammit.

Demi walked into the living room and gently laid me down on the couch, before pulling a blanket down and cuddling in beside me.

She softly hummed Nightingale to me as she stroked my cheek and traced her finger along my face.

Demi's POV

"Do you want me to watch Annie again while you guys do something?" Marissa asked sitting down beside Wilmer on the other couch.

"Well," I sighed, looking down at Annie who has been limp in my arms for three hours now, "One- you probably got her in a pissy mood for the rest of the day, so we'll see how she is when she wakes up and plus.." I said pointing to the window, "Our options are limited because it's still raining."

Those two were poor excuses, I just didn't want to spend another day away from Annie.

"Well, for being in a pissy mood, she makes great breakfast." Wilmer said, taking a bite of bacon.

"And hell lot of it, too." Marissa said, rubbing her food baby.

"We could just have a lazy movie day.." I said.

"That sounds great!" Wilmer said, stretching.

"And I'm in the mood to watch The Fault in Our Stars and I have yet to buy it, so I'll probably go run to the store later."

"I think I'm going to run home and do some laundry and get different clothes for the rest of the week." Marissa said.

Annie stirred in my arms, "Mom?"


"Hi." She smiled.

I giggled a little and kissed the top of her head, "Hello."

"I told you I wouldn't go back to sleep." She pouted.

"Honey, you've been asleep for three hours."

Her eyes shot open as she looked around the room, "Oh. Cool."

"Now, go take a shower and then we'll begin our movie day!" I sang, giving her a kiss on her head then gently shoving her off my lap.

She groaned a little before stumbling wearily out of the room.

"Told you." I said, raising an eyebrow at Wilmer and Marissa, "She's pissy."

"She isn't pissy." Wilmer protested.

"You assholes ate all the freaking breakfast?!" Annie shouted from the kitchen.

"Now she's pissy.." Marissa said.

"I don't want her to be pissy." Wilmer pouted, "I want today to be fun."

"Well, she's pissy."

Wilmer sighed and said, "She isn't pissy, she's just tired-"

"I am so pissed off!" Annie yelled, stomping up the stairs.

I looked over at Wilmer and as he made a 'dammit' face.

"I'll go talk to her before I leave," Marissa said, standing up and stretching.

"So," Wilmer said walking over to me once Marissa left the room, "You should probably go get dressed."

"I should?" I asked.

"Well, I mean, id rather you not, but I want you all to myself."

I threw my head back and laughed a little, "Alright, I'll go get dressed."

I heard the front door open and then Madison yell, "DEMI IM HERE!"

I totally forgot she was going to drop off her suitcase so I can go ahead and put it with ours when we leave for tour again. Madison's coming along for another weak.

"WE'RE IN HERE!" I yell back.

Moments later, Madison appeared in the living room and flashing us a smile.

"Where's Annie?" She asked.

As if on cue, Annie and Marissa started yelling at each other from upstairs.

"She's in a real pissy mood.." I said.

"Did someone wake her up before ten?" Madison asked.

I giggled, "Yup."

"Well, I would love to stay and watch Annie have a temper tantrum, but I have to get to the chiropractor."

"Alright. Bye, baby girl I love you!"


I walked into Walmart in full out disguise, and began searching for the movie.

On the way, I spotted Annie's favorite mocha drink, so I grabbed it.

Then I found Wilmer's favorite chips, so I grabbed it.

Eventually, I ended up having to go get a cart because I kept finding food. I did end up finding the movie, though.

I got behind someone in line and checked my phone for the one thousandth time. Nothing. What if Annie and Wilmer are like killing each other?

"Ma'am.." The cashier said, breaking me away from my thoughts.


I pulled up to the house and parked my car. What am I about to walk into? War? Screaming match?

I took a deep breath and grabbed the bags from the back and started walking inside. To my surprise, I heard Anaconda blaring before I even opened the door.

Walking in, I didn't see them in the first living room, so I continued toward the kitchen where I saw an image that warmed my heart.

I saw them dancing and putting dough on a cookie sheet and singing loudly, kind of terrible i might add, and.. Laughing. They're enjoying each other's company and that's something that almost never happens.

Still going unnoticed, I decided to make my presence known by walking in and setting the groceries down on the counter top.

I saw both of them look up and slightly wave before Wilmer walked over to the built in stereo and turned it down.

"Hey guys," I smiled, "What are you making?"

"Cookies!" Wilmer answered, sliding a pan in the oven.

"Looks like fun.." I smiled, taking Annie's drink out and Wilmer's favorite chips.

"You da," Annie smiled, retrieving her drink.

"Thanks ba- Demi." Wilmer said, saving himself from the severe awkwardness if Annie heard him call me babe.

"Right, well, I'm going to put these groceries up and-"

"I got it, momma." Annie smiled, taking bags along with Wilmer.

"Well.. Thanks." I smiled.

What happened to Annie's horrible pissed off mood? It's actually kind of scaring me of how her moods switched so fast.

"Alright, who's in the mood to watch the fault in our stars?" I asked.

"Me!" Wilmer and Annie both called in unison.

They both raced into the living room and I followed, putting in the DVD and sitting in between them.

I don't know why or how this moment is so perfect, but it is, and I'll forever remember this second as being 100% truly happy.


A thousand movies and a whole afternoon and evening later, Wilmer is passed out beside me, and Annie is sitting on my lap as we near the ending of The Notebook.

I felt tears brimming my eyes as Noah laid down with Ally for the last time. Even after seeing this movie five thousand times, I never don't cry.

Annie squeezed onto me and whispered, "You're my person."

I don't know what made her say that, maybe because of this sad movie. Everyone needs that one person.. That one person to rely on, to love and trust whole heart-idly. That one person that no matter what happens or who comes in your life, you'll always love them more than anything or anyone.

"You've always been my person." I whispered back, kissing her on the cheek.

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