Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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3.1K 160 65
By YOLOwriting101


Sitting up in the bed, I look down at Darius. I saw he was still asleep and that was understandable since it was only seven in the morning in France. Over in America it was twelve AM since France is seven hours ahead.

I never sleep, but it's quite relaxing watching Darius sleep so soundly.

Getting out of the bed I decided I wanted to visit my siblings graves. My father was buried alongside them so that was a plus. I knew Darius would be asleep for a while so I got dressed and was ready to head out.

Before I did so I opened the blinds, going to Darius and I felt paternal instincts kicking in. I tucked him in some more as a grin came onto my lips. Then stepping away I leave the room. Hoping once he wakes up he'll message me since my phone is on hand with me.

I end up going out the back way of the hotel, pulling my hood over my head. Looking around first before I make my way there I run.

The speed I am capable of still frightening considering no one can see me. Can run past all these people and they'll have no idea. Reminds me that I'm a monster that is capable of taking them down one by one.

Yet this power only makes me want to protect humans even more. I was once a human too. Just because they're inferior to me doesn't mean that I just attack them. I'm not Sabin...

Suddenly stopping, I stare down at my family members graves. Staring intently I see their names on the stone slabs. Reminding me that this is real.

I go down on my knees on the grass, sitting on my legs as I run my fingers over my little sisters name. Then I reach over and grab a dandelion near by, resting it on his grave.

Closing my eyes I listen to the sounds of a nearby chirp of a bird. The rising sun hitting my back, but the cool breeze was relaxing to me.

"Camille, Louis...father... Do I seem a little different to you? It's been a while since I've visited...sorry about that. As you can see it's summer. The last time we were all together as a was winter.

"Remember when it was fall and father you made us all rake leaves. Boring at first - seemed like a punishment! Until you came out holding cups of hot tea. Delicious along with sugar cubes on the side. Sat in the leaves and drank some tea."

I swallow my tears, trying my best to stay positive.

"Remember Louis how I never ate any food? Just stuck with the classic blood packs? Well, I'm eating now - delicious meals that I'm eating to be exact. It's the guy named Darius who blesses me with his amazing dishes - I make sure to tell him he doesn't have to but insists.

"Also, his story is similar to mine. My first human friend outside of the family. Super kind and very attractive... Father, I hope you aren't disappointed in the person I have come to liking, since it is a man. Knowing you, you would probably want to hug him and feed him some soup à l'oignon. I actually made some with him and it was amazing. Cognac...that tops it all off, no wonder you love it so much."

I sigh, smiling as I feel it begin to drop.

"I'm talking a lot, I know - isn't it unusual? All the stuff I've come to do - like going on a plane to come here with Darius... I'm doing human if I'm still human. Thinking about it now, I'm shocked. Even though I said I'd never be happy without you guys, I'm becoming so...happy. Laughing like a human, eating like a human..."

I rest my fingers on my lips, thinking about how lovely it feels to be kiss Darius," Kissing like a human - showing affection."

He can tell me his background and soon smile. Chuckling as if it never happened, just looking forward. I can only imagine all the pain that he's suffered...

Yet I don't get that from him: his pain. He's so strong and honest and optimistic...I can't even tell that he's been affected by his past. All it did was shape him into an even better man.

"I know being with Darius, continuing on so forth, all the doors will open that I've shut. Slowly I'll get everything I've lost back because of him," I feel my eyes water as I rest my head on my father's grave,"even though I was sure I'd never be happy without you guys in my life."

Beginning to cry, I begin to miss my family even more. I felt mad at myself that I became so happy without my family. My promise was broken that I made with them and I could only imagine what they're feeling.

"At least all three of you are together. That counts for something right?" I ask.

"It does count for something, you're right."

I flinch, standing up so fast as I saw the only man I've been trying my hardest to stay away from.

"Are you here to make my life worse? Just when it was getting better?"

I stare up at Sabin, watching him smirk in entertainment. A man behind him with lavender colored eyes avoiding to look at me. I knew exactly who that was.

"I'm only here to help you out Achille! Why are you so rude to me?"

"I almost killed you so I'm shocked you have the guts to come towards me again." I hiss, wiping away my tears and moving my eyes on over to him." And you, you're name is Oscar. My friend speaks of you constantly."

"Friend? Sounded like your 'friend' was more than a friend. Who kisses their friends?"

I sneer at him, walking around them as I feel so much hatred begin to fill me. Sabin dares some to my family members graves, especially near my father's.

"What do you want? I made it clear last time to never come near me again." I growl, glancing at his scar across his neck. Seeing him begin to run his hand over the scar.

"Okay...true. This was all kind of planned, but then not planned."

"That makes no sense."

"I know it doesn't, that's the best part!"

I roll my eyes because that made no sense either. Sabin brings out the worst in me and I'd try to kill him again in a heart beat.

"Every vampire is destined to meet again, especially the ones you change. We finally meet, we must celebrate!" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I instantly yanked back so fast so that we were ten feet away.

Glaring at him as we continued to walk but they edged closer.

"No need to glare at me like you want me dead! You were so vulnerable earlier and now a switch has just turned on." He got beside me again and wrapped his arm around me.

"Don't touch me." I hiss, grabbing his wrist and instantly twisting it, hearing him wince away from me. When we turn a corner I flinch because I smelled Darius outside.

He wasn't in the hotel room anymore...

"I can smell the human - Darius was it? - on you."

"You smell nothing."

"The smell is all over you! Quite a nice smell so why haven't you killed him yet or drink his blood? If you keep running away from me and disobeying, you know what'll happen to him right?"

I walk faster, hoping to get to the hotel room and able to keep them in there. I have the hotel card so he wouldn't be able to get in while I trap these two in the room.

"I'm highly positive that you are capable of nothing. I'm not scared of you Sabin. I know what I can do and you both do. Aren't you Darius's friend? Why are you alongside this monster of all monsters?" I ask, Oscar not responding and I wonder if he's afraid or refusing to just speak in general.

"Oscar is my companion, lover. Since you broke my heart and denied me - even tried to kill me, I chose him instead."

"Was it by will or was he willing. There's a difference." I snap, getting to the hotel and on a elevator. Being in here with them made me sick and I truly hoped Darius didn't come back.

As soon as we got to the room I locked it and took off my jacket.

"What is it you want? I want to get this done and get you away from me for forever." I hiss, folding my arms as Sabin looked in the fridge. When he pulled out the blood packs he snickered and threw it inside.

"Pathetic. You would rather drink these instead of the actual source? Why try and be human when you can be what you were destined to be! You'll feel stronger and become better. Let's not mention you can get that human Darius out of the way. I wouldn't mind getting a taste of his blood too-."

" I refuse to ever go against any humans will and drink their blood. I'm already a monster...I can't become one fully."

Sabin groaned, causing me to look at him in irritation.

"You're not a human Achille! You're a vampire with instincts. You will live forever and it'll come a point when those pathetic blood baggies aren't enough for you. You can drink humans blood and thrive-."

"But I'm not you!" I shout, feeling my eyes water as I cover my face and feel them fall from my eyes." Because of you, I've lost it all..."

I cry, think of my family once more and all I've been through to control my disgusting instincts. Because of him I'm a nightmare.

"Then turn that Darius into a companion, lover like Oscar," I look up fast, Sabin smirking at me," I know you want to. You turn him into a vampire you don't have to bother losing someone again. Just be happy together for forever."

Standing up I walk to him and punch my fist into his chest, hearing him cough at how hard I punched. Losing his breath as he tried to get it back.

"What the...hell are you uttering?! I will never in a billion years drink his blood - ever!" I scream, shoving Sabin some more that he slammed into the wall. Oscar stepping in front of me and I pushed him away from me." I refuse to become you! I'll never be you, ever! I will never drink his blood or anyone's!"

Trying to catch my breath, I feel my anger slowly diminish because I got a feeling Darius was outside of the door. Oscar began walking towards the door and I went after him.

"I won't say that isn't admirable," I watch Sabin dash in front of me, stopping me as I glare at him. Until I notice something shiny make its way into my line of vision," I just want you to see what you are truly capable of, when you see it you'll love it."

I feel something sink into my heart, gasping as I step back and Sabin shoves me to the floor. All my strength disappearing at once and the ability to speak was too overwhelming for me as blood began to fill my throat.



I look at him, seeing him rush past Oscar and Sabin and down to my level. Sitting me up and his eyes watered for my sake.

"Achille what happened? Please don't die." He cried, and that's when Sabin crouches beside me on the other side. Darius looking and he glared at him.

"Who the hell are you?"

"The one that can help the both of you. If Achille here drink your blood, he'll heal faster. He won't die, he'll just heal slower and be in more pain." Sabin said, and that's when I muster up the strength to get close to him and spit my blood in his face.

Seeing him close his eyes and wipe it away with his sleeve.

"What do you mean?" Darius asked, and I wonder if this was Sabin's plan. To come here and for me to just drink Darius blood and kill him.

"If Achille drinks your blood, that wound will disappear in no time."

I cry out when he yanks the knife from my heart, Darius pulling me towards him and covering my wound.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I wouldn't lie to you."

I watch Darius look over at Oscar and back at Sabin.

" wouldn't 'lie' to me."

I watch in horror as he shows me his arm.

"Achille drink my blood so you can heal. Please."

I shake my head, seeing my reflection in his eyes and I became disgusted with myself.

"I cannot..." I hiss, glancing at Sabin as he smirks.

"Why not?! It'll help you."

"Exactly...why I...won't."

I feel my wound healing but the pain was overwhelming. It didn't help that at the same time I was fighting the urge to drink his blood.

"Remember, if - if I...drink will Un monstre..." ( A monster ) I whimper, and Darius's eyes soften on me.

Leaning close to me and pressing a kiss to my cheek. Pulling back and grinning at me.

"Even more of the reason why I want you to do this. I do not mind. Being a vampire like you means I can always protect you and help you, even more than I already was. Because of that, I want you to drink my blood." He murmurs, baring his arm again.

I look at his arm, feeling my fangs begin to come. But as I looked at his arm all the words Sabin said were echoing in my head.

"Then turn that Darius into a companion, lover like Oscar."

Leaning closer I suddenly stop as my lips touch his wrist.

"I know you want to. You turn him into a vampire you don't have to bother losing someone again. Just be happy together for forever."


"I know you want to."

I shove Darius away from me with all my strength, seeing him fly into the dresser that was ten feet away from us. Crawling to fridge and I rip open the tab from the pack. Filling down the blood as I felt my wound beginning to heal.

By the time I was able to come to my senses clearly, only one blood pack was left out of ten...

I watched Sabin walk towards me, eyes glaring at me as he crouched down and got close to me.

"I will never be done until he becomes dead or joins hell with us. It's up to you."

I shove Sabin away from me, watching as they both left. As soon as the door closed I move my eyes onto Darius. Noticing him rubbing his back in discomfort.

"I'm sorry about your back..." I apologize, Darius sitting up as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oscar and Sabin...Sabin is the one who turned you into a vampire. Oscar's 'owner' is Sabin. I should've seen this coming..."

He shakes his head and begins to come towards me. But I just scoot to the bed and lean against it and he sits beside me.

"I hate that much." I hiss, Darius nodding as he looked at the ground." He sees humans and automatically thinks of them as objects. They aren't people, but lowly prey. He is not someone you need to worry about and don't bother getting involved with him. It's not worth wasting your time for-."

I feel myself be slammed to the ground, Darius on top of me as I looked up in shock. Startled by his actions and his expression wasn't there. There was no expression.

"Darius what are you doing?" I ask softly, only for him to press his lips to my neck. Suddenly feeling him begin to nibble on my skin and I didn't want to hurt him again. 

"Darius stop."

I feel him begin to suck on my skin and I don't know what that's called but it felt weird. My legs began to squirm and I continued to push at his shoulders. Trying to contain my strength.

"Darius I said stop-."

I flinch when I feel him bite my neck and that's when I shoved him away. Him still in front of me as he looked away from me and I felt my neck. Wondering why on earth he bit me.

"Darius." I snap, seeing him look at me. That's when I slap him in the face. His head flying to the side and I even heard his neck pop." You back to your senses or not?"

"To an extent..." He mumbled, and I begin to sniff. Looking at his cheek as there was one scratch mark on his cheek from my nail.

I look away from him and take a deep breath. Thinking about what he said earlier angered me.

"Even more of the reason why I want you to do this. I do not mind. Being a vampire like you means I can always protect you and help you, even more than I already was. Because of that, I want you to drink my blood."

"You really were willing to become a vampire at that very moment... Were you?"

"Yes! You heard what I said." He stated, and I shake my head.

"Even when you know the pain it can cause..."

"I have nothing else to lose! Except you. I don't know how you don't see that."

I shake my head, becoming annoyed that this is what it's come to.

"And I don't know how you don't see how much torture it can be being me..."

Darius doesn't understand how...touching of a subject it is for me. He just doesn't get it...

"I'm going for walk." I hiss, standing as I go to the door." Don't leave this room either."

With that I walk out the room, needing some time to think.

To think about everything.


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