the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

275K 15.6K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


5.5K 344 218
By x_linn_

Foolish play

In the end, we decided to bake two cakes as one was supposed to be for tomorrow and the king expected his piece today. Lisa was against the idea, saying it's not even his cake to begin with but not wanting to get myself in trouble, I stayed behind for few more hours to finish up the second cake as I still had enough ingredients to do so.

And so, with a plate with finely cut cake, I stood in front of the door of the meeting room in the west wing, the guard at the end of the hall giving me weird looks as I stayed rooted to the same spot for the last five minutes.

Staring at the cake with single strawberry on top, I wondered. Does the plan of mine even have a future? While stirring the chocolate dressing for the cake back in the kitchen, I realized there's no chance for me to ignore him. He's a great part of my life whether I want it or not. Laying in his bed with him every night, there's no chance for me to grow apart from him. Forget him, cut him out of my life.

But what am I supposed to do now? Leave things as they are? But what does that even mean? What are we? How are things between us? That's the thing, I didn't even know what I was standing on. Should I get closer to him? But how?

"Are you going to go in?" I snapped my head in the direction of the guard on the other end of the hall, sending him a glare as he gave me a blank look.

"Mind your own business." I muttered under my nose with a huff before raising my eyes to the door in front, taking a deep breath.

I knocked three times, patiently waiting for an answer from inside of the room.

"Come in." nodding to myself firmly as a reassurance, I opened the door and walked in, shutting it after me quietly.

"Your Majesty, I brought you the cake like you requested." I said, gazing at the man as I approached the long table in the middle of the room.

The king was standing by a large window on the other side of the room, his back facing me as he didn't bother to turn around and acknowledge my presence. Not knowing what to do I placed the plate on the table, careful not to put it on one of the hundreds scattered papers.

"Took you long enough before finally coming in." he noted and turned around, titling his head as he looked at me from the other side of the room. I gaped at his remark, my cheeks turning to dusty pink.

"How-" in that moment, it clicked as I remembered that it was a Saint who stood in front of me. I hissed internally, remembering his developed hearing. For all I know, he could even smell me from the second I stepped in front of the door. "I see." I muttered, bowing my head.

"You finished the cake already?" looking up I nodded hastily. Taking the plate I scurried towards him, grinning.

"It's a chocolate cake with strawberries and raspberries." I chimed, pushing the plate towards his chest. However he didn't bother to take the plate as he continued to stare at me with an unreadable expression, his hands in his pockets as always. I pouted, looking at the plate before back up at him. "You don't like chocolate?" chuckling he shook his head.

And I felt like it was Christmas.

"Who doesn't like chocolate?" he asked and I grinned, nodding.

"I know, right?" he stayed still, watching me and my arms began to hurt so I pushed the plate closer towards him, making him finally pay attention to it, taking it in his hands.

He watched the cake carefully as if wondering whether there was poison in it, to which I scoffed. Actually, why didn't I think of that sooner?

"I like strawberries." he muttered all of a sudden, my wide grin returning to my face at the remark.

"Me too! The recipe actually said raspberries and blueberries but I changed it to strawberries since I like them so much. Go on, you're the first one to try it since I still didn't have a taste for myself. I'm curious about how it turned out." I rambled in a speed, my words actually making me a bit uneasy.

It's true no one have tasted the cake yet, as we left the other one in the freezer and I was too caught up in thoughts to actually taste it myself before coming here. What if it turned out bad? I mean, it looked perfectly fine on outside but sometimes cakes just-

With an amused glance my way, the king cut one small piece of the cake with his fork and brought it to his mouth. I became more and more antsy as he chewed the cake slowly, before finally looking up at me, his blank expression making me startled.

"I-is it bad? Too sweet? Maybe I should have put dark chocolate inst-" I stopped my rambling as he pushed the fork with another peace of cake towards my lips, looking at me expectantly.

Cautiously I took the cake in my mouth, chewing it slowly as I tried to detect what could have gone wrong with the cake. However I found the cake normal, it tasted just the way it did anytime I baked this. Looking up at him with raised eyebrow I noticed him smiling softly down at me, the plate and fork still in his hands.

"It's delicious." I sighed in relief, smiling.

"Thank you." I chimed, stepping back as I patted my back internally.

My job here is done.

"I'll get going then, enjoy the-woah!" just as I was about to turn around after a subtle bow, he grabbed me by my waist, pushing me back against his chest. I looked up at him with big eyes before glancing down at his hands that held me.

When did he even manage to place the plate down?

"I-is there something you need?" I muttered, pushing my head back a bit to look him in the eyes. The small smile was replaced with a teasing one, his arms tightening around me, preventing me from any escape.

"I will enjoy the cake later, now I want to enjoy something else." taking a deep breath I looked around the room as he inched closer and closer, an amusement written all over his face.

I was glad he showed some kind of emotion, but now?

"Y-your Majesty, I don't think-" he spun us around and pushed me against the window gently, nuzzling his face into my neck. "We can't do this here..." I craned my neck to look out the window, seeing tens of people wandering around the front lawn. All they needed to do was look up a bit, and they would see everything...

Grasping his shirt in my fists I looked back down at him, his silky bangs caressing my face.

"Why not?" he muttered, probably taking in my scent as his nose brushed against my skin. Something he used to do a lot.

"I- well the people-" I whispered, craning my neck again and in a span of a second he pushed the curtains close, pushing me against his chest so he could close them completely. While one of his arms stayed around my waist, the other leaned against the window behind me, his palm right next to my face as if shielding me from any escape. "And anyone can come in-" chuckling he placed a quick kiss on my cheek before glancing up at me.

"It's more fun that way." he mused, wiggling his eyebrows and I stayed in awe at his sudden playfulness, wondering whether the king had a twin I didn't know of.

Because I didn't recognize this man at all.

Pecking my cheek continuously he ran his palm up an down my side before nestling himself back in the crook of my neck. The quick and soft pecks on my skin made me wriggle around, the tingling sensation forcing me to chuckle.

"W-wait, stop-" my giggles enveloped the empty room as he continued placing soft kisses all over my warm skin, pushing himself closer with each kiss.

As I was beginning to get out of breath he stopped finally, pulling himself back up to lean his forehead against mine as I breathed heavily.

"Even if someone did come in, what do you think they could do?" he questioned with raised eyebrow, his eyes going from my eyes to my lips and back up.

His good mood was kinda infectious as I couldn't stop smiling myself, biting my lip.

"Well nothing to you, but to me..." I trailed off, my smile faltering a little as I remembered all those ugly stares from the aristocrats I got daily on the corridors.

"I would never let them. You know you belong to me, right?" I nodded stiffly, looking down.

The phrase still didn't sit well with me, but that was the harsh reality. I belonged to someone now, no longer was I my own person.

He lifted up my chin with his fingers, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"And as for the yesterday's question..." he trailed off, my eyes widening at the memory of my  weak moment of exhaustion. Staring at him I shook my head rapidly, making him raise his eyebrow.

"Oh gosh, you do not have to answer that, I'm really sorry, I was exhausted and I didn't know what I was saying, please you really don't-" but he silenced me with his finger on my lips, titling his head.

"You do not want to hear my answer?" I gaped, my lips parting under his finger as I wondered.

Did I want to hear the truth about why he chose me? Yes. Was I ready to hear it? I didn't know. It was true I was curious, but what was he going to say?

"I-I don't know." he stared at me for a longer time in silence before leaning in, kissing me softly. Lost in the kiss, I let go of his shirt to drape my arms around his neck to play with his hair.

"You don't want to know the truth?" he muttered between the kiss, his warm breath hitting my lips and chin. As he continued to brush his lips with mine passionately, our bodies molding with each other, I knew.

I knew I wanted to know the truth. I wanted to know everything. His reason, his feelings, his story. Everything I could get my hands on. I wanted to reveal secrets and stories he himself didn't know about, everything just to get him open up. To let him free, to save him from his shackles.

That moment, I realized my plan was going to waste. Trying to ignore him would do nothing but frustrate me to no end. Just like Mrs Lee said, I should follow my fate as it knew what it was doing.

And so I did just that as he pushed his chest against mine, I did just that when I pulled myself closer, titling my head and deepening the kiss. Wherever my fate was leading me, I was going to follow its path, my path. I was going to follow my heart and my body, just like my fate would want.

"I want." I muttered breathless, cupping his warm neck in my palms. " I want to know." nestled in his embrace in a comforting silence, we listened to each other's breaths with our eyes closed.

At the feeling of his thumb running across my bottom lip I opened my eyes, gazing up at him with anticipation.

"I knew who to choose the moment I saw you on the stage." he whispered, his palm at the back of my neck bringing a soothing warmth to my body. I frowned, perplexed.

"But we had veils on..." I trailed off, talking more to myself than him as memories brought me back to that day. I remembered him stopping in front of me just to walk away and then come back.

"I wanted her with me." he breathed, his thumb still playing with my lip gently as if it was a feather while I was becoming more and more confused about his words. "The girl who made me smile. I wanted her with me."

The high state I was in at the moment didn't help me think, my thoughts becoming jumbled as his presence took control over my every nerve, my every part. It was overwhelming, the sensations, the passion in the air, the want in my system, the craving in his touches. It was making me hard to breath.

"What do you mean?" murmuring, his thumb on my lip brought electricity running to each nerve, warming up my whole body. The confusion was almost indistinguishable in the bundle of emotions running through my body, but I still couldn't help but think.

The girl who made him smile? What did that mean?

"You-" however, as if my fate played jokes with me, the moment he was about to say something, the door flew open, revealing Seokjin with stack of papers in his hands.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt your smooching sesi-Chaeyoung?" as the king didn't look like he intended to let go of me, I prayed my hands away from his neck and waved at Seokjin awkwardly with reddened cheeks.

"Hi op-"

"Oh hell to the fucking no! Get your dirty hands away from my child you perv!" all of a sudden Jin raced towards us, tugging me away from the king and behind his back as he gave the king and 'intimidating' glare. I sighed, pushing my hands against my chest as I looked from behind his shoulder at the king who turned his stare from me to his friend.

Trying to calm myself, I breathed heavily to get the recent moments out of my head and my body. To let the longing go for now.

"What are you trying, Seokjin?" the king sighed, looking really done with the older and his drama play.

"What are YOU trying kid? Transporting those pervy germs to my precious child? Keep your distance boy." there was a longer silence as the two stared at each other, Seokjin with a dramatic glare and the king with an unimpressed face. I couldn't help but find the scene funny, causing me to giggle silently which brought both of the males' attention to me.

"It's alright, I think I should go anyway. I see the two of you have a lot of work to do." I said, glancing at the papers scattered around the table.

"Do not even mention that." muttered the king with a scowl, glaring at the countless piles of papers.

I smiled and took few steps back, bowing.

"Enjoy the rest of the cake, Your Majesty, I'll get going. Bye oppa!" grinning I was ready to walk out of the door when the king's voice stopped me, making me turn around.

"10 PM. My room." biting my lip I nodded, bowing a little.

"Wait wh-" however I didn't hear the rest of Seokjin's rant as I closed the door, leaning my back against it with a  heavy sigh.

"God keep me sane." I muttered, placing my palm over my beating heart.

There was no way back, I was definitely going to get myself in a trouble thanks to my feeling. But I was not going to hold them back, for I decided to trust them to lead me on the way.

3. person

"What do you want to talk about?"

"About your dear precious friend, that's what."


"No Jin, you are going to listen to me. I've choked this in for the longest time for your sake, but this is getting all too much. You need to put him to his place before this gets even worse."

"You're overreacting-"

"Overreacting? Jin, he forbid her to meet up with Jungkook! The only person she has left! Do you think that's okay?" her words stung because he knew, he knew it wasn't okay. It wasn't okay at all.

"No, you're right, but I told you already, as much as I want to, I can't do anything."

"Of course you can't, you never can! That's what you've been saying from the first day I stepped my foot in the castle! And it's getting old, because it's not true at all! I do not care if he's hurt! I do not care he has a tragic past or whatever! Because that doesn't give him the right to ruin lives of others as well! And you know that well." Seokjin sighed shakily, running his palm over his face.

"He won't ruin her life, he's not that cruel you know that."

"What about Juhyun?" Jin was taken aback, he haven't heard the girl's name in a long time.

"He-he didn't meant for that to happen to her."

"But it did. Because of him and his foolishness." Seokjin sighed again, again admitting the truth inside. "Listen to me," he glanced up as Jisoo softened her voice, looking at him hopefully.

Oh how he missed the soft tone of her sweet voice aimed his way. It was so long since he have heard it last time.

"I'm worried and I know you're as well. I don't know where this is going, but he's taking a liking of her way too quickly. If this continues on, we may only pray for things to end up well. For end up well."

"I-I don't know what to do."

"Talk to him. This is not only about Chaeyoung. It's about the two of you as well. You're best friends and you've been hiding from him so much. You need to be honest with him."

"I can try but I can't promise anything. I know Taehyung well, it won't be easy to get through him."

"You'll do great, just remember you're doing this for your friendship."

She was ready to walk off but something stopped her, something holding her hand from going any further away. Turning around, she stared up at he Seokjin who looked at her longingly, his palm squeezing hers as if to reassure himself she was still there, still with him.

"Jisoo wait, I-" however she tugged her hand away from his, leaving his palm hanging in the air, alone and cold.


"We should talk about us as well, please-"

"Priorities first Jin." she said, her face empty and cold. "Our priorities now are the king and Chaeyoung. There's no us to talk about anyway."

And so like that, she left him standing in the corridor alone, aching and craving something he lost a long time ago. He knew she had reasons for everything. Her cold shoulder, cold words and cold behavior, but it hurt. And he wished he was stronger for her. For the both of them.

Sighing he threw the pen on the pile of the papers, frustrated. Glancing at his friend who was working silently by his side, he took all the courage he got to speak.

It's now or never. Do it for Chaeyoung. Do it for Jisoo.

"Taehyung-ah." the younger merely nodded in acknowledgment, not lifting his head away from the papers he was working on. "Come on, look at me." sighing, Taehyung looked up, lifting his eyebrow.

"What is it? We still have a lot to finish." Seokjin bit his lip, wondering how to start to not anger the younger few seconds into the conversation. This was a really important moment for Seokjin and Taehyung as well, he didn't want to mess up anything.

"What-what are you planning to do?" he asked, leaving the younger silent in question.

"What do you mean?"

"What are you planing to do? With Chaeyoung, I mean." Taehyung placed the pen down slowly, leaning into his chair as he stared at his friend, indifferent.

"If you're talking about those germs or whate-"

"No, no not the germs I mean-in the future."

"What future?" Seokjin sighed, bowing his head. This will be way more difficult than he thought it would be.

"Taehyung-ah, you know what I mean. I can see you getting attached to her and...I just wanna know whether you know your intentions." Taehyung stayed silent for a while before scoffing, turning away.

"It's not an attachment, Jin. She's just a distraction from work, nothing else." he noted, his look still distant as he didn't bother to give Seokjin a single glance.

"If so, then stop confusing her with someone who's not just that."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know very well what I'm talking about. What was she doing here just a while ago?" snapped Seokjin, raising his eyebrows.

"She brought me a cake." said Taehyung, glancing at the empty plate on the side of the table.

"You don't even eat cakes. They're too sweet for you. Taehyung, I know you well so do not-"

"There's no point to this conversation Jin."

"Listen to me God dammit!" Seokjin boomed finally, angered at his friend's neglectful behavior. What frustrated him even more, he didn't know how to get through his friend's thick skin to finally make him realize. He was playing a dangerous game. One that endangers others.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, slumping against his chair as he leaned his head against his hand.

"I've been patient for so long Taehyung-ah. And you know I do not mean you harm. But I can't see others I hold dear getting hurt because of your foolish plays. If you continue being so careless, the history will repeat itself. Don't you remember? Just like Juhyun, Chaey-" banging his fist against the table, Taehyung silenced his friend as he didn't wish to hear more.

Seokjin hissed, hearing the wood of the table cracking along its length, the strong hit almost snapping it in half.

"Do not bring her into this, I thought I made it clear that her name is to never be mentioned again." he sneered, the stiff air around them making Seokjin choke on his breath.

"Taehyung," Jin started again, pleading him with his eyes to understand, "if you're not careful enough, Chaeyoung will end up just like her."

"What do you want me to do? What do you expect from me?" Taehyung barked, trying to control himself as he knew his anger could be probably felt in the whole palace by now.

"To either be true with your feelings," Seokjin started off, Taehyung immediately turning away from him, tightening his fists, "or keep your distance from Chaeyoung."

"What's up with that logic?" he snapped.

"Again, I know you well. I see you as my younger brother. And I see it once something's up with my little brother. Admit it to yourself, you're getting attached, just like you did back then, six years ago." Seokjin reasoned. "It would be better to stay away from Chaeyoung, for her and your sake."

"You can not make me." Seokjin would have been intimidated by the younger's burning eyes and raspy sneers, but he was too angry to be intimidated.

"Why do you have to be so selfish?! You're ruining peoples' lives, don't you see it? All just because you're too stubborn to see the truth! I've been putting up with you for so long,  sacrificing myself just to be by your side, just to not hurt you! But you don't care do you? All you care about is that you have someone to sleep with at the end of the day!"

Seokjin couldn't stand it anymore, it all had to get out. He needed to let it out.

"This is no longer about Chaeyoung, is it?" Taehyung clicked his tongue, sneering at Seokjin in a mocking manner. "If you wanted to rant about your own frustration you could have said so at the beginning."

"No, you don't understand. This may concern Chaeyoung but this is a huge problem that affects all those around you. Including me. I do not want you wrong, but you need to think about your actions. You're hurting everyone around you. And in the end, you'll end up alone." said Seokjin now more calmly.

The two stayed silent, Taehyung tightening his fists under the table while Seokjin sighed, standing up.

"I'll get going now, I'm sure you'll be able to finish those by yourself."

After the door behind him closed, the silence in the room became so deafeningly silent Taehyung could feel it tear him apart. He hated it, the silence, the loneliness.

"FUCK!" booming he threw the papers to the ground, standing up hastily as the chair behind him fell to the floor from the sudden strength.

He knew he messed up, but could he really get things back in order?


it wouldn't leave me sleep peacefully, knowing I left you guys with such a bad chapter so here's another one, take it as a goodbye before I take my short break

hope you enjoyed it!

also feel free to let me know about what you think about this story! <3

again guys, thank you for the support and understanding, I love each and every one of you <3

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