A Dragon's Mermaid


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Book 1 in The Beasts Mate Series. This book contains 18+ content, so readers must be 18 years of age or older... Еще

A Dragon's Mermaid
Chapter One 🌊
Chapter Two 🐉
Chapter Three 🌊
Chapter Four 🌊
Chapter Five 🐉
Chapter Six 🌊
Chapter Seven 🐉
Chapter Eight 🐉
Chapter Nine 🌊
Chapter Ten 🐉
Chapter Eleven 🌊
Chapter Twelve 🐉
Chapter Thirteen 🌊
Chapter Fourteen 🌊
Chapter Fifteen 🐉
Chapter Sixteen 🌊
Chapter Seventeen 🐉
Chapter Eughteen 🌊
❤️Chapter Nineteen 🌊
❤️Chapter Twenty 🐉
Chapter Twenty-One 🌊
Chapter Twenty-two 🌊
Chapter Twenty-three 🐉
Chapter Twenty-four 🌊
Chapter Twenty-five 🐉
Chapter Twenty-seven 🌊
Chapter Twenty-eight 🐉
❤️Chapter Twenty-nine 🌊
Chapter Thirty 🐉
Chapter Thirty-one 🌊
Chapter Thirty-two🐉
Chapter Thirty-three🌊
Chapter Thirty-four 🐉
Chapter Thirty-five 🌊
Chapter Thirty-six 🌊
❤️Chapter Thirty-seven 🐉

❤️Chapter Twenty-six 🌊

3.9K 143 3

Neri giggles as she rests her head against my chest. We are enjoying time in the private pool Vulcan made for me. The pool is rather big, and there is a small waterfall near the staircase. There are large windows, and a patio that show off the beautiful mountains. Cream wicker chairs, and lounge chairs are near the pool. There is also a small towel rack near the stairs. Willow sits on a wicker chair as she watches Neri and I swim. My tail flips to keep my balanced, while Neei's pale blue scales tale appears above water. Her tail hits against the water, and makes a slight splash. Her lighter blue scales are a beautiful contrast to her light mocha colored skin. The water is warm against my skin, which is thanks to the heated water. I do not really care about the water temperature in the summer, but it is pleasant in the winter months.

We decided to relax by the pool while Vulcan, Aeric and Qullian are in a conference call. Neri tagged along since Roark is training the warriors. I have not seen Dion this morning, which is odd because he is always at breakfast. He could be with his mother, Lady Saya. His father is late retiring from his duties and she is starting to worry. Willow came with us because the healers cleared her health, but told her to relax.

Willow smiles as she watches Nerri and I swim. She got excited when she heard that the den has a pool, but she cannot swim for now. The healers want her to take it easy for a few days. We promised to go swimming with her after the healers clear her health. She seems better than last night after a bath, a good nights sleep, and some pain medication. They nearly broke one of her bones, which is why I could not heal her completely. I will have to speak to mother about how my role as the clan's female leader can increase my healing ability. Generally, female leaders in any species are considered warm and nurturing. Perhaps that is a factor, but I do not know until I talk to her.

"Wow both of your scales are really pretty," says Willow.

Neri blushes at the compliment, and hides her face into my chest,"Thank you Willow. Is this your first time seeing mermaids?"

Willow shakes her head no as she looks at us with big eyes. "No I had a good friend in high school that was a mermaid. Her scales were a pretty emerald green," she says.

A mermaids scale color could be based off genes and even which sea or ocean they live in. There are some people in my hometown with green scales, yet it is not an emerald green. In my case, my scales are almost identical to my grandmother, momma's mother. She passed away when momma was young, and I know about her from stories. She sounds like a wonderful women, and I wish that I could have met her.

"That sounds like a lovely color to have for scales," I tell her.

Willow nods as she watches Neri, who has moved her head up. "She moved away with her mate after high school. We still video chat when we have the time," said Willow.

Neri smiles, "Makes will do that but it is nice that you keep in touch".

Nerri has a frown on her face as she remains quiet. She is probably thinking about her old life before coming her. Her former Mistresses pack did not treat her well after her passing. That has to do with the stress her brother-in-law dealt with after their deaths. Nerri insures me he is not a gas person, and that they were friends before their passing.

"Is there a reason you seem rather shy today?" I question Neri.

She sighs while moving my head to gaze into my eyes. "I went to visit my former lady's cub. He is getting so big Avalon!" She says happily with a bright smile.

Ah now this makes sense as to why she is acting this way. Roark took Neri out yesterday and they got home rather late. If she went to see the cub then she must have ran into the new leader. He is her former lady's brother-in-law, and did not take his brother and his mates death well. He took out his stress and sadness on Neri, which is terrible. Taking your frustration out on other people will not help you or change the situation.

"I ran into Ashton because he was playing with little Kurt. Ashton decided to name the cub after his father," says Neri.

Willow tilts her head to the side trying to figure out our topic of conversation. "I have no idea what you are all talking about, but I get the feeling Ashton is not a great say," she says with curiosity in her tone.

"We has a good past together, and we're good friends. Ashton just took the passing of his brother very badly. Um be broke down crying and apologized when he saw me," said Neri.

"How do you feel about his apology now that he had some space, and time to process things?" I question as I move my tail.

I slowly move us through the water as I float on my back. Neri helps move our bodies by flapping her tail.

"I told him that I accept his apology, but it will take time for me to completely forgive him," said Neri.

"Why did you decide to accept his apology?" Willow questions as she plays with the sleeves of a yellow cardigan.

Neri smiles at Willow , "We we're friends once, and I would like to be in Kurt's life".

Her expression turns to one of sadness at the end of her statement. I am sure that Neri is thinking about her former protector. The woman cared for her like a mother would their child. In a way she is one of the few connections Kurt will have to his mother. Ashton is connected to his mother, but he has a stronger connection to his father. He is the only family little Kurt has that is connected by blood, since his grandparents have passed.

"Your relationship may not be the same as before, but it will get better. Kurt will be a blessed cub to have you and Ashton in his life," I tell her.

Neri fights back tears at my statement as she nods. "Thank you and I know that the entire family will protect Kurt. He is the next family leader after all".

"Wait the little one is the next family leader? Isn't this Ashton person the current leader?" Willow asks as she stands up from her seat.

"He is only acting as the current leader until Kurt becomes of age. If his brother did not have children, then Ashton would have completely taken over," explains Neri.

Willow remains silent for a few moments as she processes everything. "I see, and I am sorry if I appear ignorant. After completing school we typically socialize amongst ourselves," explains Willow.

"Oh there you all all," says Ember as she opens the door.

I turn my head to see a smiling Ember. She is wearing a yellow bikini and holding a unicorn floaty. I raise an eyebrow as she giggles.

"Um I never learned to swim well. I can float though but the floaty lets me relax," explains Ember.

She hops down the stairs and grabs a towel from the rack. She sets their things down and looks over at Willow. Ember smiles as she extends her hand forward. Willow shakes her hand as she returns Ember's smile.

"Hi Willow, my nameEmber and I am very happy to meet you!" greets Ember.

"It is nice to meet you Ember and I see word about me is traveling fast," says Willow.

Ember sits down next to Willow and nods. "Yep! Although we have been waiting for big bro Aeric to find his mate," says Ember.

Willows eyes widen as she blushes. "Um... Sorry Aeric did mention his siblings but aside from Vulcan I could not recall the names".

Willow hides her face into the sleeve of her sweater. She probably feels embarrassed or that she offended Ember. I do not blame her because learning names is difficult. I am finally starting to memorize names of clan members.

Willow quickly adds, "It's not you! I just have a hard time remembering names of people I never met".

Ember waves off her small rant. "I understand what you mean. I have no problem remember every clan members name, yet I am horrible at learning classmates names," says Ember.

"What do you do Willow? You know when demons are chasing you," I question.

Willow takes a moment before answering my question. Ember stands up from her seat, and picks up the floaty. She walks over to the shallow end, and slowly gets into the water. Ember gets into the floaty and holds onto both sides. She leans her head back, and stretches her feet out.

"I usually spend my day with the healers or the children. Uncle Lachlan felt that it was no longer safe for Wisteria, and I to leave our territory lands," answers Willow.

Nerri raises an eyebrow, "Um is Wisteria your friend? Also, that is a very pretty name".

Willow smiles when she hears about the compliment. It is clear that she is very close to Wisteria. "Wisteria is my cousin and best friend. She is Uncle Lachlan's only daughter," she says.

I hum because it makes sense now. As a leader Lachlan wants to protect his people, but more so his family. It is clear that Willow is an important ember of his family. When she contacted him last night the worry, and relief was clear in his voice.

When they spoke this morning he was glad that Willow is safe and rested. It was decided that Willow will remain here, because she is Aeric's mate. She appeared to be happy about this, yet sad that she is no longer with her family. I understand how she feels because I also miss my family. However, I feel at home here with Vulcan. Wherever he is that is where my home is. Willow was glad to learn that she could visit her family once they are safe from the demons. Her cousin Wisteria is going with other Flowers to live with Ambrose. He is a friend of Vulcan's and a powerful vampire coven leader. Vampires in the city, especially non- Pure's are afraid of him. Ambrose is a Master Vampire yet I believe there is more to him. Why else would all these vampires be afraid of him? At least the Flowers will be safe on his lands. I hope that this mess does not wonder onto our lands. The clan will most likely face hardships in the future, but I am sure that we will get through them as a united clan.

We laze around the pool for about an hour. Ember relaxes on her floaty while Neri, and I swim. Willow rolls her leggings up, and then moves to sit by the edge. She puts her feet in the water, and makes small waves. Willow smiles as she watches the water. We talk about random topics, but it is a light and pleasant atmosphere. Willow is a lovely girl, and once she feels comfortable her personality comes out. She is a little sassy and it is just fun to be around her.

The rays of sunlight hit my skin, and brings warmth through my body. I hum at the pleasant sensation, and decide to enjoy it while I can. Summer is coming to an end, and before I know it Winter will return. Even when I lived with my family underwater I hated winter. The water would slightly get colder, and it was enough to bother me. After moving to the surface I learned that I really do not like winter. I do love looking at the snow, hot coco and freshly baked cookies. However, I do not like the cold, snow and ice. My first winter here I fell on a large patch of ice right before entering the school building. Marina fell along with me when she tried to catch me. Thankfully, Zarya did not fall and helped us back up. We learned from friends to avoid that area, because ice forms there quickly. We ended up finding another entrance where there was not a lot of ice.

"There is so much nature around here! I love how big the trees appear in the distance," says a happy Willow.

"There is a festival coming up, and one of the rituals takes place deep into the forest," says Ember.

It takes me a moment to recall that the festival that celebrates fall, and the harvest is approaching. Mother made sure to teach me of the festivals, and my role in each ritual. It is a lovely festival, but I am looking forward to the one closter to Halloween, and then the winter festival before the new year. According to mother those festivals are more entertaining, especially for the young. She did not go into much detail about them, but I suppose that is why I am excited.

"This will be my first year attending the clans festivals, but they sound rather pleasant," I say.

Children laugh as they run or fly past us. They giggle and say hello as we pass them. I greet them as well, and smile. A little hatchling names Jazzy gives me a pink wildflower. I thank her for the gift as I put it in my hair. She smiles at the gesture before flying to catch up with her friends.

Apparently, dragon children learn to fly at a rather young age. The little ones, who appear to be three or four, tend to always have their wings out. Mother explain that they have a difficult time controlling their second form. They enjoy their dragon form and tend to leave at least make their wings visible. They look rather cute, and it makes me wonder what scales our children would have. A child's scales are typically genetic, which is the same for the merpeople. There are some exceptions when genetics does not play a factor or a non dominant scale color will appear after generations. Given into consideration of our species our children have a higher chance to be dragons. I do not really care since they are my children regardless of their species. Although, momma said she would be excited to be a baby hatchling. Mother showed us baby pictures of Vulcan, Aeric, Qullian and Ember when my parents visited. They were adorable as hatchlings!

"The kids are very cute! Um do they need any help at the daycare?" Willow asks as we walk past the garden.

I think about it for a moment before answering. "I will introduce you to Miss Cora when we head back inside. She did mention needing more help the other day".

Willow's eyes light up at the statement as she thanks me. There is no reason because I can tell she loves working with kids. She was use to working at the daycare before coming here. It would give her something to do during the day. Also, it would help her connect more with the clan, and see it as her new home. It does take a while to adjust to a new home. Thanks to Vulcan, his family, and the clan I have been able to adjust to my new life. With time I am sure that Willow will adjust as well.

"Hey Neri do you think you will mater with Roark?" Ember

A light colored blush appears on Neri's mocha skin. Ember's statement probably caught her off guard, which makes us giggle.

"We have talked about it and we agreed to mate soon. Roark said he wants to hold a small mating ceremony first," says Neri.

Ember shouts happily as I I hug Neri. She laughs and returns my hug. I am so happy for Neri! She is a sweet woman, and has quickly become like a sister to me. It could be due to the bond we formed. Even after Neri mates with Roark I will still feel the need to protect her.

"Neri that is wonderful! Roark better give you a heads up so we can look for a dress," I say.

"Thank you and he said he would give me enough time. I already have an idea of what dress I want," she says.

"What kind of dress would you want?" Willow questions as we walk by the training grounds.

"I was thinking of a dusty pink color with flower accents," answers Neri.

"That color would look very nice on you," I say.

Ember nods in agreement, "Yep and roses sound lovely".

"Thank you..I am not sure on what type of neckline or sleeves," says Neri.

Willow binds,"I think a sweetheart neckline would look nice on you".

"Really? I do not think that type of neckline would look nice on me," states Neri.

Willow nods, "I think it would look nice. You do not need to have big girls to rock a sweetheart".

Ember laughs, "That is true! I am a C cup and sometimes tops make my boobs spill"

Ember makes me laugh as she talks. I understand what she means because some tops are cut oddly. They are either not flattering or will make your breasts spill. I have always been a little modest with my clothes. Now that I have a mate I do not think he would appreciate me showing off my cleavage in public. I have no issue showing off my body to my mate in private.

"I think you could pull it off and show your goods. If you are worried about that then add straps," says Willow.

Neri nods," Yeah that sounds like a good idea. What type of clothes do you wear Willow?"

"I usually wear cardigans with the occasional pattern top. I mostly wear leggings, ripped jeans and shorts. Sometimes I will wear a skirt or dress," answers Willow.

"Oh I also like to wear numeral colors. The most fun colors I've worn are pink and yellow," she adds.

Neri giggles,"I like to add a pop of color to my outfits".

Ember shrugs, "My outfits and the colors I wear depend on my mood".

"I am the same way Ember," I say.

We stop when we reach a small seating area in the clearing. Trees surround four wooden benches. In the center of the benches is a small fire pit. Small wild flowers pop out of the lush green grass. We sit in the benches and relax as we look over to the left. From here we can see Roark and our mates spar. My eyes gaze over my mates sweat covered body. His muscular chest is on display as tight joggers hug his muscular legs. Vulcan looks delicious, and I want to run my fingers through his messy hair. Oh and maybe lick those delicious abs and muscles.

"What was it like growing up with your brothers Ember?" Willow asks as she tilts her head, probably to get a better view of her mate.

Ember hums for a moment as she leans her head back. Her neck rests on the benches head rest, and her eyes focus on the trees. "I always feel like the baby of the family since there is a big age gap. They spoiled me in their own way, but Vul and Aer scold me when necessary," answers Ember.

Willow nods, "Are they protective? I have an older brother named Wylie and he is very protective".

Ember raises an eyebrow, "Did your brother assign students who were warriors to protect you at school? Vulcan does that to this day".

Willow laughs, "He protected me himself while we went to school together. After he graduated his friends became my protectors".

I smile because this conversation somewhat reminds me of my own brothers. Until they found their mates they were very protective over us. They still love us and are protective, but their mate and family is their main priority now. In my case it was more difficult for them to protect me. I have lived on the surface since I was in high school. They do not know anyone here, and have never come to visit. They will probably put all their love and protection towards Coralia now, which will drive her insane. Waverly is settling into my old room nicely, and will begin her classes. We talked on the phone yesterday after attending an orientation. She found it helpful because she no longer feels intimated by the campus's size. When Ember showed her around she felt a little overwhelmed, and kept saying she will get lost. I can recall feeling the same way when I started college here.

My brothers said they will try to extend their holiday for the winter to visit. They liked the pictures and little videos that momma took. Also, they were very impressed with the mating ceremony since they watched it live. Vulcan assigned a younger clan member to live stream the ceremony for my brothers, and their families.

"I think that is just their nature as brothers. Mine were the same until I came to live here," I say.

"Were you able to speak to your brother since coming here?" Neri questions as she swings her feet. Her eyes are looking down at her red converse.

Willow shakes her head no, "Wylie is on a business trip representing my uncle and we did not want to worry him".

"Won't he be worried when he returns home and you are not there?" Ember asks as she points her finger towards the fire pit.

The sun is begging to set, and the air is getting colder. Neri shivers next to me, and moves closer to my side. Her body temperature tends to drop quickly, because she is the mer version of an omega. A minimers body is weaker and they can become ill. When that happens their mate or protector has to care for them, and provide body heat. My arm wraps around Neri's shoulder, and I gently pull her closer to me. Heat surrounds us as a small speck of fire appears from Ember's finger tip. She concentrates the fire towards the wood chips in the fire pit. The small speck of fire is able to create a decent fire before vanishing.

"He will but I know that my uncle will explain the situation, and will give him my new number. He knew that the Flowers were in danger, which is why he almost did not go on the trip," says Willow.

"Do you have any idea why the demons want to take the flowers captive?" I question as I stare at the fire that Ember created.

"No but I have a feeling that they want to breed with us," answers Willow.

Embers eyes widen as Neri clings onto my arm. It is possible to become pregnant to a man whose not your mate. The percentage is low, but the chance is there non the less. Their reactions are valid, and even I am afraid at the mere thought. Knowing Aeric he will do everything in his power to protect Willow. Fate works in mysterious ways. Aeric is powerful enough to protect Willow from demons. I have never seen Vulcan in action, but I know he is powerful. He can be rather intimidating due to that aura of his. He managed to tone it down enough last night to not frighten Willow. I am sure she was scared out of her mind running away from those demons. Although how did she get onto our land? There is supposed to be a powerful magic barrier, and it should have alerted us of an intruder. Could it be Willow's abilities or something else?

Strong arms wrap around me as I lay down on Vulcan's chest. My arms wrap around his neck and hold him close to me. His heartbeat is strong and soothing. After a long day it feels amazing to be in his arms. His naked body brings warmth to my body. We took a long bath after dinner, and I found myself in his arms. I did plan to put on my pajamas, but that plan is long gone. I feel more comfortable when he holds me like this.

Our lips connect in a sweet kiss as our hands trace each other's bodies. His lips are soft and he tastes so sweet. Our tongues battle one another for dominance, and he wins. His tongue enters my mouth and wraps around my tongue. Our lips break apart and we pant softly. Vulcan's hands run down my neck to the curve of my breasts. His hands cup my breasts which makes me lean back. A soft moan escapes my lips as his large hands massage me. His hands gently massage my breasts as my hips rock against his. I feel him grow hard against my pussy as he pinches my nipples.

"Such a lovely shade of pink. It makes me want to have a taste," says Vulcan.

I whimper softly as his lips wrap around my hardened nipple. His mouth sucks onto the bud, while his tongue teases me. While his tongue works wonder he massages my other breast. My hips rock against him as I place my palms on his chest. Vulcan gently bites my nipple, and then takes me out of his mouth. His mouth pays attention to my other nipple; kicking and sucking the hard nub. His free hand travels south, and lifts my hips upward. I moan loudly when his finger brushes against my clit. My body feels overwhelmed with pleasure as I shiver against his touch. While he touched my clit his finger tease my entrance. They circle it an rub against it, but do not enter. After his fingers move away from my entrance I pout at him. Vulcan smirks against my breast. Suddenly, his finger enters my pussy, and thrusts into me. My hips rock against his finger, and he continues to suck me. He adds a second, and then a third finger once my body gets use to his fingers.

I lose track of time as his fingers work magic on my body. My hips move up and down as I ride his fingers. His hot hard cock rubs against my ass. It feels so good that I can't help but want it inside me. I let myself become lost in his touch. His lips kiss my mate mark, which sends a warm and pleasurable sensation through my body. Shivers spread through my body when his fingers roughly hit my g-spot. I whimper softly when his fingers leave my warmth. My body feels empty, but it does not remain that way for long.

Vulcan aligns his cock agains my pussy, and enters me without warning. His thrusts are rough, and his cock hits deep inside of me. One hand rests on my hip while the other is on my ass cheek. We meet each other thrust for thrust. He groans lowly as my hips slam down roughly.

"Ahhh! V-Vulcan!" I manage to scream in between a serious of moans.

"Your pussy always feels so hot and tight for me my treasure," groans Vulcan.

The sound of skin slapping against skin echos throughout the room. I whimper at his words as he begins to increase his speed. My hands holds onto his shoulders to help steady myself. The headboard hits the wall as we meet each other's thrusts. His cock hits my sweet spot with each thrust.

"Oooh!! Vul so good! P-Please don't stop!" I beg in as the tears cloud my vision.

My words awakened the sexy beast within my mate. Vulcan's cock hits so deeply inside of me that tears fall from my eyes. My walls begin to clench around his cock. His thrusts become faster, and harder. It becomes difficult for me to meet his thrusts, but I try my best. Hips lips kiss my mate mark as he thrusts into me. His wet tongue traces the lines of my mark. My body trembles as I fall on top of his best. His hand raises and then smacks my ass. The pleasurable pain feels amazing as he thrusts into me. He continues to smack my ass every few thrusts. My lips press against his mate mark, which makes him become tougher.

Vulcan's canines sink into my neck as he ponds into my pussy. I scream his name as my walls clench against his cock. My toes curl as my hands dig into his shoulders. I lose myself to the pleasure as my organism spreads through my body. Vulcan continues to thrust into my heat. The attention to my mate mark is prolonging my climax in the best way. It feels amazing to feel his canines in me, almost as if he is renewing his mark. Well he did make his scent more noticeable on my body now. My own canonizes sink into his mate mark, which makes him pond into me. After several hard and powerful thrusts Vulcan comes. His hot seed fills my pussy as he holds me close to him. We kick on another's mars marks before resting our foreheads against each other's.

"That was amazing Vul,," I say in a hoarse voice.

"Yes it was. When I am inside of you it feels like my own perineal heaven," says Vulcan as he rubs his fingers down my cheek.

I giggle softly, "That is very sweet. I do not feel like getting up because this feels so good".

He places a kiss on my forehead, "We can stay like this for a while, and then take another bath".

"That sounds like a great plan to me," I say.

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