Meggy X Reader: Endgame

By InfiniteLeJackal

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A decade after the events of Meggy X Reader, Xeggy and Wario-man return, but they're not alone. They've hired... More

Prologue 1/3: The Beginning
Prologue 2/3: Declaring War
Prologue 3/3: Heroes Unite!
Chapter 1: Let Us Fight
Chapter 2: Robot Swarm
Chapter 3: Shadow Jackals
Chapter 4: Android Parade
Chapter 5: Times Ticking
Chapter 6: Elemental Chaos
Chapter 7: Neo's Power
Chapter 8: Demons
Chapter 9: Double Infinite
Chapter 10: Steel Behemoth
Chapter 11: Family of Darkness
Chapter 12: MY WORLD
Chapter 13: Unexpected Newcomers
Chapter 14: Mind Control Insanity
Chapter 15: Rise of an Ultragod
Chapter 16: Dust
Chapter 17: Goddess of Lightning
Chapter 18: Xeggy, Bringer of Destruction
Chapter 19: Squidnapped
Chapter 20: I Am... Inevitable.
Chapter 21: Water Colossus
Chapter 22: Past, Present, and Future
Chapter 23: Tornado Valley
Chapter 24: Rocky Business
Chapter 25: The Ones From Hell
Chapter 26: Burn It Up
Chapter 27: Chill Out
Chapter 28: Syn's Revenge
Chapter 29: Smeshfinite, King of Gods
Chapter 30: Terror and Fear
Chapter 31: Sweet Victory
Epilogue 1/4: Fire Jackal's Freedom
Epilogue 2/4: Epic Dance Off!
Epilogue 3/4: Dark Allies
Epilogue 4/4: Many Years Later...
Bonus Chapter 33: He Is Number WAHN!
Bonus Chapter 34: An Arrow and Whistles

Bonus Chapter 32: Venom!

448 9 26
By InfiniteLeJackal

Shortly after the defeat of Orange Angel, everyone was morning over Aqua's death, until Infinite felt a strange yet familiar presence.

(Y/N): Infinite, you okay?

Infinite: Yeah... For some reason... I can feel this presence...

Meggy: Presence?

Machito: Huh?

Infinite: It's just... Familiar... Somehow...

Cristina: Weird...

SmeshBras123: What could it be?

There was a Kefka laugh in the distance.

Turlandb: Shit.

Jen: Not again.

Crystalonetta: Alright, get ready everyone! 

(Y/N): Come on out, demon... Hide and seek isn't fun!

Meggy: Yeah!

A few minutes passed, and nothing happened.

Lost: Umm...

Blackfang: Shouldn't that demon be here by now-

Sonic.exe suddenly went flying through a building, and landed in front of you.

Antasma: HOLY SHIT!

Risky Boots: Whoa... What happened to him?

Sonic.exe: Argh... Damn... Parasite...

(Y/N): Parasite?

Angelina: G-GUYS...?

Infinite: Yes?


You turned around to see a large dark creature with big teeth in front of you.


???: Call me... Venom. Or, call US Venom.

Infinite: Venom...? For some reason, you are giving off a weird presence.

Venom: Maybe we met before?

Infinite: Who knows? Maybe we did ten years ago and never talked.

(Y/N): *Head shrinks* A-are you g-gonna eat us?

Venom: I'm not here to assist the villains... I'm here... To KILL them.

Risky Boots: Nice!

Antasma: Well, another unexpected ally...

Sonic.exe went to attack Venom, when he suddenly got grabbed by a tentacle made of dark matter.

Meggy: Whoa!

Comet: I'm not sure if I should be freaked out, or if I should be excited.

Sonic.exe: L-let go, parasite!


(Y/N): Uh oh.

Venom grabbed Sonic.exe by the neck, and ate both of his arms.

Luna: Oh, shit!

Clark: Man, brutality!

Sonic.exe: MY ARMS!

Venom: Now, I will eat both of your legs.

Turlandb: Hey! That bastard is my ki-

Venom looked over at Turlandb, as he slowly started to back away.

Infinite: *Thoughts: Oof...*

Venom: Now, where were we? Ah!

Sonic.exe: W-wait... *PewDiePie voice* Please don't hurt me!

Venom ripped Sonic.exe's legs off, and threw them into his mouth.

Sonic.exe: *Sr Pelo earrape scream*

(Y/N): This guy is a savage, but he's actually SCARING Sonic.exe!

Machito: Heck yeah!

Clauds: Kick that demon's ass!

Venom: Oh, I WILL.

Sonic.exe: I just shit my pants.

Venom snapped Sonic.exe's head, and threw him across the Mushroom Kingdom.

SB123 Meggy: Home run!

Infinite: That was awesome, Venom!

Venom: Thank you... Now... How about we go kill some more villains? I'm sure their livers are tasty...

ReaderFromWR: Dafuq?

Angelina: S-sure!

Venom: Very well. Let's go after some bad guys.

(Y/N): Take the lead, Venom.

Everyone started to follow Venom.

Jen: Nice of you to join us, Venom...

Venom: Defiantly. I've been looking forward to a good fight...

(A few chapters later...)

Wario-man punched SmeshBras123 away, and headbutted Cristina.

Cristina: OW!

Wario-man: Wahahahaha! I have all of the Meme Stones, bitches!

(Y/N): Crap, we gotta stop him!

Infinite: You aren't snapping your fingers, bitch!

Wario-man: Is that so?

Crystalonetta grabbed Wario-man from behind, and threw him into a building.

Lost: Nice...!

Antasma: Fuck him up!

Wario-man: Not bad... But...

(Y/N): Hmm?

Wario-man lifted the Power Glove, and created clones of himself, which surrounded Infinite and Crystalonetta.

Infinite: Shit!

Crystalonetta: This isn't good.

Wario-man Clone 1: Wahaha! Prepare to die!

Wario-man Clone 2: The end is near!

Venom: Oh, you think?

Wario-man: What-

A tentacle made of dark matter ensnared Wario-man around his neck, and started to choke him.

Xeggy: Oi! You ass! Let my husband go!

You punched Xeggy in the nose, and kicked her in the stomach.

(Y/N): Shut up, you faker!

Wario-man: Ack!

Venom: Trying to hurt my new friends, hmm? I don't approve of that, you fatass...

Wario-man: G-get off me...

Venom threw Wario-man, sending him flying through the forest.

Machito: Awesome!

Lucy: Nice work, Venom!

Wario-man: Goddammit...

Venom: I have you now, Wario-man... And when I am done with you, I will eat your heart.

Wario-man: Wahahahaha! Just you try! You're not getting your hands on this sexy piece of ass!

(Y/N): Ech!


Venom kicked Wario-man in the pingas, and threw him into the sky.

Xeggy: Hey!

Smoke tackled Xeggy, and threw her into a cage.

Clark: Defeated now, biotch?!

Xeggy: Grrr... Assholes! Let me out!

Meggy: How about no?

You grabbed a rock and threw it at Xeggy, it hit her face which made the evil clone fall backwards.

(Y/N): Haha!

Xeggy: This is bullying!

Infinite: Venom, how are things going?

Crystalonetta: We killed all of the clones!

Venom: Good... 


Venom jumped into the air, grabbed Wario-man by the neck and slammed him onto the ground.

Wario-man: OOF!

Venom: Now you've seen what happens if you anger me...  

Laura: You're kicking ass, Venom!

SB123 Mario: How's that, Wario-man? Starting to get scared?

Wario-man: N-no... Shut up...!

Venom: I say... For an Ultragod, you're not actually that strong...

William: Ooooooh, damn!

Cristina: Went in with the burn!

SmeshBras123: Dang right he did!

Wario-man: How dare you... Are you calling me weak?

Venom: Maybe.

Wario-man fired a laser at Venom, as he jumped in the air and lunged at the Ultragod.

Venom: I've got you now!

(Y/N): Hell yeah!

Venom grabbed Wario-man by the neck again, and growled.

Meggy: Wario-man has been owned!

Venom: Hmm... I'm gonna eat your heart now...

Wario-man: Wahahahaha...

Venom: What's so funny, fatass?

Wario-man: You should of gone for the head...

Venom: On second thought...

Wario-man: Wait, what-

Venom chomped Wario-man's head clean off.

Infinite: OH GOD!

(Y/N): Well, holy shit! He killed him!

Xeggy: Noooo!

Venom: Mmm... That was good.


Turlandb: Well, I'll be damned...

Antasma: Venom, you just saved quintillions of lives...

Venom: Did I?

Meggy: You stopped Wario-man from snapping his fingers!

(Y/N): Not only that, you broke the system! You actually AIMED for the head!

Venom: Heh heh heh... Guess I did. But this fight is not over yet, my friends.

Infinite: He's right. We still gotta deal with everyone else.

Xeggy: Hey, what are you gonna-

Luna slit Xeggy's throat, as she fell to the floor and started to gag.

(Y/N): Nice one.

Luna: Finally... I had enough of that annoying clone's voice...

Clark kissed Luna on the cheek.

Venom: Adorable.

Infinite: Defiantly, Venom.

Venom: Let's go kick some more ass.

(More chapters later...)

Earth Jackal: Fak!

Venom: You Shadow Jackals are quite the worthy opponents... But tell me... Are you really invincible as you guys think?

(Y/N): Go on ahead, Venom. Kill him.

Venom: Very well... Heart as a snack.

Earth Jackal: Huh?!

Venom reached into Earth Jackal's chest, and ripped his heart out.

Ghost Doc: Brutality! Again!

Venom threw the heart into his mouth and ate it.

Earth Jackal: Y-you sick... Bastard...

The Shadow Jackal fell to the floor and disappeared, leaving the green Chaos Emerald behind.

Venom: Ooooh... What's that? A snack?

Infinite: *Chuckle* No, Venom. It's a Chaos Emerald. If you have all seven, you can get amazing power!

Venom: Sounds powerful... I like it.

Machito: More enemies incoming!

Robot 1: I'm gonna kick your ass!

Another tentacle of dark matter impaled multiple robots.

Robot 2: GAHHHH!!!

Robot 3: WHAT IS THIS?!

Venom: It's my power, tin cans...

The robots exploded, as Venom turned around and charged into a huge crowd of robots.

Jen: Shouldn't we... Help him?

(Y/N): Nah he'll be fine...

Robot 4/5/6/7/8/9/10: *Annoying rioting noises*

Venom: Such vermin... That doctor really needs to update his models... Oh wait, he can't! HE'S DEAD! 

Robot 11: Excuse me, what the fuck?

Venom started going through the robots one by one.

Meggy: Wow!

Cristina: This guy is strong!

SmeshBras123: Defiantly... He's a good ally!

After a while of fighting, Venom stood on top of the large pile of robots, and smiled.

Venom: We... ARE VENOM!

Infinite: Let's continue fighting! Only Syn Jackal remains!

Venom: And I will eat his brain.

(Y/N): *Chuckle*

Meggy: *Giggle* Things never change, do they?

Venom: Actually... I want something different.

Infinite: And that would be?

Venom: Pringles and Skittles.

Infinite: Alright then!

(First bonus chapter complete! I fucking love Venom, he's such a badass!)

(Now... I will leave you with a clue for the next chapter...)

"One who uses a staff, and has his own personal army..."

Anyways, lata!

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