Osomatsu kun x Male! reader

By Yumsyoom

40.4K 1.8K 602

Woohoo! my second book! So this book is about you, a male child, moved into a new city and so happens to be n... More

About u !
(1) Meeting the Matsukids!
(2) Baseball Accident!
(3) First day of School......
(4) Flower Crowns♡
(5) Being Different.....
(6) Sleepover♡
(7) More Beautiful than Clouds
(8) Telling a Girl
(9) Hide and Kiss♡
(10) Father's day.......
Taking a Break!
(11) The School Play!
(12) The 'I like you' Game
(13) Genderbend day!
(14) Dance In The Rain♡
(15) Unforgettable sick day!
(16) Hospitals are the worst...
(17) To The Museum We go!
(18) Happy Valentine's Day ♡
(FINALE) See Them Again

(19) This is Goodbye......

1.1K 51 22
By Yumsyoom

Its gonna get really sad, just so you know....


You were walking home from school like always, your boyfriends aren't with you though. They said they needed to do something and then they'll finaly be able to hangout with you. You were about a few feet from reaching the door knob until you hear a man yelling at your Mom from inside.

What in the world is happening?

You went to the side of your house and looked through the window to find your Dad yelling and arguing with your Mom?!?!

W-why is Dad here....?

Your heart almost skipped a beat, you were too afraid to open the front door. You were thinking about sneaking into your room and hide, thats when your Father caught you through the window.
"(Y/N)?" He points to the front door for you to get in, you gulped and do as he says.

You slowly open the door and there it was, all the bad memories starts to come back to you. There your Mother stood, crying with anger, and theres your Dad, eyes furrowed and serious as ever.
"D-Dad.....what are you-"
"I came here to take you back." He said in a deep voice as always, he took a seat at the couch while your Mother ran to her bedroom in tears. You didn't want to be alone in the same room with your Dad, even if you miss him.
"What do you mean.....?" You rub your eyes, hiding the tears away.
"Son, your not the only one who's been talking to Dad, okay?" He bit his bottom lip, clutching his fists.
"Was Mom.....talking to you too? A-and why are you taking me back?!" Your voice slowly risen up. Making it worse for your Dad.

"From now on, you're going to live with me. Far, far away from here" He points to a direction with his index finger, you couldn't believe what he just said......
"I.....I don't want to move again...." You mumbled before your Dad slammed the coffee table infront if him.
"We are moving no matter what you say." You could see his eyes filled with all sorts of emotion, except for pity.
"Please Dad, I-I made lots of friends here a-and the-"
"DID I FUCKING STUTTER?!" There it is.....the word that was meant for adults to know.....and an adult just said that to his seven year old boy. The man got up and grabbed the collar neck of your shirt.
"Im your Father, I know more about our family than you do. Now do as I say or I'll punish you for it....." He whispered in your ear, you could just feel him grinning. You let out a sob.

"O-o-okay Dad.....just.....let me tell my friends goodbye first.... please?" You whimper, the man scoffed before nodding. You quickly ran out towards the front door and ran to the sextuplets house.
You aggresively knocked on their door, Ichimatsu answered it and was immediatly greeted by a rib crushing hug from you.
"(Y-Y/N)? Whats wrong?" He whispered gently in your ear. You sniffled as you cry into his shoulders.
"N-nothing....heh" You forced a smile.

"Hey Ichimatsu, who was- (Y/N)?!"  Todomatsu saw you and rushed towards you, caressing your back.
"Wh....what happened...?" Todomatsu turns to Ichimatsu, who just shrugged. The two of them takes you to their bedroom where the rest of the gang is. All of their reaction was similar to Todomatsu's. You didn't want to tell them anything and just kept saying the same thing.
"Im fine....."

Once you calmed down a bit, you decided to do something with them for one last time. The one last time you'll be spending in their house.
"Hey....do any of you have paper and coloring pencils?" You asked the sextuplets.
"Oh, I have some paper!" Karamatsu said as he quickly get a sheet of paper for you.
"And you could borrow my coloring pencils!" Choromatsu said before getting something in the closet and pulled out some coloring pencils. You started drawing some kind of symbol, you didn't know what you want to draw and just playfully doodled something on the paper and coloring it dark green.
"What is that?" Asked Jyushimatsu as he looks at you, confused. You shrugged, once you were done, you look at the wierd drawing and gave it to Osomatsu.
"Here, promise me you'll keep it..." you promised him, he nodded gently

(Thats what you drew ^)

The sextuplets were a little bit confused on what this was. You didn't really care at this point and start to stare at Todomatsu for a bit, you put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, will you always remember the nickname I gave you?" You smile at him with tired eyes. He raised an eyebrow at you.
"Of course I would, I like the nickname you gave me!" He hugged you tight, just knowing how much you'll miss them hurts you so so much.

Then you look at Jyushimatsu, you still remembered the baseball accident with him. You still have a little scar on your nose.
"Jyushimatsu kun...."
"Hm?" He turns to you. You smile.
"Just remember to always play baseball and no matter what happens, you should never give up on it okay?" You boop his nose, he giggles before kissing your forehead.
"Alrighty! Just for you <3"

You look around to see Ichimatsu looking out the window.
"Hi Ichi, what are you looking at?"
You sat next to him with a soft smile, he looks at you for awhile before looking back at the window.
"Do you see that over there?" He points out the window at a cat.
"That cat? Yeah, why?" You glance at him.
"I wanna adopt a cat one day....." He mumbles as the stray cat walks by. You chuckle.
"Then maybe you should, its not like anyone is stopping you!" You laugh as you ruffle up his hair, making it messy.
"(Y/N) kun! You're messing up my hair!" He playfully pouts.
"Aaaw, but you look really cute when your hair is messy, Ichi kun!" You pet his cheeks. He looks at you with sparkly eyes.

You nodded at him before walking up to Choromatsu, who happens to be uncomfortable.
"Hey Choromatsu kun, whats wrong?" You say with a soft voice.
"W-well, Im just worried for you. You were crying earlier and you won't tell us why...."He says as his eyebrows narrowed up slightly.
"Oh, Im sorry.....Its just something personal, no need to worry about it" You smile at him, he looks at you for awhile before hugging you tight.
"Don't cry.....I don't like seeing you cry...." He mumbles into your shoulder, you pat him on the back.
"Im sorry....I promise I won't...." You say as you let go of him, he lets out a triangular smile.
"Say, why do you always have that triangular smile on you?" You point to his smile.
"I don't know, I like smiling this way!" He said as he touches his mouth.
"Me too....."

You look around their bedroom to find a pair of sunglasses on the floor, you picked it up and went over to Karamatsu.
"Hey Kara kun, do you know who's sunglasses are these?" You say as you examin the sunglasses more.
"Oh, they're mine. I got them from a prize corner as a gift, I dont know what to do with them actually....." He scratches the back of his head. You smile to yourself as you look at the shades then to Karamatsu, without hesitation, you put the sunglasses on him. He look marvelous.
"You look so handsome with those sunglasses....." You chuckle, Karamatsu looks around the room in shock.
"Wooaah, everything is blue now...." He said in aw.
"Duh silly, you're wearing the sunglasses. Just remember to keep those sunglasses okay?" You smile sadly at him, although he didn't notice.
"Okay! I love these sunglasses, they make me look cool!"

You laugh at Karamatsu before you spot Osomatsu just staring at you, he looks really sad for some reason..... you frown before sitting infront of him.
"Hey Osomatsu kun, what's with the-" You didn't finish your sentance, mostly because Osomatsu just hugged you really tight, the thing that cut you off guard was his sobs.
"O-Osomatsu kun?! What...."
"I heared your parents fight..... I heared everything.....I know why you were crying......" He sniffled, the other brothers weren't paying attention to you two.
"I....." You couldn't hold it in anymore and just got up and grabbed his hand, then drag him out of the room to dowstairs.

"Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry, Im so so sorry....." You sobbed into his chest, he didn't say anything except for sobing and weeping.
"Its...." He sniffled.
"Its not y-your fault......" He wipes a tear out of his eyes.
"I.....Im not ready to leave you guys ever!" You hug him tighter. He chuckles.
"But you have to.....I don't want you to get hurt......." He sobbed, you couldnt believe you have to go through something so difficult like leaving the loves of your life.
"D-do the others know....?" You sobbed once more before letting him go. He shakes his head.

You walk over to the kitchen counter and look out the window to see your Dad, standing by the car, carrying your luggage. You turn back to Osomatsu who was looking out the window as well. You give him a look that says
'Its time for me to go...'

You and Osomatsu went back to the bedroom, the rest of the sextuplets look at you two in shock.
"Whe.....were you guys crying?" Ichimatsu asked, still having his hair messy. You chuckle and shake your head.
"No.....everything's fine..." You laugh.
"Its time for me to.....g-go home now, uumm.... can I h-hug you guys before going....?" You asked them, making Osomatsu smile while the others were confused. You hugged one of them at a time, along with a goodbye kiss. As you were about to leave the front door, you look at Osomatsu and mouthed:
'Tell them....'

You quickly ran out of the front door to your Dad, he went inside the car after putting your luggage inside. You slowly open the car door, until you hear a sextuplet scream.
"(Y/N) KUN!!!"

It made your heart shatter to pieces but you knew you had to go...... the car starts to slowly move, and not long after, you were gone. Far, far away from the ones you love.

And to never see them again

(pssst its not the end yet.....)

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