Meggy X Reader: Endgame

By InfiniteLeJackal

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A decade after the events of Meggy X Reader, Xeggy and Wario-man return, but they're not alone. They've hired... More

Prologue 1/3: The Beginning
Prologue 2/3: Declaring War
Prologue 3/3: Heroes Unite!
Chapter 1: Let Us Fight
Chapter 2: Robot Swarm
Chapter 3: Shadow Jackals
Chapter 4: Android Parade
Chapter 5: Times Ticking
Chapter 6: Elemental Chaos
Chapter 7: Neo's Power
Chapter 8: Demons
Chapter 9: Double Infinite
Chapter 10: Steel Behemoth
Chapter 11: Family of Darkness
Chapter 12: MY WORLD
Chapter 13: Unexpected Newcomers
Chapter 14: Mind Control Insanity
Chapter 15: Rise of an Ultragod
Chapter 16: Dust
Chapter 17: Goddess of Lightning
Chapter 18: Xeggy, Bringer of Destruction
Chapter 19: Squidnapped
Chapter 20: I Am... Inevitable.
Chapter 21: Water Colossus
Chapter 22: Past, Present, and Future
Chapter 23: Tornado Valley
Chapter 24: Rocky Business
Chapter 25: The Ones From Hell
Chapter 26: Burn It Up
Chapter 27: Chill Out
Chapter 28: Syn's Revenge
Chapter 29: Smeshfinite, King of Gods
Chapter 30: Terror and Fear
Chapter 31: Sweet Victory
Epilogue 1/4: Fire Jackal's Freedom
Epilogue 2/4: Epic Dance Off!
Epilogue 4/4: Many Years Later...
Bonus Chapter 32: Venom!
Bonus Chapter 33: He Is Number WAHN!
Bonus Chapter 34: An Arrow and Whistles

Epilogue 3/4: Dark Allies

390 7 78
By InfiniteLeJackal

(Y/N): Infinite, you okay?

Infinite was looking over at Mephiles, Dark Squid and Mephilia, who were hugging each other.

(Y/N): Hello?

You snapped your fingers in front of Infinite's face, as he turned around.

Infinite: Oh, sorry. Just... I've felt bad for Mephiles recently. He may be reunited with his daughter, but this war took a big impact on him.

Meggy: Yeah, it did...

(Y/N): I have to admit that too...

ReaderFromWR: Infinite, can they leave now?

Angelina: They're not welcome here-

Infinite: Not welcome, Angelina? What are you saying?

ReaderFromWR: That bastard caused so much devastation in the past! 

Infinite: And now look at him. He's not what he used to be. Because of his daughter, he's way more caring now. He has a family, just like me.

Angelina: That's still no excuse-

Infinite: And hold on one second you two, I know you still hate the former villains.

Dark Squid: Wha?

(Y/N): Is this true?

ReaderFromWR: *Sigh* Yes.

Infinite: Well... I say you gotta let some things fucking go, Reader. You're acting like the me from ten years ago. You convinced me to not kill them, and now look what you're doing. You want them gone. How selfish can you be? Don't make the same mistake I did.

Meggy: Whoa...

Infinite walked past ReaderFromWR and Angelina, and tapped Mephiles on the shoulder.

Mephiles: Infinite... I forgot to thank you for bringing Mephilia back.

Infinite: You're welcome, but there is something I want to say...

Mephilia: Huh?

Infinite: I... Forgive you... For those terrible things you did ten years ago.

Antasma/Blackfang/Lost: NANI?!

Cristina: WHAT THE HELL?!

SmeshBras123: WOW!

Mario: Ooooooh...

Mephiles: Wait... You actually mean that?

Infinite: Yes, I do. I know why you did it. You just wanted people to care about you. You were lonely. But now... Since you have a family, you don't care about world domination or the end of the Multiverse anymore. The only thing you care about is your own wife and daughter. I'm proud of how much you changed, Mephiles.

You smiled and held Meggy's hand.

Mephiles: I guess I better have my say, too. All of those things I did... I highly regret them, and I will never forgive myself for it. During my time in the Void, I realized that killing was not the right way. I deserved to be in the Void, and I'm glad it changed me.

Infinite: This is why I want to give you a chance, Mephiles. I want you to be happy.

The family hugged Infinite, as the Jackal hugged them back.

Cristina: Well...

SmeshBras123: That was unexpected...

Antasma: The one who did all those awful things years ago... Has had a change of heart.

Risky Boots: That's awesome!

Machito: Bro, I'm glad you let something else go.

Infinite: Oh, I let my hatred go a long time ago, brother.

Dark Squid: I suppose we should be going back home.

(Y/N): Okie dokie!

Meggy: Bye!

Mephilia waved, as Mephiles teleported himself and his family back to their home.

ReaderFromWR: Infinite...

Angelina: Are you SURE you want to leave Mephiles alive?

Infinite: Yes. No one can change my decision, got it? Like I said... Just give him a chance.

ReaderFromWR: Grrr... Fine.

(Y/N): How about we just watch a movie and relax?

Infinite: Yeah, we deserve it. But before we do that, let's put the News Channel on.

Luna: Okay, dad. 

Meggy grabbed the remote and turned the News Channel on.

Callie: It's the Squid Sisters...

Pearl: And Off The Hook live, coming at you from Inkopolis Plaza!

Marie: This huge war has finally come to a close!

Marina: And we want to thank the Multiversal Heroes for doing what they always do best!

Callie: Thanks so much, all of you!

Pearl: Awesome work, guys!

Marie: We're forever grateful!

(Y/N): You're welcome, you four.

Marina: And... 

Pearl: As a gift for their hard work...

The camera switched to the outside, where a few Inklings were ready to pull a sheet off of something massive.

Cristina: Oh?

Meggy: What's that?

Callie: Go on ahead, guys!

Inkling: Got it! Three... Two... One...

The Inklings pulled the sheet, revealing a massive stone statue of all of the Multiversal Heroes.

(Y/N): WHOA!

Infinite: That's so cool!

Lost: Hell yeah!

Clauds: How generous of them!

Marina: You guys will never be forgotten.

Pearl: You are all living legends!

Marie: Anyways, we're signing off!

Callie/Marie/Marina/Pearl: And until next time... Stay Fresh!/Don't get cooked, stay off the hook!

Meggy: Man, Inkopolis is so nice!

Infinite: We'll go see the statue later. Alright, what shall we watch?

Luna: I know!

Clark: What have you got in mind, Luna?

Luna grabbed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2, as everyone smiled.

(Y/N): Wise choice. Let's watch it!

Luna put the disc into the DVD Player, as she sat down next to Clark.

B0b: NoM nOm NoM!

SB123 B0b: ThIs GiAnT bUcKeT oF pOpCoRn Is FoR uS!

Everyone looked over at the Bobs.

B0b: WhAt?

(A few minutes later...)

(Y/N): Well, that was something.

Meggy: Bob got arrested... Why?

Antasma: He deserved it for the prank he did on Infinite and Crystal ten years ago!

Crystal: Oh, yeah...

Infinite: Fuck... I hated that.

SB123 B0b: No! My HoMeY!

(Two hours later...)

Infinite: Still a great goddamn film as always.

(Y/N): Imagine if Yondu was in Infinity War or Endgame.

Crystal: Well, the Chitauri would of been fucked. *Giggle*

Machito: Right on, bro.

Infinite: How about we just have a Marvel watching spree?


(Well, one more part... At the end, again.)

Anyways, lata!

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