Osomatsu kun x Male! reader

By Yumsyoom

40.4K 1.8K 602

Woohoo! my second book! So this book is about you, a male child, moved into a new city and so happens to be n... More

About u !
(1) Meeting the Matsukids!
(2) Baseball Accident!
(3) First day of School......
(4) Flower Crowns♡
(5) Being Different.....
(6) Sleepover♡
(7) More Beautiful than Clouds
(8) Telling a Girl
(9) Hide and Kiss♡
(10) Father's day.......
Taking a Break!
(11) The School Play!
(12) The 'I like you' Game
(13) Genderbend day!
(14) Dance In The Rain♡
(15) Unforgettable sick day!
(16) Hospitals are the worst...
(18) Happy Valentine's Day ♡
(19) This is Goodbye......
(FINALE) See Them Again

(17) To The Museum We go!

929 51 25
By Yumsyoom


You have been warned.......


After the accident two weeks ago, you really needed some time with other kids, to forget all the bad trauma that happened. You didnt know what you will do to release the trauma but it surely won't be talking to your Mom. You were walking to school with the sextuplets, quiet as ever. The sextuplets grew concerned for you and tried to get some small talk.
"Its okay (Y/N) kun, its all in the past now!" Icimatsu said as he caresses your back.
"She found out about it though....it was mortifying...." You gulped. The sextuplets look at eachother, then back at you.
"But she forgot about it, didn't she?" Osomatsu asked, clearly worried that your relationship with them might end.
"She did, because of a white lie I told her in the Hospital....." You can feel the sins crawling on your back (did anyone get the Undertale reference? No? K....)

"Well thats good isn't it? Our relationship is still safe!" Jyusjimatsu smiled, you forced a smile with him. Then the seven of you see Totoko chan running towards you guys. When she finally stopped in front of you, she takes a few breaths.
"Huff, huff, huff......."

"Totoko chan? Why aren't you in school?" You raised an eyebrow at her.
"I wanted to-uuhh, ask you guys if you're going to the school....huff, field trip!" She huffs once more.
"School field trip?!" The seven of you yelled in unison, no one ever informed you about a School field trip!
"How'd you know Totoko?" You inched closer to her, intrested in the news she had brought up.
"Mr. Iyami said that there will be a field trip coming this weekend!" She smiles,while you and some of the sextuplets groan.
"Mr. Iyami? We're gonna go to this field trip with HIM?!" Choromatsu said in a dissapointing tone.
"Well, yes. But we're going to an Animal Museum!" Totoko chan bounced up and down.

Ooooo~ an Animal Museum!


"This weekend, we're going on a school field trip to the Animal Museum where there will be lots of Animals! You can pet them, feed them and learn about them!" Mr. Iyami said as he smiles widely, showing three of his big teeth.
"But Mr. Iyami.....aren't those called a 'zoo'?" Karamatsu raised up his hand.
"Psshh no, its an Animal Museum!" Mr. Iyami laughs, the other kids looked at eachother in disagreement.
"Preeettyy sure its called a zoo...." Todomatsu raised an eyebrow at Mr. Iyami while he just scoffs.

"Whatever! Me calls it an Animal Museum cause I know better than any of you!" The teacher puts his hands on his hips.
"Says the one who tried to read a music sheet book upsidedown...." Choromatsu whispers into your ear, making you laugh.

"Anyways, tell us more about the field trip." One of the kids asked.

"The field trip will be on saturday, you kids bring snacks and stuff. Wear your own clothes and uuhh we'll leave in 07:15"

The kids all nodded, then Mr. Iyami hands out a sheet of paper for the kids to sign if they'll be going to the field trip or not. When the sheet of paper got to you, you tried to think about it for a while.
"C'mon (Y/N) kun! All six of us are coming so you should come too!" Osomatsu smiled at you, you hesitated a bit before signing your name on the sheet of paper. Then you pass it on to someone else.
"So are you gonna come?" Ichimatsu asked you happily, hoping you would go to the field trip, you chuckle.
"Well duh, I could use some time with animals."

/(Time skeep)\

It was the day of the field trip, you don't know if you're either nervous or excited, probably both.
You got your backpack ready and everything else done.
"Are you excited, dear?" Your Mother said as she stands by the door, you nodded happily at her before she gives your forehead a kiss and waved you goodbye.
"I'll pick you up at four o'clock!" She shouts as you walk away.

You see your loves waiting for you, when they saw you, they immediatly ran up and hugged you. You didn't know why but you didn't complain.
The seven of you were so excited to go to this zoo- I mean Animal Museum.

Once you guys reached to the school, the school bus already arrived. You saw the kids boarding the bus, Mr. Iyami saw you and the sextuplets before shouting.

In the bus, you sat between Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu.
"Mr. Iyami! When will we arrive?" One of the kids at the back of the bus shouted. The teacher looks at him before chuckling.
"In 5 hours!"

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!" All the kids in the bus screamed at him. Five hours is a REALLY long time, the children started complaining to Mr. Iyami.

"I'm not that patient, I cant wait for five hours!" You look at Jyushimatsu, he nods angrily in agreement.
"What about you Kar-" You turn to Karamatsu who was on the window seat, appearantly he already fell asleep. You chuckled a bit, when no one was looking, you pecked his cheek.

Two hours later, you were starting to get sleepy yourself. As you were about to drift off to slumber, you hear Osomatsu talking to Todomatsu about how he, Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu has planned alot of puns about animals to upset Mr. Iyami.
Osomatsu and Todomatsu was just sitting infront of you so you couldn't help but eavesdrop a bit.

"Please, don't make puns. You know how much me, Choromatsu nii-san and Ichimatsu nii-san hate puns...." Todomatsu grunts. Osomatsu laughs.
"Even better!" He chuckles, Todomatsu groans before whispering.
"Its gonna be a LONG day....."

Another two hours had pass and you just woke up from your short sleep, you noticed that Karamatsu also woke up too. You suddenly felt the urge to go number one.
"Mr. Iyami, I need to pee..." You tell Mr. Iyami, it seems like a few of the kids want to aswell.
"Mmmm fine, me think theres a gas station around here...." Mr. Iyami went to talk to the bus driver to stop at a gas station for a while. Once the bus made it to the gas staion, you and four other kids went to the bathroom.
Being the nice kid you are, you let the other four kids go first so you went last.
Once all four kids were done, it was finally your turn. When you were done, you went out of the stall and immediatly, your eyes widened.
"W-where's the bus.....?"

To put it shortly, the school bus left without you, you cried, called Mr. Iyami from one of the employees phone and the school bus went back to get you. The sextuplets were so worried and comforted you, you didn't feel like talking to them at the moment.
An hour later, you guys finally arrived at the Animal Museum.

"Thank the pickle gods! We finally made it.....that took forever!" Jyushimatsu exclaims as he puts on his backpack and got up.
You did the same with Karamatsu and left the bus.
"Alright kids, stay close and stuff. Also if any of you gets lost, its not me's fault." Mr. Iyami folds his hands together as he wears a big backpack thats almost the same height as him.
"Mr. Iyami, why do you have such a big backpack? What are you carrying?!" Ichimatsu's eyes widened as he points to Mr. Iyami's backpack.
"This? Its filled with weapons of course!" He smiles. The kids eyes went to fear.
"W-why do you need weapons for?!" You slowly backed away.
"Well if any of the animals try to harm me, I'll pull out my sword on them and make them my dinner" After the teacher said those exact words, the whole class started screaming.
"YOU CAN'T KILL THOSE ANIMALS!!!" Everyone yelled at him.

In the corner of your eye, you saw Oso, Kara and Jyushi whispering to eachother. Based on what Osomatsu was talking about back at the bus, you knew what was to come.


"Okay kids, first we're gonna look at the cats, did you kids know that 300 years ago, a cat named 'Tip' tried to run for president?" Mr. Iyami says as he looks at the pen filled with cats and kittens, then Osomatsu came up to Mr. Iyami.
"Really?! You've got to be kitten me right meow!" He pretended to look surprised.
"How pawsome!" Jyushimatsu jumps.
"Look guys! Those two cats are laying next to eachother, I bet they're pawtners!" Karamatsu points to two cats in the pen, the whole class chuckled. Except for Choromatsu, Ichimatsu and Todomatsu who just groans, including Mr. Iyami.
"Was that suppose to be puns?!" He yelled.
"Yep, aren't they purrfect?" Jyushimatsu grins while Mr. Iyami lets out an 'uugghh' sound. You can't believe this is happening.

"Alrigt, now we have moved on to dogs. These are all the dog breads in the world, at least me think it is. Did you kids know that 7 years ago, a lady has saved a sick dog who was seconds from death?" Mr. Iyami turns to the pun trio to make sure they don't say anymore puns.
"Wowie, I guess you could say that lady was a dog-tor!" Karamatsu tells Mr. Iyami.
"Yes she wa- wait....was that another pun?!" Mr. Iyami's eyes widened, Karamatsu bursts into laughter.
"Hey Mr. Iyami, whats your favourite book?" Jyushimatsu asked him.
"Hmm well me like-"
"Mine is Hairy pawter by J.K Growling!"
All of the kids were dying at this point, especially you.
"Hey (Y/N) kun, don't I look fetching?" Osomatsu asked you as he wore fake dog ears. You laughed.
"Please tell me that was a pun..." You chuckled.
"You fetcha!"

"Can you three stop?!" Ichimatsu yells at the pun trio, they chuckled.

"Grrrrrr OKAY KIDS, now we're gonna discuss about horses. Back in the 80s, lots of people loved racing with horses. The fastest horse in the world is named 'Jhonny' and he's still the fastest horse alive!" Mr. Iyami smiles, although it didn't last long until Osomatsu came up to him.
"Are you gonna tell me a stupid pun again?" Mr. Iyami raised an eyebrow at him.
"Nah, I just wanna ask what do racehorses eat!" Osomatsu smiles innocently.
"Oh! Well me not know but-"
"They eat fastfood" Osomatsu cuts him off, making Mr. Iyami rage and chased after him.
"Mr. Iyami! Who's the skinniest horse alive?!" Jyushimatsu yells to him, Mr. Iyami quickly calms down.
"Me think me have read something about the skinniest horse in the world....." Mr. Iyami rubs his chin with his index finger and thumb.
"Then I guess they have a stable diet!"
"YOU ARE THE WORST!" Mr. Iyami chases Jyushimatsu around too. the whole class was cracking up.
"I hate this field trip...." Todomatsu says, Choromatsu and Ichimatsu agreed.
"Hey you three, what do horses say when they fall down?" Karamatsu asked the non pun trio.
"Kara, please don't-"
"They say 'Help! I've fallen and I can't giddy up'!"
"YOU NEED TO STOP" They all shouted at him.

After about an hour, they all finally calmed down.
"Ugh.....this is uummm oh! Over here kids is the one and only Rosette, she's a chameleon and once saved her owner from dying!" Mr. Iyami and the other kids look at Rosette who was sitting on a log, blending in with the nature.
"I guess you could say she's one in a chameleon!" Osomatsu laughed.
"Why you.....take it easy Iyami, you got this....Okay! Next is the famous pig, did you kids know that one of these pigs won an Oscar in acting?" Mr. Iyami looks at the kid who's eyes were wide in shock.
"How oinkcredible! Don't you think Karamatsu nii-san?" Jyushimatsu turns to Karamatsu.
"Naah, I think thats pretty boaring......" Karamatsu said as he and Jyushimatsu tries not to laugh.

"Our brothers are the worse..." Choromatsu said as the other two non pun trio nodded.
"I think they're amazing-HAHAHAH!" You laughed.

"Grrrrrrrrr, Kids! C'mere! Next me is gonna show you kids the fastest snail in history, here is his statue, the snail died 2 years ago. His name was Dom....." Mr. Iyami's voice saddened.
(Comment F to pay respects for Dom the snail ;-;)
"He won a running tournament with two bears....." Mr. Iyami pretends to sob.
"I guess Dom really snailed it down with that race..." Osomatsu quickly says, pretending he didn't make a pun but Mr. Iyami caught him.
"YOU DID NOT JUST-.....calm down Iyami, they're just.....kids..." Mr. Iyami tries to calm himself, you could see that the non pun trio is glaring at the pun trio.

"Next stop is the pandas....one of them actually managed to make a bamboo house on its own!" Mr. Iyami smiles at the pandas that are in the cage.
"I bet they called it the pandamonium!" Karamatsu snicker. Earning a grunt from the teacher, a good laugh for the students, and an eye roll from the non pun trio.

"Next is the deer named Terry, he wasn't that special but he died in a unique gruesome death, this is his statue....." Mr. Iyami points to the deer statue infront of him.
"Oh deer, that must be Terryble!" Jyushimatsu pouts, even though he made a pun out of it.
"Be patient Iyami...." Mr. Iyami talks to himself.

"I.....uugghhh, now me shows you the famous eagle that killed someone with a gun....." Mr. Iyami points to an empty birdcage.
"Where's the eagle?" You ask the teacher.
"In Jail...." Mr. Iyami sighs.
"Of course he's in Jail, (Y/N) kun! They did something il-Eagle!" Osomatsu says, making you laugh. Mr. Iyami just facepalms.

"Now is the squid named Penny, she once died because she got bitten by a shark. But 50 seconds after she died, she came back to life again. Now here she is...." Mr. Iyami said as he and the kids admire the squid in her tank of water.
"You've gotta be squidding me...." Karamatsu said as he looks at the majestic squid, no one commented on his pun except for a few giggles.

"This is Janie the rabbit, she won an award for having the longest ears out of any other bunny!" Mr. Iyami gazed in aw at Janie the rabbit, you can't help but squeel at her cuteness.
"This bunny is ear-resistable!" Jyushimatsu laughs. While Mr. Iyami sighs.
"Me saw that one coming...."

"This is Benny the fish, he has a rare disease that can make his fins change color!" Mr. Iyami says as him and the whole class see Benny slowly change from purple to green.
"Benny is o-fish-ally my favourite now!" Osomatsu says as he dips his hand into the water where Benny is.
"WAIT!!! BENNY IS POISONOUS!" Mr. Iyami shouts.

"Kids, now me shows you the majestic owl. They don't have a name but this owl has the most beautiful wings!" Mr. Iyami caresses his Dali moustache.
"Cool" Karamatsu shrugs.
"Oh, you're not gonna make a pun? FINALLY ITS OVER" Mr. Iyami cries of happiness.
"Don't be silly, owl never stop!" Karamatsu grins at his teacher.
"End my suffering......." Mr. Iyami mumbles into the palms of his hands.

"This kids, is a lion. This lion also doesn't have a name but this lion is the slowest lion in the world, his legs are perfectly fine but somehow he moves as slow as a turtle...." Mr. Iyami looks at the lion in the cage, the other kids hide behind Mr. Iyami since they were scared.
"Mr. Iyami, can I call the lion Simba?" Osomatsu asked him, he was the only kid who wasn't afraid.
"Your naming it after a fictional lion? Meh, fine..." Mr. Iyami shrugs. Thats when Osomatsu started shouting the lion to run fast and all.
"Oso? Why are you....." Mr. Iyami asked Osomatsu. Oso turned around to Mr. Iyami.
"You said Simba was a slow lion, so Im cheering him to Mufasa!" Osomatsu smiled.
"Good job nii-san, you ruined my childhood...." Todomatsu slow clapped.

"Next is Lisa the Elephant, she once sang a song with her trunk to a crowd of audiences!" Mr. Iyami grins to himself.
"And the best part is, me was one of the people in the audience!" Mr. Iyami looked so proud, until....
"Mr. Iyami, I dont think that last part was irrElephant to the subject" Jyushimatsu tries not to laugh.
"Me is just gonna pretend no one said anything~"

"Anyways, next is Geb the cricket. He is the loudest cricket in the world, although me doesn't believe that....." Mr. Iyami folds his arms together in disagreement.
"He must've love to bug people!" The pun trio said in unison. Mr. Iyami glares at them.
"But not as much AS THE THREE OF YOU!!!" He screams.

"Last but not least.....Holly the cow, her backstory isn't that special. She just got hit by a frisbee to the face twice in her life." Mr. Iyami said in a boring tone voice.
"Man, she had experience some deja-moo there huh?" Osomatsu laughed, apparently that was the last strike for the non pun trio cause they just started tackling Osomatsu.
"She also like eating grass more than any other cow...." Mr. Iyami finished
"I guess you could say she's a..... pfftt.....a lawn mooer!" Karamatsu falls to the ground and laughs historically.
"Mr. Iyami.....how do farmers count their cows?" Jyushimatsu askes his teacher.
"I dont know Jyushi.....WHAT?" Mr. Iyami said through gritted teeth, he knows that this is gonna be a pun so he just accepted his fate. Jyushimatsu giggles.
"A cow-culator!" Jyushimatsu started running away from Mr. Iyami who has had enough of it.
You on the other hand, came up to Ichimatsu.

"Hey Ichi kun, whats your favourite animal?" You ask him, he started thinking for awhile.
"Its kinda boring, but....I like cats!" He smiles.
"Huh, no wonder you're so purrfect to me!" You chuckle, his eyes went sparkly.
"I don't know if I should be mad cause you technically made a pun but you too!" He blushes.


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