Shadows- a Danplan fanfiction

By Ilikepansthough

18.4K 1K 1.8K

This is the sequel to Flames-a Danplan fanfiction, so you should probably read that first. Five years after t... More

Creeping- Prologue
Something Dark
Ignorance is Bliss
No Time
Marionettes & Blood
In Between
Horrible Ideas
Perfectly Helpless
Awkward Situations
A For Effort
One favour
Silent Home
Finding Stephen
Base 1
What friends are for
First year zero
Wake up Call
On the way
Goodbye Wattpad. + second year 0, plot

Mysteries & Mountains

567 30 37
By Ilikepansthough

"So what you're saying is, you saw the girl I told you about?" Hosuh asked, after hearing a detailed description of the dream from a now calmer Daniel.

Daniel nodded. "Exactly the way you described her. Do you have any idea what she could have meant by what she said?" The green haired male inquired.

Hosuh wore a thoughtful expression. 'Time for time...? You can see me..?'
He really didn't get what she could mean, no matter how much he thought about it.
"I'm sorry but I really don't know. We should keep it in mind, it surely must be important, if she told you."

Daniel was rather disappointed, but he didn't get the unusual riddle either. Still there was something else bothering him. "So um, what about the rest of the dream. Do you think it means anything?" He asked carefully.

The healer shook his head.
"No clue, it could, though I wouldn't know what."

"What if it's foresight or something like that. Maybe it means that there is someone controlling others? And the weird spiral face thing...I don't know maybe that means something too." Stephen suggested bluntly.

Daniel's face went pale at the thought.

"Don't scare him like that! I'm sure it was just a dream!" Anne suddenly chimed in, as if she'd been summoned.

Hosuh gasped in surprise, not expecting her to speak, since she'd been asleep. "Anne don't do that! You have this way of just....appearing." Hosuh mumbled, chuckling a bit.

Anne smirked. "I'm a thief, that's kinda my strong point." She stated proudly.

Daniel smiled, rolling his eyes. He was glad these people helped get his mind of things. They're stupid ideas and ridiculous dialogues always managed to make him smile.

"Hey! Why so happy Daniel?!" Stephen complained, seeing that Daniel was just randomly smiling while looking into the air.

Daniel laughed. "Oh it's nothing." He concluded serenely.

Stephen frowned, but chose not to question him.
"So when are we going to continue traveling?" The necromancer questioned.

Hosuh smiled. "I doubt anyone wants to sleep anymore." He said softly.

Daniel furiously shook his head.

"Thought so." Stephen grumbled. "How about we continue traveling in that case?" He suggested nonchalantly.

Anne shrugged. "Why not? We're already awake." She said lightly.

Hosuh and Daniel both nodded in response.

"I guess it's settled then! Let's continue our epic quest going...somewhere!" Anne exclaimed excitedly.

Daniel chuckled. "Alright, let's pack our stuff then."

With that everyone packed their things, making sure not to forget anything.

Then Daniel started walking into a direction he deemed right. The map he had was rather useless, since it only had the kingdoms in it, so he had to guess.
Even if his judgment was rather vague, the rest of the group still followed him.
Truth was none of them knew better, even if Stephen would claim he did.

They wandered through the forest, which turned out to be a lot bigger then expected. It was good though because soon the sun would be up in the sky, drowning them in it's suffocating heat. The tall trees served as an excellent protection.

It was about noon, when they finally managed to find the exit of the forest.
Now, they found themselves standing in front of a giant valley, that led to a mountain so big, that the Saltus maintains would look like a joke next to it.
It wasn't snowy though. It was full of green grass and beautiful flowers that grew on it gracefully, much like those in Mary's garden.
There were animals everywhere eating, or jumping gingerly along the mountain cliff side.
There were sheep, bunnies, butterflies and plenty others.

Hosuh smiled at the beautiful view. "This is so stunning!" He told his friends in awe.

Daniel nodded, also smiling brightly as he looked up at the beautiful image.

Meanwhile Stephen tried to hold back a smile, but couldn't, when he saw that a sheep had fallen on it's back and couldn't get up, so another one had begun to nudge it's side.
Even Stephen wasn't heartless enough to find it funny and kind of adorable, though he'd never admit it.

Anne looked above excited.
"Well my dudes! Who wants to climb a mountain under this raging heat!" She motivated the others.

Stephen sighed. "This is gonna be hell." He stated firmly.

Hosuh chuckled and patted the grumpy necromancers shoulder. "At least it's pretty!"
He said confidently, before rushing to Anne's side, who was already walking toward the mountain in a steady pace.

Author's comment:
Here's a new chapter!
It's very nice and positive, to lighten the mood and make everyone forget their problems.

It's also rather short, but I didn't want to make it longer. The next chapter wouldn't have fit with the mood a lot and I would have to make another cliffhanger.
I know, me not making cliffhangers is pretty weird right?
Ps. We're really close to 1k, thank you guys!!!!

Ok now I have a certain problem. When I read my own book, I realised that there was one chapter that appeared twice.
But when I try to edit it, that problem isn't there.
Do you guys see the chapter twice?
If you do I'm terribly sorry but I can't fix it. Just wanted to let you know.

Anyway I hope you liked it and goodbye, girlfriends, boyfriends and none binary lovers!

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